It is infinitely cheaper than putting them on the welfare rolls for decades!
Of course the UN will scream like a stuck pig if the US should try such a thing! But, after all, most are economic migrants and not legitimate refugees.
As we have reported previously on many occasions, Australia, Israel and Bulgaria are three countries (international pockets of resistance!) willing to take the heat from “humanitarian” scolds in order to save their countries from invasion.
Abbott and Morrison: We are paying them off to go home! Alas, if only we had leaders like these!
The Abbott government is offering asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru detention centres up to $10,000 to abandon their hope of resettlement in Australia and voluntarily return to the country they fled from.
The revelation comes as the High Court on Friday issued a stunning rebuke to the Abbott government’s border protection policy, striking down its decision to to refuse to issue permanent protection visas to boat arrivals found to be refugees.
In two unanimous decisions, with implications for thousands of boat arrivals, the court ruled that Immigration Minister Scott Morrison’s decision to impose a cap on the number of places in Australia’s refugee intake for boat arrivals was invalid.
The sudden boost in payments is the latest tactic being used by the Abbott government to cement its hardline stance against asylum seekers who come to Australia without a visa.
UN: Australia slipping! (so what!)
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees on Friday showed Australia’s efforts to help alleviate the crisis have stagnated or worsened, with the country sliding backwards in the global rankings, according to some measures.
Australia now ranks 17th in the world to resettle refugees, according to the Refugee Council of Australia.
See our Australia categoryfor many more posts on clever Australian solutions.
The church group story is no surprise, it is exactly what they did in the “Sanctuary Movement”more than three decades ago. The story at InfoWars(hat tip: Cathy) is worth checking out. Based on the number of comments the news has gotten there—over 3,000 comments at this time—the message about who is driving the invasion (the Religious Left!) of our Southern Border is getting much wider distribution.
Drudge is reporting that militia groups are being called up, here.
Drudge posted this photo today to highlight all the news of the youthful “asylum seeking” invaders from Central America.
I don’t really have time to digest a couple of reports for you on how we got to this horrific place, but know that the laws that set the invasion in motion were laws signed by George Bush. See Migration Policy Institute here and then here are 13 “facts” about the situation. Keep in mind that those two sources lean Left.
Charles Krauthammer who has been squishy on immigration told Greta last night that the only solution is to send them back at the border. Yup!
All of our posts going back several years on ‘unaccompanied minors’ may be found by clicking here.
This is what the Mediterranean tide brings in on a daily basis. Al-Hijraanyone!
‘New Europeans’ rescued at sea after launching from Libya.
Syrians, Afghans and Somalis top the list! From AP at FoxNews:
BRUSSELS – The European Union’s statistical agency says more people were granted asylum across the 28-nation bloc last year mostly because of a high influx of refugees fleeing the war in Syria.
Eurostat said Thursday the number of accepted asylum seekers rose by 17 percent to 135,700 in 2013 from 116,200 a year earlier, meaning about one in three applications was accepted out of a total of 462,000.
The biggest group of refugees that were granted asylum were some 36,000 Syrians, a quarter of the total, followed by about 16,000 Afghans and 9,700 Somalis.
Sweden, with 9.6 million inhabitants, was the most generous country in accepting asylum seekers, granting protection to 26,400 people, followed by Germany, the EU’s most populous nation, which accepted 26,100 people. France took in 16,200, and Italy 14,500.
If you haven’t treated yourself to some light (LOL!) summer reading, how about The Camp of the Saints(along with Al-Hijra)!
See our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.
See the Department of Homeland Security’s annual flow report for 2012 (the most recent one we could find) that summarizes the numbers and where they come from of US refugees and asylees. The Office of Refugee Resettlement told us that in 2013 we took about 143,000 refugees and asylum seekers (all are eligible for welfare goodies).
Just keep it up! “Refugee” will definitely be a very bad word when/if the Obama-generated crisis on the border is ever resolved.
Invasion of America continues….
Mayor Fitch: Yippee! Federal money and federal workers headed our way!
Check out this story by Ryan Lovelace who has been writing some good stuff atNational Review Online (hat tip: Paul). Emphasis is mine:
Oklahomans expect an economic boom as a result of the flood of illegal immigrant children the federal government has begun sending their way.
The Department of Defense has loaned the facilities at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, to the Department of Health and Human Services to house approximately 600 unaccompanied alien children, according to the Department of Defense. Local officials expect the surrounding community to reap the rewards.
“They’re talking about $1.2 million impact for the Lawton-Fort Sill community within the first 30 days,” Lawton Mayor Fred Fitch told KSWO 7 News.
Lawtonwill roll in federal tax dollars/federal workers and the “children” will all be good kids (as long as they are confined)!
The Oklahomanreports the ratio of federal worker to child at Ft. Sill will be one federal worker per every two children. Based on that ratio, the area could expect approximately 300 federal workers.An HHS factsheetindicates such workers would include representatives from the Office of Refugee Resettlement within HHS’ Administration for Children and Families. The kids will be kept in a 200,000 square foot building and kept under 24-hour supervision. Fitch insisted to KSWO that the children will not be allowed to leave the confines of the post and that the influx of children will not have any adverse impact on the local community.
See all of our posts on “unaccompanied alien minors” here. Some go back several years.
Refugees or criminals?
Ever since we started writing this blog in 2007, the open borders agitators (including the refugee contractors) and immigration lawyers have been attempting to expand the definition of “refugee” for the purpose of bringing in anyone in the world who is fleeing crime (or says they are fleeing crime).
Fleeing one’s home country because the country is overrun with gangs and drug dealers, and where the government there is unable to protect its citizens from crime generally, does not make one a “refugee.” And think about it, wouldn’t that make half the world eligible for asylum in America? Or, is that what Obama wants?
…. is a person who is outside their home country because they have suffered (or feared) persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted ‘social group’ or because they are fleeing a war.
Either the “refugee” has been chosen by the UN and admitted to the US by the US State Department and flown here, or in the case of asylum seekers who got here on their own (crossed a border illegally or overstayed a visa), they must first be judged to be legitimately escaping persecution before they are declared a refugee.
The big push to find the kids lawyers is to attempt to prove that they are legitimate asylum seekers and for the US to ultimately grant them asylum which would make them refugees and thereby make them eligible for all of the taxpayer “services” available to any American citizen. See our fact sheet!
An “economic migrant” is an alien who is seeking a better life—he or she wants a job or welfare. They are also NOT refugees.
The recent “unaccompanied minor” border invaders may be “economic migrants,” but they definitely are illegal aliensand therefore criminals.
Here is Patrik Jonsson reporting at the Christian Science Monitor (hat tip: Joanne).
I’ve communicated with Jonsson. He has exposed some secrecy in the “refugee” program before so I would urge him to help figure out who are the instigators of this invasion, it isn’t the kids (who are being used, in my opinion, by those who are attempting to bring on the revolution)!
Who are those shadowy players? Or is it the White House itself?
The growing crush of vulnerable migrant children crossing the Rio Grande and entering the US through south Texas has put urgency to a vexing question for the US immigration system:
Are children fleeing Central American violence refugees who need asylum or illegal gold-diggers who need to go home?
The rush on the border has created what the White House and many others have called a humanitarian crisis. But it has also pushed Washington into finger-pointing mode, with politicians and commentators trying to pin down why children, often guided by “coyote” smugglers, are traveling hundreds of miles across Mexico into the US.
BTW, I heard a scary prediction yesterday—-that after the 2014 election, Obama plans to pardon all illegal aliens in the US. Is that what the “kids” know?
With all of this horrific news about the invasion of America by mostly teenaged boys from Central America, I see a bright side!
Those who have brought this nightmare (including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services***) to the front pages have succeeded in making the word “refugee” a very dirty word in homes across America after years and years of building up “refugees” as wonderful, deserving, industrious and grateful NEW AMERICANS. Keep it up!
Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to say they aren’t refugees!
See our complete archive on “unaccompanied minors” and the refugee contractors by clicking here. Learn more about where your $2 billion for the kids will be going, here.
***Why do I keep naming those two refugee contractors (of the nine), because they are two that have had contracts from the ORR to care for the “kids.” But, I expect all of the contractors to be scrambling for the $$$$$ and a piece of the action now that more of your tax dollars (billions in fact!) may soon be flowing their way.
As a matter of fact, the contractors all lobbied for the ‘gang of eight’s’ so-called “comprehensive immigration reform” bill because it contained provisions for them to gain more “clients” and more federal grant and contract money. Since that hasn’t gone through, and likely won’t anytime soon, this windfall—to care for the kids—is the next best thing for them!