Update October 11th: 35 more came since yesterday. 21 of those were from the DR Congo. Total 108 refugees since October 1.
We told you yesterday that President Trump signed the Memorandum (the Presidential Determination) capping refugee admissions for FY19 which began on October 1 at 30,000.
A total of 73 were admitted yesterday in the first group.
In 2013, the UN asked Obama’s State Department to take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years. More than 45,000 have arrived so far. The Trump State Department is continuing their resettlement to American towns and cities.
The vast majority (57) are from the DR Congo.
As we previously reportedPresident Trump’s State Department is prioritizing Africans.
I reported here in 2013 that Obama told the UN we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo over five years. We have surpassed 45,000 so far and I will keep you posted about when we go over the 50,000 Obama promised.
I have said repeatedly on these pages that we must get the UN out of the business of choosing our refugees. If we are going to take refugees, let’s choose them ourselves!
We aren’t going to solve Africa’s overpopulation and poverty problems by siphoning off ten thousand (or more) each year.
There are 14 from Afghanistan and two Syrians in this first wave. Nine of the total 73 are Muslims, the remainder are various Christian sects with six from Afghanistan claiming no religion. The two Syrians being placed in Michigan are Muslims.
Below is a map from Wrapsnetshowing the states that are ‘welcoming’ refugees in the first ten days of this fiscal year.
Ohio received the most with 16.The top five states were Ohio, Arizona, Vermont, California and Georgia.
I’ve previously reportedthat the African country, DR Congo, holds the distinction of being the country sending (at present) the highest number of refugees to US towns and cities.
35% of the refugees who entered the US in FY18 were from the DR Congo. The UN wants us to take 50,000 total.
Filling Obama’s promise…..
And, I told you that Obama’s State Department promised the United Nations that the US would take 50,000 in total over five years. We are almost there.
Since that promise was made in 2013 we have resettled 46,041 DR Congolese, placed them in 47 states with Texas being the top ‘welcoming’ state.
This years’ data….
The Refugee Processing Centerdata for FY18, the year that just closed, will be harder to find by next month, so I thought I should capture the numbers here for future reference.
22,491 total refugees were admitted from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018. Here is where they came from:
Previous posts on the DR Congo arehere. You probably recognize the DR Congo because it has been in the news a lot lately due to an Ebola outbreak there.
The State Department pours refugees in at a much higher rate in the final month of the fiscal year, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that, with only a couple more days to go in this month, we are above the average admission rate for the previous 11 months.
Rohingya refugees protesting in Phoenix. 979 came to the US this year. 109 were welcomed by the Trump State Department since September first! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2017/09/20/arizona-rohingya-refugee-story-from-poor-refugee-to-political-agitator/
Checking the data at Wrapsnet, as of this morning we are at 22,469 refugees admitted.
That is 2,570 more than we had on September first.
The average for the previous 11 months was 1,809.
Nevertheless, it is nearly official—and it will be official on Sunday evening—that this is the lowest number of admissions since the Refugee Act of 1980was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.
Top ethnic groups arriving since September 1 are from these countries:
DR Congo (1,058)
Burma (381)
Ukraine (363)
Of the total 2,570 September arrivals, 418 are Muslims of one sect or another.
Most concerning to me is that 109 of the Burmese are devout Rohingya Muslims.
P.S. I’m going to be away over the weekend, but will give you year-end numbers on Monday or Tuesday next week.
For years we have been flying Africans to America and placing them in hundreds of US towns and cities, and President Trump’s State Department will continue that trend as its number one refugee admissions priority!
The UN asked the US to take in 50,000 Congolese over 5 years and we are doing just that!
Frankly, as I said just yesterday if Africa doesn’t soon slow its population growth and get the Islamic extremists under control, Africa is going to sink first Europe, and then us under the weight of millions of needy (mostly unskilled) people in the not too distant future.
Based on current trends, Africa as a whole is projected to double in [population] size by 2050. Between 2050 and 2100, according to the United Nations, it could almost double again.
(from 1 about 1.3 billion in 2018 to over 4 billion in 2100!)
Yikes! See the Africa ticking (time bomb) population clock, here.
Trump to prioritize Africa…..
Although the US State Department has announced a greatly lowered refugee cap (30,000)for the coming fiscal year which begins this coming Monday! the administration will place a priority on Africans according to the just released ‘Report to Congress’ that explains why the President is setting the level where he is.
This year it is a slimmed-down version of a report I have handy for FY16 (Obama’s last full year) which is 71 pages. The Trump report, at a mere 39 pages, does not go in to the great detail that Obama’s did.
I encourage serious students of the US Refugee Admissions Program to read it (LOL! I haven’t read it all yet, but I will!) because it is a very useful educational tool even if it is discouraging.
Here (below) is a screenshot of the Trump priorities. At least we can cheer about the dramatic slowdown in the Near East and Asia (where most of the Muslim countries, besides Africa, are found).
And it is an improvement on Obama’s last full year when he set the ceiling for Africa at 27,500 and came in at 31,624!
By contrast, from October 1, 2017 to September 1, 2018 (11 months of the fiscal year), Trump admitted 9,007 Africans.
But, what on earth makes anyone in the Western World think we can save Africa by serving as their population pressure valve.
There is no way, even if we wanted to, to take enough refugees to keep up with their exploding population growth.
Let’s look at the DR Congolese
Anne Richard and then UNHCR Antonio Guterres who is now Secretary General of the United Nations. By the way, Trump is still without an Asst. Secretary of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
I reported here in 2013 that then Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, told the United Nations (told UNHCR Guterres) that we would ‘welcome’ to America 50,000 UN Camp-dwelling Congolese over 5 years.
I just checkedWrapsnetand although we were bringing these people prior to FY14, since Richard’s announcement we have admitted 45,667 from that fiscal year up until today.
(In fact, from FY08 to the present day, we have admitted 56,106 from the DR Congo.)
And, by the way, I checked numbers for this month and in a little over 3 weeks we admitted 684 DR Congolese refugees, followed by Burma (290) in second place. In case you are wondering, most Congolese are not Muslims but there are a few in the flow to your towns and cities.
So by my calculation we have 4,333 DR Congolese to go to fulfill a promise we never needed to make!
But, do not hold your breath that it will end at 50,000 because our track record is that we just keep taking them long after the supposed cut off number has been reached—see Burmese, Bhutanese and Somalis for starters!
Endnote: I did a quick check and am not seeing anything about prioritizing persecuted white South Africans. Let me know if you see any mention.
There is a “breakdown at many levels” said Church World Serviceemployee Adamou Mohamed.
Did you hear the news about the five children from the DR Congo who died in an apartment fire in Greensboro, North Carolina just over a week ago?
Probably not because stories showing the unhappy side of refugee resettlement are rarely seen outside the immediate locale.
In a tense community meeting last week, the blame for the children’s deaths was placed on the city and on the landlord, all assuming the fire was from landlord and city inspector neglect.
Here are a few snips from the story on that meeting from the local News & Record:
At tense meeting about deadly Greensboro apartment fire, city says it will inspect complex
GREENSBORO — As Greensboro officials, refugee advocates and immigrants gathered days after the deaths of five children in an apartment fire, many people voiced concerns that the city’s deadliest fire in nearly two decades could have been prevented.
“We shouldn’t have had to come to this point,” said community activist Sandra Isley, as others wiped away tears and some trembled in anger during a meeting of the Greensboro International Advisory Committee, which works with the city’s Human Relations Department.
City officials did announce during the meeting that housing inspectors would go door-to-door early next week at the 3100 Summit Ave. complex to conduct inspections on every unit. Beth Benton, the city’s Code Compliance manager, said that action was possible after five residents — the minimum necessary to take action — had signed a petition.
Fire investigators have yet to determine a cause of the Saturday morning fire, but say it started in the kitchen and they are analyzing the unit’s stove. The apartment had no working smoke or carbon monoxide detectors.
The city’s action comes amid claims that the children’s father reported several small fires near the apartment’s stove to management in the days before the tragedy. It is unclear who the father might have notified about the problems with the stove, but the building’s owners said they had no repair request on file.
“There’s a breakdown at many levels for this to happen,” said Adamou Mohamed***, a grassroots organizer for Church World Service, an immigration and refugee program.
Others around him questioned why it has taken so long for the city to get involved.
Resettlement agencies place refugees in cheap apartments and help to build ethnic enclaves….
The North Carolina African Services Coalition placed the family there 18 months ago, when they arrived from the Democratic Republic of Congo as part of a resettlement program. But the agency has since stopped setting up homes there because of complaints about living conditions. Officials with the resettlement agencies say the complex remained attractive to refugees because of the low rent and because it allowed them to live with others who speak their language or understand their customs. Several units there are rented by members of this same family.
Officials have yet to identify the family other than to say the children who died were three boys and two girls between the ages of 18 months and 9 years old. The husband, who works at a local factory, was home with the children but could not get them out.
And here we have the final informative bit of news—Mom was working the night shift for BIG CHICKEN!
If you are new to RRW, you may not know that refugee contractors, including Church World Service, act as headhunters for the meat industry in places like North Carolina.
The wife was working the overnight shift at a chicken plant several counties away. She commutes there with a group of others who share the cost of the drive.
***You really need to see the bio for Church World Service’s community organizerwho was clearly leading the charge and attempting to stoke anger with claims of government neglect before all the facts were in. Why does a taxpayer-funded resettlement agency need a political community organizer (aka community trouble-maker) in the first place?
Adamou Mohamed’s bio at Welcoming Americais informative….
Mohamed was addressing a session entitled, Anti-Muslim Backlash, which seems to be no longer available at Welcoming America’s website. http://www.welcominginteractive.org/staff/adamou-mohamed/