That is what many on the political Left are banking on as CAIR is out front in its call for Muslims to support their black brothers.
I guess you are asking—haven’t they been doing that all along?
Not so much!
Over the years, almost 13 now, writing this blog I’ve come across reports that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about—tension in African American communities that don’t take kindly to the arrival of Muslim ‘refugees’ plopped down in the middle of their neighborhoods—as I mentioned here the other day when writing about how diversity does not bring strength and that the American magical melting pot is a myth.
Now this morning I see that Dean Obeidallah, opining at the Daily Beast , is salivating about the possibility of an alliance that he sees growing between Muslim activists, like CAIR, and African American rights activists.
Unfortunately, in order to read the whole thing a subscription is required, but here is a bit of his thesis with some nuggets about the tensions that have existed. Some of you may have witnessed this in your own multiculti cities.
How Floyd Case Could Finally Unite Blacks and Muslims
(Emphasis is mine)
Despite the Muslim and African-American communities both being minority groups, and the fact that nearly one third of the Muslim American community is black, there’s been a history of tension or mistrust between many in the two groups. And George Floyd’s tragic murder and the reaction that followed both conjure up the past challenges for these two communities—and offer an inspiring sign of hope for the future.
One of the primary areas of friction arises from the fact that some Muslims own delis or even liquor stores in urban neighborhoods where they gladly accept the money of black customers but show no support for the African-American community in time of need.
Others, such as Michigan-based Imam Dawud Walid, who is African-American, [who also happens to be the director of CAIR-Michigan—ed], have called out South Asian and Arab Muslim store owners who profit off the black community by selling them goods that are detrimental to their health, as he did in a tweet this week:
While some have accused the Muslim owners of being welcoming of white patrons but openly hostile to black customers, calling them racist names in Arabic or other languages. [Who knew!—ed]
Add to that, internally in the Muslim community, some Middle Eastern/South Asian Muslims—primarily but not exclusively immigrants—had a history of not welcoming or being dismissive of them simply because of their race. This very point was made by comedian Hasan Minhaj this week on his Netflix series Patriot Act, as he addressed the murder of Floyd and need for “Brown” people—especially Muslims—to be a part of the fight against discrimination.
Go here and subscribe to the Daily Beast for more of this op-ed.
And, to give some perspective on the racist attitude toward blacks by some segments of the Muslim population, visit one of dozens of articles about the history of the African slave trade when Arab Muslims enslaved Africa’s indigenous people as they conquered and colonized North and East Africa.
By the way, you might find it informative to see Obeidallah’s trailer for a 2013 comedy show. I can’t imagine it went over very well with some segments of the Muslim community.