Will Malta “push back” latest batch of illegal alien Somalis to Libya?

Has Malta finally had enough?

This is old news—as of yesterday, thanks to reader Charles for alerting us.

(Note: we’ve had cable problems where I live so didn’t get this up sooner.  The NGOs might well have stopped the proposed push-back by now.)

Some of this latest group of Somalis which arrived on Malta yesterday may be sent back to Libya. My suggestion—send them to Somalia! Photo: Times of Malta

From the Times of Malta:

The authorities have booked an Air Malta plane to ferry migrants to Mitiga airport in Tripoli an midnight and 4am, informed sources said this afternoon.

The development comes as the prime minister confirmed earlier this afternoon that the government was considering all options, including the possibility of sending back to Libya migrants who arrived today.

By 5.30pm tens of NGO volunteers gathered outside the back entrance of the police headquarters in Floriana to stop trucks from leaving.

Earlier, they complained that their representatives had not been allowed access to the group. The migrants, totalling 102, arrived this morning and are being held at police headquarters. It is understood that only the men – about 70, will be sent back.

Earlier, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said:

“All options are being considered in the national interest, but no decision had been taken, Joseph Muscat told timesofmalta.com.

“This is not push-back, it is a signal that we are not push overs,” Dr Muscat said when questioned. When asked whether the government would repatriate the migrants if that action was illegal, Dr Muscat reiterated that all options were being considered.

Readers, it’s only common sense that every time a boat arrives and the migrants get tickets to America or some other European country (which has been part of the pattern for Malta–US State Dept. policy) they will keep coming!  Send them back a few times and the word will spread.  Who wants them to stay?

A group of 11 non-governmental organisations said this afternoon that the government must not return the migrants who arrived in Malta this morning to Libya.


“We, the undersigned 11 NGOs, are shocked that the government is even considering sending back to Libya the group of migrants that arrived this morning. The group of 102 included 41 women and two babies. All are Somali, which means they could very well need protection.


The NGOs said that it was certain that the migrants would face gross human rights abuses if returned to Libya.

So don’t send them to Libya—send them to Somalia. 

We are all aware that Somalia is improving and that their new President even came to America to encourage Somalis to return and re-build their own country.  And, besides even at the height of Somalia’s terror problems, wealthy Muslim Saudi Arabia was flying illegal Somali Muslims back to Mogadishu and I don’t recall a single NGO squawking about that!

So who are the NGOs opposing push-back?  I see the Jesuits are busy as usual.  They were behind pressuring the US into taking some of the previous Somali illegal aliens to your towns and cities in America.   And the ‘People for Change Foundation’ sounds suspiciously like a George Soros enterprise.

These claims are backed by the research of solid human rights organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.”

Aditus foundation, Jesuit Refugee Service (Malta), Migrant’s Network for Equality, SOS Malta, Malta Emigrants’ Commission, KOPIN, Integra Foundation, Foundation for Shelter and Support of Migrants, Organisation for Friendship in Diversity, Koperativa Kummerc Gust and People for Change Foundation said…

Everything you need to know about the mess in Malta can be found in our lengthy Malta archive, click here.

Boatloads arrive in Australia too; Iranians top the list at the moment

I just old you about Malta and Italy where boatloads of Africans are arriving looking for the good life, and as regular readers know, Australia too is being swamped.  In fact, to read Australian media accounts it seems illegal immigration (aka seeking asylum in politically-correct lingo) is the biggest political issue the government there faces.

So why do I bring you news from Canada, Malta (Europe), and Australia?  Because frankly I believe this migration of the third world to the first is the biggest threat Western Civilization faces, yes Islamic supremacism is right up there, but would not be so challenging if it weren’t for the tide of migrants swamping the West—many are Muslims, but many are poor and uneducated in need of jobs we don’t have and social services we can’t afford.

Sri Lankans aboard the ship of fortune.  AFP PHOTO / AMAN ROCHMAN

I have a lot of news on Australia today.  Here is the first story about who is going there.  From the Herald Sun:

THREE south Asian countries are surfacing on people smugglers’ manifolds this year as the changing face of asylum seekers is revealed in new figures.

More Vietnamese and Burmese people are braving the perilous sea journey to Australia than ever before and nearly 250 people have arrived from Bangladesh this year – the first time the country has appeared in official statistics. [Remember they are talking about 2013 numbers and the year is still young—ed]

The change comes as Iranians become the leading group of asylum seeker arrivals and the massive numbers of Sri Lankan seen last year shrink dramatically.

It’s the first time since the statistics were kept that Iranians have held the position, with arrivals from war-torn Afghanistan the largest group in each year from 2011 back to 2008.

Iranians have made up nearly double the numbers from Afghanistan, who are the second largest group, at 563 arrivals.About 430 people have told authorities they are stateless, making up the third biggest group.

Three hundred and twenty people were Pakistani and 147 from Iraq.

But the fifth largest cohort this year – the 244 people who have arrived from Bangladesh – have not before appeared on official counts.

It comes as more people from Vietnam and Burma risk the dangerous sea journey to claim asylum, at 133 and 93 people respectively.  [I’m surprised to see the Vietnamese numbers—ed]

Bangladeshis are probably Rohingya Muslims:

Head West young man (or is that East!) Rohingya boarding boats at their first opportunity

He [refugee advocate] said the displaced Rohingya moved into Malaysia then Indonesia, where they got boats.

But they were also pushed into neighbouring Bangladesh, he said.”My suspicion is that it (Bangladeshi arrivals) has been as a consequence of the Rohingya people getting out and some Bangladeshi are able to find a way to get from Bangladesh to Australia now,” he said.   [Many believe the Rohingya are ethnically Bengali in the first place.—ed]

That ship of fortune! 

The above Herald Sun article provides a link to a story from last year in which we learn what the Gillard government is offering some asylum seekers.  All aboard!

WASHING machines, microwave ovens, DVDs and plasma TVs are among a 60-item welcome gift pack for asylum seekers offered rent-free homes in the community.

To fulfil a promise to move an influx of families out of detention, the Gillard Government is now fitting out each home with up to $10,000 worth of furnishings and electronics.

They are given food hampers upon arrival at rented homes where they wait for their claims to be processed.

Is it any wonder then that a new political party is rising in Australia, here.

Canada: Is access to health care a basic right for illegal aliens?

They call them failed asylum seekers—aliens who have arrived in Canada illegally, asked for refugee status, but come from countries that are capable of protecting them and so are being denied the right to stay in Canada.  We mentioned this policy earlier this month, here.   In the past they received free medical care, but no more.

America pay attention because as Obamacare kicks in and we can’t afford it, we will be headed down this same road.  Socialized medicine—free to all—cannot survive.

Here is the news from The Star:

Immigration minister Jason Kenney: They have to be real refugees to get our free healthcare.

Israel Sosa’s deportation has been put on hold as the 50-year-old battles colon cancer.

The failed refugee claimant from the Dominican Republic has been allowed to stay in Canada on humanitarian grounds for now — but he has been banned from getting treatment under Ottawa’s Interim Federal Health (IFH) Program for refugees.

The Toronto man could choose to delay treatment and face death — or go into debt paying his medical costs.   [He could go into debt and pay it off over time, could he not?—ed]

That’s the new reality for asylum seekers from the so-called “safe countries” — ones such as Mexico and the Czech Republic, which are deemed democratic countries capable of state protection — as well as failed refugee claimants.

They are no longer eligible for government health care as of last June, unless they put public health at risk. The old program covered them for emergency and basic health care, similar to what is included with OHIP.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has said these are not legitimate refugees and taxpayers should not be held accountable for their care. The cuts are expected to save Ottawa $100 million over five years.

“It is very important to distinguish between a refugee, an asylum claimant and a failed asylum claimant. Canadians have been clear that they do not want illegal immigrants and bogus refugee claimants receiving free, gold-plated health-care benefits,” Alexis Pavlich, Kenney’s press secretary, told the Star this week.

However, critics say the federal government cannot just sit back and watch these patients suffer as resource-stretched hospitals demand prepayments for medical procedures and tests.

A court will decide if the cuts are unconstitutional:

Two national organizations made up of physicians and lawyers are suing Ottawa, arguing the health cuts are unconstitutional and illegal under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The case is expected to be heard in a year.

There is much more, more sad cases to tweak the Canadian taxpayers’ guilt, read it all.

This is what I don’t get, why can’t all the complainers start a foundation to collect private charity to fund some of these medical cases.  Maybe they can’t all be saved, but some would and surely they could find enough rich people/celebrities and so forth willing to show their generosity to the poor immigrants.

Another 1000 Bhutanese headed for Canada

Just now looking over the website for Canada’s Immigration Department I see that they just this week announced that they will take another 1000 Bhutanese from camps in a safe country—Nepal—which would bring  their resettled Bhutanese population up to a total of 6,500.  Not to be too picky about the facts, but the Bhutanese are of Nepali descent and are in Nepal, again a safe country, but somehow they are persecuted refugees in need of resettlement to Canada (and to the US where our totals are now approaching the 70,000 mark!) and will be eligible for free, free, free health care?

Tel Aviv: Attempted rape of a child by African migrant stirs controversy again

I wonder if Obama heard about Israel’s illegal alien problems when he landed there today?

We’ve been reporting the on-going controversy in Israel about African refugees, asylum seekers, illegal aliens (whatever!) coming across Israel’s borders especially now that Egypt has become even more unfriendly to the Jewish state.  See our category Israel and Refugees.

Israeli citizens in South Tel Aviv protest the presence of African illegal migrants in May 2012. photo credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

In the past week, things boiled over again when a Sudanese man broke into a home allegedly intending to attack a child.

From Haaretz on March 13th:

A Sudanese man broke into a home in the south Tel Aviv neighborhood of Yad Eliyahu at 5 A.M on Wednesday morning and apparently tried to sexually assault an 8-year old girl.

According to an initial investigation, the man entered the home and headed straight to the child’s bedroom, at which point the mother, 40, heard her daughter crying and rushed into the room. She tried to stop the man, who stabbed her in the stomach with a knife and left her with moderate wounds.

When the father heard, he rushed to the room and managed to overpower the assailant, injuring him seriously.

Magen David Adom rescue services arrived after the family called the police and evacuated the man to hospital in unconscious and in serious condition, with injuries to his head. The mother and daughter were also taken to hospital and the daughter is now being examined.

The next day, March 14th, 100 people took to the streets to demonstrate against the presence of the Africans in their neighborhood:

From Indepth Africa:

Some 100 people burned a trash bin and blocked a major intersection in south Tel Aviv yesterday to protest the presence there of African migrant workers, following the attempted rape of an 8-year-old girl and stabbing of her mother…

By the way this then sends us back to Haaretz where there was an article about the demonstration the other day, but it appears to have been taken down.  I’m wondering if Haaretz downplayed the demonstration story because it coincided with the release of the Human Rights Report critical of the Netanyahu government which also came out on March 14th?

Just one more incendiary incident in South Tel Aviv

Here is a lengthy article at Al-Monitor critical of Israel for trying to deport illegal aliens/asylum seekers back to Africa.  You can read the whole thing yourself, but here is one segment near the end of the story:

Israeli politicians have been at the forefront of a campaign aiming to expel African asylum seekers from Israel. African refugees have been regularly referred to by politicians, and in media reports, as “infiltrators,” and accused of carrying diseases, stealing and raping Israeli women.

In May 2012, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the presence of African refugees in Israel “is very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity.”

Recently, this rhetoric has translated into violence.

Molotov cocktails were thrown at a refugee-run day care center last year, and violent riots broke out during right-wing protests against refugees through South Tel Aviv, an area where many African asylum seekers live. Asylum seekers have also been attacked in streets throughout the country.

On the same day as the alleged attempted rape last week, Human Rights Watch released a critical report on the Israeli government’s attempt to send “asylum seekers” back to Africa.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Human Rights Watch and the Hotline for Migrant Workers released a report on Wednesday stating that Israel is threatening detained Eritrean and Sudanese nationals, including asylum-seekers, with prolonged detention to pressure them to leave Israel.

The report said that since December 11, 2012, “Israel’s pressure has convinced several hundred detained Sudanese and one Eritrean to leave Israel, and in February 2013, some 50 detained Eritreans agreed under similar pressure to leave for Uganda.”

According to the report, all 50 of the detained Eritreans remain in detention.

HRW and the Hotline for Migrant Workers said that Sudanese and Eritreans face a real risk of harm if they return to their home countries.

The report said that under Sudanese law, anyone who has visited Israel faces up to 10 years in prison in Sudan and Sudanese officials have said the courts will apply the law.  

Next, the report stated that because of “credible persecution fears relating to punishment for evading indefinite military service in Eritrea, 80 percent of Eritrean asylum seekers worldwide are granted some form of protection.”

“Israel’s prolonged detention of asylum-seekers apparently aims to shatter all hope so they feel they have no real choice but to leave the country,” said Gerry Simpson, senior refugee researcher at Human Rights Watch.

Read it all.

It is happening everywhere in the world—the third world wants in to the first world plain and simple.  The first world has to say NO! at some point or ultimately risk collapse.   I think we have reached that point.

About the photo:  The photo and its accompanying story can be found here at The Times of Israel published in December 2012.

Libyan officials are in Texas studying how we secure our borders….

….maybe they are here to see how to get more of their people across our border!

This is not a joke, this is not a Saturday Night Live skit, but it will make you chuckle on several levels.

First, they say they are here to learn from us—the experts—on how best to secure their borders.  And, my question is are they trying to keep illegal immigrants out of Libya, or their own people in, because Libya has been the jumping off point for Africans (Libyans and others) trying to get to Malta* or Italy and to the rest of Europe.

Apparently invited by the Obama Administration, here is the story and video report (hat tip: Gary, who knows the Texas border well):

WESLACO – Members of the Libyan government were in the Rio Grande Valley to learn about the way the United States secures its borders.

More than a dozen Libyan officials toured Valley ports of entry this week. They said Libya faces some of the same problems with drug smuggling, weapons smuggling and illegal immigration.

The Libyans said that, contrary to United States, their borders have little security.

They said 3,000 miles of border separate Libya from six other countries. Their borders are open, with no natural or manmade barriers. Their borders have no ports of entry or checkpoints.

They came to the Valley to learn how Customs and Border Protection officers stop drug smugglers, human traffickers and illegal immigrants.


Members of the delegation said they need more resources and training to secure their borders.

What do you want to bet that Obama is about to give them the “resources.”    It’s O.K. for Libya to want to secure its borders while the US border is still a sieve and the Democrats cry foul when some of us want to secure it even further.

Watch for it!  US tax dollars to Libya for border security!

Libya’s history with illegal immigrants and allowing them to embark from Libyan ports has been a long one.  During Gaddaffi’s reign he turned the spigot of “refugees” leaving Libya on and off at his whim, but in years leading up to his getting the heave-ho from Obama and friends, he had tried to stem the tide of migrants launching from Libya.

Then when the ‘beautiful’ Arab Spring began (thanks to Obama and Hillary) the flow began in earnest and many died in vessels attempting to carry immigrants across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe.   As a matter of fact, Libyan “refugees” are still dying as this article from last month highlights.

Also, as the racist Arab rebels consolidated power in Libya after the fall of Gaddaffi, we have many posts here reporting on the treatment of black Africans in Libya (here is just one on the subject where Hillary slaps the rebels’ wrists).

The Arab Spring created tens of thousands of additional refugees running for their lives.   The Arab Libyans do not like blacks and I suspect that is the real reason behind their desire to close their borders to the rest of Africa (I doubt that guns and drugs are foremost on their minds).  It’s those low-life blacks (Muslim or not) that the Muslim Arabs hate.

* For new readers:  We have paid special close attention to Malta for over 5 years now, as the US continues to take illegal immigrants who arrive on Malta to the US as refugees.  Reader Charles sent us this article just a week ago today.  Look at the video clip associated with the Texas article above which shows a map of the region—the island of Malta is in a direct line from Libya.   These African illegal aliens now on the way to America, surely launched from Libya.

From the Times of Malta:

20 migrants from Somalia, Eritrea and Sudan, all single adult men, except for a family of four and one couple, have left Malta for the US  under the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).  On arrival, they will be assisted by NGOs in the USA to proceed to their final destinations in various states.

This latest departure brings the total of beneficiaries of international protection who were resettled to the United States from Malta since 2007 to 1,118 migrants. Since the start of the USRRP in 2008, the number of beneficiaries of protection resettled to the United States amounts to 1,090.

307 migrants have been resettled from Malta to the United States of America since the beginning of this year.

15 more of Malta’s illegal aliens came to the US the week before thatHere, thanks to Charles.  This precedent-setting practice of taking off Malta’s hands some of its economic migrants began in the Bush Administration and was instigated by Jesuits in Malta with the help of a succession of US Ambassadors to the country.   Legitimate refugees are to seek asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive.  There isn’t supposed to be this ‘pass through’ ticket to the US.  This is the European Union’s problem, not ours!

How about if we tell our “friends” running Libya now to stop the boats from launching as a first step in their border security!

For more, type ‘Libya’ into our search function.  We have dozens and dozens of posts on the monster we helped create.  Responsibility to protect!  What a joke!