CAIR organizes anti-Islamophobia march in Minneapolis

As Election 2016 heats up (could it get hotter—yes!), I expect you will see more ‘marches’ and rallies organized by the community organizers at the Council on American Islamic Relations which are involved in getting Muslim voters registered to push back on those of you who have security concerns about more Muslim migration to America.

JAYLANI HUSSEIN of CAIR Minnesota that organized the march.

CAIR has been learning its lessons well from the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center*** which throws out their hate label to anyone who has a differing policy view from theirs.  CAIR and the SPLC want more Muslim migration to America and I, for one, don’t. It is simply a policy discussion America needs to have.
And, of all places, Minnesota Somalis have given us reason to have security concerns as dozens of young Somali refugees, who benefited from the generosity of the American taxpayer have joined the jihadists in Africa and the Middle East (since 2008 the FBI has been aware of their activities).
Some have been arrested, either before leaving to join ISIS or upon their return. Some are dead. Some have been sentenced to prison. Some are unaccounted for.
Any sane person should be concerned about these Minnesota Somalis who did not assimilate, became more devout and have joined the Islamic terrorists.
Here is the news (Feb. 20th) from WCCO CBS Minnestota.  Watch the clip! LOL! Is there even one Somali in the march?

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Dozens of protesters marched down Cedar Avenue Saturday, taking a stand against something many are all too familiar with–discrimination.


The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations organized the march as part of many happenings throughout the country to raise awareness of Islamophobia.

“We created Minnesotans Against Islamophobia. 26 local organizationsendorse our action today,” said organizer Karen Schraufnagel.

Minnesota has the highest population of Somalis in the country, making Islamophobia a reality for many of them.

***Readers, I consider it a great honor to be called-out by the SPLC!  See here.  I had been hoping for years to be noticed by them!  I was green with envy when Daniel Greenfield was noticed a few years back and wrote this hilarious piece about his “hate group” (Greenfield and his cat).  I have a cat too!

My first response on finding out that I was now a hate group was to look around to see where everyone else was. A hate group needs the group part and one man and a cat don’t seem to be enough.

Back to the notice the SPLC has taken of RRW…..
(Not sure what they mean by my increasing radicalization.)  The only thing I can figure is that they see a change of tone over the years which can be attributed to my anger over a growing realization about how much power and money drives the secretive UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program on the political left and the political right (cheap labor for big global corporations!) and how unwilling elected officials are to even discuss it! Or, more accurately, they are willing to discuss it, but do nothing seriously about it!

Alabama governor gets on wrong side of CAIR with comments about refugees

In his State of the State address earlier this week, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley spoke disparagingly about the secrecy that surrounds the resettlement of refugees into 48 US states (they want 50, but so far Wyoming and Montana are holdouts) including his own.  Of course, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) pounced.

Hadeed 2
Khaula Hadeed recently spoke at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Her topic: Islamophobia is it real?

But, before I get to the news, let me say that this governor could do an awful lot more to help with restoring states’ rights regarding this program than simply spouting words.
He is one of twelve governors who have a ready-made 10th Amendment case just waiting for him to put his name on at the Thomas More Law Center.  It would only take one brave governor to test the legality of what the federal government has been doing to towns and cities for years.

If the governor is going to bring on the wrath of CAIR, he might as well do it with something that matters!

Alabama readers tell your governor to sign on to the Thomas More lawsuit!
Here then is the latest news from the Montgomery Advertiser:

MONTGOMERY — A Muslim advocacy group on Thursday asked to meet with Gov. Robert Bentley about statements he made on a refugee resettlement program that the group says were “derogatory and dehumanizing.”

During his State of the State address on Tuesday, Bentley criticized the federal refugee resettlement program for not disclosing refugees’ background information to government officials in the states where they settle. Bentley alluded to terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and said “among those killers was a refugee from a terrorist nation.” The governor later said, “Many have entered our state from terrorist nations.

Khaula Hadeed, executive director of the Alabama chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said in a statement that labeling a predominantly Muslim country as a terrorist nation promotes prejudice.

Changing America by changing the people!
This is not only about Bentley disparaging Muslims. Hadeed and CAIR understand the need to continue the UN/US state Department Refugee Admissions Program an important source of Muslim immigrants they need for the Hijrah (the migration).

Hadeed should take up the issue of ‘terrorist nations’ with Obama’s US State Department!

Just yesterday a reader asked me which countries are ‘state sponsors of terrorism.’  I have to admit I had never looked that up, but was then surprised to learn that there are ONLY three designated as such and they were designated decades ago:  Iran, Sudan and Syria!
So when Bentley refers to terrorist nations, and is discussing Syria, he has it right.

Wisconsin: It is not just meatpackers having problems with Muslim refugee employees

Update Feb. 9, 2016:  Here is a good update on the story at a trade publication.  Moral of the story, don’t even hire them in the first place!
This is a story, hat tip: Dave, about a Green Bay, Wisconsin manufacturer which is trying to get demands for special prayer break times under control at its plant.
Green Bay Imam
I’m a few days late with this story, so there may be more news by now.  But, I want you to see the original story and the fact that CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has its nose in the issue.
Readers the important thing to note is that this is about advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda and planting Shariah law in the work place.  It is not some unimportant little controversy.
Here is the story at Bizpac Review.
And, go here to see a news clip at WBAY Channel 2 News with the story.  See Hasan Abdi in action.
Here is CAIR weighing in:

See a recent controversy over prayer break times at a Ft. Morgan meatpacking plant also involving Somali refugee workers with CAIR riding to their rescue.
Go here and scroll down to Wisconsin and see that it is Catholic Charities that is responsible for bringing Somali Muslim workers to Green Bay.  By the way, I have no sympathy for greedy corporations that were too dumb and naive and hired Muslim workers in the first place! What did they expect?

In wake of CA terror attack, our readers in Redlands obviously had reason for concern

By now you know that the killers in San Bernardino were a Muslim husband and wife team who were killed in a gun battle a few hours after the mass murder—Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik.  Their home (some reports say it was booby-trapped) was in Redlands according to the LA Times.
Hours after the terror attack, CAIR Los Angeles came out to distance themselves from what has all the earmarks of a carefully-planned Islamic terror attack (although the media is dancing around calling it that!).

Hussam Ayloush
About six weeks ago, CAIR Director Hussam Ayloush said Tea Party citizens were bigoted and paranoid to fear more Muslim migration to California. Last night he was “praying” for the victims of the latest Islamic terror attack.

We’ve told you about citizens’ concern about more Muslim migration to Redlands here in October!

We don’t know yet how Farook came to be living in Redlands (there are reports that he was born in America to immigrant parents), but officials there scoffed at concerns voiced by Victoria Hargrave who asked her town council to block Muslim refugee resettlement in Redlands.   From our post on Redlands, Hargrave told the council:

Our biggest concern is the safety of our family, our children and our grandchildren,” Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said the council on Tuesday.

After Hargrave’s plea to the council she was blasted by CAIR Los Angeles Director, Hussam Ayloush, who called her remarks bigoted and rooted in paranoia as we reported here.

Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said on Wednesday that our nation is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, and we value freedom of speech, freedom of religion and property rights as protected by the Constitution. She said Muslims reject these values and are coming to America to impose Sharia law.

“This paranoia and phobia is rooted in a combination of ignorance and bigotry,” said Hussam Ayloush, executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and chairman of the Syrian American Council in a telephone interview Wednesday about the Redlands tea party concerns.

Now, Hussam Ayloush is at the microphones “praying” for the victims and distancing his religion from the latest slaughter.
We have been for decades admitting Muslim migrants and learning that the second generation is being radicalized (they become more devout!). Sadly there is no sign of an end in sight now that the Muslim numbers have become so high.
Send us updates and we will post some of those at this post.   We want to know what nationality Farook and Malik were, Pakistani? What legal immigration program brought his parents to America?  What mosque did he attend?  Where did he connect with Malik? Did they have support from ISIS?

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th

Oklahoma Senator wants assurances no terrorists will get in with Syrian refugees

And, once again we have the local CAIR chapter assuring us that Syrian Muslim refugees won’t be terrorists!  However, the FBI Director testified in Congress recently that the US cannot properly screen Syrian refugees. CAIR and the Catholics (and Jews) know better!

Richard Klinge
Richard Klinge of Catholic Charities in Oklahoma City is an attorney/advocat and here he is promoting the infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill. (Catholic charities is paid by the head to resettle Muslims in Oklahoma.)

From NewsOK:

An Oklahoma congressman [they must mean Senator—ed] is urging the federal government to maintain “rigorous security vetting” of all refugees as it prepares to increase the number of displaced individuals allowed into the U.S in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, said he, along with Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State John Kerry and Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security secretary, asking them to ensure that national security is not compromised in the refugee resettlement process.

In his letter and in a telephone interview with The Oklahoman, Lankford said he is concerned that the U.S. remain vigilant in rooting out Islamic State or ISIS terrorists seeking to enter America under the guise of refugees.

Just a reminder here that it does matter when you contact your Washington representatives:

In his interview, Lankford said some of his constituents have voiced concerns, particularly after reading news reports of ISIS terrorists killing Christians in the Middle East.

Catholic Charities, which is paid by the head to resettle refugees, assures Oklahomans that every one will be safe!

Adam Soltani of CAIR: No terrorists will get in with Syrian Muslim flow to Oklahoma. Photo:

Richard Klinge, senior director of advocacy and legal services for Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, called the State Department’s security process for refugees “robust” with “stringent guidelines.” [WTH is “robust”—ed]

Klinge said he is very familiar with the government’s security measures because Catholic Charities has had a large refugee resettlement program in Oklahoma for many years.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations echoes Catholic Charities in assuring us there will be no terrorists getting in!  (Ditto the local Jews!)

Adam Soltani, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, shared similar sentiments, saying that the U.S. had done a good job of vetting displaced individuals seeking a new life in America.

Soltani did say that his one concern about the Oklahoma congressman’s letter to federal officials is that it is in keeping with stereotypes of Muslims and people coming from the Middle East. [Stereotypes?  Gee I wonder why—ed]

Rabbi Vered Harris, spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel, recently urged members of her congregation to sign a petition asking the federal government to allow more refugees into the U.S. in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Friday, she said she trusts in the government’s procedures to ensure the safety of all Americans.

More here at NewsOK.
As we have reported previously on several occasions, across the country CAIR is weighing in on Syrian resettlement to the US which is only further confirmation that the vast majority of Syrians that the UN is choosing for us are Sunni Muslims.  Surely CAIR isn’t advocating for the persecuted Christians.  LOL! The big question is why are the Oklahoma Catholics and Jews pushing for more Muslims?
Here CAIR goes to the White House to lobby for more Syrian Muslim refugee admissions.  I don’t think they are hiding the Hijra any more!