How sick are you of hearing that we in America have some moral obligation to admit more refugees to our towns and cities? Well, get ready to barf because you are going to hear it non-stop if Biden/Harris succeed in stealing the White House.
And, when was the last time you heard the UN and its sycophants in the media and among those in the international “humanitarian” NGO cabal blasting China for being racist?
(Of course we do hear that China treats its existing Muslim population badly, but I’ve rarely ever seen any stories referencing their very clear NO to any more refugees of any sort.)
So when a commenter mentioned China in a comment to another post yesterday, I went looking for articles about how China wants China to be for the Chinese! No multi-culti BS for them!
And, surprise! The Chinese people want to take care of the poor Chinese first. Additionally they sensibly look at the Islamic terrorism now rampant in Europe and ask why should they ‘welcome’ that to their homeland. Why indeed!
Here is a good explanation at The Diplomat from 2017:
Why Do Chinese Reject Middle Eastern Refugees?
Islamophobia is a potent factor, but not the whole story.
June 20 was “World Refugee Day,” but the following days witnessed strong debates over the refugee issue inside China. Many Chinese newspapers and websites highlighted the news of Yao Chen, who is a famous Chinese movie and TV star, visiting foreign refugees in both China and abroad.
Yao Chen, China’s ‘Angelina Jolie’ visits Syrian refugees.
Those reports about refugees were viewed by Chinese public as attempts to “create a public atmosphere,” or a sign that Chinese government is preparing to accept Middle East refugees (an assumption made largely because of the official background of Chinese news agencies).
Countless discussions and petitions denouncing Yao Chen and the possibility of China accepting refugees have emerged, not only on social media sites such as Weibo and WeChat, but also on several leading internet blogs. Public surveys show that a massive majority of Chinese (in some surveys, nearly 99 percent) strongly oppose the idea of settling Middle Eastern refugees, especially Muslim refugees, inside China.
This public fear of accepting refugees, especially Muslims, first and foremost reflects China’s increasing Islamophobia.
The people are not stupid, they see what is going on in Europe with Islamic terrorism:
….the continuing terrorism threat in Europe and increased reports of crimes such as rapes and murders committed by Syrian and Afghan refugees in Europe also stoked fear in the Chinese public.
An Arab refugee disses Chinese people:
In addition, negative stories about Middle Eastern refugees who have stayed in China made the Chinese public feel taken advantage of or offended. One such story recounts the example of a male Arab refugee who stayed in Beijing for seven years before he headed to Canada. He reportedly never worked or learned to speak Chinese and survived on his Chinese girlfriend’s monthly salary. When Yao Chen, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ goodwill ambassador in China, visited this refugee in Beijing and praised his Chinese girlfriend for being “hardworking,” the refugee replied: “My girlfriend should thank me because I teach her English!” Many Chinese took great offense to this “shameless” reaction.
The Chinese people who have had their own family size restricted want to take care of China’s poor people first (where have I heard that before!):
Although President Xi Jinping has created the Belt and Road initiative and increased China’s international influence, most Chinese still question whether China should help foreign states given the fact that there are still more than 500 million “underprivileged people” in China today.
America broke it (the Middle East), they should be responsible say the Chinese:
….many Chinese people believe it should be the United States, European states, or at least Arab states that resettle Middle Eastern refugees, based on the logic of “punishing” those who caused the problem in the first place. Chinese people believe the Middle Eastern refugee issue resulted from the civil wars “provoked” and “interfered” in by the West and other Middle Eastern states, and thus it should be their responsibility to take care of these refugees.
So any chance that Beijing Biden will get us back into conflicts in the Middle East in order to create more refugees and that we will be guilt-tripped into bringing them to live among us? Yup!
And, any chance Biden will put pressure on China regarding its attitude toward Muslims and urge them to take in Middle Easterners? Nope!
Even the UN High Commissioner for Refugees is helping spread Communist Chinese propaganda!
As we have reported over the years, China doesn’t take in refugees or asylum seekers(well at least none in recent decades) and while the UN uses bullying and threats against Japan to force them to diversify their population, I have never once heard the cabal of Leftist Open Borders agitators and the UN pressure China to experience the ‘joys’ of multiculturalism.
Incredible! In 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping told UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that ” his country has always believed that multilateralism is the only path that best suits the interests of the people of all countries.”
Now here is a story clearly meant to suck up to China just as the threat of the Communist Party there and what it is capable of doing to the world (can you say COVID!) is really sinking in for a lot of freedom loving people worldwide.
China responsible and supportive on refugee issues: UNHCR representative
China and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency) have maintained a long history of cooperation. China has not only actively participated in the events organized by the UNHCR on refugee relief, but also contributed to international solutions to the refugee crises over the past 41 years. With increasing strength, China is expected play a more prominent role in the field of international refugee relief.
As for China’s role and contribution in the UNHCR, Sivanka Dhanapala, the Representative of UNHCR in China, told the Global Times in an exclusive interview that China has been extremely supportive in international dialogues about refugee issues, and has bolstered shared international responsibility.
What! China the great peacekeeper!
“As a very important member state of the UN, and a permanent member of the Security Council, China plays an extremely significant role in UNHCR through peacekeeping at the Security Council level that helps to stabilize regions that might otherwise end up in political turmoil,” Dhanapala said.
Dhanapala raised an example of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang attending the Leaders Summit on Refugees at the UN headquarters in New York in 2016, noting that China has been extremely supportive in solving refugee issues since then, helping set the tone for shared international responsibility. [Big whoop! they attended a meeting in New York on refugees.—ed]
According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s website, Li addressed at the conference that China actively advocates political resolutions to regional hot-spot issues and has raised its own proposals on ceasefires, political reconciliation and ending violence.
Here the Los Angeles Timesa few short years ago (2017) gives a more realistic picture of China’s view of refugees. It seems they did ‘welcome’ Vietnamese of Chinese origin in the wake of the conflict is Southeast Asia. They put those ‘refugees’ on farms to work for the state.
There is not a chance in hell that China is going to give refuge to Middle East Muslims and Somalis from Africa! And, there isn’t a chance in hell that the UN is going to ask that of them!
So while the hard Left blasts President Trump for being xenophobic, racist, and unwelcoming, there is never a bad word for the Chinese government or Chinese President Xi Jinping ! Why is that?
Indeed there is not one critical quote here about Chinese refugee policy in the LA Times story from the likes of Human Rights Watch or any of the Leftists daily demanding that the US take in more diversity.
China once welcomed refugees, but its policies now make Trump look lenient
The first thing I thought of when I read this postby an Italian man who describes how Italy is gone was whatever happened to that proposed Chinese meatpacking plant in Montana?
As described by author Giacomino Nicolazzo the COVID disaster for Italy has its roots in the deals between the Leftists running the Italian government and the Chinese who were furiously buying up one industry after another primarily in the Italian north.
A recipe for disaster?
Along with those purchases of major industries they were sending in Chinese workers, many from Wuhan, to help run their new acquisitions. It is long, but well worth reading because it makes sense.
What Montana Chinese slaughterhouse you ask?
Senator Steve Daines
This one! I told you about it in 2017when Montana ranchers and their US Republican Senator Steve Daineswere cooking up a trade deal with China that would see the export of Montana beef to China.
But, someone figured it would be so much easier if the Chinese actually ran a meat packing facility right there in Montana.
Take the time to read what I said about the deal in 2017.
“It’s a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here.”
(Fred Wacker, rancher)
Here is one thing I said in that post:
I suppose there is one bright side–unlike Chobani Yogurtin nearby Idaho, I doubt the Chinese owners will approve of Muslim workers in light of their clear historical animosity to the ‘religion of peace.’ I can just see the mess when the Chinese company gets hit with some discrimination lawsuits when they say “NO” to Somali workers.
Heck, maybe they will insist on bringing in Chinese workers!
(Prescient wouldn’t you agree!)
So then what happened to the scheme?
I looked around today and the best answer I could find was that the deal began to fizzle when Trump’s trade war with China began.
Nevertheless in the summer of 2018, Montana cattlemen were still dreaming that they would see a giant Chinese meat plant in ‘Big Sky’ country.
Montana hopes for beef deal with China’s despite Trump’s trade
HELENA, Montana – Montana officials are hoping that a blockbuster deal with Chinese retail giant to export local beef will be possible despite the US Government’s escalating trade war with China.
“We are still talking,” Jay Bodner, executive vice-president of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSA), said.
In an exclusive interview with Xinhua on Tuesday, Bodner said the win-win deal inked last November in Beijing is not dead in the water, despite a 25-percent tariff on $34 billion of imports from China imposed by the Trump administration last Friday.
Beijing’s expected response – an additional 25-percent import tax on top of an existing 12-percent hike – was hard for Montana to digest, especially in light of the pending deal.
“There is a pretty high level of concern,” Bodner, a rancher from eastern Montana who has been with the MSA for 16 years, said.
Comparing to America’s, he said the Chinese internet giant’s commitment to spend up to $100 million to build Montana’s largest meat processing facility was still on the table.
A couple of days ago I reportedon the Asylum process which is part of the Refugee Act of 1980. The difference from the US Refugee Admissions Program is that these wannabe ‘refugees’ are already in the US usually illegally and they claim they will be persecuted if returned home.
It is a huge backlog of cases that is concerning the Trump Administration and is why they say that a 30,000 cap on the refugees the UN/US State Department bring in to the country is all we can handle. I assume they are expecting more than the 20,000-30,000 asylum seekers who have been approved each year for the last ten will grow with their stepped- up processing.
I have no time to snip this Fact Sheet from the American Immigration Council on ‘Asylum in the US,’ but you will find it answers many of your questions.
Although AIC is a non-profit legal advocacy group promoting more immigration, the facts seem pretty straight forward.
Take note of the definition of ‘refugee’ and see that they still pretty much stick to the original definition that doesn’t include a lot of expansions.
Oh, and for those who have asked, asylum seekers, who often wait years for an asylum hearing (while free in America), are permitted to work after a certain time.
What I didn’t mention the other day was where most of the asylum seekers who are approved come from.
Total Asylum Grants by Country of Nationality, Fiscal Year 2016
From the American Immigration Council Fact Sheet
I’m urging all of you to start paying attention to the tens of thousands of ‘refugees’ being approved as your new neighbors after they got in to the US illegally, or came in on an approved visa and then asked for asylum.
The Boston Bombers got in through the asylum system.
The story is bubbling around on the internet and will surely soon break out on cable TV.
The Uighurs (sometimes spelled Uyghurs) are people of Turkish origin.
Although, not a refugee story yet, it could be in a few years down the road. Once Trump is no longer our President, and if there has been no serious reform of refugee law, the refugee industry will be busy finding more diversity for your towns and cities.
One thing that I find fascinating is that so far I haven’t seen the international Islamic activists seriously attacking the Chinese for Islamophobia in the media (what! no Chinese CAIR?) and definitely not on Chinese soil through terror attacks.