Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!

Invasion of Europe news….. Geert Wilders is right, Europe is being invaded and it looks like the average Dutchman is going to stand and fight.  The latest riot is over the Dutch government’s decision to give housing to refugees before Dutch citizens.  Here Wilders warns the Dutch Parliament about the Hijra—the Islamic migration to Europe. … Continue reading Dutch citizens riot! Won't stand by and watch cultural suicide!

Germany: Forget this humanitarian B.S. We want workers!

Invasion of Europe news…. While looking for something else, I came across this article from Der Spiegel from August in which it is made very clear that Angela Merkel’s welcome to the migrants is all about the cheap and abundant labor German industrialists need.  (This was written before the invasion crisis began in earnest and … Continue reading Germany: Forget this humanitarian B.S. We want workers!

Confirming that the vast majority of Syrians arriving in Europe are Muslims, Saudi Arabia offers to build 200 mosques in Germany

Aren’t they generous, let’s give the Saudis a round of applause!  They don’t want to mess up their own country (or risk terrorism) by taking in their coreligionists as refugees, but are happy to help colonize Germany and build mosques. Germany doesn’t have enough already? Mosques, as many readers here know, serve to stake-out (to … Continue reading Confirming that the vast majority of Syrians arriving in Europe are Muslims, Saudi Arabia offers to build 200 mosques in Germany

Is Obama testing the waters with latest—10,000 Syrians to US in FY2016

The human rights industrial complex must be going nuts right now with the number being tossed out this afternoon from the White House of Syrian refugees that could be admitted to the US starting in 3 weeks (FY2016 starts October 1). Is your head starting to spin with all the numbers being thrown around?  Join … Continue reading Is Obama testing the waters with latest—10,000 Syrians to US in FY2016

Comment from a Brit: We are headed for a disaster of epic proportions

Editor:  This is a comment we received from a regular reader ‘misterpaul5a’ to this post this morning.  To say he is frustrated would be a gross understatement. The events of the last week should be galvanizing all of us to do more, to dig deeper into our reserves of energy, to save Western Civilization for … Continue reading Comment from a Brit: We are headed for a disaster of epic proportions