Memory Lane: Refugee Criminals and Terrorists Through the Years

When reader Paul pointed out to me that in an opinion piece from Billings Montana entitled: “Guest opinion: Billings should welcome refugees in our community,” included this paragraph it sent me on a trip down memory lane (something I plan to do more of as my 14th year writing this blog begins on Thursday)! It … Continue reading Memory Lane: Refugee Criminals and Terrorists Through the Years

Advocates Admit Trump Refugee Level Likely for Remainder of FY2021, but…..

…..they expect Biden to be ready to roll with 125,000 impoverished third worlders moving to America permanently beginning on October first.   “It turned out there was even more damage done than we knew.” (Having figured out their messaging on the mess they have made angering their friends, Sec. of State Blinken blames it on … Continue reading Advocates Admit Trump Refugee Level Likely for Remainder of FY2021, but…..

Meatpackers, CAIR, Episcopal Church All Cheer Biden’s Reversal on Refugee Admissions

They are all happy, happy, happy that the Biden/Harris (Harris/Biden?) Administration has flip-flopped and flipped itself back to its original goal of moving 62,500 refugees to Anytown, USA by September 30th, the end of the present fiscal year. On October first they plan to up that number to 125,000 for fiscal year 2022. And, just … Continue reading Meatpackers, CAIR, Episcopal Church All Cheer Biden’s Reversal on Refugee Admissions

Biden is on Track to Admit Fewer Refugees Than Trump

“We cannot and we must not fall victims to politics of fear and hatred that drives the far-right…..[Biden] “must follow through on his promise.” (Rep. Ilhan Omar) In addition to abysmally low numbers, Biden hasn’t re-started the flow of refugees from Muslim countries, the flow Trump halted for a handful of countries that hate us. … Continue reading Biden is on Track to Admit Fewer Refugees Than Trump