Fox News’ Tucker Carlson hounded for his comments on refugees

The interview that NewsHounds reported on here last Wednesday happened earlier in February.  Carlson was interviewing Michael Cutler on the issue of asylum fraud and the Obama Administration’s relaxation of security screening for refugees and asylum seekers. I had never heard of NewsHounds —we watch Fox News so you don’t have to––a Leftwing blog originally … Continue reading Fox News’ Tucker Carlson hounded for his comments on refugees

House Judiciary Chairman makes it clear he has no interest in reviewing refugee program

As we reported here yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing this past week on asylum fraud, but in his opening remarks, Chairman Bob Goodlatte signals that he is pretty happy with the Refugee program we have now. Earlier this year I made some trips to Capitol Hill to discuss with staffers the problems … Continue reading House Judiciary Chairman makes it clear he has no interest in reviewing refugee program

Boston Bombing blowback: Senator Graham has an amendment or two to S.744

Who said politicians can’t learn?  Here we apparently have Senator Lindsey ‘Amnesty’ Graham attempting to fix S.744 (the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill) which as we reported addresses our refugee and asylum program right along with the kitchen sink, in response to the Tsarnaev family’s asylum fraud. Everyone is asking, how persecuted were the … Continue reading Boston Bombing blowback: Senator Graham has an amendment or two to S.744