“Rainbow Nation” of South Africa is leading anti-immigrant country in the world

They are having uprisings against refugees and asylum seekers (again!) in the country touted by the likes of Michelle Obama and US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a model country for equality and justice. I’ve been meaning to write about the latest wave of violence for the last few days, but those refugee … Continue reading “Rainbow Nation” of South Africa is leading anti-immigrant country in the world

The “Rainbow Nation” is being crushed by refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, and assorted illegal aliens

I haven’t mentioned the troubles in South Africa for a while.  Yeh, believe it or not, they have more problems in Michelle Obama’s favorite country than an Olympic “bladerunner” star murdering his gorgeous girlfriend. Their borders are flooded with “asylum seekers” who have heard about their Commie Constitution and Bill of Rights (and believe the … Continue reading The “Rainbow Nation” is being crushed by refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, and assorted illegal aliens