Wow! Monks in Burma say no to Islamist organization in their Buddhist country

Go monks! The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the largest Islamist political organization in the world.  This week 3000-5000 Burmese monks said, “get out OIC” and “we are not an Islamic country.” I first saw the story here, but now I see that even the Washington Post ran the story today.  This latest protest … Continue reading Wow! Monks in Burma say no to Islamist organization in their Buddhist country

Panic in India as illegal alien Muslims push into Assam and locals fight back

India’s Prime Minister:  “What is at stake is the unity and integrity of our country.” We told you in a brief post just three weeks ago (here) that Rohingya (Bengali Muslims) were increasing pressure on the Assam region of India resulting in violence and spreading panic.   As a result of the aggression, hundreds of thousands … Continue reading Panic in India as illegal alien Muslims push into Assam and locals fight back

Bengali Muslims ruthless against Hindu refugees

Although they don’t use the word ‘Rohingya,’ the “Bengali Muslims” raping Hindu women in a refugee camp in Burma (Myanmar) must be Rohingya. From Rakhapura Media Group (hat tip: Janet): Khine Myo Min: Myanmar government authority in Sittwe evacuated ninety eight Hindu refugees from Bengali Muslim dominated refugee camps to downtown Sittwe on Wednesday. 98 … Continue reading Bengali Muslims ruthless against Hindu refugees

Vlad Tepes blog helping to expose lies about Muslims being killed en masse by Buddhists in Myanmar

Thanks to reader Dana for sending this blog post from Vlad Tepes where we are directed to this story (PakaAlert Press) about how social media is manipulating the news from Burma(Myanmar) on Rohingya Muslims supposedly being slaughtered by Buddhist monks. The author, and investigator who reveals the photographs used to manipulate the news is himself … Continue reading Vlad Tepes blog helping to expose lies about Muslims being killed en masse by Buddhists in Myanmar