Somalis trying to escape the “Rainbow Nation” beaten and returned to South Africa

It’s been awhile (last November actually) since I told you about the black on black violence in South Africa—you know that country that was supposed to be a beacon for freedom once the White government was thrown out.  So, this morning here is an update.  It seems that Somalis who have been in South Africa for … Continue reading Somalis trying to escape the “Rainbow Nation” beaten and returned to South Africa

Amnesty International: Migrants are getting shafted around the world

Funny, isn’t it that many of the countries cited by the London-based Amnesty International in a recent report (that you have to purchase to read) are Muslim countries.  Weren’t we told back in 2009, here, that Muslim charity toward the stranger is the root of refugee law to protect the migrants of the world today?  … Continue reading Amnesty International: Migrants are getting shafted around the world

Few UN Refugees Resettled Worldwide in 2020, but US STILL LED THE WORLD

Even as we have heard nothing but crying and moaning for the last few years from the refugee resettlement contractors*** about that mean President Donald Trump, a report from the UN confirms we still admitted more UN-chosen refugees than any other country! Here is the news yesterday from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. And, … Continue reading Few UN Refugees Resettled Worldwide in 2020, but US STILL LED THE WORLD

Myth of South Africa as Beacon of Hope for African Migrants Eroded Further Yesterday

I reported here just a few days ago that hundreds of Africans were camped in front of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees office in Pretoria demanding to be resettled in the West after experiencing xenophobic hatred from black South Africans. Additionally, I reminded US readers that we are taking some of those migrants to … Continue reading Myth of South Africa as Beacon of Hope for African Migrants Eroded Further Yesterday