It is climate change that is driving displacement of populations in Africa and elsewhere. That is the message coming from the United Nations as the celebrations for World Refugee Day on Sunday were taking place.
Far from the public eye, jihadist forces have struck with little reaction from the American press. More than 160 civilians were murdered in a terrorist strike on two Burkina Faso villages this month. Another 40 individuals or more were injured in the attacks, which mark the deadliest episode of Islamic jihadism in the country in several years.
Burkina Faso, a sub-Saharan African nation, has been the site of a growing conflict between terrorist groups and government forces that have affected the Sahel since 2015. More than one million Burkinabe have been displaced because of the violence, which has also affected neighboring Mali and Niger, and several thousand have been killed. The insurgency in this part of the world is closely linked to other Islamic terrorism efforts in North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere.
Survivors describe the killing as indiscriminate, as the terrorists targeted any individual they could find in the village, including women and children. It has been reported that the attackers burned the local hospital, as well as homes and the village market. No terrorist group has claimed credit for this attack.
Now along comes Angelina Jolie to proclaim (while wearing a head covering) that the biggest threat to the world is Climate Change and “nationalism.” I am sure the people of Burkina Faso are not thinking much about global warming (or America First nationalists!) as Jihadists roam the countryside indiscriminately killing men, women and children.
Hey world! Look over here, it is climate change (and right wingers!) that is the enemy, not Islamic supremacists!
Angelina Jolie: Climate Change will Force Hundreds of Millions into Refugee Status
Marvel Studios’ Eternals star Angelina Jolie made a fly in-fly out visit to a remote camp in Burkina Faso on Sunday to address refugees who have fled Islamic jihadist violence in the region, warning them the threat of climate change is real and could lead millions to a fate like theirs.
She says she wants refugees to be empowered with “a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.”
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Special Envoy, 46, donned a headscarf as she delivered a speech to the troubled West African nation to mark World Refugee Day, confiding she would “bow my head in respect for your courage and strength.”
Speaking in Burkina Faso’s Goudoubo refugee camp, in the central city of Kaya, Jolie added she had “never been as worried” about displaced people as she is now, as the world’s media gathered to record her appearance in words and pictures.
“We have to wake up to the track we are on globally, with so many conflicts raging and the very real possibility that climate change will force tens if not hundreds of millions of people to have to leave their homes in the future, with no possibility of return,” the Those Who Wish Me Dead star warned.
As Breitbart News reported, in 2017 she defended both in a lengthy speech at U.N. offices in Geneva, where the actress and humanitarian warned of a “rising tide of nationalism” in the West “masquerading as patriotism.”
Jolie is also a dedicated campaigner warning the world of the dangers of “climate change” and exhorting nations to change their ways to avert global disaster as she flies around the wrold.
In a nearly 20 minute-long address, Jolie said as an American citizen, she sees a global environment “more troubling and uncertain” than at any time in her lifetime. [Wow! Imagine that, worse than any time in her 46 years.—ed]
“We are grappling with a level of conflict and insecurity that seems to exceed our will and capabilities,” Jolie said, “with more refugees than ever before, and new wars erupting on top of existing conflicts, some already lasting decades.”
“We see a rising tide of nationalism, masquerading as patriotism, and the re-emergence of policies encouraging fear and hatred of others,” she added.
The Tomb Raider star said she is keen to help “empower” those who are trying to make a change, while standing with the poor and leading them on to a new life of peace, love and bountiful prosperity in a new world of caring and sharing.
This is a press releasefrom the UN with words from her speech. I don’t see anything where she points a finger at Jihadists and Islam. Let me know if you find a full text of her remarks.
The globalists and their commie pals have been for over a decade setting us up to accept that millions of third worlders will be flooding into the first world due to changes in the weather and you have no say in it.
So, let me ask, why should we admit any more Africans to America if they are going to lecture us about our racism?
How would Come Nzibarega and others of his ilk—like Rep. Ilhan Omar—react if we said okay there need to be more white people in Africa and we made a joint effort with European countries to colonize Africa (again! now!).
Can you imagine the uproar!
And, do you think for a minute there wouldn’t be racism against the white immigrants by the black native population, heck, there wouldn’t just be some hurtful words directed at the newcomers. The migrating whites would be killed.
But, when its black Africans colonizing the US we are supposed to keep our mouths shut.
Well, yes, that is exactly what Burundi refugee Nzibarega is saying.
He is also saying we haven’t welcomed enough and that means Trump is racist and you are too!
See my post last month about how insane it is to invite more potential Black Lives Matter activists to America, and pay for their upkeep on top of it!
By the way, the early US Refugee Admissions Program mostly admitted refugees escaping Communism in the old USSR and in Southeast Asia (Vietnam etc), it wasn’t until much later that the refugee program began admitting large numbers of Africans (bringing their socialist/communist desires with them?).
According to Heidi Boas in her lengthy 2007 paper entitled, “The New Face of America’s Refugees: African Refugee Resettlement to the United States:”
….several of the individuals interviewed for this paper identified the Congressional Black Caucus as one of the most influential groups advocating over the past decade for increased African refugee resettlement to the United States.
Now why would the Congressional Black Caucus want the number of angry Africans increased?
Does Black Lives Matter apply to immigrants as well?
The declaration that “Black Lives Matter” has been written on countless protest signs, hashtagged across social media and even painted on a street, with the words now visible from space.
As a Black man in America, I’m encouraged that more Americans seem eager to affirm my dignity. But a series of recent immigration policy changes belie the statement that Black Lives Matter, as African individuals have been systematically excluded from entry to the U.S.
I’m one of more than 150,000 Africans in the past decade to have come lawfully to the U.S. through the refugee resettlement program. [Maybe 150,000 is enough!—ed]
In my home country of Burundi, my work as a translator for UN peacekeepers made me a target for rebels. One night, as I returned from a run, they kidnapped me at gunpoint, tortured me and held me for two weeks before United Nations peacemakers rescued me.
But I was still not safe, and my presence put my family at risk, so I made the difficult decision to flee my homeland. I made it to a refugee camp in Ethiopia, where I spent six wasted years before the U.S. refugee resettlement program gave me a new lease on life. I arrived in Spokane, Washington in 2012.
As recently as fiscal year 2016, more than 31,000 African refugees were resettled. But the refugee resettlement program has been decimated in recent years. Halfway through fiscal year 2020, only about 3,000 African refugees have been resettled. If resettlement continues at that pace, 90% fewer African refugees will find safety and freedom in the U.S. this year than in 2016.
Now get this, he is complaining that in comparison there are too many white people being admitted from Europe (Ukrainians mostly).
Meanwhile, the share of resettled refugees who come from Europe has risen from about 5% in fiscal year 2016 to about 25% this fiscal year.
Nzibarega (well, not him really, his handlers at World Relief) go through a litany of changes that have reduced the migrant flow from Africa since Trump was elected. You canread those yourself. Then this…
These and other policy changes have already resulted in a sharp reduction to the number of Black people allowed to immigrate to the U.S. It’s hard not to wonder if the disparate racial impact is intentional. The president himself has reportedly referred to African nations and Haiti as “shithole countries,” expressed his preference for Norwegian immigrants, and imagines that Nigerians live in “huts.” It’s implausible that these views don’t have an impact on how he crafts our nation’s exclusionary immigration policies.
Like most Black Americans, I have experienced racism in the United States.
We have absolutely no obligation to admit one more African to the US through the US Refugee Admissions Program, so don’t let these guilt-tripping political agitators get to you!
And Trump is right—they are “shithole countries” or they wouldn’t be exporting millions of refugees looking for a better life. I say, let them fix their own countries before they try to ‘fix’ America.
I guess you are asking—haven’t they been doing that all along?
Not so much!
Over the years, almost 13 now, writing this blog I’ve come across reports that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about—tension in African American communities that don’t take kindly to the arrival of Muslim ‘refugees’ plopped down in the middle of their neighborhoods—as I mentioned herethe other day when writing about how diversity does not bring strength and that the American magical melting pot is a myth.
Now this morning I see that Dean Obeidallah, opining at the Daily Beast , is salivating about the possibility of an alliance that he sees growing between Muslim activists, like CAIR, and African American rights activists.
Unfortunately, in order to read the whole thing a subscription is required, but here is a bit of his thesis with some nuggets about the tensions that have existed. Some of you may have witnessed this in your own multiculti cities.
How Floyd Case Could Finally Unite Blacks and Muslims
(Emphasis is mine)
Despite the Muslim and African-American communities both being minority groups, and the fact that nearly one third of the Muslim American community is black, there’s been a history of tension or mistrust between many in the two groups. And George Floyd’s tragic murder and the reaction that followed both conjure up the past challenges for these two communities—and offer an inspiring sign of hope for the future.
One of the primary areas of friction arises from the fact that some Muslims own delis or even liquor stores in urban neighborhoods where they gladly accept the money of black customers but show no support for the African-American community in time of need.
Others, such as Michigan-based Imam Dawud Walid, who is African-American, [who also happens to be the director of CAIR-Michigan—ed], have called out South Asian and Arab Muslim store owners who profit off the black community by selling them goods that are detrimental to their health, as he did in a tweet this week:
While some have accused the Muslim owners of being welcoming of white patrons but openly hostile to black customers, calling them racist names in Arabic or other languages. [Who knew!—ed]
Add to that, internally in the Muslim community, some Middle Eastern/South Asian Muslims—primarily but not exclusively immigrants—had a history of not welcoming or being dismissive of them simply because of their race. This very point was made by comedian Hasan Minhaj this week on his Netflix series Patriot Act, as he addressed the murder of Floyd and need for “Brown” people—especially Muslims—to be a part of the fight against discrimination.
Go here and subscribe to the Daily Beast for more of this op-ed.
And, to give some perspective on the racist attitude toward blacks by some segments of the Muslim population, visit one of dozens of articles about the history of the African slave trade when Arab Muslims enslaved Africa’s indigenous people as they conquered and colonized North and East Africa.
By the way, you might find it informative to see Obeidallah’s trailer for a 2013 comedy show. I can’t imagine it went over very well with some segments of the Muslim community.
For years we have been flying Africans to America and placing them in hundreds of US towns and cities, and President Trump’s State Department will continue that trend as its number one refugee admissions priority!
The UN asked the US to take in 50,000 Congolese over 5 years and we are doing just that!
Frankly, as I said just yesterday if Africa doesn’t soon slow its population growth and get the Islamic extremists under control, Africa is going to sink first Europe, and then us under the weight of millions of needy (mostly unskilled) people in the not too distant future.
Based on current trends, Africa as a whole is projected to double in [population] size by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, according to the United Nations, it could almost double again.
(from 1 about 1.3 billion in 2018 to over 4 billion in 2100!)
Yikes! See the Africa ticking (time bomb) population clock, here.
Trump to prioritize Africa…..
Although the US State Department has announced a greatly lowered refugee cap (30,000)for the coming fiscal year which begins this coming Monday! the administration will place a priority on Africans according to the just released ‘Report to Congress’ that explains why the President is setting the level where he is.
This year it is a slimmed-down version of a report I have handy for FY16 (Obama’s last full year) which is 71 pages. The Trump report, at a mere 39 pages, does not go in to the great detail that Obama’s did.
I encourage serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program to read it (LOL! I haven’t read it all yet, but I will!) because it is a very useful educational tool even if it is discouraging.
Here (below) is a screenshot of the Trump priorities. At least we can cheer about the dramatic slowdown in the Near East and Asia (where most of the Muslim countries, besides Africa, are found).
And it is an improvement on Obama’s last full year when he set the ceiling for Africa at 27,500 and came in at 31,624!
By contrast, from October 1, 2017 to September 1, 2018 (11 months of the fiscal year), Trump admitted 9,007 Africans.
But, what on earth makes anyone in the Western World think we can save Africa by serving as their population pressure valve.
There is no way, even if we wanted to, to take enough refugees to keep up with their exploding population growth.
Let’s look at the DR Congolese
Anne Richard and then UNHCR Antonio Guterres who is now Secretary General of the United Nations. By the way, Trump is still without an Asst. Secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
I reported here in 2013 that then Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, told the United Nations (told UNHCR Guterres) that we would ‘welcome’ to America 50,000 UN Camp-dwelling Congolese over 5 years.
I just checkedWrapsnetand although we were bringing these people prior to FY14, since Richard’s announcement we have admitted 45,667 from that fiscal year up until today.
(In fact, from FY08 to the present day, we have admitted 56,106 from the DR Congo.)
And, by the way, I checked numbers for this month and in a little over 3 weeks we admitted 684 DR Congolese refugees, followed by Burma (290) in second place. In case you are wondering, most Congolese are not Muslims but there are a few in the flow to your towns and cities.
So by my calculation we have 4,333 DR Congolese to go to fulfill a promise we never needed to make!
But, do not hold your breath that it will end at 50,000 because our track record is that we just keep taking them long after the supposed cut off number has been reached—see Burmese, Bhutanese and Somalis for starters!
Endnote: I did a quick check and am not seeing anything about prioritizing persecuted white South Africans. Let me know if you see any mention.
No kidding! Invasion of Europe news continues…..
The UK Independenthas a couple of good follow-up pieces to the sexual assault news from New Years Eve in Cologne, Germany (and to a lesser degree in other parts of “welcoming” Germany). German Justice Minister—how dare he use the word “pogram” to explain German anger at sex crimes by foreigners. Photo at June forum on Muslim reality in Germany. Here is the first story from yesterday which tells us that the Muslim political activists are whining about the hateful Germans who want to preserve their culture and their country (imagine the nerve of them wanting to save Germany for Germans!).
In a narrow backstreet overlooking railway tracks, the 140 refugees who live in Cologne’s Hotel Mado say they are living in a climate of fear. An anti-foreigner backlash has come hard on the heels of the city’s New Year’s Eve attacks, which police have said were largely the work of Arab and north African immigrants.
On Sunday night, a lynch mob descended on the area surrounding Cologne’s landmark cathedral where 500 women were assaulted by apparently co-ordinated gangs 12 days ago. Two Pakistani men were badly beaten and three Guinean men and two Syrians were also injured. The attacks stopped only after busloads of police arrived on the scene.
Heiko Mass, the German Justice Minister, today warned of a potential anti-foreigner pogrom.
Germany’s main Muslim umbrella group, the Central Council for Muslims, said that it had been forced to cut off all phone lines after being inundated with abusive and racist calls and emails since the 31 December attacks.
Nineteen suspects have been positively identified by police. Ten were among the one million asylum seekers who have arrived in Germany in 2015, nine as recently as September. Seven were illegal immigrants and two unaccompanied juvenile refugees.
Never forget! In 2013, Pope Francis went to Lampedusa and welcomed the illegal aliens to Europe.
The Pope needs to shut up! Sorry to sound so mean, but this Pope is largely responsible for the hell that has been unleashed on Europe! I’m not going to let anyone forget that in 2013 he went to the shores of Italy and welcomed and blessed the hordes of illegal alien migrants coming ashore!
The Cologne attacks prompted Pope Francis to remark that the “immense influx” of refugees was “causing problems” but that Europe had the means to strike a balance between protecting citizens and helping refugees.
Continue reading here, there is lots of information. See also this op-ed at the UK Independent by Sunny Hundalwhich basically says, surprise! All refugees are not saints and the Left better start facing up to that!
Here is one line from his sensible piece ( Will Pope Francis admit this?):
….refugees and asylum seekers aren’t angels, and the left should stop pretending they come without problems.
Hundal’s pragmatic appeal to the Left is—if they don’t start to get that point, the Right will control the message. My prediction: The political Left is never going to admit it and so I expect the anger on the Right to continue to grow. Adding fuel to the fire, there will be more such attacks, some may be worse because German authorities no longer have the will to save dear Deutschland.
For our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.