Sweden: Muslim immigrant youths say young Swedes are so wimpy….

.…and that is why they attack them.

The Muslim Issue, in a post today on Sweden, appears to be talking about the same report Fjordman cited here in December.

Here is The Muslim Issue on the increasingly brazen attacks by Muslim aggressors on Swedish citizens (reminds me of those Somali youths in Lewiston, Maine):

Swedes have always addressed issues with psychological theories and weepy stories, which doesn’t work with Muslims at all. Therefore the crimes only get more brutal, the attacks more common.

Sweden has turned into the dumbest country on earth, for flooding their country with an immigrant group that should be banned and deported completely.

Then here are some snippets from the translated version of this news story about the controversial sociological study of Muslim youths and why they commit crimes.

The young robbers were interviewed by Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology.

Robbing is making war!

I was lucky that I recorded the answers I got because they were so remarkable that I had to listen several times to really understand what they said. “When we’re out on the town and mugs so we warriors, we are at war with the Swedes,” was a recurring arguments.

Muslim youth:

“For me, the Swedes to lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.”

Watching the death throes of Swedish society:

During the interviews, talking about young Swedes [as] wimpy, scared and stupid.

So what is the conclusion to this report?  It is NOT stopping immigration.  It is NOT severely cracking down on crime.  Apparently it is NOT Swedish young people growing a spine (like some French young people).  The answer is JOBS—-give these poor Muslim youths jobs!  They just want stuff!  I kid you not!

There is more, read it all!

For new readers:  we have a lot on Sweden in our archives, here, because as much as I hate that old “canary in a coal mine” phrase, it is my prediction that Sweden is our first soon-to-be asphyxiated European bird (some are arguing that the UK will go down first).   A country simply cannot have uncontrolled immigration combined with a welfare state.  Leaving out the violent Muslim youths for a moment there will sooner or later not be enough workers to pay for the ‘social services’ of the ‘needy.’

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