Guest post: Details of refugee contractor reports will shock you!

Editor:  This is one in our series of guest posts we publish from time to time. This one comes to us from a reader and reminds us of what you as grassroots activists can do (in the comfort of your homes!) to ferret-out information about the secretive refugee admissions program.  It might take you awhile since the US State Department is notoriously slow (if they respond at all) to Freedom of Information Act requests, but it is well worth the time and effort, as you will see.
Indeed, reports like those discussed below were not given to Judicial Watch in a timely manner last year and JW has since sued the State Department to obtain them.
We mentioned these planning documents in our previous post when a Colorado County Commissioner said they were never given any notice about refugee arrivals. The contractors know in advance and are keeping that information from local elected officials.
When the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 made its way through Congress, members were told that this was not a program to import more poverty to America, but when you read this post you will see that is exactly what is happening.
 You can be sure that what we learn below is happening wherever refugees are resettled in 48 states!

Refugees to TN by County 2015
Catholic Charities oversaw the resettlement of 1,578 refugees to Tennessee in FY 2015. This map represents the counties to which they were distributed.


Refugee Resettlement in their own words

Typical of the refugee resettlement industrialists, they say one thing to the public and another among themselves.

Looking through a stack of annual resettlement plans written by the local resettlement agencies and sent, in advance of the federal fiscal year, to Washington it’s understandable why these proposals are aggressively hidden from public scrutiny.  One VOLAG even circulated an internal memo telling the local offices to refuse any public request for these plans. [This is something we learned about previously—ed]

Imagine if the public knew what the federal contractors really have planned for the host communities.

Arguably, these non-governmental organizations are shielded in many instances, from state open records laws, even though the organizations are predominantly funded with public dollars.  But, the proposals can be obtained using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) once the documents are in the possession of the U.S. State Department.

A 2014 FOIA submission was finally answered in December 2015.  It produced the annual proposed resettlement plans for all the resettlement agencies operating in Tennessee for FY2009 through FY2013.

The documents also suggest that once a state withdraws from the federal program and ORR appoints its own replacement, the federally contracted State Refugee Coordinator who typically works for one of the NGO resettlement agencies, gets a say in approving the number of refugees that will be brought to a state.


Below are excerpts from some of the resettlement plans:

Episcopal Migration Ministries (doing business as Bridge Refugee Services)

  • “The agency’s partnerships with Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise and Chattanooga Housing Authority ensure that approximately 50% of clients are resettled into subsidized housing at a rental rate of $50 per month.”
  • “Two of the complexes are public housing units operated by Knoxville Community Development Corporation, which feature spacious units, on-site property management and very affordable monthly rents.”
  • “The Bridge sub-office coordinator regularly participates in Chamber of Commerce meetings to learn about new employers or hiring opportunities.
  • “Refugee household income after the R&P [Reception & Placement] period usually includes MG [federal Match Grant] assistance, RCA [federal refugee cash assistance], TANF [state cash welfare], food stamps, SSI and additional programs as needed.”

World Relief

  • “The Nashville area offers numerous services through other non-profit organizations to refugees with critical and emergency needs. Refugees can visit the Nashville Rescue Mission for shelter [a homeless organization], food and safety, as well as Room in the Inn [a homeless organization] which provides working men with a hot meal and a place to sleep during the winter months.  There are several shelters for abused women in the area where refugee women and children can find safety if necessary.  Rooftop Ministries provides one-time assistance with rent payments: Wherry Housing Complex in Rutherford County houses refugees and others recovering from alcohol and substance abuse and has a Community Servants program to meet refugee needs.”

[So, the federal contractor gets paid to bring the refugees to Tennessee and then refers them to homeless, substance abuse and domestic violence shelters!]

Church World Service

  • “Several strong partnerships exist between Bridge and employers and they often come to Bridge first when hiring.”
  • “Employers in Knoxville are beginning to feel the effect of the economic downturn but are committed to hiring refugees.”

ECDC (doing business as the Nashville International Center for Empowerment)

  • “NICE has relationships with local businesses that hire refugees, and since NICE is 60% operated by former refugees who have work relationships with local businesses, and lucrative partnerships are easily established and maintained.”
  • “Refugees also qualify for and can access subsidized public housing.”
  • “In Nashville there are many social service agencies to which NICE refers refugees for services including rent utility and food.”

USCCB (doing business as Catholic Charities of Tennessee)

  • “Memphis’ outmigration for FY07 was reported at 43% but nearly all of these clients (21 people) were a part of Somali cases. These cases relocated to Minnesota which has a larger ethnic community, ….and more welfare state subsidized housing.”
  • “The DHS worker responsible for enrolling refugees for food stamps and TennCare [Medicaid] health coverage meets with our Self-Sufficiency Coordinator every Tuesday morning and routinely discusses the number of arrivals we are expecting.”
  • “On June 14, 2010 CC [Catholic Charities] and the SRC discussed the agency’s resettlement program and approved that we can resettle 240 refugees in FY2011…”

[So does this mean that State Refugee Coordinators can also “not approve” proposed resettlement numbers?  Maybe Texas and other non-Wilson Fish states ought to try that route!]

  • “Our relationships with employers are extremely strong and we now find ourselves in the position of being called upon when they have openings, rather than us having to seek them out.”

“The Sheriff’s Department provides inmates and a truck to assist us in moving furniture and setting up apartments twice per week.”

If you would like to get started on your own Freedom of Information Act requests, here are some sample letters.  If you are looking for the planning documents discussed above, be sure to ask for those for FY2016 (in addition to previous years) and you might ask for all planning documents “including but not limited to the R & P Abstracts” for ____state.
This is a hot issue in Tennessee at the moment as the State Senate has passed a resolution to initiate a States’ Rights lawsuit in an effort to halt the resettlement program in Tennessee, see most recent post here.
See this post and others like it in our category entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’

Tennessee legislature moves a step closer to filing states' rights lawsuit on refugee program

All over the country, Pockets of Resistance,’ are forming to oppose the heavy-handed (secretive and costly) UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.  Tennesseans get kudos for being among the first to be recognized as resisters by the federal government as I learned here at a 2013 meeting the Office of Refugee Resettlement held in Lancaster, PA.
Now, the legislature itself may be on the cusp of striking a real blow for states’ rights.
See Michael Patrick Leahy, here at Breitbart:

The state of Tennessee is one step closer to filing a Tenth Amendment lawsuit in federal court to end the United States Refugee Resettlement program in that state.

Jan Reeves & Holly Johnson
Think about it! Private citizens heading up non-governmental organizations: Holly Johnson (left) of Catholic Charities TN and Jan Reeves of Idaho’s Janus Inc. call the shots, along with the feds, about how much state taxpayers must shell out for refugee programs. You know it’s unconstitutional!

The Finance, Ways & Means Committee of the State Senate overwhelmingly passed Senate Joint Resolution 467 in a bi-partisan nine to one vote.

The resolution now goes to the State Senate floor, where it is likely to pass, then on the the State House, where it is also likely to pass.

In Tennessee, the state legislature (called the General Assembly) has the authority to file this lawsuit, which may prevail in the courts on Tenth Amendment grounds, if Republican Governor Bill Haslam fails to act.


The resolution was filed in the State Senate by Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey a little less than a month ago on January 22, and has moved quickly through the legislative process.

Unlike previous lawsuits filed by Texas and Alabama, which were not brought on 10th amendment grounds, this lawsuit could result in a victory. Such a victory would not prohibit refugees settled in other states by the Obama administration from entering the state of Tennessee. It would, however, prevent the State Department from settling those refugees initially in Tennessee under any circumstances, since such settlement requires the state of Tennessee to pay, in part, for their upkeep.

“Wilson-Fish alternative program” states including Tennessee and eleven others (Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Vermont) who have opted out of the US Refugee Resettlement program have a strong 10th amendment suit against the federal government to stop the program in their states since it is “an unfunded mandate,” proponents of the resolution argue.


“In 2012, the Supreme Courte ruled in the now famous NFIB v Sebelius case in that case the Supreme Court said ‘a state cannot be compelled or coerced to participate in a federal program for which it has chosen not to participate.’

Continue reading here.
By the way, most people outside of Tennessee are shocked to learn that the state (especially Nashville) is a prime resettlement site for refugees seeded there by Catholic Charities in conjunction with the federal government.

Readers get moving!

For all of you in Wilson Fish states***, you must work to persuade your governor (or state legislature in some cases) to get on board with a 10th Amendment lawsuit ready to file at the Thomas More Law Center.  You ask me all the time, what can I do. Well, if you are a citizen in one of these states this is something you can do!
*** Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, South Dakota, North Dakota, Tennessee and Vermont

Wisconsin: It is not just meatpackers having problems with Muslim refugee employees

Update Feb. 9, 2016:  Here is a good update on the story at a trade publication.  Moral of the story, don’t even hire them in the first place!
This is a story, hat tip: Dave, about a Green Bay, Wisconsin manufacturer which is trying to get demands for special prayer break times under control at its plant.
Green Bay Imam
I’m a few days late with this story, so there may be more news by now.  But, I want you to see the original story and the fact that CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has its nose in the issue.
Readers the important thing to note is that this is about advancing the Islamic supremacist agenda and planting Shariah law in the work place.  It is not some unimportant little controversy.
Here is the story at Bizpac Review.
And, go here to see a news clip at WBAY Channel 2 News with the story.  See Hasan Abdi in action.
Here is CAIR weighing in:

See a recent controversy over prayer break times at a Ft. Morgan meatpacking plant also involving Somali refugee workers with CAIR riding to their rescue.
Go here and scroll down to Wisconsin and see that it is Catholic Charities that is responsible for bringing Somali Muslim workers to Green Bay.  By the way, I have no sympathy for greedy corporations that were too dumb and naive and hired Muslim workers in the first place! What did they expect?

Oklahoma Senator wants assurances no terrorists will get in with Syrian refugees

And, once again we have the local CAIR chapter assuring us that Syrian Muslim refugees won’t be terrorists!  However, the FBI Director testified in Congress recently that the US cannot properly screen Syrian refugees. CAIR and the Catholics (and Jews) know better!

Richard Klinge
Richard Klinge of Catholic Charities in Oklahoma City is an attorney/advocat and here he is promoting the infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill. (Catholic charities is paid by the head to resettle Muslims in Oklahoma.)

From NewsOK:

An Oklahoma congressman [they must mean Senator—ed] is urging the federal government to maintain “rigorous security vetting” of all refugees as it prepares to increase the number of displaced individuals allowed into the U.S in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, said he, along with Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State John Kerry and Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security secretary, asking them to ensure that national security is not compromised in the refugee resettlement process.

In his letter and in a telephone interview with The Oklahoman, Lankford said he is concerned that the U.S. remain vigilant in rooting out Islamic State or ISIS terrorists seeking to enter America under the guise of refugees.

Just a reminder here that it does matter when you contact your Washington representatives:

In his interview, Lankford said some of his constituents have voiced concerns, particularly after reading news reports of ISIS terrorists killing Christians in the Middle East.

Catholic Charities, which is paid by the head to resettle refugees, assures Oklahomans that every one will be safe!

Adam Soltani of CAIR: No terrorists will get in with Syrian Muslim flow to Oklahoma. Photo:

Richard Klinge, senior director of advocacy and legal services for Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, called the State Department’s security process for refugees “robust” with “stringent guidelines.” [WTH is “robust”—ed]

Klinge said he is very familiar with the government’s security measures because Catholic Charities has had a large refugee resettlement program in Oklahoma for many years.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations echoes Catholic Charities in assuring us there will be no terrorists getting in!  (Ditto the local Jews!)

Adam Soltani, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, shared similar sentiments, saying that the U.S. had done a good job of vetting displaced individuals seeking a new life in America.

Soltani did say that his one concern about the Oklahoma congressman’s letter to federal officials is that it is in keeping with stereotypes of Muslims and people coming from the Middle East. [Stereotypes?  Gee I wonder why—ed]

Rabbi Vered Harris, spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel, recently urged members of her congregation to sign a petition asking the federal government to allow more refugees into the U.S. in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Friday, she said she trusts in the government’s procedures to ensure the safety of all Americans.

More here at NewsOK.
As we have reported previously on several occasions, across the country CAIR is weighing in on Syrian resettlement to the US which is only further confirmation that the vast majority of Syrians that the UN is choosing for us are Sunni Muslims.  Surely CAIR isn’t advocating for the persecuted Christians.  LOL! The big question is why are the Oklahoma Catholics and Jews pushing for more Muslims?
Here CAIR goes to the White House to lobby for more Syrian Muslim refugee admissions.  I don’t think they are hiding the Hijra any more!

Redlands, CA: Citizens tell mayor—no Syrian or African refugees for us!

One of the most difficult hurdles we have to overcome is the sheer ignorance of local elected officials about how the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department operates.  Here we have a mayor of a California city saying he has no say about refugees being “sponsored” by a Catholic parish.
Mr. Mayor, they are not “sponsored” by the parish.  The local Catholic Charities is PAID by the US State Department to resettle refugees chosen in Washington (by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the US State Dept) for Redlands.  The least you could do is hold a public forum so that you and the community understand exactly what will be expected of you if some of the large number of Syrian Muslims Obama is admitting to the US will be distributed there.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is asking Obama for 100,000 Syrians for this fiscal year. They will be looking at every town in America for future placements.

Redlands Mayor Paul Foster still think Catholic Charities “sponsors” refugees! Stuck in the Vietnam era, he apparently doesn’t know they are paid by the US State Department (by the head) to resettle refugees.

It only makes sense that Catholic Charities (USCCB) around the country are gearing up to expand their resettlement operations and I urge all of you to start paying attention.
Go here and see exactly which cities have Catholic Charities operating on behalf of the federal government. Redlands is near Los Angeles and you will find this branch of Catholic Charities listed in San Bernardino.
If you suspect a resettlement contractor, like Catholic Charities, is ramping-up where you live, let us know!

Pocket of resistance?

From Redlands Daily Facts:

REDLANDS >> Some members of Redlands Townhall and the Redlands Tea Party Patriots have called on city officials to keep Syrian and African refugees from resettling here.

They asked City Council members Tuesday what their plan will be if the city is asked to resettle some of the 85,000 refugees expected to come to the United States in 2016.

“We are researching the issue and preparing to provide information to the City Council in the near future,” said city spokesman Carl Baker in an email.

Citizens asking questions!  This is what everyone should be doing right now (even before there is a mention of impoverished third worlders being brought to town).

“Where will they be housed? How will their expenses be paid and by whom? And what will be done to ensure the safety of our community? Our biggest concern is the safety of our family, our children and our grandchildren,” Victoria Hargrave of Redlands Townhall said the council on Tuesday.

“The Obama administration would like to bring in 85,000 Syrian refugees into our country in the calendar year that just started on Oct. 1 and they have admitted that they have no database or source of information with which to vet these refugees,” she said. “There are primarily Sunni Muslims. Al-Qaida are Sunni Muslims whose culture and ideology are completely contrary to our Constitution.”

Intelligence officials and Republican lawmakers have expressed concerns that Islamic State militants could seek to slip into Europe or the U.S. posing as migrants.


Myhanh Luu, refugee resettlement service director for Catholic Charities San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, which has assisted refugees from all over the world, said they have not yet heard about the Syrian and African refugees needing resettlement in the Inland Empire.


Mayor Paul Foster said he directed City Manager N. Enrique Martinez to look into the issue. But, he said, it is not the city’s business to tell a parish not to sponsor refugees.

“They certainly would have the right, as they did years ago when we had Laotian and Vietnamese refugees and Cambodian refugees,” Foster said. “Groups all over the country brought refugees in, primarily through faith-based organizations and churches themselves and sponsored them and helped them reestablish their lives in our country.  [The mayor is 35 years behind the times! That is not how refugees are distributed today!—ed]

“I certainly don’t see that as being something local municipal governments should be out there opposing or fighting in any way or telling them what they should be doing.”

Citizens need to disabuse this mayor and others like him of this notion—it is most definitely his job to protect his community from economic, cultural and security stress!  I’m sure the federal government would be happy to run his town!
Go here for more on Pockets of Resistance (we have a relatively new category to archive your activities).