….First, the authorities and the media should call the local refugee resettlement contractor and see if he is one of theirs. In this case the contractor World Relief Tri-Citiesis the primary contractor for Richland/Kennewick/Pasco. See one story here from 2013.
***Update***Yup! Somali refugee, but the resettlement agency didn’t return phone calls. See here.
They will know if Hussain Hassan is one of the refugees they were paid to resettle in Kennewick or nearby.
Here is the storyat World Net Daily by Leo Hohmann. The police killed Hassan, but amazing no national news on this story from Sunday?
A 46-year-old man identified as Hussein Hassan attacked a police officer in Kennewick, Washington, over the weekend with a large sword, striking at the officer’s head before he was shot and killed.
The resettlement contractor, World Relief, for the Tri-Cities is located in Richland. See national list and find out if you have a refugee contractor nearby. Should be the first stop for police and media when trying to determine immigration status of someone involved in a crime that sounds like it is related to Islam. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/acb67-publicaffiliatedirectory1-6-17.pdf
A spokesman for the police said two officers responded to a 9-1-1 call at 6:38 p.m. Sunday about a man walking down Olympia Street near 10th Avenue armed with a sword.
The two officers arrived on the scene at the same time in separate cars at about 6:40 p.m. One officer got out of his car to confront Hassan and police say the man started swinging the sword, striking the officer at least once in the head with the blade.
Both officers opened fire on the suspect and put him down.
The officer was treated and released from an area hospital after receiving 17 staples to close the head wound.
Almost 24 hours later, on Monday evening, police identified the dead man as Hassan, but gave only scant details – his age and current city of residence.
Kennewick, a small city of about 73,000 population, has been a hotbed of refugee resettlement over the years. The U.S. State Department, in cooperation with the United Nations, has distributed more than 475 refugees into Kennewick since 9/11 from Muslim-majority nations, according to the State Department’s online database. That includes 206 from Iraq, 99 from Somalia, 69 from Sudan, 31 from Afghanistan and nine just in the past 10 months from Syria.
Other than Seattle, where there are thousands of Somali refugees, we have said little over the years about ‘welcoming’ Washington state, but go here for what we do have in the archives.
“When given the opportunity to prosecute the woman who attacked myself and my children, I personally feel they were afraid of retribution from the Muslim community…”
(Victim speaking about the failed legal system in her county)
This important news went missing on the 4th of July by me and maybe most of you.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Dailywe learn about several cases where refugees and other immigrants charged with crimes, but out on bail, are now missing!
The first case is one we reported here shortly after it happened and asked the question: why is this not making national news? Aisha Ibrahim, aka Amina Ali Ahra. Why two names? How did she get in to the US as a refugee with two names?
It is the case of a Somali refugee woman wandering around a neighborhood in Georgia who, spying a large American flag on a mailbox, grabbed the flag and attempted to beat a woman and her daughter with their own flag in their own yard. Hereis the update—-the alleged attacker is missing!
On June 19, Aisha Ibrahim became the latest Muslim migrant to jump bail after being charged with a violent crime.
Ibrahim, a 31-year-old Somali refugee living near Atlanta in Lawrenceville, Georgia, was charged with two counts of battery and giving false information to police after she beat a middle-aged woman and her daughter with their own American flag last summer.
The FBI said it looked at the case against Ibrahim, who goes by the alias Amina Ali Ahra, and determined not to file federal hate-crime charges. But, as WND previously reported, the FBI cleared Ibrahim of hate-crime charges without ever interviewing the victims or the witnesses to her violent outburst against the Arno family.
Lawrenceville, GA, about 30 miles from Atlanta, is a huge resettlement site. According to Wrapsnet, Atlanta has resettled 1,355 Somalis in the last ten years.
She ended up being released after posting a $5,800 bond, failed to appear at her scheduled arraignment in March and had it rescheduled twice. The last time, on June 19, the judge finally lost patience and issued a bench warrant for her arrest.
Gwinnett County District Attorney Daniel Porter did not return calls from WND seeking comment on the whereabouts of Ibrahim.
“As far as I know, they have not found her yet,” said Dami Arno, the 43-year-old Lawrenceville woman who was assaulted by Ibrahim last year. “We knew she was gone long before June 19.”
Arno said she was “highly disappointed” in the Gwinnett County legal system.
“When given the opportunity to prosecute the woman who attacked myself and my children, I personally feel they were afraid of retribution from the Muslim community that is protected by law more than an American citizen,” she said. “They allowed my attacker to bond out of jail and failed to notify my family.They allowed her brother to stand in court and claim she was in the hospital and never asked for proof. Then her lawyer was on leave of absence creating another delay.”
After assaulting an American family with their own American flag, Arno said she believes Ibrahim has fled the country or is being harbored by one of the many Somali enclaves inside the U.S.
More here.
By the way, add one more case of refugees committing crimes! See my crimes category here.
Diversity is beautiful alert! Update: Looks like VDARE was ahead of Coulter with a list of immigrant mass murderers. Keep this for your files, you too may need the handy reference some day for a letter-to-the-editor, or when writing to your elected officials (or to Trump!).
I thought I was done this morning, until three separate readers sent me Ann Coulter’s jaw-dropping report on the New York Times shameful miss reporting (and that is putting it kindly!) on the NYC hospital shooting last week.
This needs mentioning because it is the same concept we see over and over again about the media’s treatment of refugee criminals and terrorists—mainstream media rarely mentions the ‘R’ word and one is left guessing (by his name) where the perp is from and how he got here. And, we have noted repeatedly that refugees often have grandiose expectations of streets paved with gold in America.
(Still unreported, I think, is through which legal or illegal means Obotetukudo got in to the US.)
From Townhall:
Last Friday, Nigerian immigrant Henry Williams Obotetukudo, aka Henry Bello, opened fire with an AM-15 rifle at the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital, killing one [female] doctor and injuring a half-dozen others. I would prefer to leap right in and offer my ideas for stopping these immigrant shooting rampages, but first I’ll have to tell you the facts the media won’t.
NOT Dr. Bello! Henry Williams Obotetukudo
The New York Times, still unaware there’s an internet, is trying to pass off the Nigerian as a Californian, the non-doctor as a doctor, and Mr. Obotetukudo as “Dr. Bello.”
Close observers will notice the same basic pattern over and over again. Immigrants from backward cultures develop extravagant expectations about their lives in America, fail to master the most rudimentary civic habits, and then erupt in shooting rampages when their lives aren’t turning out as planned.
Liberals have a mystical idea that we can pluck people from the most discordant cultures, put them in middle-class houses in the suburbs and then, magically, primitive tribesmen will be imbued with the core beliefs of our republic and civilization, developed over centuries.
The magical melting pot fails again! Much more here, I only gave you the bare bones so you will read the rest of it. Afterthought: You could tell Donald Trump he could require immigration status be released in all news reports on crime/terror cases. Would go a long way to identify where problems are with our immigration system.
Yesterday, I told you about the terrible murder of the Muslim teen girl in Virginia allegedly at the hands of one of the thousands of illegal alien Salvadoran men roaming American streets because Obama invited them in for the last 8 years.
The case does not involve refugees (I have no idea where the victim’s family is from, but the Left does want you to believe that the Salvadorans are all refugees). It is the politics of the case and the media coverage, or lack of it (not mentioned at all yet that I know of in the mainstream media), is what makes the story one that I plan to follow. Torres, an illegal alien from El Salvador is charged in the brutal murder of a Muslim teen. This would be a worldwide story if the alleged murderer was a white American.
My guess, as to why there isn’t any mainstream coverage, is that it puts the media Leftists in a very difficult place when one of their protected groups kills someone belonging to another of their allies.
Put simply, there is no Islamophobic Rightwing redneck American to blame here.
Update: Just as I am writing this, CNN has posted a story, but they do not mention Torres’ nationality or that he is here illegally! Unbelievable! (Keep it up CNN—expose your bias!)
Put simply, there is no Rightwing redneck American to blame here.
(Be sure to see Leo Hohmann’s report here last night—story “dropped like a hot brick.”) Now there are reports that the poor woman might not have been beaten unconscious where the “road rage” incident occurred, but might have been raped before being beaten to death by a Central American ‘dreamer.’
See Daily Beaststory here.
The police insist on calling the incident, not a “hate crime” but a “road rage” incident, however, we have yet to hear what was said on both sides that caused the deadly escalation.
From Buzzfeed yesterday:
Police are investigating whether 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen — who was beaten, kidnapped, and killed near her Virginia mosque on Sunday — was also raped.
Authorities found the Muslim teen’s body in a pond in Loudoun County, Virginia, on Sunday afternoon, a few miles from where police said Darwin Martinez Torres, an undocumented immigrant, allegedly chased and attacked her and around 15 other teenagers after a road rage incident. Police said Torres got out of his car wielding a baseball bat, struck Hassanen, kidnapped her, and killed her, before dumping her body.
Autopsy results show Hassanen suffered from blunt force trauma to the upper body.
The Daily Beast first reported that the possibility of rape was under investigation, and that police had found a pair of woman’s underwear near Hassanen’s body. Investigators are awaiting vaginal swab test results.
Wright would not confirm those details to BuzzFeed News, but said that officers collected “several articles of evidence” from the scene.
After a late-night trip to McDonald’s, Hassanen and her friends were heading back to the mosque where they had been observing Ramadan early on Sunday when a man in a beat-up red car came up behind them.
One of Hassanen’s friends, who was on a bike, got into an argument with the driver, whom police identified as Torres.
Torres then drove his car over a curb, scattering the group of about 15 boys and girls, police said on Monday night. When they regrouped at the All Dallas Area Muslim Society Center in Sterling at around 4 a.m., they realized that Hassanen was missing.
Police in Fairfax, Virginia, found her body in a nearby pond around 3 p.m. on Sunday afternoon.
I’m waiting to hear what was said on both sides of the “road rage incident.”
They say that her death “appears to be the result of a road rage incident.”
Police stressed for the second time that there is no evidence to suggest that her murder was a hate crime, and “there was no indication of any racial slurs,” Fairfax County Police Lt. Bryan Holland said. However, Fairfax County Prosecutor Ray Morrogh indicated that it was still early in the investigation to make that call.
ICE said it has no record of Torres before his arrest, indicating that he never had any legal status in the US and that he entered the country illegally. If Torres had a pending application for legal status, ICE would have a record of it, an immigration official told BuzzFeed News. [How many more like Torres are out there?—ed]
“It appears suspect became so enraged in this traffic argument it escalated into deadly violence,” Parker explained.
It is still unclear what happened between the time Hassanen was first attacked and the recovery of her body, Wright said.
More here.
Moral of the story: You can’t continue to pour alien cultures in to the US at a rapid rate and expect the mythical melting pot to work magic. Just isn’t possible! Correction: ABC did mention the story (see here) but, like CNN, did not mention Torres’ illegal status.
A variety of migrants had a shoot-out in Portland, ME in 2015 and the result was that one young man (believed not to have known the shooters) died. Nancy Laxson with a photo of her son murdered by Majok. Photo and 2015 story here: http://www.pressherald.com/2015/07/27/portland-police-make-second-arrest-in-old-port-killing/ Before I give you the story (thanks to reader Frank), you must know that anyone granted asylum, as was the case with this Sudanese killer, is then considered a refugeeand all of the protections, and welfare goodies that refugees we flew in on your dime receive, are also available to the successful asylum seeker.
To have been granted asylum, Majok arrived in the US on his own and convinced federal authorities that he would be persecuted if returned to Africa. (#ThisIsARefugee)
When you read through stories about him,see here for example, you see that he had several run-ins with law enforcement over the years. I would like to know in what year he was granted asylum (before or after his criminal activities began?). (Reminder: Sudan is one of 7 countries on Trump’s earlier ‘travel ban’ EO.)
From the Portland Press Herald:
Gang Deng Majok pleaded guilty to murder Friday in the shooting death of Treyjon Arsenault, the 19-year-old Westbrook High School graduate who was gunned down inside a Portland recording studio on Memorial Day weekend in 2015.
Screenshot of photo of admitted murderer Majok. I left the ad from one of the nine major refugee contractors (the IRC) in my shot. You probably get these ads popping up wherever you go on the internet too! http://wgme.com/news/local/sudanese-immigrant-pleads-guilty-in-portland-recording-studio-murder
Majok, who was sentenced to 30 years by Justice Andrew M. Horton, agreed to change his plea rather than risk a trial.
Arsenault’s mother, Nancy Laxson of Scarborough, said she struggled with the decision to pursue the plea agreement, but is now relieved to see the sentencing completed before Sunday, which would have been Arsenault’s 21st birthday.
Laxson also was critical of authorities for not deporting Majok, a Sudanese national who had been granted asylum and had pleaded guilty to a string of misdemeanors.
It was not immediately clear whether someone with asylum status could be deported after being convicted of a misdemeanor. Majok will be subject to deportation after he completes his sentence for Arsenault’s murder.
According to authorities, Majok and one of Majok’s associates, Johnny Ouch of Westbrook, got into an argument with Mohamed Ali, a longtime rival of Ouch. [Was Mohamed a Somali?—ed]
The argument escalated and Majok and Ouch started shooting, according to Ouch’s attorney.
Many more details here.
We have a huge archive on Maine, click here. BTW, Maine attracts a lot of asylum seekers due to the structure of its welfare program. The Gov was trying to change that awhile back, but not sure if he did.