And, she has been brave enough to write a book about it. The book is “an eye-opening indictment of the deep-seated misogyny in patriarchal cultures.”
What! I thought diversity was beautiful and that adding more Somalis to America was going to strengthen us! Is she saying there are secrets about which the Open Borders cabal isn’t telling us as they push for more and more refugee resettlement for East Africans?
CHANDLER, Ariz., July 31, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — Malyun Ali, also known as Mama Malyun Suuban (MMS), currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona, as homeless person. Previously lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and moved away from there due to threats and cyberbullying by the Somali community.
The attack started due to the fact that she decided to speak up for the rights of the women of Somali, both abroad and back in Somalia.
Malyun Ali is a mother of three adult children and one grandchild. She is the voice of the voiceless and have challenged a culture that sees their women as second-class citizens. She is a businesswoman, a visionary, trailblazer and has a heart of gold. She has helped countless of victims throughout the years.
She is a YouTuber and is the first person of Somali descended [sic] to come out public as a child sexual-abuse survivor.
She has published his new book “I Cannot Be Silenced”: a deeply personal memoir of the horrific abuse she endured as a child and young woman in her native Somalia, and an eye-opening indictment of the deep-seated misogyny in patriarchal cultures.
She writes, “What you will read about in these pages has not just been my experiences but those of many women who are afraid to share their shameful secrets. My message is twofold: (1) to encourage women to shed this cloak of shame they have been forced to wear by both men and women who believe it is their right and privilege to steal their spirits; and (2) to inform and educate people of the Western world who can join with us in our fight for freedom.
“Others cannot feel your passion for change if they are ignorant of your lifetime of pain. There is no such thing as a silent cause. I promise you, speaking out will heal your soul, and that is what this book will show you how I have done it.
“This book will offer a platform for Western women/men to hear about and learn how to help female immigrants to better assimilate and adjust to new environments and communities as well. This book will be a guide to many service provider and individuals who are working with Somali community to understand them in a true, authentic, transparent, and honest way of working with this community victims and individuals who are not able to speak up and seek support.”
I guess this means all those resettlement contractors paid to resettle refugees better get to work and help these poor women instead of constantly agitating the rest of us about racism! These are black lives that matter, right?
And, by the way, these women are going to need the police and the US Justice system if they want to break the cycle of violence. Does anyone believe that a little chit-chat with a social worker is going to do any good?
By the way, if you missed it at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ see:
The dreadful practice is increasing, says Canadian author and women’s rights activist, Farzana Hassan, because aid workers/support networks are no where to be found due to the virus crisis and the social and economic decline it is causing worldwide.
You can be sure that Somalis resettled by the tens of thousands in America brought some of these “entrenched social norms” with them.
COVID-19 has caused widespread illness, death and economic misery everywhere. It has also given rise to social problems, exacerbating crimes like female genital mutilation in the developing world.
Recent reports from Somalia, the country with the highest percentage of FGM, show a disturbing trend. This brutality inflicted on underage girls has reportedly increased during these weeks of confinement and isolation.
This is not entirely unexpected.
In fact, humanitarian agencies across the world predicted the figures would get worse. The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has resulted in an increase in all forms of violence toward girls, partly because their access to the support networks put in place by humanitarian agencies has been blocked.
Any small gains previously made toward gender equality and the basic human rights of women and girls have suffered a serious blow.
They had been getting this support at school or in the workplace, but now they are confined to their most dangerous environment: home. The pressure is on parents and guardians to provide for them under these economically stressful times. The solution for families is to get these girls married off, and in Somalia only girls who have undergone FGM stand any chance of marriage.
Regrettably, the mutilation is not confined to Somalia. In other African countries, like Sudan and Sierra Leone, the practice is also prevalent. It is a manifestation of entrenched social norms rooted in gross gender inequality right across the continent.
A staggering 98% of African females have endured the painful and traumatic procedure of having parts of their outer genitalia cut off by women who have made a profession out of this. Of these victims, 40% happen to be under the age of 15.
The first time I ever heard of this sick and depraved practice was when I read Ayan Hirsi Ali’s first book‘Infidel’ in 2007. The author describes in graphic detail what was done to her.
If you don’t know exactly what the procedure involves, see this short Youtube video:
This is one of those great ‘fun’ political debates you will get to have once the population of Muslims, mostly from East Africa, ‘find their way’ to your state.
Maine, especially Lewiston, is the Somali capital of the East! The story at the Press Herald is long and detailed, but what you might see as a ‘no brainer’—-making it illegal to subject anyone to this form of abuse, or to take someone out of the country to have it done—isn’t a no-brainer for the Leftwing women and the Southern Poverty Law Center which oppose the bill.
Here is a bit of the story from the Portland Press Herald just to give you the flavor:
AUGUSTA — There are parts of the world where it has long been common for adult women to slice away girls’ external genital tissue in a bid to dampen their sexual desires.
Though Maine is a long way from anywhere this has traditionally been a problem, a battle is raging among lawmakers about whether the state ought to have a law specifically barring female genital mutilation.
Safiya Khalid: “It is horrible.” But, here’s what I want to know: if the Somalis in Maine are truly refugees why are they going back to Africa for any reason? Isn’t that the place they claim they were “persecuted.”
The operation to slice off all or part of a woman’s clitoris and labia is prohibited under federal law and is almost certainly banned by existing, broader Maine statutes. In addition, there is no solid evidence that the procedure, also called female circumcision, is happening in Maine.
One provision in a bill legislators are considering also would make it a felony to take a girl outside Maine to have someone cut her genital tissue without a medical reason, which is already illegal under federal law.
Safiya Khalid, a Somali-American from Lewiston who serves on the city’s library board, said Friday that “old school” women in her community “wouldn’t risk” having the procedure done on a child in Maine, but some might take their daughters back to Africa for it. She doesn’t know anyone who’s had it done, she said, but she thinks it probably has occurred.
“It’s a horrible experience,” Khalid said of the procedure, which is typically done without anesthesia. “It’s just terrible.”
Critics of the proposal see it as a thinly disguised attack on African immigrants, especially Somalis who hail from an area where female genital mutilation is widespread, basically a swath from Somalia on the east coast of Africa to Sierra Leone on the west, an area that includes Muslims, Christians and animists.
Kate Brogan opposes the measure because it promotes stereotypes of Somalis.
There is an “insidious assumption that members of Maine’s Somali community support this harmful practice,” Maine Family Planning’s Kate Brogan told lawmakers.
A 2017 survey of the immigrant community in Maine by Partnerships for Health found that 71 percent think the practice is harmful and 82 percent believe it shouldn’t happen. [Do the math based on numbers in next paragraph, this still leaves a couple of thousand Maine immigrants who are fine with the mutilation!—ed]
The issue has particular resonance in the Lewiston-Auburn area given the influx of immigrants in the past two decades from countries where the practice is common. About 7,500 East Africans have moved to Androscoggin County and another 5,000 to Cumberland County in that time, according to the Immigrant Resource Center of Maine.
Some of the women and girls who moved to Maine underwent the illegal procedure in their home countries, though specifics are hard to come by. Khalid said she knows “a lot of friends and people who had it done” to them before coming to America.
Supporters of the measure, pushed in part by an anti-Muslim hate group, said girls need protection.
What the hell! Act for America is an “anti-Muslim hate group.” How dare this reporter and this paper swallow the Southern Poverty Law Center’s propaganda without question! It is a disgrace! Do they not know how discredited the SPLC has become? Has ACT contacted the paper and asked for a retraction? I guess we are left to conclude from SPLC’s involvement in Maine—the Southern Poverty Law Center supports Female Genital Mutilation.
See my archive on Maine,hereand one specifically on Lewiston, here.
The vote could still come this week, but faces an uphill challenge as groups like the ACLU oppose attempts to save little girls from torture because it goes against their politics as reported at WGME 13:
The ACLU is against the bill saying it’s “nothing more than an attempt to single out behavior that is commonly attributed to certain religious and ethnic communities.”
Leo Hohmann at WND on Sunday, gives us a full accounting of the situation. The key takeaway is that AG Jeff Sessions is not turning a blind eye to the barbaric practice as did his immediate predecessors—Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.
Female genital mutilation is a form of human trafficking that Maine legislators are currently choosing to allow in their state, say child advocates.
Lewiston is the epicenter of the Somali community. Catholic Charities is responsible for their arrival in Maine. See my huge Maine archive here:
Maine will try again on Aug. 2 to become the 25th state to ban the barbaric Third World practice that involves cutting the genitals of young girls.
Liz Yore is an attorney who has served as general counsel to child welfare agencies and a former member of the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. As an international child advocate, she said she never thought she would see such a gruesome practice taking root in America, preying on its defenseless little girls.
Yet, it’s been a struggle to get some lawmakers to see the necessity of passing state bans on the FGM.
The fickle nature of the federal FGM ban, adopted in 1996, was exposed for all to see under President Obama – his Department of Justice under Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch simply closed its eyes to female genital mutilation, never prosecuting a single case.
That lack of interest in a form of torture on young girls persisted even though the evidence is now breaking open, thanks to a federal investigation in Detroit launched by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
What Sessions’ staff is discovering is that it’s not just Minnesota and Michigan that are at risk. There’s a secret underground of at least eight states involved.
Maine has been identified as one of the eight “high risk” states, largely because of its large population of Somali refugees. More than 97 percent of women in Somalia have had their genitals mutilated by the time they reach adulthood. The numbers are similar in Egypt, Sudan and Indonesia.
And, on this last point above about where the barbaric practice is carried out, do not believe the lie being spread in many media outlets that it is mostly practiced by an obscure sect in India!
Here is my FGM archive. You will see that FGM hotspots correlate with the top refugee resettlement states.
Please read this dreadful story yourselves. So much for assimilation!
You can be sure that all of these girls are not traveling back to Africa to have the ‘procedure’ done, it must be being practiced right here in America where it is ILLEGAL.
See City Pages, here for news on female genital mutilation in Minnesota’s African refugee population.
See this map we publishedback in March:
Now, have a look at the map of states with the highest refugee populations. Although not a perfect match I think we can conclude that if your state gets large numbers of refugees, your chances of FGM happening where you live increases. So, what are the resettlement agencies doing to help stamp out this brutal treatment of women? Where are the feminists?
See all of our previous posts on FGM here.
And now, just for fun, see the mosque map for the US (thanks to Allen West’s blogfor putting these maps together).