Former Homeland Security officer: three triggers to bring on Islamic uprising in US

“America has had the audacity to pick someone different from what the world wanted, which was someone who would not be submissive to the global Islamic movement.”

Phil Haney

All hell is breaking loose in America and around the world over President Donald Trump’s executive order of last Friday. You surely couldn’t miss it (unless you hid in the wilderness all weekend) as cable news ran airport demonstration shots on a continuous loop, twitter went crazy, friends fought on facebook and the good ol’ boy chicken Republicans in the Senate predictably wet their pants because they are so scared.

Airport demonstrators in Detroit yesterday. Stand behind Trump now or this will be our future!

But, as you read this, consider that maybe it is time to bring this whole thing to a head, to excise the boil—will America continue to be Islamized via immigration (the hijra) or will we save ourselves now?

Let’s just get it over with!

Have the fight right now about what sort of country America will be for our grandchildren. Will America, in generations to come, be an Islamic caliphate, or not?

Here is Leo Hohmann with Phil Haney yesterday at World Net Daily:

A former Homeland Security officer who spent years screening Muslim immigrants points to three “triggers” of confrontation between the new administration of Donald Trump and the global Islamic movement.

These three issues will spawn a violent backlash in response to Trump as he attempts to implement what many believe are long-overdue reforms.

And Trump has already bumped head-on into one of the hot-button issues – Muslim immigration.

According to Phillip Haney, a founding member of the Homeland Security Department and author of the book “See Something Say Nothing,” the stars are lining up for a major confrontation with the global Islamic movement and its allies on the political left.

The “flashpoints” to watch going forward are these:

~Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

~Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

~Restricting Islamic immigration into the U.S.

Trump’s executive orders slapping a 120-day moratorium on refugee resettlement and a 30-day ban on those entering on visas from seven terror-sponsoring countries has been met with protests Sunday at airports in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit and Minneapolis.


In Hamtramck, Michigan, the nation’s first city to elect a Muslim-majority city council, protesters descended on City Hall Sunday with signs that included “Ban Bannon” and “We are all Immigrants.”

There were no such protests when former President Obama restricted Christian refugees from entering the U.S. from Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and other Muslim countries.

As Trump tries to rein in concessions given to the Muslim Brotherhood by the previous administrations of Clinton, Bush and Obama, he should expect the Brotherhood and its allies on the left to push back with hell’s fury, Haney said.

There will be lawsuits, ugly protests, and an all-out effort to create chaos in the streets of U.S. cities, he predicts.


As seen at protests in major U.S. airports Sunday, the radical left is eager to take up the crusade of Muslim activism.

Haney says it’s not just American Muslims who will join this fight, either, but global Islamic extremists who are invested in destroying Israel, propping up the Muslim Brotherhood, and continuing the flow of Shariah-compliant Muslims from the Middle East into Western democracies.


“It’s not about Trump. It’s about America,” Haney said. “America has had the audacity to pick someone different from what the world wanted, which was someone who would not be submissive to the global Islamic movement.

More here.

You must do this today!

Send a message to President Trump by clicking here!  Thank him and ask him to stand firm.

Then you must contact your member of the House and US Senators (especially Republicans!) and tell them you support Trump and they better not turn tail and run. We are at a critical turning point in our history and Republicans who wet their pants this week, who show fear, are to blame if Islamic supremacists gain a victory now!

Does your Imam have a bushy beard? German story informative

Invasion of Europe news….
Occasionally Reuters does us a good service, and they have with this story from Germany.  It is about how many Syrian refugees are not devout Muslims (Reuters uses the word conservative) but are being lured into extremist—Salafist or Wahhabi—mosques that make them uncomfortable.
From The Independent:

Hani Salam escaped civil war in Syria and survived the journey from Egypt to Europe. But when he saw men with bushy long beards at a mosque near his current home in Cologne last November, he was worried.

Merkel opened a can of worms when she permitted hundreds of thousands of refugees from Muslim countries to come to Germany. Read this story and see that the German government is in the business of training ‘moderate’ Imams.

The men’s appearance reminded him of Jaish al-Islam, the Islamist rebels who took over his hometown near Damascus, said Salam, 36, who wears a moustache but no beard. One of them told Salam that “good Muslims grow beards, not moustaches,” he recalled – a centuries-old idea that he dismisses.

“Everything about this mosque made me feel uneasy,” he said.

Syrians in Germany say many of the country’s Arab mosques are more conservative than those at home.

Over two months, a dozen Syrians in six places of worship in three cities told Reuters they were uncomfortable with very conservative messages in Arabic-speaking mosques. People have criticised the way the newcomers dress and practise their religion, they said. Some insisted the Koran be interpreted word-for-word.


The intelligence agency has advised local authorities against housing asylum-seekers near Salafist or Wahhabi mosques.

Continue reading about the different mosques German authorities are attempting to cope with.  And, by the way, the words Salafist and Wahhabi are very definitive and I wonder why we don’t see those words used much in the American press.
What is happening in your American town? What sort of mosque do you have in your neighborhood? And, in what direction will that mosque push the new refugees arriving daily which are placed in the vicinity of a mosque by Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (among others). Do they even know what they are doing?
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

PJ Media: In the Netherlands, Muslim refugees bully the non-Muslims

Invasion of Europe news……
Earlier today we posted news from Germany about Germans taking to the streets to proclaim their welcome of Muslim migrants to the country.  In the Netherlands it is an entirely different story.

Christian Union MP Joël Voordewind: …radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs.

Here is Michael van der Galien writing at PJ Media (hat tip: Joanne).

A Pakistani Christian, who has fled to the Netherlands, has made a video of life in a refugee center and uploaded it to YouTube. The video has received national attention in the Netherlands because the refugee says he’s regularly bullied and threatened by other refugees, most of whom are Muslim.

He explains:

I am a refugee and live in the refugee center at Gilze en Rijen. There are a lot of Syrian Muslims here who fled the war in their own country. These Muslims have made life impossible for us [red.: for Christian refugees]. I fled from my own country because I thought I’d be safe and welcome here. But I still have to hide here. I contacted the government agency that deals with refugees, but they refuse to intervene. I’ve arrived at a point at which I don’t know what to do.

ChristianUnion MP Joël Voordewind commented after watching the video that this isn’t the first time Christian refugees have complained about Muslim refugees. It happens very often, he says, that radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs. At the same time, however, they appeal to the Dutch government to get a residence permit, saying they aren’t safe in their own countries because of… wait for it: radical Islamic violence.


The video and appeal for help have caused a firestorm in the Netherlands, where increasingly more people are worried about the effects of mass-immigration from Muslim countries. Many of these immigrants call themselves refugees, but refuse to assimilate. They’re also, more often than not, fundamentalists themselves who have zero tolerance for people of other faiths.

Visit PJ Media for more and to watch the video.
We live in incredible times as we watch what I think will be the end of a Judeo/Christian Europe.
Think bullying couldn’t happen here?   Didn’t we hear that it happened in WELCOMING Twin Falls, Idaho recently?  Except it wasn’t Christians being harassed. It was Jews:

Harry Turner, an attorney, said he received a call from a refugee couple who’s Jewish and have been harassed in Twin Falls by Muslims.

Aackk!  I stole a line from!
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

Andy McCarthy in defense of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s remarks about European no-go zones

Andy McCarthy

Former US Attorney, author and expert on Islam, Andy McCarthy on Saturday praised Louisiana Gov. Jindal for his remarks during a speech in the UK recently.  We told you about the controversy here.

Now, here is McCarthy at National Review Online entitled, What Bobby Jindal Gets about Islam — and Most People Still Don’t  (hat tip:  Judy):

“Footballs are deflating, the president is detached from reality, the Saudi king is deceased, and the sharia state next door, Yemen, is descending into bloody chaos. With mere anarchy loosed upon the world, it would be easy to miss the fact that, in England this week, Bobby Jindal gave as important and compelling a speech as has been delivered in years about America — our leadership role on the world stage, our preservation as a beacon of liberty.

In the birthplace of the Magna Carta, it has nonetheless become legally risky to speak with candor (even when quoting Churchill). Yet Louisiana’s Republican governor became that rarest of modern Anglo or American statesmen. Bobby Jindal told the truth about Islam, specifically about its large radical subset that attacks the West by violent jihad from without and sharia-supremacist subversion from within.”

Read more of what McCarthy said.  And then this is the line that everyone must heed while there is still time for America.

The world’s most influential Islamic supremacists have told us in no uncertain terms that they see Muslim immigration in the West as part of a conquest strategy.

Let me nag you again!—please readModern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’

“They have lit a fuse!” Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer banned from entering the UK

Every freedom-loving American take heed—do not allow the erosion of our free speech rights as we watch the UK continue into the darkness.

Geller and Spencer: Letter from the Home Office said your presence here is “not conducive to the public good.”

Free speech crusaders Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch have been banned from entering the UK, Geller reported yesterday, here.  And Spencer today at Frontpage magazine.


I have been banned in Britain. My crime? My principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and individual rights for all before the law. I fiercely oppose violence and the persecution and oppression of minorities under supremacist law. I deplore violence and work for the preservation of freedom of speech to avoid violent conflict.

I have never been convicted of any crime. I have never been arrested. I became a writer and activist in the wake of 911.

For this I am banned. I shed no tears. I am banned from Mecca, too.

The Home Secretary said that my being in the UK was “not conducive to the public good.” Banning those who speak in defense of freedom is “not conducive to the public good.” It is painfully apparent that the action of the British authorities will have the opposite effect of what they had intended. They have lit a fuse. And instead of allowing a respectful laying of flowers in memory of Lee Rigby on Armed Forces day, they have given rise and sanction to poison like this (below).

Read on!

Spencer says, “British government is behaving like a de facto Islamic state,” here.

Today, see Geller on the worldwide media storm that the British government has created! She was right, they lit a fuse!

Sign the petition here.

Maryland readers may remember that Islamic supremacists attempted (and failed) to silence Pamela Geller and other speakers at the MD CAN conference in January of this year.  Their actions only helped create more interest and more registrations.

Readers:  I haven’t said it so much lately, but its important that you take some personal action in defense of free speech.  Figure out what suits your personality, but create a facebook page, tweet, or best of all write a blog of your own.  The more people who exercise their free speech rights in America the better.  It will make it harder for the fascists to shut us all down.

Hey, and if you are thinking about blogging, pick a subject and focus on it day-in and day-out so that you provide a service by becoming a surrogate investigative reporter as the mainstream media continues down the path of promoting their own politically correct agendas.