State Senator takes major step to reform refugee program in Tennessee

In what may be the first such effort in the Nation, Tennessee State Senator Jim Tracy has introduced a bill that seeks to regain some local and state control over the refugee resettlement program in his state—control that has been gradually usurped by the US State Department, the US Dept. of Health and Human Services … Continue reading State Senator takes major step to reform refugee program in Tennessee

Cubans indicted in Kenya for helping illegal alien Somalis get to US

Update: Jerry Gordon at New English Review has made some excellent points about this story, here. Readers may recall that Anthony Tracy, the American who stood trial in Virginia recently after admitting he helped 270 (give or take 2)  illegal Somalis get into the US, was allowed to walk free just a week ago, here.   … Continue reading Cubans indicted in Kenya for helping illegal alien Somalis get to US