Former Obama State Department official tells Idaho audience to use political pressure if they want more refugees

I told you about this upcoming conference here.

Just noticed now that the event was held at the SIMPLOT auditorium.  Thought I recognized that name—-first saw it here when we heard that the JR Simplot Company was building a new meatpacking plant near Boise.  Of course! Cheap refugee labor! So much for humanitarianism!

Here is the news from Boise Weekly about the event this past Monday (emphasis is mine):

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Anne Richard: Get involved to help us diversify Idaho.  George (Soros) wants it that way!

President Donald Trump’s name doesn’t appear on the agenda for the 34th annual Frank Church Conference, titled “America’s Future: Refugees, Migration and National Security,” but discussion of Trump’s restrictions on refugees and immigrants took center stage Monday at the filled-to-capacity Simplot Ballroom at the Boise State University Student Union.


The Frank Church conference was packed with panel discussions and addresses from a number of experts on the issue of refugees, both national and local, including representation from the Idaho office of Refugees, the Idaho chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the Boise office of the International Rescue Committee. The conference’s midday address was delivered by Anne C. Richard, former Assistant Secretary of State.


In her conclusion, Richard offered a question instead of a statement.

“What are you going to do about this?” Richard asked the gathering. “Will you vote? Will you write a letter to the editor? Will you visit your member of Congress? Will you stay abreast of current events? I put it to you.”

I’ll repeat for the umpteenth time—you have to match them with political action if you want the truth to come out.  That is, if you want to preserve western civilization (in addition to your home town!).

When I look at the Boise Weekly story I’m seeing only one comment at this time. Where are you Idahoans?

Soros groupie!

About Anne Richard, former Obama Asst. Secretary of State and former Veep at one of the nine federal contractors—the International Rescue Committee:

Richard, like so many in the refugee industry has revolved in and out of government for decades.  She says on her biography at wikipedia that in 1994 she helped create the International Crisis Group.  Sometime when you have a few minutes it might be worth your time to understand what that group was (and is).

Here is just a bit of their history:

Discussions continue throughout 1994 as to what form this new organisation should take. There are heated debates about whether the organisation should be an operational outfit directly involved in delivering aid, or an advocate for action by others.

On 17 November, Abromowitz’s Carnegie Endowment publicly announces “a concerted effort to consider the launching of a new International Crisis Group” with three main functions: assessment, advice and advocacy. George Soros’s Open Society Institute provides US$200,000 to finance continued planning activities. Over the latter half of the year, former US Congressman Stephen Solarz travels to over twenty countries to discuss the proposed organisation and raise funds. Not everyone welcomes him, One senior European government minister complains, “What you are trying to do is to get us to give you a golden stick with which to beat us over the head, in order to get us to do what we’ve already decided we do not want to”.

Continue reading here to see who else was involved and note Soros’s continued funding role.

See my ever-expanding archive on Idaho (a target state if there ever was one) by clicking here.

Where are you Rep. Labrador?  Are you looking for more refugee labor for the state too?

Idaho folks need to look very carefully at who is funding political campaigns in the state especially as the 2018 governor’s race rolls around. That race is a perfect opportunity to focus attention on the issue of refugee resettlement in the state. Make it a pivotal issue in the campaign.

Open Borders bigwigs to descend on Boise, Idaho

Later this month leading refugee advocates/Dems will attend a two-day confab in Boise, Idaho in hopes of generating support for illegal alien amnesty (the DACA kids) and to push for more refugees for Idaho and other states they are working to transform (turning red states blue!).

Idaho protest
This time last year, Idaho citizens demonstrated (in Boise) against more refugees being placed in Idaho.


Here is the announcement published at Boise Weekly from the Frank Church Institute (emphasis is mine) Hat tip: Joanne:

The Trump administration recently unveiled yet another travel ban restricting certain individuals from mainly Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. In a time where the refugee migration worldwide has reached near World War II levels, these bans have proved to be highly controversial and have sparked much debate across the country. The Frank Church Institute plans to continue the debate at the 34th annual Frank Church Conference—Monday, Oct. 23 and Tuesday, Oct. 24—with a focus on current global concerns over refugee displacement and immigration.

anne richard with UN seal
Richard, as you must know, was Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for PRM. Learn more about her at our huge archive:

“[It’s a] timely issue with the new administration’s policies on immigration and DACA, and the public’s questions about the role of refugees both nationally and in the State of Idaho,” said Frank Church Institute Director Garry Wenske.

The theme of the conference at the Simplot Ballroom of the Student Union Building at Boise State University, is “America’s Future: Refugees, Migration and National Security.” Speakers will include former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Anne C. Richard, and International Rescue Committee Senior Vice President Jennifer Sime, as well as Jacob Sullivan, who served as national security advisor to Vice President Joe Biden and deputy chief of staff for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. [You will recognize Sullivan as a bigwig from the Clinton campaign.—ed]

There will also be speakers from local organizations like the International Refugee [Rescue!–ed] Committee and ACLU-Idaho, as well as a panel of experts and refugees, including Refik Sadikovic, a Bosnian refugee who resettled in Boise and is now working toward his Ph. D. at Boise State University. [Token success story is part of their MO!—-ed]

Idaho uzbek
For every refugee success story I can find you someone like this Idaho Uzbek refugee convicted terrorist.

Idaho, especially the southern half of the state, has a long and significant history of accepting displaced people. According to a Pew study, Idaho accepts among the most refugees per capita of any state in the country. The Idaho role in resettlement, however, has been controversial. The College of Southern Idaho Refugee Center was criticized for its role in bringing refugees into Idaho amid fears of an influx of Syrians and fake news surrounding a crime connected with refugees in Twin Falls brought the issue to a boil.

Citizens wishing to get a “better understanding” of what is in the works for Idaho and the country should attend (and take notes)!

Wenske said he expects to fill the ballroom, and hopes the audience can walk away with a “better understanding of some of the issues that we’re facing as a country, as a state, and as a city.”

“Boise is a welcoming city for refugees,” he said. “These are important issues we need to discuss.”

For my Idaho archive, click here.

New York Times spins Twin Falls rape case story

caitlin Dickerson

Immigration reporter Caitlin Dickerson writing at the New York Times magazine pretends to write the definitive story on what is happening to Twin Falls, Idaho.

“How Fake News turned a small town upside down”

Her story is huge, but missed a lot, either on purpose, or possibly her editors skewed the story she submitted.

I have no intention of taking her on point by point (it would take all day).  But, I wanted you to know this is out there and to say just a couple of things….

First, Chobani Yogurt lawyers attempted to silence many media outlets, not just Breitbart and Infowars.  (Although most will never admit it.)

shawn bariger
Ms. Dickerson says of Mayor Barigar: “His even keel and the air of sophistication he picked up while living in a comparatively big city have made him popular politically.”

Secondly, she spends an inordinate amount of time on Lee Stranahan, a former Breitbart reporter impugning his character and motives, but she only touches on the mayor (in glowing terms) who played an instrumental role in luring Chobani Yogurt (which brags about its huge refugee workforce) to Twin Falls in the first place in his leadership role at the Chamber of Commerce. (Not mentioned by Dickerson).

And, finally, she sees nothing wrong with the local newspaper editor’s role in driving his Leftist view of the world by attempting to coerce elected city officials to write opinion pieces supporting refugee resettlement.


Part of the reason a fear of Islam has persisted in Twin Falls is because the local leadership refused to defuse it, according to Matt Christensen, 36, the editor of The Times-News. While Brown wrote articles that sorted out the truth about the Fawnbrook case, Christensen was publishing commentary that castigated the people who were spreading falsehoods. He told me that he had closed-door meetings with city officials, in which he asked them to write guest editorials doing the same, but none of them did. Christensen suspected that they were afraid of one of the most reliable political dangers in the region, the same force that leads would-be Democrats there to register as Republicans: being outflanked on the right is the quickest way to lose your job.

Matt Christensen is the only newspaper editor who ever attempted to silence me through legal intimidation.


“Behind closed doors, they would all tell you they were pro-refugee, and we [Who is we? —ed] wanted them to step forward and make that declaration in a public arena, and it just never really happened,” he told me. “That was frustrating to us especially at the beginning because it really felt like the newspaper was out there all alone.” He continued: “There were days where we felt like, Godammit, what are we doing here? We write a story and it’s going to reach 50,000 people. Breitbart writes a story and it’s going to reach 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 million people. What kind of a voice do we have in this debate?” [Obviously Matt has the NY Times now!—ed]

This isn’t the first time we have written about Christensen and his blatant and shameful effort to use his position as editor of a small town paper to push his world view.

In ten years, he is the only newspaper editor who ever legally threatened me, a small time blogger (in 2015, long before the rape ever happened), see here.

And, he played the controlling role as moderator in that dog and pony show sponsored by his paper that brought the US State Department/ORR to Twin Falls, see here.

I contend that the number one purveyor of fake news in all of this is The Times-News!

As much as the New York Times would like to put this story to rest, they haven’t and they won’t.  Someone should write a book about Twin Falls as a microcosm of how American cities are being changed forever to satisfy the cheap labor desires of huge global corporations. Twin Falls has it all!

(And, if it is true that Breitbart pulled back reporter Stranahan, they made a huge error in judgement!). Again, Twin Falls has it all!

See my archive on Twin Falls going back several years, here.

Northern Idaho: Don’t bring refugees here!

A presentation in Bonner County on Wednesday ended earlier than planned because local opponents of refugee resettlement dominated the near capacity audience.

I suspect the citizens of Sandpoint and the surrounding rural region of Idaho had heard enough about refugee turmoil over 600 miles south in Twin Falls and didn’t see a need to bring the same trouble to their neighborhoods.

From the Bonner County Daily Bee:

SANDPOINT — A sustained lack of basic civility brought an abrupt end Wednesday to a presentation aimed at informing the public how refugee resettlement works in Idaho and the United States.

From the moment the meeting at Community Hall commenced, Nick and Laura Armstrong of Boise faced a tough room.

“I am advocating understanding,” Laura Armstrong tried to explain at one point.

A good portion of the capacity crowd, however, was having none of it.

Refugee resettlement foes groaned, scoffed, talked over, shouted and laughed derisively at the Armstrongs. When audience members who were genuinely curious about resettlement programs tried to get opponents to quiet down so the presentation could go on, they, too, were shouted down.

Nevertheless, the Armstrongs pressed ahead. They pointed out that the Bible is replete with people who were refugees, including Jesus. There are also cited repeated passages referring to God’s faithfulness and concern for “aliens” and “strangers.”  [The usual use of the Bible to suit their purposes!—ed]

Photo: Caroline Lobsinger


Many of the foes of refugee resettlement viewed the presentation as a foot in the door to bring displaced people into Bonner County.

“We don’t want ‘em!” a woman shouted angrily.

The Armstrongs and the meeting’s hosts — the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force and a group called “follow ~ a community” — emphasized that there was no plan to bring refugees here, but opponents were dubious of those declarations.

The Armstrongs and the meeting’s hosts attempted to conduct a question-and-answer session on resettlement after the presentation, but only made it several questions in when it became clear productive discussion remained elusive.

Continue reading here. And, don’t miss the comments.  Some are better than the story.

For background, new readers might want to see our Twin Falls archive by clicking here.

This post is also filed in a category I call Pockets of Resistance,’ a phrase I first heard in 2013 when an Office of Refugee Resettlement spokesman referred to communities where citizens were questioning refugee resettlement as ‘pockets of resistance,’ explained here.

Idaho refugee sexual assault case: boys get probation

And, adding insult to injury, the judge in the case placed an unlawful gag order on everyone in the court room, telling them they could not discuss what happened during the five hours when the boys were portrayed as victims and the little girl was forgotten.  Obviously the judge’s order was ignored, read on…..
Here is some of what happened, but I do want you to read the whole article by Leo Hohmann:

A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows the length or terms of the sentence because the judge has barred everyone in the courtroom, including the victim’s own parents, from speaking about the case.

Judge Boressen (could not find photo) was not the first member of the Idaho legal system to attempt to hide this case from the media because it doesn’t fit the Left’s narrative about refugees.  Earlier on, Wendy Olson, then US Attorney for Idaho, created a firestorm of controversy by attempting to silence those who wanted to see justice in the Fawnbrooks Apt. alleged assault. See our report: Elections have consequences and Olson is now gone from her federal government post.

The three boys — two from Iraq ages 7 and 10, and one from Sudan aged 14 — pleaded guilty in juvenile court in April to multiple counts of sex crimes in an incident that occurred last June in Twin Falls. The assault occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, when 5-year-old Jayla, who is developmentally disabled, was lured into a laundry room, stripped of her clothing and sexually assaulted while the oldest boy filmed the entire incident.

Now, following a sentencing hearing Monday at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls, Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District issued a gag order preventing everyone in the courtroom from saying anything about the sentence received by the boys.

Borreson did allow the family to say they were unhappy with the sentencing, but threatened to jail them for contempt of court if they say why they are unhappy.


Mathew Staver, chairman and co-founder of the nonprofit legal assistance agency Liberty Counsel, told WND that Judge Borreson was completely out of line in issuing a gag order after the fact in a criminal case.

Blaming the female victim in a sexual assault case! In 21st century America!

Hohmann continues….

Pamela Geller

In an op-ed for WND, anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller called the judge’s decision “a Travesty of Justice as Idaho Muslim Migrant Rapists Go Unpunished.”

“The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete…instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants,” Geller wrote. “On Monday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl.”

Geller said there were 12 to 15 people in the courtroom for the sentencing hearing and one of them leaked the outcome to her anonymously.

“And the more I heard, the more I understood why this judge wanted to keep all the proceedings secret,” she said.

“Janice Kroeger, the senior deputy prosecuting attorney, who was supposed to be trying these boys for their crimes, defended the boys and repeatedly attacked Lacy, the victim’s mother. A therapist for the boys was present, as well as a parole officer and a detective. Everything that was said was designed to portray the perpetrators as victims. Throughout the proceedings, they were repeatedly called victims.”


She said Idaho officials were willing to sacrifice the wellbeing of a small girl in an effort to suppress negative information about the state’s growing refugee community.

Continue reading here.
Mark this date on your calendars and see if those boys end up (ten years from now) back in the criminal justice system.
All of our previous coverage of the Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case is here.
Adding one more post to our refugee crime (and terrorism!) category.  See 2,103 previous posts here on the subject.