Florida charities raking in the payola for ‘unaccompanied alien children’ care

I’m delighted to report that there is yet one more group digging into the financial documents of groups (like Catholic Charities) claiming to be not-for-profit charitable organizations but instead are living off the taxpayer’s dime.

Here is FloridaWatchdog.org (hat tip: Brad):

Rochelle Tatrai-Ray is CEO of Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services, a $35 million dollar a year charity caring for the “children” in Florida. http://www.bizjournals.com/tampabay/blog/morning-edition/2014/05/gulf-coast-jewish-family-community-services-names.html

MIAMI — Florida nonprofits have taken in more than 3,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America who illegally crossed the southern border, but those organizations are being paid handsomely by taxpayers for their charity.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System, or TAGGS, reports Florida nonprofits have received $21 million thus far in 2014 to care for the children who came with a wave of illegals earlier this year.

His House Children’s Home in Miami, a nonprofit providing residential care for abused, abandoned and neglected children, received the lion’s share of that cash, about $10 million, nearly double what they got last year.

Catholics Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami received more than $4.3 million to care for 300 border children. Millions more went to The Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services Inc. in Pinellas County, Neighbor to Family in Volusia County, Sandy Pines Hospital in Palm Beach County and The Children`s Home Inc. in Hillsborough. For many of those groups, it was the first time they received federal grant money.

Read it all.

Florida Watchdog wanted to know how the money was being spent and if anyone was monitoring it. (We have been told over the years that there are no financial audits done of federal ‘refugee’ contractors.)  Florida Watchdog didn’t have much luck, but pointed readers to one group in Florida—The Gulf Coast Jewish Family and Community Services—which breached a contract with the county when it turned a disabled senior center into a home for Central American boys.

See Gulf Coast Jewish and Family Services recent Form 990 here. (Their annual income that year was $28 million not the $35 cited in the bizjournal.)  The CEO makes over $200,000 annually and the organization received over $10 million in government grants.

Gulf Coast Jewish and Family Services is a subcontractor of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of the federal government’s top nine refugee resettlement contractors which monopolize migrant resettlement in the US.

The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years:

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ boondoggle can be found here.

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “Local Anti-Refugee Leaders” investigated by SPLC

….And, then what?

This is not hot news just off the presses, but is buried in recommendations in a report that the J.M. Kaplan Fund and Suzette Brooks Masters commissioned with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and published in February 2013.

HIAS is one of the top nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.***  See we want more money from Congress now too!  (Just like the Catholics want more money!)

We first mentioned the report on how to counter the local backlash here just ten days ago.

Let me say at the outset!  This is classic Saul Alinsky/hard left stuff on the part of HIAS and Suzette Brooks Masters and so it makes me laugh!  If you are a “local anti-refugee leader” you should be proud to be identified by them, because it means you are getting under their skin and disrupting their plans to bring more leftwing voters and more Muslims to America!

Suzette Brooks Masters and to her right is Garrett Johnson who was Senator Lugar’s staff person who helped investigate problems in Indiana in advance of the critical GAO report in 2012. http://www.wmassjewishledger.com/2011/04/19/marmor-shares-refugee-expertise-on-panel/

Frankly, I’ve been bummed to not yet have been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s hate groups list!  (See Southern Poverty Law Center stands up for Hamas!).

Plea to SPLC, please add me to your list of hate “groups.”  I would be honored!

One of the funniest things I ever read was Daniel Greenfield writing about how he and his cat became a SPLC designated hate group.  Read it and laugh!   Hey, I have a cat too!


My first response on finding out that I was now a hate group was to look around to see where everyone else was. A hate group needs the “group” part, and one man and a cat don’t seem to be enough. Even when the cat is a well known bigot who hates mice, birds, car alarms that go off in the middle of the night, the plumber and sudden noises.


But, I digress…..

Yippee! In Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities, RRW does get a mention on page 10:

Online forums such as Refugee Resettlement Watch have emerged for individuals critical of the resettlement program to share their concerns. Many of the posts express disdain for the refugee resettlement program, particularly the resettlement of Muslim refugees, along with anti-Muslim views.

Their footnotes lead readers to this post we wrote in 2012 about Congressman Keith Ellison being their go-to guy in Congress!

Check out the report especially if you are in one of the three states with pockets of resistance identified by HIAS at that time (there are more now!)—Tennessee, New Hampshire and Georgia.

Now to the recommendations and especially the one suggesting that if you have problems with changing America forever by importing tens of thousands of third-worlders every year and more Muslims, you should be identified, investigated and then what?

Page 16: Recommendations

 Adopting the following recommendations would help counter the refugee backlash and keep communities open and welcoming to refugee resettlement:

Read all of them, but note this one:

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders: The national refugee agencies should partner
with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more
about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

And, so what if we do?  You people belong to organized networks!  This is America.  You know that old-fashioned notion about freedom of association, it still exists!

Why do these Jewish groups want more Muslim immigration to America?

One of the great mysteries of our times is how the Jewish leaders of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the J.M Kaplan Fund don’t get it—frankly, a large percentage of the world’s Muslims want them dead and facilitating Muslim migration to America is not going to make that Islamic imperative go away.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is also a Jewish-run organization.

Are they that naive?

About the photo:  It is interesting that HIAS apparently invited a staffer in the now former Senator Lugar’s office who did some of the research on the program in Indiana that resulted in a damning GAO report on the refugee resettlement program.  Were they, at this 2011 event, trying to convince him to move along—nothing to see?

***The contractors



Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society praises federal agencies for “responding to anti-refugee resettlement backlash”

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of the nine top federal resettlement contractors.***  Thanks to Joanne for spotting their published testimony to the US State Department last month.  Daily readers know that the State Department has refused to make public any testimony they received.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s statement is here.  Check it out!

Melanie Nezer, author of the report on anti-refugee backlash is calling for 75,000 Syrians to be resettled in the US. And, they wonder why there is a backlash! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/03/29/hebrew-immigrant-aid-society-us-should-bring-75000-syrians-to-us-over-next-5-years/

Pockets of Resistance!

The most interesting/amusing part, at least to us at RRW, is a segment of the testimony praising the State Department (PRM) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) for “responding” to the “anti-refugee resettlement backlash”

(I assume by responding they mean that those federal agencies shoveled more of your $$$ to contractors to write reports and hire the likes of ‘Welcoming America’ to help community organizers get your minds right about the growing crush of refugees resettled to your towns and cities).

Here is what they say:

They thank PRM and ORR for “responding to the anti-refugee resettlement backlash that has emerged to threaten the long-term viability of the US Refugee Admissions Program…”

Cool! They have written a whole report about “pockets of resistance.”

They go on to tout their own report written by Melanie Nezer and entitled, Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in local communities’ (a report which I can’t wait to read!).

Other items of interest in the testimony include expressions of:

* Happiness that LGBTI’s are getting in to the US.

* Happiness about relaxed terror screening.

* Happiness about the fact that PRM reached its ceiling of 70,000 refugees admitted last year (they don’t always reach the CEILING).

*Unhappiness that we aren’t letting the Syrians in.  They want 75,000 Syrians over five years.

*Unhappiness that we aren’t expanding family reunification to suit them.

*Unhappiness that not enough refugees from the Ukraine and Colombia have been let in yet.

There is other stuff too, have a look.

***The Contractors:

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society: US should bring 75,000 Syrians to US over next 5 years!

We want at least 75,000 Syrians here in the US within 5 years now that security screening has been relaxed. http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/USRefu


We just mentioned earlier today that the public relations push was on to bring a large number of Syrians to the US so that federal contractors like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) could be paid to locate them in your city or town.  Never mind that there are few jobs for them, and even if the Syrian civil war ends, they will never go back to Syria.

Now here comes Melanie Nezer, VP for policy and advocacy at HIAS writing at the New York Daily News—America open your arms!

The United States should commit to resettling at least half of the refugees identified by the UN Refugee Agency as needing resettlement – or at least 15,000 each year over the next five years. This should be in addition to the 70,000 refugees the U.S. has committed to resettle who are survivors of conflicts elsewhere in the world. Other countries have already pledged*** to resettle thousands of Syrians and should be urged to take more.

We watched this very same campaign with Iraq and now we are approaching (or have already topped) 100,000 Iraqis resettled in the US.

It will be a media drumbeat from now on until they get their way.  And, please take note there is no mention of persecuted Christians.

***Just for your information, here are the “pledges” received by the UN back in early February.  Most countries will only take a few hundred, except for Germany which apparently has a death wish.

Addendum:  I just had an afterthought!  There is a lot of fresh territory for refugees in Wyoming!

Israeli program to pay ‘asylum seekers’ to leave is working!

And, the success so far confirms what the Israeli government has been saying all along—the majority of so-called ‘asylum seekers’ are economic migrants who do not have a legitimate claim of asylum, or they would be making it!

African protesters at US Embassy in Tel Aviv in January demanding to be allowed to stay in Israel.

From Haaretz:

A record 1,705 African asylum seekers left Israel in February, Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar announced Thursday. He also predicted that the wave of departures would continue in the coming months.

“This figure for the last month surprises me for the better,” Sa’ar said at a conference of Population and Immigration Authority directors in Ashkelon. “If the trend we identify continues, and I’ve been informed that it will continue into March, there will be a departure of enormous proportions from Israel this year. It is most important.”

February’s figure represents about 3% of the estimated number of African asylum seekers in Israel. The monthly figures have grown since November, from 63 to 325 in December and 765 in January.

“We stood up to constant propaganda insinuating there were tens of thousands of asylum seekers, even though you know that a tiny percentage of them submitted asylum requests,” said Sa’ar. “This whole theory collapsed in the last months when it turned out there was a large exodus of those who came for economic reasons and figured that in a day or two he would no longer be able to work and earn money, so we see a definitive change in direction.”

Sa’ar showed the statistics on a placard headlined “Voluntary departure data – illegal infiltrators” to make his point. Each African asylum seeker who leaves Israel through the end of next month is entitled to a $3,500 government grant.

Maybe we could try this in America!  The only difference is that the Israelis now have an almost impenetrable border fence, so more are not on the way.

Back to Haaretz:

There was a recent flurry of criticism when it was learned that some of the migrants chose to go to Uganda rather than to their home country.  But, leave it to a US refugee resettlement contractor, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to stick its nose into Israel’s business (see our previous post here).

It remains unclear what, if any, agreement was made with Uganda. The Jewish-American Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society contacted the director of refugee affairs in the Ugandan prime minister’s office, and he responded that he did not know of any arrangement with Israel.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is one of nine major US resettlement contractors who resettle refugees for the US State Department in your cities and towns.   The US taxpayer supplies them with about half of their entire annual budget.  Their past CEO collected a salary in excess of $300,000 a year and we can assume their new one does as well.  Can it be called do-gooder-itis with a salary like that?

For new readers, we have 147 previous posts in our category ‘Israel and refugees’ here.