Dept. of State coordinating with its refugee contractors to try to keep refugees coming for two more weeks

That is the time frame they estimate they have before the latest legal wrangles are resolved.

So look for another big rush of refugees in the coming days.

US Together in Ohio is one of Hetfield’s subcontractors.

And, if they don’t materialize, contractors will have to start reducing their federally-funded staffs.
From CNN:

Washington (CNN) For the second weekend in a row, nonprofits tasked with welcoming refugees to the United States are reacting to a sudden, major shift in the policies that govern their work.

A week ago, President Donald Trump signed an executive order suspending resettlement for 120 days and initiating a review of the vetting procedures used to approve applicants to come to the United States.

Then Friday, a more welcome surprise for refugee groups: A federal judge in Washington reversed several key provisions of the executive order, paving the way some refugees to enter the country.

US Together is the Ohio subcontractor for the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

I feel like our whole world has been turned upside-down,” Danielle Drake, community relations manager at the Cleveland*** nonprofit US Together, told CNN Saturday.

“The executive order came in so quickly, no one was prepared for it,” she said. “We had zero notice.”

Why can’t leftwing media like CNN be completely honest about this funding and explain how contractors are paid by the head out of the federal treasury to do their ‘work.’  As subcontractors of the big nine contractors, groups like US Together are almost exclusively funded by taxpayer dollars!
I am sure that the average American reading this has no understanding that they are talking about mom and pop taxpayer paying for all of this.

Henshaw is a career federal employee obviously running the show and giving guidance to the DOS refugee contractors. Trump must appoint his replacement.

Funding for resettlement groups is also in question as the administration and the courts each consider the future of the US refugee program.

If the administration is given the go-ahead to move forward with its four-month suspension, Drake estimates US Together will have to lay off at least half its staff.

“One of the other very difficult aspects of the executive order was the financial implications faced by the local resettlement offices,” Sarah Krause, a senior director for the national resettlement agency Church World Service, told CNN. [See my funding analysis of CWS, here.—ed]

Busy, busy bureaucrats!

The State Department has been coordinating with CWS and other agencies to provide guidance on what Friday’s court ruling means for them in practical terms.

As of Saturday afternoon, CWS had been advised that flights were expected to resume early next week and continue for at least the next two weeks.

The cap of 50,000 refugees for this fiscal year remains in effect. See here where we explained why this was still too high! Bush had 4 years under 50,000, so this does not represent any big slowdown! Even 50,000 is going to cost taxpayers several billion dollars!

But for refugees still awaiting approval to go to the United States, the uncertainty created by the executive order and subsequent legal challenges has left them in limbo.

That’s due, in part, to a provision of the Trump administration’s order that was not overturned in Friday’s court ruling — a provision capping total refugee admissions at 50,000 for the 2017 fiscal year, which ends October 1.

More than 30,000 refugees had already been admitted to the US before the new policy went into effect, according to State Department data, leaving just under 20,000 spots open.

Continue reading here.
Church World Service and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society are organizing demonstrations against Trump. There should be a federal law prohibiting federal contractors from such overtly political activities.

*** Interested readers might want to visit my 2013 post about when ‘Welcoming America’ came to Cleveland to push for changing the city by seeding it with more third worlders.

Tucker does it again! This time he takes on HIAS CEO Mark Hetfield

CEO Mark Hetfield doing well by doing good!

HIAS of course stands for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (a name they dumped a few years back).
Go here to see what they are telling their members about Donald Trump’s moratorium on refugees.
If you missed Fox News’ Tucker Carlson taking on Kevin Appleby here a few days ago, you might want to revisit that takedown before watching Tucker go after Hetfield and his mumbo-jumbo about how it is our duty to take in the refugees of the world, but Hetfield refuses to tell Tucker exactly how many or why it is an American value that we must adhere to.

Refugee resettlement is a taxpayer-funded industry!


We have told you about HIAS dozens and dozens of times here at RRW (archived here). Here is our most recent report on their finances—post titled:  ‘Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society lectures Trump; never mentions its pecuniary interest in refugees’
Carlson does bring up the fact that the largest percentage of their income is from taxpayers in some form or another. Indeed in that recent post on their finances (for 2014) we can only see around $6 million (of their $36 million in income that year) coming from private charitable sources.
Hetfield countered by saying they get paid (by the federal govt.) a paltry $2,075 per refugee they place in your towns and cities. 
However!  He never mentions the hundreds of thousands (millions ?) they receive from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement for many ancillary activities.
One of my all time favorites was the HEALTHY MARRIAGE GRANTS where these resettlement contractors (and assorted ethnic self-help groups!) were granted millions to teach refugees how to have healthy marriages (this is not fake news!).
They have changed the grant since I told you about it here in 2013.  But see that HIAS was top dog in the 2009 healthy marriage sweepstakes:

In FY 2009, ORR funded the following grants:

~Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Inc., $830,000, NY

~Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Inc., $400,000, NY

For anyone (hey Trump Administration, I found some savings for you! How about auditing these non-profits!) interested in delving deeper into HIAS pot of money. See screen shot of one portion of one of their pages at  (by the way, it gets tricky for HIAS because they have two different listings at USA Spending, one under HIAS, Inc. and the other under their old full name).

Remember readers, since this non-profit group is using so much of your money, we have every right to ask what they are doing with it!

Since Obama took office they raked in $157,765,184 of your money!

(From their Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society page)

I shot this one section of one page. There are 4 pages like this at USA Spending, and there are additional pages under HIAS, Inc. (not sure if those are duplicate listings).

One more thing! HIAS helped organize the ‘pink pussy hat’ women’s march in DC recently, see here. Is HIAS working in your city? Go here and find out.
LOL! This is why I don’t get much done each day! I just keep digging and finding more information that I think would interest you!

Here is what you’ve been waiting for!  Tucker Carlson interviewed Mark Hetfield last evening (hat tip Rosemary):

(If this doesn’t play for you, try this link: )
P.S. I’m sure it was HIAS that directed the SPLC to give me this great award!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society ready to open new office in Pittsfield, Mass

The office was approved in the closing days of the Obama Administration. How many more did they push through right at the end?

Pittsfield is in Western Massachusetts

They have set it up so that if Trump stops or slows the flow, in all of these towns which were promised refugees, there will be open borders activists ready to wail and moan. If he doesn’t slow the flow, more United Nations diversity/third world poverty will be foisted on unsuspecting towns.
According to the Berkshire Eagle, the citizens of Pittsfield are ready and willing to ‘welcome’ the arrival of their first Muslim Syrians and Iraqis! Does Pittsfield have a mosque yet?

PITTSFIELD — A proposed refugee resettlement plan in Pittsfield is set to become a reality.

Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts this week received official approval for the resettlement program from the federal Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. The program will resettle up to 50 refugees, primarily from Syria and Iraq, in the Pittsfield area.

An official commencement date for resettlement has not been determined. But the organization is hopeful that the first family will be settled sometime in the spring, said Maxine Stein, president & CEO of Jewish Family Service.

Hias***, a Jewish resettlement organization, had identified Pittsfield as a relocation community for refugees. Since July, the organization has been meeting with local community members about the program.

Maxine Stein, president & CEO of Jewish Family Service.

“[This is] an amazing opportunity for Pittsfield to once again became a welcoming community for refugees,” Stein said. Between 30,000 and 35,000 immigrants, primarily refugees, came to cities and towns in Western Massachusetts — including Pittsfield — from Russia and other former Soviet bloc countries in the 1980s and 1990s.

The organization had its first meeting with local stakeholders last July. Since then, the community has largely responded with overwhelming support for the program, Stein said.


State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier

State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, D-Pittsfield, also expressed support for the project.

“The people of Pittsfield have made it clear that they [are] eager to open their hearts and welcome new neighbors to our community,” she said in a press release.

Jewish Family Service will work in collaboration with Hias to identify refugees to resettle in Pittsfield.

The organization plans to hire new staff members — a refugee resettlement coordinator, a caseworker and likely a volunteer/donations coordinator — and open up a local office in preparation for the refugees’ arrival. Its office is located in Springfield.

More here.
Apparently no pocket of resistance formed in Pittsfield.
Reminds me, whatever happened to that Syrian refugee in Lowell, Mass. who allegedly committed a sexual assault in a swimming pool there?
***We wrote about HIAS just this morning. They helped organize anti-Trump pussy protests in DC yesterday!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society helped organize pink pussy hat protest in Washington yesterday

Did they use any of your tax dollars?


They have no idea how many Americans find this disgusting and shameful. It is only made worse to know that some of our money could be used for this type of community organizing.

Donald Trump should be told that more than half of  the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s funding comes from taxpayer dollars ostensibly to resettle refugees.
Sarah Beller Community Engagement Director, Greater Washington D.C.

In a recent financial statement they reported that they received approximately $20 million of your money! (See their big salaries!)
Maybe Congress should pass a law that if your NON-PROFIT organization receives federal grants and contracts it should not then be permitted to protest the government (the hand that feeds them!).
Here is HIAS’s community organizer, Sarah Beller, giving instructions about where HIAS would be protesting the new President:

As inauguration weekend is fast-approaching, we wanted to send you some final updates, including a revised meet-up location for joining HIAS at the Women’s March on Washington. It’s more important than ever to lift up our voices on behalf of refugees and other vulnerable communities, and we look forward to gathering this weekend to do just that!

Certainly all citizens have free speech rights, but this sort of ‘event’ should never have been a sanctioned project of a refugee resettlement contractor.

If they want to be free to protest and bring in refugees, let them raise private money to do it!
The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of the nine major contractors resettling third worlders in your towns and cities. We wrote about them here recently in Philadelphia.
Our complete archive on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (they prefer to call themselves HIAS, Inc) can be found by clicking here.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society bringing Syrian Muslims to Philly

This is a longish story meant to be warm and fuzzy about how the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society*** is injecting diversity into crime-ridden Philly.  That should be really good for the struggling African Americans there, but who cares about them, HIAS is being paid to do a job.  This is a business.
The reporter has the facts down fairly well and I recommend reading it, especially for Pennsylvania residents who should know that your state is in the top ten resettlement states in the nation right now.

HIAS’s Philly rep Rona Buchalter is worried about what Trump will do once he arrives at the White House. Bio and photo are at HIAS’s website:

I quibble with the selective reporting here where we are told that the refugees get $1,125 each (from US taxpayers). To be completely accurate it should be mentioned that the contractor (HIAS here) gets an equal amount for its payment to do their ‘charitable’ work.  All of the contractors are quaking in their boots now as the wait to see what Donald Trump does after Friday because cutting the numbers means cutting their income!

HIAS Pennsylvania is an affiliate of one of those nine organizations that receives funding from the U.S. Department of State to resettle refugees. They are funded to provide initial casework and help refugees spend $1,125 per person they get in assistance from the government to pay for housing, groceries, bills and other necessities. From there, it’s enrolling kids in school, finding adults work and getting families integrated into their communities. Quickly.

By the way, I once had an American, who was trying to help a new refugee family in his neighborhood, contact me to ask why the refugee doesn’t get the full $2,250 because the contractor was not helping the family. Why? This is a business!

How many Syrians since the beginning of the 2017 fiscal year?

I haven’t checked the Syrian numbers at Wrapsnet lately, so checked just now.

In the first 3 and 1/2 months of the fiscal year (it began on Oct. 1, 2016) we have admitted 4,005 Syrians, and 98% are Muslims.

Here is where they were ‘planted’ in Pennsylvania from October 1, 2016 to January 15, 2017:

98% of Syrians arriving in US are Muslims.

For new readers, know that it was HIAS which first directed the Southern Poverty Law Center to investigate RRW, see here.
***They don’t want to be called by their full name anymore, they changed it to HIAS (why was that?).