US Refugee Program a Chaotic Mess as Afghans Flood the Zone

So good ol’ Joe isn’t going to be able to reach his 125,000 refugee admissions ceiling the way things are going.  (Most of the arriving Afghans are not legitimate refugees.)

A couple of weeks ago I checked the numbers at the severely limited Refugee Processing Center data base and noted that in the first month of the new fiscal year (October), Biden had admitted only 400 refugees from parts of the world other than Afghanistan.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not crying about that paltry number, but I am really amazed by the dearth of criticism from the contractors and their leftist media chorus.  Oh, they are critical, but the tone of their criticism is muted apparently to protect their man in the White House, you know, the guy who got 81 million votes!

Muslim Afghans crowd out other refugees

However, I suspect there is one group of Americans who are jumping for joy and that would be CAIR members and other Islamists because the refugee program is not admitting a wide variety of ‘persecuted’ other religions, namely Christians, as the Afghans (demanding stuff) are virtually all Muslims.

(See the Center for Immigration Studies 2021 Refugee Resettlement Roundup and note that we are no longer permitted to see data on the religions of refugees.  We can’t entirely blame Biden for that since it was the Trump administration that closed much of the data base to the public.)

So, I didn’t get around to writing my post on the Biden refugee slowdown, but Vox did and I am posting it here because I doubt many of you bother reading Vox.  I don’t either, but it appeared in my alerts, so here it is below.

First, however, you might be amused to see what Vox said about me in 2017:

Why Biden is struggling to revive the US refugee program

After the US refugee program hit historic lows during Donald Trump’s administration, President Joe Biden attempted to revive the program by raising the annual cap on admissions to 125,000.

Despite these efforts, the US is still not taking in more refugees.

Tens of thousands of Afghans have arrived in the US since the American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August. The urgent need — and the lasting damage done by the Trump administration — has overtaxed a refugee program that has slowed to a crawl in recent months.

In fiscal year 2021, which ended in September, the US resettled the lowest number of refugees in the history of its refugee program. Recently, the State Department reported the US resettled just 401 refugees in October, down from 3,774 the month before, one month after Biden’s new cap went into effect.

A State Department spokesperson told Vox that the agency had temporarily halted refugee admissions as of October 29 through January 11, 2022, with some exceptions.

At the current pace, the US won’t come within striking distance of the 125,000 cap by the end of the fiscal year — and, given the State Department’s new refugee guidance, it’s unlikely that refugee agencies will be able to expand capacity to ramp up that pace soon.

There are legitimate reasons why the recent resettlement numbers are so low. The US government and refugee agencies have been primarily focused on resettling Afghans who fled their home country amid the US withdrawal. And the entire refugee apparatus — from the federal officials who assess refugee claims to the agencies that help with resettlement — shrank significantly during the Trump administration due to severe funding cuts.  [Nah!  I told you here that they all didn’t take a financial “beating.” —ed]

About 70,000 Afghans have been admitted to the US on “parole,” a temporary form of humanitarian relief that allows them to apply for work permits and shields them from deportation for a period of two years.  [Then what???—ed]

Keep reading and look around at news stories (my inbox is full of them) on the refugee program and how the Afghan flood has created chaos especially as housing is limited, jobs are limited and welfare is limited and the contractors are scrambling to cope with the chaos Biden (their man) has handed them.

For new readers, here are the contractors that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America:

Biden Sets FY22 Refugee Ceiling at 125,000

Every September the President sets a ceiling (a cap!) for how many refugees could be admitted to the US in the coming fiscal year which begins on October 1st.

As he threatened, Biden is setting that cap at 125,000.***

What you need to know about this number is that the 125,000 is in addition to:

~Afghan evacuees estimated in the tens of thousands.

~Special immigrant visa holders estimated in the tens of thousands.

~Illegal aliens flooding our borders estimated to be over a million so far.

~An unknown number of visa overstays.

~Temporary Protected Status migrants who never go home.

~50,000 a year Visa lottery winners.

~And, upwards of a million or so legal immigrants coming to take American jobs….


Don’t fall for the mentally feeble grandpa Joe image. This guy is truly evil. And, that is something I don’t say lightly.

No need to worry about election fraud going forward.

All will ultimately be voting Democrats by the time this bunch gets a term or two in the White House.

As I said the other day, follow John Binder at Breitbart for refugee news on almost a daily basis.


Joe Biden Plans Bringing 10 Times as Many Refugees to U.S. Next Year

President Joe Biden is planning to bring to the United States in Fiscal Year 2022 about 10 times as many refugees as he will have brought this year, the State Department confirmed on Monday.

In May, Biden announced he would raise the refugee resettlement cap to 62,500 refugees for Fiscal Year 2021 — more than four times the cap that former President Trump imposed for the year at about 15,000 refugees.

For Fiscal Year 2022, which begins October 1, Biden will set the cap at 125,000 refugees who can be resettled across the U.S. over the subsequent 12 months, a State Department notice to Congress confirmed. The data projects that the Biden administration will have brought about 12,500 refugees to the U.S. by the end of Fiscal Year 2021.

The cap is merely a numerical limit and not a goal for the State Department to reach.

Continue reading here.

***There is no way our country can sustain this number of desperate people in need of food, housing, medical care and education for the children.

Advocates Admit Trump Refugee Level Likely for Remainder of FY2021, but…..

…..they expect Biden to be ready to roll with 125,000 impoverished third worlders moving to America permanently beginning on October first.


“It turned out there was even more damage done than we knew.”

(Having figured out their messaging on the mess they have made angering their friends, Sec. of State Blinken blames it on President Trump)


The Associated Press makes every effort to gloss over the recent controversy about the refugee ceiling that put Biden and his administration in the dog house with refugee resettlement industry “advocates.”

Biden and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken were at odds according to White House leakers. Blinken wanted to bring ’em in faster than Biden did.

They complain that the mean orange guy really screwed up the refugee program with demands for more robust vetting of refugees to weed out those with terror connections, or those lying about family members—a rampant form of fraud in refugee resettlement.  How dare he!

And, adding insult to injury, the nine contractors*** had to shrink their staffs during the Trump years because your tax dollars flowing into their coffers were cut by a few million bucks.

But all of that is going away thanks to Biden who recently dropped Trump’s plan for additional information to be required of ‘new Americans’ arriving as refugees and is going full-bore open borders—125,000 beginning October first.

From AP:

Refugees arriving in US unlikely to exceed cap set by Trump

SAN DIEGO (AP) — President Joe Biden, under political pressure, agreed to admit four times as many refugees this budget year as his predecessor did, but resettlement agencies concede the number actually allowed into the U.S. will be closer to the record-low cap of 15,000 set by former President Donald Trump.

Refugee advocates say they are grateful for the increase because it’s symbolically important to show the world the United States is back as a humanitarian leader at a time when the number of refugees worldwide is the highest since World War II. But they’re frustrated, too, because more refugees could have been admitted if Biden hadn’t dragged his feet.

Evangelicals led by Jenny Yang lobbying against Trump in 2017.

“About 10,000 to 15,000 is what we’re expecting,” said Jenny Yang of World Relief, adding that Biden’s inaction for months after taking office in January was “definitely problematic.”

“That delay meant not being able to process refugee applications for four months. We weren’t able to rebuild for four months, so it really was unfortunate,” Yang said.

As he looked to the midterm elections, supposedly Biden (rightly) feared that the public wouldn’t tolerate a huge refugee flow while the border was in crisis.

“To be clear: The asylum process at the southern border and the refugee process are completely separate immigration systems. Conflating the two constitutes caving to the politics of fear,” said Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This is important, Blumenthal is right, do not conflate the US Refugee Admissions Program with the illegal aliens invading the southern border.

The 125,000 refugees proposed for FY2022 are in addition to the hundreds of thousands of supposed asylum seekers flooding into the country. 

The AP continues…..

Weeks later, on May 3, Biden raised the cap.

So far this year only about 2,500 refugees have arrived, with less than five months left before the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30.

More than 35,000 refugees have been vetted and approved to come to the United States, but thousands were disqualified under the narrow eligibility criteria Trump established in October when he set the low cap.

Blumenthal wants more refugees for Connecticut.  Here he is in 2015 with the Director of CAIR CT arguing for LESS security screening for Syrian refugees.


Before the Trump administration’s drastic cuts, the United States had admitted more refugees each year than all other countries combined under a program now 41 years old. 

It is Trump’s fault!

But a senior official familiar with Blinken’s thinking said it quickly became clear that the State Department offices responsible for refugee resettlement had been so gutted that they wouldn’t be able to process and absorb that number of refugees.

Biden’s got leakers….

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, described the situation as “aspiration meeting reality” and said Blinken reluctantly concluded that 62,500 wouldn’t be possible in the short term.

“It turned out there was even more damage done than we knew,” Blinken told reporters this month.

The Trump bashers give short shrift to the China Virus as one explanation for the slowdown in their goals to change America as refugee travel was slowed worldwide.

Due to travel restrictions in and out of refugee processing sites worldwide, the U.S. suspended refugee arrivals from March 19 to July 29 of last year except for emergency cases. Only 11,800 refugees were admitted in the 2020 fiscal year, the lowest number in the history of the program.


The “sad truth” Biden warned when he finally set the target at 62,500 is that goal won’t be achieved.

Instead, the administration and advocates are working to fix the program by 2022 when Biden has promised to raise the ceiling to 125,000.

LOL! He dares not do otherwise now that he has experienced the wrath of the “advocates”—refugee placement contractors.

More here.

If Chairman Joe does admit 125,000 refugees in the coming fiscal year, it would be the highest admission number in the last 30 years.


***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.

They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and lobby for open borders.  As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.

Two of the contractors, the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are also paid to find locations for the Unaccompanied Alien Children.

At this very moment they are all out scouting for new, fresh territory in which to place their refugee clients.  See Winchester, VA.

Foreigners First! is their motto!