Maine governor re-elected, keeps his word, cuts welfare for illegal aliens, asylum seekers

Longtime readers know we have closely followed the controversy in Maine (archive here) where the state had gained a reputation around the country (and probably the third-world) as the state to go to and apply for asylum.  Why?  Because even as federal law does not say asylum seekers can get welfare during their wait for … Continue reading Maine governor re-elected, keeps his word, cuts welfare for illegal aliens, asylum seekers

France’s immigration restrictionist politician, Marine Le Pen, has a bright future

Where is America’s Marine Le Pen?   Although this Harvard publication works really hard to make sure you have a very negative view of her—right down to the fact (supposed fact) that she had a dispute with her farther-to-the-right father over her pet cat.  Really Harvard Political Review, this is beneath you (well, maybe not!).  … Continue reading France’s immigration restrictionist politician, Marine Le Pen, has a bright future

Invasion of Europe news: Italian Muslim political leader fears for her safety after proposing mosque/cemetery

This is an interesting turnabout, it is usually European political leaders like Geert Wilders who have to live with the constant fear (under guard) that some Islamists will kill them.  Now, if this story is to be believed, Muslims fear a rising tide of “xenophobia” as Europeans feel under siege and fear the coming shariah … Continue reading Invasion of Europe news: Italian Muslim political leader fears for her safety after proposing mosque/cemetery

Swimming pool near-riot adds one more reason why anti-immigrant tensions are rising in Germany

Diversity is strength, right? Lately we’ve reported on the growing tension over the large numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from Muslim countries) coming into Germany and asking for asylum.   Here is just one recent post from last Friday about the growing anger and the resultant backlash. Now the Daily Caller publishes an opinion piece about … Continue reading Swimming pool near-riot adds one more reason why anti-immigrant tensions are rising in Germany