Tired of getting no answers?

Are you a frustrated citizen who can’t seem to get any straight answers out of various levels of government on how or why your city or town has become a refugee/asylee receiving center?  Have you done all you can do with your internet research?   Maybe you would like to know who is working with whom both in government and outside government in what appears to be a less than open manner?   Or, would you like to know what nationalities are planned for your town?   Maybe it’s time to step up your research.   

First, start with letters to the agencies you have identified so far.  Ask for specific information, like what non-profits have contracts to resettle refugees, what cities are targeted refugee receiving centers.

 * Write a polite but pointed letter to the State Agency responsible for refugees in your state and ask them what the plan is for your city.  (this is the state level).

 * Write to the US State Department (the federal level).   Address your request to:

Barbara Day                                                                                                                                                                          Bur. Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration,  U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

 * Write to the Office of Refugee Resettlement here.  (Again, this is the federal level)

If you are not satisfied with the response, then proceed to identify your state’s Public Information Law, for example in Maryland there are very clear guidelines on how to ask for information under the state law here. Just google your state and Public Information law and you will probably get what you need.

By the way, the state Public Information laws also usually apply to city and county government, so be sure to look into how to ask your local government for documents under the public information laws of your state  (assuming county/city officials have not been forthcoming).

For information on the more complex Federal Freedom of Information Act go here.    It may take awhile and they may stonewall you but just the very act of taking time to write a request will signal that you are very serious about getting answers.   For a guide on using the Freedom of Information Act at the US State Department go here.

Write formal letters to your federal legislators, your Congressman and two US Senators, and ask them to get you the information.  They are ultimately responsible for funding refugee resettlement.   Publicize the fact that you have written such a request and later publicize the answers you receive.

Write letters to any private organization you have identified as working in your community on refugees/asylees and ask them what you would like to know politely and in a straightforward fashion.   If they give you answers that’s a good sign, if you feel that you are getting the runaround report it to the federal agency from which they receive their funding.

Good luck!  If you have any questions just e-mail me at the address to your right and I will try to help.

Iraqis headed to Everett, WA, get warning from local Iraqis

Today the Herald Net announced that Everett will likely be an Iraqi receiving area in the new year.   The story pretty much starts out in the usual template format for feel-good refugee stories, like this standard pitch about the plight of the Iraqis who worked for us.

“One of the most vulnerable groups is those people who have worked for the United States,” said Jacob Kurtzer, a congressional advocate for Refugees International in Washington, D.C. “If a man has been embedded with our troops, how can he then be a security risk?”

First, I just loved this newfangled terminology “congressional advocate”.   Mr. Kurtzer is obviously a lobbyist for Refugees International whose job it is to keep the refugee flow flowing into US and thus keep the refugee industry alive.  He is throwing out what he considers the most appealing argument to get ’em here soon, but the actual number of Iraqis “embedded with our troops” and seeking resettlement is minuscule, probably numbering less than 1000. 

Every refugee, whether a teenager from Myanmar or an adult from Afghanistan, undergoes a strict screening process, Kurtzer said. The federal government’s claim that additional security measures were needed reflected a lack of political will to remove Iraqis from danger, he said.

Mr. Kurtzer, if we call your office in Washington, will you tell us exactly what the “strict screening process” is? We would really like to know!

I’m no fan of the the Bush Administration, but this statement suggesting that the Administration has some irrational “lack of political will” to resettle refugees demonstrates that Mr. Kurtzer does not know or is not saying that there has been an on-going internal battle within the government between the US State Department and Homeland Security on the security question.  We reported this to you last week.   It is not in Mr. Kurtzer’s best interests to let the citizens of Everett in on this bit of information.

This is what really caught my attention in the Everett news story:

It’s unclear how many Iraqis live in Western Washington, but those who live in Everett say their community numbers nearly 1,000 people and is one of the largest and most close-knit in the western U.S. Many of Everett’s Iraqis came here from Basra in the early 1990s, after they resisted Saddam Hussein during Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and more trickled in early this century.


If more Iraqis come to Everett, the Iraqis who already live here will welcome them only if they have never been connected to Hussein’s Baathist government, al Ali said. “We have a good life here,” al Ali said. “If we know that somebody worked for Saddam, we’ll tell the FBI.”

We have asked in many previous posts in our Iraqi refugee category if we are just going to import thousand- year-old Middle East problems to America.  Sooner or later we are going to find out.

By the way, Washington State has received 89,719 refugees between 1983-2005 according to Appendix A of the 2005 Annual Report to Congress.  A quick look confirms that Washington State is the 4th largest refugee resettlement state in the US.

Job hunting? Utah looking for a director of new refugee office

 Your tax dollars:

The refugee business is booming in Utah, or so it seems.   According to today’s Deseret Morning News, Refugee services have been coordinated by one guy but now a whole office is needed to handle the flow of refugees to the state.  The new office will be funded by the federal government but it looks like state funds will be thrown into the pot.   Taxpayers of Utah need to look into this!

The state’s first director of an emerging Refugee Services Office could be in place by early next year.


“We’re moving very quickly,” DePaulis (Utah Dept. of Community and Culture) said of organizing the office, which for now will be federally funded under the Department of Workforce Services.


The refugee group also has requested that Huntsman allocate $200,000 in state funding for refugee services in the governor’s budget, which is set to be released Monday, DePaulis said.

But wait, the numbers of refugees are going down in Utah, not up!

“It’s been something I’ve wanted for a long time, recognizing that one person can’t do it all,” Nakamura (the present refugee coordinator)  said. “The needs of the refugees over the last five to seven years are significantly different from the needs … when the program was created.


“In the ’80s we had a huge population coming from a handful of countries in Southeast Asia. Now, we’ve got a handful of people coming from all over the world.”

If you check the number of refugee cases handled by Nakamurra’s one-man office you will see that the number went DOWN from 2005-2006 by almost a third.   But, this is interesting!  The federal funds required to take care of the smaller caseload went up by about $1 million.

Note that the federal funding is coming from the Utah Department of Workforce Services.   This is a handy federally funded (?) state agency.  It’s one stop shopping—employment services and food stamps/medical assistance all in one place. 

Federal agents raid store in Hagerstown, MD yesterday

Although this has nothing to do with refugees, it has lots to do with where we live, near Hagerstown in Washington County, MD.   And, I am bringing this to you as a reminder to be on the lookout for similar activity in your communities.   It will be sharp eyes and the willingness of regular people to to speak up that will make all the difference in helping to protect our American cities and towns.

What follows is information provided by the Hagerstown Police Department:

Hagerstown Police Department

50 N. Burhans Blvd

Hagerstown Maryland 21740


News Release

Incident Information

Incident: Search and Seizure Warrant Executed

Location: Nadia’s Convenience Store @ 200 W. Franklin St Hagerstown Md

Date & Time: Thursday December 6, 2007 at 1:00 PM

On Thursday December 6, 2007 detectives with the Hagerstown Police Department and agents with The US Department of Agriculture Office of the Inspector General executed a Federal Search and Seizure Warrant at Nadia’s Convenience Store at 200 W. Franklin St. The warrant was a result of a year and a half long investigation into illegal electronic food stamp transactions being done by the store. During the investigations transactions were made for cash in exchange for food stamp benefits. No one was arrested at this time. Agents with the Inspector Generals Office seized evidence from the store which will be reviewed by them. The case will then be presented to the US Attorney for possible charges. Nadi’s Convenience Store is owned by Mohammed Tariq Khan, who was present during the execution of the warrant.Supervisor: Sgt. Jim Robison.

It is unclear whether Mr. Mohammed Tariq Khan is a US citizen or when he might have immigrated to America.   There has also been no suggestion that any money has left the country.

Apparently the nearly $30 billion a year Federal Food Stamp Program is fraught with problems especially as it relates to small grocery stores.    This 2006 story in USA Today will give you more information on what to look for with this scam at small grocery and convenience stores.   Here is one of the criminal cases cited by USA Today:

Criminal penalties for individuals convicted of food stamp fraud are more severe. A Dearborn, Mich., man pleaded guilty last month to committing more than $380,000 in food stamp fraud over 20 months. Wissam Salameh, 32, manager of a BP gas station and convenience store in Detroit, was convicted of trading cash for food stamp benefits. Salameh, who will be sentenced in February, faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

One of the methods that criminals can use to steal from the Federal government goes something like this:    The store might purchase food stamps from someone at half their value and then seek reimbursement for the whole value from the Dept. of Agriculture.   As of this time, we do not know what the nature of the possible crime was that prompted the removal of many boxes of material from the store yesterday.


Sauerbrey: Refugees become terrorists if we don’t bring them here

Oh brother!     A couple of days ago we reported to you that Asst. Sec. of State Ellen Sauerbrey visited Louisville, KY, the city that lures refugees.   We’ve heard many explanations about why we are the largest refugee resettlement country in the world, but this is the biggest stretch I’ve seen (so far)!   She told audiences in Louisville that we are bringing them to keep them from becoming terrorists!

We do it because it’s the right thing to do, but we also do it because it is in our national interest,” Assistant Secretary of State Ellen R. Sauerbrey said, telling of how many refugees languish for years in crude camps.


“When you have people in these hopeless situations, this is where terrorism breeds, this is where failed states come from,” she said.

What kind of terrorists Asst. Sec. Sauerbrey?  Christian terrorists?  How about those potential Buddhist terrorists?  Or, could she possibly mean Islamic terrorists?    This idea that the economic plight of Muslims is what drives them to become the world’s leading terrorists is B.S.  This is what is wrong with the entire Bush Administration, Sec. of State Rice and right up to the President himself, they do not understand the imperative of Islam!

Then she made this interesting comment:

Among the most recent waves of refugees: a growing influx of Iraqi refugees, including a disproportionate number of Iraq’s minority Christian population who fear persecution. Sauerbrey said Sunni and Shiite Muslim refugees — who also are coming to the United States and Louisville — face similar fears.

Really?  We have not heard that we are bringing a “disproportionate number” of Christian refugees to America.

Back in October we heard quite the opposite, that Muslim UN employees were ‘discouraging’ applications for resettlement from the desperate Christian Iraqis.   See our post here.

So, what is it?   Give us the numbers Asst. Sec. Sauerbrey!   How many Christian Iraqis have we resettled and how many “persecuted” Muslims have we brought to America?  How many of each are in the pipeline?  Everyone should e-mail the Asst. Secretary and politely ask for the answer.   And, if anyone gets the numbers we will post them here.    Her e-mail address is SauerbreyER@state.gov