Hungary investigating Soros network, we should be as well

trump and soros
Soros vs. Trump

Where are you Donald?

You too should be directing investigations of your number one arch-enemy, George Soros, and his network in America.

Maybe invite Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban to the White House to ask what he is finding out and give him a lavish state dinner while he is here (and don’t invite Jared)!

From the Irish Times:

Civil society groups funded by billionaire George Soros denounced Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban on Sunday, for calling on his country’s security services to investigate the liberal philanthropist’s “network” and people associated with it.

Mr Orban accuses Budapest-born Mr Soros of buying influence in the European Union and pressing it to admit millions of mostly Muslim immigrants, whom the Hungarian leader describes as a deadly danger to the bloc’s security and identity.

orban and family
Viktor Orban has a family! See Mark Steyn below!

“The Soros network has an extensive sphere of influence within the European Parliament and other EU bodies, and its aim is to build a Europe of mixed population and to condemn the Hungarian government for opposing their view on migration,” Mr Orban said on Friday.

Hungary’s security services would help reveal how Soros-funded groups operated and who was working with them, including Hungarian citizens, he added.

Despite taking a scholarship from Mr Soros to study in England in 1989, Mr Orban now vows to create an “illiberal democracy” that staunchly opposes immigration, a model that is anathema to the billionaire’s vision of an open society. [Don’t you just love it how they throw that little nugget in there. In 1989! who knew what Soros was up to.—ed]

Mr Orban built fences on Hungary’s southern borders to block refugees and migrants in 2015, and fiercely rejects EU efforts to relocate refugees around the bloc and criticism of his alleged erosion of Hungarian democracy and rule of law.

There is more here including a closing paragraph about how Orban’s political party is doing extremely well.

Mark Steyn has a point!

When I went searching for a photo of the Prime Minister, I found this one (above) at wikipedia and it reminded me of Mark Steyn’s article (and my post) after the election of the childless new President of France:

Kicking the croissant down the road….it is demographic conquest stupid!

Steyn lists some of the childless European leaders and suggests they, with no personal stake in the future, don’t look at the world the way those with children and grandchildren do.

…with the arrival of President Macron in the charmed circle, the leaders of Europe’s biggest economies and of all the European members of the G7 are childless: Germany’s Angela Merkel, Britain’s Theresa May, Italy’s Paolo Gentiloni, and now France’s Macron.

Other childless leaders are listed here at LifeSite.

Great question of our time: How is it that so few European (or American) leaders can recognize an invasion when it is staring them in the face?

See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Trump's State Department slaps down Hungarian PM, supports George Soros

In one more example of the US State Department being run by the ‘Deep State,’ we learned on Monday that Sec. of State Tillerson has basically told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to stand down in his efforts to expose Soros’ subversive influence in that country.

Big smooch from Sec. of State Tillerson to George Soros. Why is USDOS involved in Hungarian internal affairs?

Readers should know that Orban has become a leading champion for some in Europe for speaking forcefully and taking action to close his country’s borders to the invaders*** from the Middle East and Africa.
(Poland and the Czech Republic are doing the same in order to save their culture and economy.)
So, George Soros knows that Orban must be taken down.  (As many of you know Soros (aka György Schwartz ) was born to a Hungarian Jewish family in Budapest.)
Now, using his billions earned as a ruthless investor, he works to open borders worldwide and he hates Donald Trump, so one wonders why Trump’s State Department would even get involved in this Hungarian internal issue? Does  it all  boil down to the globalists’ desire  for open borders that Soros champions?
Frankly, this news is stunning! But, it fits what we already believe—that the ‘Deep State’ is still running the show at the DOS. See here when they pulled a trick on Trump’s White House while Trump was on his world tour last month.
Here is some of the story at the Washington Examiner (emphasis is mine):

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s spokesperson urged Hungarian leaders to scrap legislation mandating that Hungarian nonprofits supported by foreign contributors identify their donors. The bill is the latest development in nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s ongoing campaign against Soros, but his domestic and international critics regard it also as a step toward Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Hungary joined NATO in 1999, when Orban was in the midst of a four-year run as prime minister. Since returning to the post in 2010 the midst of an economic crisis that required an international bailout, Orban has had a fraught relationship with the European Union. The 2015 refugee crisis created additional strain, and human rights groups criticized his efforts to constrict the flow of asylum-seekers into Hungary.

President Trump should be inviting Viktor Orban to the White House for a state dinner, not using his DOS to slap him down in his battle with George Soros!

Orban responded by attacking Soros, a campaign that hasn’t ended. “There is an important element in public life in Hungary which is not transparent and not open — and that is the Soros network, with its mafia-style operation and its agentlike organizations,” he said in June.


The Hungarian leader’s skepticism of the EU and “globalist” refugee policies, perhaps aided by Soros’ status as a prominent progressive donor, has endeared him to some American conservatives who see a likeness to Trump.


Hungary also passed legislation designed to shutter Central European University, one of the most prominent institutions in the country, due to funding from Soros. But, though Orban has praised Trump, the new president’s administration opposed that bill and continued to criticize his hostility to the nonprofits.

Continue reading here.

We already know that Soros has given millions to one US refugee contractor.

“Hostility” toward nonprofits!  Is it hostile to demand to know who is funding the non-profits?

I want to know how much funding George Soros is giving to US refugee contractors and other Open borders agitation groups!

And, Hungarians have a right to know how Soros, an American, is secretly influencing their politics.
Come on Congress! How about a transparency law here in the US—call it the George Soros Transparency Act of 2017.
Afterthought!  While they are at it let’s have transparency about which Republicans in Congress are taking payola from Soros!
Go here for my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’ It extends back many years.

Hungarian Prime Minister calls out George Soros in state of the nation speech

“It’s hard to think of any citizen of the world who would have done more to deserve the award.”

(Former President Bill Clinton upon presenting Soros with the IRC’s “Freedom Award” in 2013)

The incomparable bloggers at 100% Fed Up ask, when will American political leaders expose Soros’ huge impact in directing America’s political landscape through hundreds of groups funded by the Hungarian-born George Soros?
The answer is not likely soon since even Republican leaders are lapping up his money—see Breitbart here earlier this month: ‘Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016.’
Refugees are Soros’ invasion army!
Here is 100% Fed Up:

Will anyone [in] our US government call out and expose the effect 187 radical organizations directly funded by leftist George Soros have on our nation?

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban goes after Soros in state of the nation address. Hey Prez. Trump, invite Orban to White House! Send a message that nationalists stick together to defeat globalists!

When will our elected officials start exposing his influence Soros’ large tentacles have on influencing the Democrat Party and anarchist groups in America, leading to riots and unrest by paid protesters in America?

Will the world continue to cower when it comes to the secret dealings of radical globalist George Soros, who is fighting for open-borders in Europe and in the US? Or will we start to really expose him by openly discussing his actions and revealing the truth about his “seemingly benign” organizations like one brave Hungarian prime minister is doing?

Hungary’s populist prime minister on Friday lashed out against billionaire financier George Soros, claiming he and groups backed by him want to secretly influence the country’s politics.

In his annual state of the nation speech, Viktor Orban said groups partly funded by Soros, who was born in Hungary, needed to be made transparent and identifiable.

“Large-bodied predators are swimming here in the waters. This is the trans-border empire of George Soros, with tons of money and international heavy artillery,” said Orban, who received a Soros-funded scholarship as Hungary was transitioning from communism to democracy in the late 1980s.

“It is causing trouble … that they are trying secretly and with foreign money to influence Hungarian politics,” Orban said.

Continue reading here.
Now go here to see the 187 organizations being funded by George Soros and his non-profit empire.
But missing from the list is one of nine major federal resettlement contractors—-the International Rescue Committee. (Others of the nine may also be getting booty from Soros, but the IRC is out front about it, as we have reported ad nauseam!)
We have many posts on the relationship, click here, to learn more.
However, I just now went back to 2013 to see exactly what the IRC said about Soros at its New York City gala to honor him.

Clinton with David Miliband, former British Foreign Secretary and now CEO of the IRC feted George Soros in glitzy NYC gala.

From Forbes:

So while CBS CBS +1.00% anchor Scott Pelley, the annual benefit’s emcee, kept things moving, and saxophonist Joshua Redman and pianist Aaron Goldberg provided lively entertainment for the 1,000 attendees, it was the honorees who were the real stars of the evening.


The night’s headline honoree was yet another accomplished former refugee, hedge fund billionaire George Soros, who escaped from Hungary in 1946. He was lauded by Bill Clinton (“It’s hard to think of any citizen of the world who would have done more to deserve the award,” the former president said), his son Jonathan and United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.


Upon receiving the award (a photograph of Einstein taken by the late Fred Stein, an acclaimed photographer whom the IRC helped flee Nazi Germany), Soros somberly declared that Syria was a “glaring failure of international governance” and pressed the IRC to take action. The event raised $3.5 million to help. True to form, Soros immediately pledged $1 million.

See who else was there, click here.
Our George Soros archive is here and see our David Milliband archive by clicking here.

Send a message to Donald Trump! 

Tell him to roll out the red carpet for Viktor Orban and watch the leftwing media rage.  LOL! Maybe do it on the evening of the Correspondent’s shindig!  Click here for WH website comments page.

Palestinian says Hungary is suspicious of refugees; no grass for the kids (huh?)

Say what?
Invasion of Europe news….

Amnesty International’s friends! Some of those sweet refugees trying to break the border fence and get in to Hungary in 2015. How long do you think there would be a Hungary if they opened their gates to the Middle East?

Amnesty International is trying to influence a Hungarian election coming up in a week.  Hungarians will vote on whether to accept EU quotas on how many refugees each country must take, including Hungary.  Amnesty International has put out a ‘report’ on how mean Hungary is to the masses arriving from the Middle East.
(Standard International Leftist ploy, put out a report.  Why don’t we do that more often?)
Here is the news at the UK Express:

A report from the human rights agency claims the criminalisation of those hoping to seek asylum in Europe has erupted into violence, with many reporting police beatings and aggressive threats from detention centres.

Refugees are also allegedly being denied basic care, in a “flagrant breach” of intentional law and European Union directives.

The report comes just a week before [the timing is just coincidental, LOL!—ed] the country will take to the polls in a referendum to keep the decision on whether to accept more refugees in their hands – not Brussels’.

Many paragraphs later we see qouted one of those who talked to Amnesty. First note she is a Palestinian. What the heck, thought it was Syrians that are the flavor of the year.  Is Hungary expected to ‘welcome’ every Muslim who wants to come to the country from anywhere on the globe?
And, then look at this!  We are further expected to believe the ol’ grandma who can’t walk got all the way to the Hungarian border by presumably walking?  Or, were they chauffeur-driven? I’m pretty suspicious at this point. But, then see what the poor Palestinian ‘refugee’ says next.
Mean ol’ Hungary has no grass for her kids! Nothing green! Her kids are being deprived of grass in Hungary. What the heck! Do they have green lawns in Palestine?  And, it is hot in Hungary (hotter in Hungary than Palestine)! Sheesh! Just go home then!

One refugee, who spoke to Amnesty International, had travelled from Palestine with her husband, four children aged between three and 13, and her 72-year-old mother-in-law who is unable to walk.

She told the agency: “It’s not nice here for the children. It’s barbed wire and no grass, nothing green for them. It’s hot and not a good environment for them to be in.

“The first time we arrived here and saw this we were so scared. It looked like a jail, we were so scared. In Hungary there is suspicion.”

If that is the best maligned ‘refugee’ Amnesty can present, it is no wonder Hungarians are suspicious!
Stick to your guns Hungary and say NO!
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is archived here.

Hungary to hold referendum on refugees this fall

Invasion of Europe news…..
The Hungarian government is going to ask the people how they feel about the pressing question of the day for Europe.
In the name of ‘humanitarianism’ and for the sake of globalization (and to make the big EU economic powers like Germany happy), how many Muslim migrants does Christian Hungary take?

Hungary police face invaders
Police in Hungary face off with the migrant men in 2015. They got a taste of what more could be in store for them and built a border fence.

LOL! it is not exactly worded that way, but that is the crux of the question.
From Economy Watch:

Hungary will hold a referendum in September or October over the European Union’s mandatory migrant resettlement quota, according to Reuters. Roughly 160,000 refugees are looking for host nations, and many governments within the EU have accepted the Brussels-based quota, but Hungarian leadership stresses national sovereignty above all else. The travelers in question are comprised of refugees from war-torn countries and migrants seeking better opportunities.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban has increased his anti-immigrant rhetoric since the migrant crisis began a year ago and has differed with Brussels immensely. The prime minister does not share the EU’s vision of helping new arrivals find a better life and believes mass Muslim migration threatens Christian values.


Even though Germany is the most powerful member of the EU, many German towns struggle to accommodate large groups of migrants due to a lack of space and funding. Hungary is hesitant to give up some of its national sovereignty in the name of globalism, but policymakers will inevitably have to make some concessions to Brussels.

Hungary is an EU member and relies on Eurozone funding to finance infrastructure projects, but faces further isolation from the bloc.

Continue reading here.

The US referendum will be the 2016 Presidential election!

In the US we will be getting our own version of a referendum on whether America will bow to the globalists and pro-open borders forces as represented by Hillary Clinton, or will we choose the America First views of Donald Trump.  And, even if you don’t believe Trump will follow through, that doesn’t negate the stark choice you will be making with your vote if those two are the candidates for the US Presidency in November.
This UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed in a Hillary presidency and will be proceeding full steam ahead (and probably at an even higher rate) if she is elected.  Any #never Trump people who don’t vote for Trump will be voting for Muslim migration to America to be put on steroids.
For our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, click here.  For a previous post about Viktor Orban, go here. And, here, Orban says Hillary pal Soros is behind the invasion.