British taxpayer on the hook for about $36,000 for each Syrian refugee admitted

Invasion of Europe news…. From the Daily Mail: As well as proving to be the most intractable challenge that Europe has faced for a generation, the current migrant crisis has also revealed the profound consequences of gesture politics. For we are now told that the cost of every Syrian refugee who comes to Britain will … Continue reading British taxpayer on the hook for about $36,000 for each Syrian refugee admitted

As colonization of Europe continues, thousands of Germans take to the streets to fight the Islamic tide

Invasion of Europe news….. I don’t think anyone can honestly look at what is happening in Europe today and not say that the Continent is being invaded. Once again German patriots take to the streets to stand against Chancellor Angela Merkel’s invitation of welcome to the mostly Middle Eastern young men marching into Europe by … Continue reading As colonization of Europe continues, thousands of Germans take to the streets to fight the Islamic tide

Germany: Sex crimes plaguing asylum centers

Invasion of Europe news…. 70% of supposed ‘refugees’ arriving in Germany are men!   This is news from last week that we didn’t get to, from Reuters (emphasis is mine): Germany’s police union and women’s rights groups accused the authorities on Tuesday of playing down reports of harassment, sexual assault and even rape at refugee shelters … Continue reading Germany: Sex crimes plaguing asylum centers

Trump doubles down on Syrian refugee "Trojan Horse" comments

Here we have the New York Post reporting on 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump (on the Sunday shows) reemphasizing his contention that the Syrian refugee stream to Europe and America could bring ISIS terrorists in with it. Trump also said he carries a gun from time to time. Just a reminder, the Syrian stream to … Continue reading Trump doubles down on Syrian refugee "Trojan Horse" comments