When I first started writing RRW now almost 13 years ago, I originally (naively) assumed, as so many newbies do to the issue of refugee resettlement, that we actually admitted refugees for a few years, helped them get educated while protecting them from some threat in Africa (or wherever) and that they then went home.
I quickly learned how wrong I was and that refugees admitted to the US under the US Refugee Admissions Program were here to stay.
However, now, in light of the rage being demonstrated against America, by not just African-Americans, but by unhappy refugees and unhappy and angry so-called ‘Dreamers’ from south of the border (see my post just now at ‘Frauds and Crooks’), maybe the idea of just going home and fixing one’s own native land is an excellent idea whose time has come.
The leadership of the African country of Ghana has launched a ‘Come Home’ movement that should be appealing to many who say white America is a racist land!
And, I am not trying to be funny or provocative here.
This is an idea that should be widely promoted. For those who find America an unhappy place, please take your skills, your talents, your education and your industry and return to your native country (or the country of your heritage) and work to make it better.
Ghana Invites African Americans to ‘Come Home’ in Wake of U.S. Protests
Ghana, considered a gateway of the brutal slave trade to the United States that began more than 400 years ago, is urging “unwanted” Americans of African heritage to resettle within its borders in the wake of the police killing of Minnesota resident George Floyd.
During a memorial and wreath-laying ceremony in honor of Floyd last Friday, Ghana’s Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture Barbara Oteng-Gyasi invited African Americans to “re-settle in Ghana if they feel unwanted” in the United States, the Independent Ghana news outlet reported.
We continue to open our arms and invite all our brothers and sisters home. Ghana is your home. Africa is your home. We have our arms wide open ready to welcome you home. Please take advantage, come home build a life in Ghana, you do not have to stay where you are not wanted forever, you have a choice and Africa is waiting for you.
Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo. Of course he is referring to American born African Americans, but surely some of the unhappy Somalis raised in America would be welcome too!
Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo officially launched the “Year of Return, Ghana 2019” in Washington, DC, in September 2018, the United Nations noted.
“We know of the extraordinary achievements and contributions they [Africans in the diaspora] made to the lives of the Americans, and it is important that this symbolic year — 400 years later — we commemorate their existence and their sacrifices,” the Ghanaian president declared.
The Ghanaian government launched the 2019 effort to mark 400 years since the first documented slave ship left Africa to the U.S. state of Virginia.
In the months ahead, help me follow this story and see just how many unhappy in America, go home to Africa., or, go home to any other country they came from.
Too bad there is no political will to organize a “go home” movement.
I had been wondering if Minneapolis’s large population of African refugees had joined the throngs of rioters and looters. It seems they have.
It is more proof that the citizens of Minnesota’s St. Louis Countywho just last week protested against refugees for their towns and cities are right—diversity destroys the social fabric of communities.
Feel the rage! From the refugees? Or, from American taxpayers who for decades have been paying billions of their hard-earned dollars to bring, dare I say it, a bunch of ingrates who now say we are racists and they fear for their sons?
I suspect you have one answer for them!
From Channel News Asia (yes, an international news site painting white America as the root of all evil):
In Minneapolis, African refugees see American dream in tatters
(Their dream in tatters? What about our dreams for the country we love?)
MINNEAPOLIS: African refugees living in Minneapolis were already struggling with their “American dream” when George Floyd died in police custody.
Now their dream is in tatters and they have joined their African American “brothers” in the streets to protest racism in their adopted homeland. [Cut the B.S. with the mushy “adopted homeland” lingo. They didn’t come here because they love America!—ed]
The state of Minnesota, where Minneapolis is located, has the highest percentage of refugees per inhabitant in the whole country, with two percent of the US population but 13 per cent of its refugees, according to the most recent census.
Among them are a large number of people from the Horn of Africa – Ethiopians and Somalis – whose presence in the marches was noticeable because of the colourful robes worn by the women.
Deka Jama, a 24-year-old woman who came to the United States from Somalia in 2007, showed up with friends, all of them veiled, to protest the discrimination that met them in their new homeland.
“We thought that everyone would be equal, that we would not be judged by religion, by colour, by our dresses. That’s not how we were welcomed,” she told AFP.
She feels a close affinity to African Americans, many of them descended from slaves and who have been Americans for generations.
There is “something connects us,” she said. “We are all dehumanised, regardless of our cultural differences. We have to be here for them.”
Minnesota’s Somali community has a source of pride, though, in Ilhan Omar, a 37-year-old born in Mogadishu who was elected to Congress in 2018.
“So many people know a social and economic neglect,” Omar said on Sunday.
According to Minnesota Compass, a website that tracks the state’s demographics, families from Africa are particularly hard hit.
In 2016, Obama was President, he sure didn’t do much for African poverty in America (or was that part of the plan?)!
In 2016, 12 per cent of the population of Minnesota was living under the poverty line, but that number rose to 31 per cent among the Ethiopian community and 55 per cent among Somalis.
Immigrant-owned businesses destroyed too! And, yet, it is all about racist white America. Have they no eyes to see or brains to think?
That has meant that for many refugees, an important facet of the American dream — social mobility – has broken down over time.
And the riots that have followed some protests have not helped their plight, since some of the looted businesses were immigrant-owned.
Here is an idea! If so many live in poverty, then we need to stop importing them. Clearly there isn’t enough work! Clearly they are ungrateful.
Frankly more angry demanding refugees, like these Minnesota Africans, will be the death knell of America.
By the way…..
Where were all these angry Somalis (and their African-American “brothers”) marching in the streets demanding justice forJustine Damondwhen one of their people, a Somali police officer, killed an unarmed white woman in ‘Little Mogadishu’ in the summer of 2017?
That police killing didn’t send white mobs into the streets to demand justice by committing violence, and to rob and steal. Civilized people respect our legal system—the legal system that is the bulwark of a successful and prosperous country.
Swedes take to the streets to defend their city. You won’t see this mentioned in US mainstream media. Photo from Fria Tider
After five nights of watching rampaging immigrant gangs (largely from Africa and the Middle East) torching cars and destroying property, and the police taking a non-confrontational attitude toward the lawbreakers, the Swedish people are rising up!
There is hope for Western civilization in Europe after all!
Here is the story from the Fria Tider (thanks to reader Paul for making my day!):
Stockholm.Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.
The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and concerned citizens, as well as neo-Nazi activists and football hooligans.
What did police do initially? They began aggressively rounding up the Swedes!
In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.
The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.
Here is what one of the defenders of Stockholm said:
It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.
After a huge public outcry, the police did let Swedish patrols go after the Muslim immigrants:
Later during the night the police appear to have relaxed their attitude to the presence of vigilante groups in the streets. The police is reported to have stepped aside and watched as a huge crowd of vigilantes chased immigrants through the streets of Tumba, chanting ”the city is ours” and ”we will do what the police can’t do”.Several independent sources testify about vigilantes managing to scare away groups of rioters torching wastepaper baskets.
Be sure to see a ludicrous second story at Fria Tider where owners of burned cars were being ticketed!
For new readers: We have been writing about the downfall of Sweden since 2007 as the welfare nation opened its doors to Muslims from North and East Africa, and the Middle East. Here is one post about how “refugees” are dashing to Sweden so they don’t have to work and another where Muslim youths say the Swedes are wimpy.
Send this post out far and wide please! ***Update*** You sure did, this post has been seen by thousands and thousands around the world in the last two days! But, I have seen no mention of Swedes rising up in the mainstream media, have you?