I was traveling yesterday and had no time to post or even read much, so I missed posting this important article by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily about how Kansas City Mayor Mark Holland bragged about how KC is being changed by changing the people (where have we heard that before!).
See the WND article here. Drudge picked it up and helped it go viral!
And be sure to see the 3,048 comments (as of this writing).
See our many posts on Kansas by clicking here.
By the way, one of the driving forces behind changing Kansas has been BIG Meat (the meatpackers) looking for cheap immigrant labor. You will find many posts in our Kansas archive about that.
Tag: Kansas
Wichita, Kansas schools floundering; 81 languages spoken in the school district
Red states turn blue as towns are colonized across the heartland!
If your community is considering “welcoming” refugees, please pay attention! Spartanburg are you listening!
Once you open a resettlement office in your town, the flow will NOT end!
I tell every group I speak to that the schools will be the first place to suffer if you open your city or town to refugees! See my Ten Things Your Town Needs to Know, here. And, remember it isn’t just the cost to taxpayers that will be felt, it is that education for American kids will suffer as teachers struggle to bring non-English speaking students up to speed!
Local and state taxpayers will pay for interpreters required by a Clinton-era Executive Order!

From AP via Fox News Latino:
WICHITA, Kan. (AP) – The Wichita school district, which already has one of the most ethnically diverse student bodies in the state, is trying to respond to the challenges presented by an influx of non-native English speaking children from Latin America, the Middle East and Africa.
The district has more than 350 students from other countries and 160 from other U.S. states who speak minimal English. Currently, 81 languages are spoken in the district, The Wichita Eagle reported. It has 11 classrooms spread throughout the district devoted to teaching recent immigrants and refugees.
Because federal law requires schools to provide information to parents in their preferred language, an Arabic speaker is on call to help teachers and others communicate with families. And the district contracts with Propio Language Services, an interpreting service that enables teachers and parents who speak any language to converse by phone through an interpreter.
The number of students speaking Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian has decreased while students speaking languages from Africa and the Middle East have increased dramatically in recent years, Hale said. Many in the latter group are refugees from camps in central Africa, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan.
The 10 main language groups, in order, are: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic, Lao, Cambodian, the Chinese family of languages, Bengali, Urdu and Swahili.
By the way, Arabic is the number one language spoken by refugees entering the US right now.
Local tax payers will foot the bill!
Ten years ago, fewer than 4,300 Wichita students required ESOL — English for Speakers of Other Languages — service. This year, 9,316 students qualified for services, or about 18 percent of the district population.
Wichita school board members recently said they worry a new block-grant funding plan for schools will prevent the district from getting more funding to provide services for the refugees and other immigrants.
“That’s a huge concern, because we will not be receiving additional money for those students,” said board president Sheril Logan.
Who is responsible for wrecking the school system in Wichita?
Start with the refugee contractors! Call them and ask for their “abstracts” to see what amenities they are bragging about and how many refugees they are bringing in.
KS-DFMS-04: Episcopal Wichita-Area Refugee Ministry
Address: 401 N. Emporia
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: 316-977-9276
IRC (International Rescue Committee)
KS-IRC-01: International Rescue Committee
Address: 401 N. Emporia Street
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: 316-351-5495
Texas: Somali sentenced for falsifying asylum application; feds keep terrorism connection secret
See below for the Emporia, KS connection!
We told you about the fraudulent asylum claim on February 7th, but thanks to Creeping Sharia for finding a longer article on the sentencing at My SanAntonio that contains some information I found most interesting.
Here is My San Antonio:
A Somali man was sentenced in a San Antonio courtroom Thursday to 15 years in federal prison for lying to get into the U.S., as well as a never-before-disclosed admission that he had helped a terrorist group.

Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim, 43, previously admitted that he lied his way into the country or left out damaging details — such as his relationship to two people who made international headlines because of their reported ties to terrorist groups.
But the FBI, Border Patrol, acting U.S. Attorney Richard Durbin and a national security official disclosed Thursday that Ibrahim secretly also pleaded guilty in July to sending e-mails in support of al-Shabab and providing money to a friend affiliated with that terrorist group. The charges were made public at his sentencing Thursday, but officials made no mention of his cooperation that led to them keeping the details secret for more than six months.
The affidavit said Ayrow was the former leader of al-Shabab and was killed in a U.S. airstrike in 2008. Aweys was affiliated with al-Shabab and al-Ittihad al-Islami, which the U.S. has placed on a list of specially designated global terrorist groups.
Now look at this!
Ibrahim was granted refugee status in the U.S. and resettled in Emporia, Kansas, after coming through Hidalgo in May 2007. But the status was granted based on fraudulent information, the affidavit said.
There is more here.
Emporia, KS connection
If you have been reading RRW since we began writing, you may remember that there was a huge problem with Somalis in Emporia, KS in 2007, most of whom had been lured there by jobs at Tyson Foods. Overnight it seemed Emporia was flooded with Somali refugees. If I recall correctly there wasn’t even a contracted resettlement office there.
There was such a public outcry that Tyson Foods actually shut the main part of the plant down and moved the Somalis elsewhere. We wrote about what was happening for months and created a special category, here, just for news from Emporia.
As a matter of fact, Bobbi Mlynar writing at the Emporia Gazette on November 28, 2007 told the citizens there about our refugee problem in Hagerstown, MD and pretty accurately described what was the origin of RRW.
So back to Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim—there really was a liar (a phony refugee) and prospective terror sympathizer living in Emporia at the time citizens there were agitated!
One more thing, Ibrahim did not come in the usual resettlement process, he entered the country illegally by crossing the border in Texas and asked for and received ASYLUM.
How many more Ibrahims are out there?
Liberal, KS meatpacking murder story exploding, why?
As I mentioned yesterday, this story from Liberal, KS about the murder of a Somali refugee by an African American at the National Beef plant there is a month old. Yet over the last two days it has taken off with readers apparently mostly on facebook.
Does anyone see any additional news on the story that might have set this post on fire?
‘Pungentpeppers’ reports that there was a settlement there on Friday in which National Beef agreed to pay compensation in a class action lawsuit, but it has no apparent connection to the murder or to the large number of Somali and other refugees employed in Liberal.
For new readers, we write about these meatpacking plants frequently because their need for cheap immigrant labor is one of the drivers of the refugee program. Our so-called ‘religious’ resettlement contractors work closely with them in key states besides Kansas—Kentucky, Iowa, Nebraska, North Carolina, and Colorado all come to mind. Type ‘meatpackers’ into our search function and learn more about how these plants are changing the face of rural America (here is just one post you must read).
And, by the way, Senator Jeff Sessions called out BIG MEAT as one of the chief pushers of the Gang of Eight Amnesty bill, here.
You might also search RRW for ‘Kansas’ as we have written extensively on how refugees are destabilizing communities there.
In Liberal, Kansas meat packing plant a black guy named Smith murders a Somali refugee
Update November 23rd: For some reason this month-old story is exploding on the internet, does anyone know why? See my post this morning.
Liberal by the way, is the name of the town!
Here we learn that an African-American killed one of his African ‘brothers’ apparently on the job at National Beef.
It was just last week that we reported on the on-going tension between African-Americans and Somali refugees in Minneapolis, here.
We have a whole raft of posts at RRW on problems in Kansas meat packing towns as ‘BIG MEAT’ continues to bring in refugee laborers. Click here for that entire archive. See also ‘Globalists changing the Heartland’ as they look for cheap immigrant labor for big business (with a side benefit of creating more Democrat voters in traditionally red states).
This news from last week (thanks to a Kansas reader) doesn’t tell us what the altercation was about, but searching around there is some commentary that the police are keeping details hushed up. If anyone sees more news on the Liberal meatpacking murder, let us know.
From the Leader & Times:

Jail logs issued Thursday by the Seward County Sheriff’s Office identify the man arrested for second degree murder of a man he had an altercation with last Friday as Michael Joel Smith.
Smith. 31, is listed as a resident of Guymon., Okla., and he was initially taken to Liberal Police Department headquarters for questioning on Oct. 10, after he had an “altercation” with Abdukadir Mohamed Dahir, 25, while both were working at National Beef. He was then released.
Dahir was airlifted that same day to a Wichita hospital for treatment of his injuries, where he died the following day, Saturday, due to “blunt force injuries of the head,” according to authorities.
After Dahir’s death, LPD Capt. Pat McClurg announced LPD had arrested Smith Tuesday evening and was seeking a second degree murder charge against Smith with the Seward County Attorney’s office.
Authorities have yet to release the cause of the injuries or any additional details of the altercation.
“No other suspects are being sought in connection with this incident,” McClurg noted Wednesday. “The investigation of this incident is ongoing.”
Can we expect CAIR to show up?