Minneapolis Somalis venting after student riot; and what did St.Valentine’s Day have to do with it?

No surprise that the Somali refugee “community” would blame everyone else but themselves for the riot that broke out in a high school cafeteria, here, last week when tensions boiled over between Blacks and the Somalis (also black).

Here is the Minneapolis Star Tribune with the standard whiny blame game report—it’s all about police brutality and cultural misunderstanding don’t you know.

Frustration with South High School and Minneapolis police handling of an altercation there last week continues to run high among some students and parents of Somali descent.

Several parents spoke in indignant terms Tuesday about how they believed police had used excessive force while subduing the Thursday melee that involved several hundred students.

Instead of taking their grievances to the Police Department, they held a press conference FIRST!   More cultural competence needed at South High, according to community organizer now school board member Hussein Samatar.

Their comments followed a news conference where school board member Hussein Samatar, called for more efforts to keep students safe in school, improvements in the cultural competence of South staff members and more support for students enrolled in rigorous classes.

On Tuesday afternoon, a police spokesman said the department hadn’t received any complaints about the incident, but later Chief Janeé Harteau said she would investigate the concerns.

“I have requested and opened an internal review of the incident,” Harteau said. “We value the strong relationships we have built with the Somali community, and I take any allegation that threatens that in anyway very seriously.”

[How high did you want us to jump Mr. Samatar? Sir!—ed]

Valentine’s Day?

St. Valentine a symbol of evil for Muslims

Then this comment from South’s Principal is curious!

South Principal Cecilia Sadler also spoke publicly Tuesday for the first time about the incident. She said “some fights that escalated in our lunchroom were not able to be dispersed quickly” and grew. She said Valentine Day heightened student emotions.

What!  There was too much love in the air?  Do any of you remember riots on Valentine’s Day when you were in school because so many students had the ‘love jones’ and were emotional that day?

Nah!  Too much evil according to Islamic teaching.

Yes, Muslims are forbidden from celebrating or taking part in any way in St. Valentine’s Day festivities.    I don’t know if there was any connection with the riot to the Islamic prohibition against Valentine’s Day, but I bet you a buck there was and everyone is too chicken to say it (except for Principal Sadler’s oblique reference).

Here is Islam Q & A on Fatwa No 73007:

What is the ruling on Valentine’s Day?


Valentine’s Day is a jaahili Roman festival, which continued to be celebrated until after the Romans became Christian. This festival became connected with the saint known as Valentine who was sentenced to death on 14 February 270 CE. The kuffaar still celebrate this festival, during which immorality and evil are practised widely.   [You are a kuffaar, if you are not a Muslim—ed]


It is not permissible for a Muslim to celebrate any of the festivals of the kuffaar, because festivals come under the heading of shar’i issues which are to be based on the sound texts.


Partially joining in, at the very least, is disobedience and sin.


As for the festival and its rituals, this is part of the religion which is cursed along with its followers [Christians are cursed!  Get it!—ed], so joining in with it is joining in with something that is a cause of incurring the wrath and punishment of Allaah.

Watch for it!  Readers (especially those in Minneapolis!) let me know if thanks to this St. Valentine’s spontaneous “riot” Mr. Samatar and the school board ban Valentine’s Day activities next year.  That is the stealth Jihad, that is how Shariah creeps into America!  And, heck, maybe it isn’t even spontaneous or creeping!

Minneapolis High School riot reveals tensions between Somalis and American blacks

Somalis wait in line to register at refugee camp in Kenya Photo credit: Roberto Schmidt/AFP

Update February 21st:  Somali community organizer says too much police brutality and not enough cultural competence at South High last week, here.

Several readers have sent me stories about the riot involving hundreds of students at Minneapolis South High two days ago. 

There is so much coverage of the story I don’t know where to begin, but maybe with the basics.   I wondered to myself yesterday why our old post, “Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?” was going through the roof with hits. It is our top post still today right above “Barbarians at the Gate.”

I guess this story is why people are searching for just how the Somalis got to Minneapolis (Little Mogadishu) in the first place.

First here is a bit of the food-fight-riot story as introduced by Daniel Greenfield writing at The Counter Jihad Report (Hat tip: Gary):

Bringing huge numbers of Muslim Somalis into the United States and depositing them in places like Minnesota may rank as the one of the worst policies of the last three years and the growing violence is only the tip of the iceberg.

A sensible rule of thumb on immigration policy should be that if a country is a fundamentally violent and broken place, then importing large numbers of its inhabitants will only spread that violence to the United States.

 [The ‘church’ groups (and some secular ones as well) contracted by the US State Department think otherwise—here are the nine major contractors, called Volags (short for voluntary agency which they no longer are) that resettle refugees in your cities and towns—ed].

Before I get to the riot, I have to correct Greenfield. He suggests this is a policy of the last three years?  Readers, we have been resettling Somali refugees for going on 30 years as this 2008 post of mine demonstrates.  By 1993 we had resettled over 4000 and every year since then those Volags (contractors) resettled many thousands each year.  Today, the resettled numbers top 100,000 (and they have been producing children for decades) so surely the numbers exceed a quarter of a million by now.

The only year we dropped down to bringing only a few hundred (242) was in 2002.  Do you know why?  The whole refugee resettlement program came to a screeching halt after 9/11 (briefly!).  Then it picked right up again the following year.  To date George W. Bush’s State Department brought higher annual numbers of Somalis then any President so far.  In 2004 (12,814), 2005 (10,101) and 2006 (10,330).

In 2008, the numbers took another dip (to 2,523) when the State Department realized that the Somalis (and some other ethnic groups) had been lying about who their family members were for the purpose of reuniting the ‘family’ (chain migration).   The State Department estimated at the time that there could be tens of thousands of “refugees” who lied to get into the US.

Family reunification has only recently been re-opened and we have already brought over 2000 Somalis in FY 2013 (I directed readers to the stats in this post about how Denmark is considering sending Somalis back to the now “safe” Somalia).  At that rate Obama could come close to Bush’s numbers.

So back to the riots

This is not the first time we have seen conflicts involving Somalis in high school.  Update:  Bruce sends us this news clip which ends with comments that there has been a long history of tension between black Americans and the Somali immigrants.

In Minnesota alone we saw many conflicts develop in the St. Cloud school district here .   Here is one of our earliest posts on the “friction.”

Greenfield directs us to this report (via Blazing Cat Fur) on the Minneapolis diversity-is-beautiful melee. (emphasis mine)

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A number of police cars responded to Minneapolis South High School Thursday after an alleged food fight escalated into a melee involving 200 to 300 students.

Sgt. William Palmer, of the Minneapolis Police Department, said no weapons were involved in the incident. However, four people were taken to the hospital following the melee. Police were pelted by thrown objects as they rushed to break up the brawl.

Twelve people complained that they had been sprayed with mace. Police at the scene said they had to use chemical agent to get the crowd under control as they were being pelted with objects as they tried to break things up.

One student, Abdi Sheikh, said he saw hundreds of students fighting in what appeared to be a racial incident.

“A big riot,” he said. “It was all types of races.”

Another student, Symone Glasker, said that an initial fight happened during the school’s first lunch period. By the time the third lunch period started, all the hype from the initial fight caused tensions to boil over.

She said the fights were over pride.

“I know it’s a pride thing between Muslims and black people,” she said. “They want their pride back for something. I don’t know.”

She also said “boys were hitting girls” and that some people were lying on the floor, with their hands over their heads, in surrender.

The fight, students say, was the result of long-simmering tensions between the 8 percent of students who are Somali  Americans and the 20 percent who are African Americans.

On that last line (above), I’ve laughed before about how the Volags have placed Somalis in black neighborhoods with the notion (I guess!) that the black brothers could relate.  It is not about skin color it’s about African culture vs. American culture and  about Muslims vs. infidels!

Greenfield has a bunch of links to the story, here.

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has the story too, here (hat tip: John).

And, be sure to visit the comments at Blazing Cat Fur (some are pretty funny), but here is one which is somewhat close to the truth.  They won’t, of course blame Bush, but in this case they would be partially right.

This is gonna get funny, the progressives, will have to tie themselves into knots, trying to figure out who to blame… Likely they’ll resort to the default and blame Bush. (robins111)

This is getting too long.  If you want to learn more about Somalis (we probably have more than 500 posts here at RRW), just search ‘Somali.’   Or, shorten your search by adding another search word—try ‘Somali terror’, ‘Somali meatpacker’ or ‘Somali San Diego’ for example!

Next!  Watch for news that CAIR sticks its nose into the latest Minnesota mess.

New Somali President to US Somalis: Come back to Africa and help rebuild “your country”

This is the most exciting news I’ve seen in a long time.  The New Somali President, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, visited Minneapolis on Friday with Omar Jamal in tow (more on him later) and asked Somalis to return to Africa!

Readers, this means that the pipeline of thousands of Somalis flowing from Africa to the US every year can now be stopped!  And, reversed!  Right!

From AP at the Edmonton Journal (emphasis mine):

MINNEAPOLIS – A day after the U.S. officially recognized Somalia’s government for the first time in two decades, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud called on Somalis living in Minnesota to help rebuild their war-torn homeland.

Mohamud spoke to about 4,000 people late Friday night at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Although most of his speech was in Somali, he said in English that it was, “the beginning of a new foundation.”  [Who knows what he really said because it was all translated for the gullible press by Omar Jamal—ed]

Omar Jamal, first secretary of the Somali Mission to the United Nations, said the president thanked the crowd in Somali and asked that they help rebuild the country with an emphasis on security, the economy and judicial system — either by returning to Somalia or from their homes in Minnesota. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali population in the U.S.   [that ‘from their homes part’ means sending money which became a problem when US banks were told by the feds to stop the practice in the wake of Minneapolis Somali ‘go to hell infidels’ trial—ed]

Jamal had travelled with Mohamud to Washington, D.C., where Secretary of State Hilary Clinton joined the Somali president on Thursday to announce the change in diplomatic relations. The U.S. recognition will help Somalia receive greater aid from the U.S. and international agencies.

After Friday’s speech, Ilhan Omar said he walked away with the feeling that there was a plan in place to rebuild her homeland.

“I felt like it was the first time in 20 years that we can see a light at the end of the tunnel,” said Omar, 30.

Amira Adawe, 34, added that she hopes the U.S. government’s recognition of Somalia will open the door to widespread international support. The president’s visit solidified her desire to return there and do what she can.

“It’s my country,” Adawe said. “I can’t wait to go back home and help.”  [We have already spent so much money on Somalis, maybe Rep. Ellison could introduce a bill to fund their airfare home!  It would probably prove more cost-saving than to pay for their education, housing, food stamps etc.—ed]

Think about it, we paid for over 100,000 Somalis to come to the US and resettle and paid for their social services, education, etc.; we paid dearly (remember “Black Hawk Down”) in blood; we paid for the military training that has for now pushed Al-Shabaab/Al-Qaeda out of Mogadishu; and yet some of those youths we raised at taxpayer expense had earlier left the comfort of their homes in Minnesota to join the jihadists and then we paid for the terror trials.  Is refugee resettlement a great program or what!

The AP continued:

On Thursday, Clinton said times have changed in Somalia and cited the militant group al-Shabab’s retreat from every major Somali city. The U.S. provided $780 million to African forces to help that effort.

Authorities say more than 20 young Somali men have left Minnesota since 2007 to join al-Shabab, a U.S.-designated terrorist group linked to al-Qaida. A Minneapolis man was convicted in October of helping funnel young men from Minnesota to Somalia to join the group.  [Just a little blight on an otherwise lovely story of American hospitality—ed]

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has another article with some more detail—like Rep. Keith Ellison’s role—so please visit the Tribune.

A few words on Omar Jamal

Only in America can a man arrested on immigration fraud charges (he was convicted but never jailed or deported) and in the US illegally rise to the level of working at the UN and meeting with Hillary (possibly Obama too, but it isn’t mentioned in these articles whether he got as far as the White House).

I first heard about Jamal in 2007 who I’ve affectionately dubbed the “Somali Jesse Jackson” because of his tendency to pop-up and be a mouthpiece for any Somali with a criminal problem just about anywhere in the US.  In 2007, when a Somali man was arrested for a “hallway” rape in a St. Paul apartment building, even though the assault was captured on a surveillance camera, Jamal was right there to proclaim the man’s innocence.

He popped up in the Denver Cyanide death story, and he was all over the Somali missing  Jihadist youths story (even quoted in the story when the FBI brought home the body parts of America’s first Somali suicide bomber for a decent burial).  He weighed in on the Christmas tree bomber story to defend the Somali kid.  And, when one of those Somali pirates came to NYC for trial—who was there?  You guessed it—Omar Jamal.  Then he has that gig at the UN.

Omar Jamal’s name comes up in 65 previous posts here at RRW since that 2007 hallway rape story.

For new readers we have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  Large numbers went to Minneapolis.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.  Jamal isn’t the only illegal Somali in the US.

Ever wonder what brought so many people from Somalia to Minnesota?

My title is the first line in this Star Tribune article about a new book to be published shortly about the Somali migration to America (and through America).   It should read:  ‘Ever wonder who brought so many people from Somalia to Minnesota, and why!’

Maybe it’s in the book, but no where in this description is any mention of the fact that we, the US government, brought them here in the first place.  We are always left with the impression that these downtrodden and pioneering Africans just “made their way” to America because they heard how great we are and that they want to live just like we do!

As for Minnesota, the author of the new book, Ahmed Ismail Yusuf, claims that the Somalis made their way to Minnesota because Minnesota has such “welcoming” people!  Oh, and meatpacking jobs!

You should stop here and revisit this post which realistically tells us why they went to Minneapolis—they were resettled there by the thousands by federal “church” contractors who chose Minnesota because the social services were so generous and Minnesotans didn’t squawk about the huge influx of Africans (likely fearing they would be labeled racists if they did!).  The US State Department and the contractors are also always on the look-out for meatpacking jobs for refugees, so there is likely some element of truth in that.

Here is the Star Tribune on the new (sure to be politically correct) book:

A new book published by the Minnesota Historical Society offers a detailed explanation, documenting the political, economic and social factors that led tens of thousands of Somali immigrants and refugees to make the state their new home.

Ahmed Ismail Yusuf, a local writer, is the author of “The People of Minnesota: Somalis in Minnesota.” It’s the latest in a book series that chronicles the lives of people who have helped define the state, including Swedes, Jews, Ojibwe, Germans, Hmong and African-Americans.

Yusuf writes that three words best tell the story of Somali people: sahan, or pioneer; martisoor, meaning hospitality, and war, a Somali word that literally means news. Somalis are a chatty bunch, and news travels fast and mostly by word of mouth. Those same three words also explain the migration to Minnesota.

Somali refugees first began flocking to the state in 1993, and today Minnesota has the nation’s largest Somali population.

Though the first arrivals came to the United States in 1990, they initially went elsewhere. San Diego was the original magnet city, but jobs were scarce there.

On May 20, 1992, an ad in the Sioux Falls (S.D.) Argus Leader announced that a turkey plant in Marshall, Minn., was hiring. Four Somalis from Sioux Falls applied and were immediately hired. News of their success reached San Diego, and soon a sahan party left to investigate. Four bachelors from California hopped in a car and traveled to Marshall’s Heartland Poultry plant, where they, too, found work.

Jobs were the initial draw, but those who chose to stay did so because they saw something in Minnesotans that resembled their own ways — hospitality.

Books may be purchased at the Minnesota History Center store or at local bookstores. A book launch with the author will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Jan. 24 at the African Development Center*, 1931 S. 5th St., Minneapolis.

* Read more about the African Development Center, here.

For new readers we have resettled more than 100,000 Somali refugees to cities large and small in the US over the last 25 years.  See one of the most widely read posts here at RRW.  In three years since 9/11 ( Bush years 2004, 2005, 2006) the number of Somalis arriving topped 10,000 per year.  Those refugees then began bringing in the family (chain migration!) until 2008 when shock of shocks! the State Department discovered that as many as 30,000 Somalis had lied about their kinship and weren’t related at all.  The State Department then closed the “family reunification” program for Somalis.  It has recently been re-opened for new and legit family members, but they have no intention of finding and deporting the liars.

And, on that “hospitality” issue, you might want to see reports on the latest Somali terrorism trials, here (Portland, OR) and here (San Diego) .  Or how about those Somali youths we raised in Minnesota who went back to Africa for Jihad training?   First we fly them here and resettle them, feed them, give them welfare, educate them and then we have to pay for their trials and imprisonment too!

Don’t forget—read about Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration!

Minneapolis: Somali woman gets ten years for drowning death of daughter

….and if one commenter to this story is correct, just like in Buffalo, social services or police apparently did not respond to warning signs that had been evident for some time.  Could fear of being called racists or Islamophobes have held them back?

Here is the short news story from CBS Minnesota.   As reader Cliff suggests, there must be more to this for her to have gotten ten years for an accident.

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — A 23-year-old Minneapolis woman was sentenced Friday to more than 10 years in prison for the second-degree murder of her daughter.

Deqa Mohamed Yusuf pleaded guilty to the murder charge in November and will spend 128 months in prison for the death of her 2-year-old daughter.

According to the criminal complaint, just before midnight on May 31, police were sent to Yusuf’s apartment. She was screaming that her daughter was dead, as Yusuf had left her daughter in a nearly full tub while she grabbed something from another room.

Police say her blood alcohol level was more than .20 at the hospital later on that night, and her daughter was pronounced dead on June 17 from the May 31 incident.

There had reportedly been efforts through child protection by friends and relatives to help Yusuf overcome her alcoholism and be a better parent.

A commenter (Rufftouch) to the CBS story doesn’t pull any punches:

Yes, addiction is a disease. If you read past news article about what happened the day of the incident. You would find out everyone failed to notify the police when this lady was getting drunk with the kids at home and calling her mother on the phone and threatening suicide. This is what happens when we delay help but now she will pay the price twice, prison and loss of a child. Stupid father, where were you when your baby’s mother is getting drunk everyday? They should have sterile him for 10 years too!

For new readers, here are a few posts that are always near the top of our most read posts list.  Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?  And then this one, How did we get so many Somalis, from way back in 2008.  We are still resettling thousands of Somalis to the US every year.  Minneapolis has the largest concentration of them followed by Columbus, Ohio which recently was the site of Somalis gone wild trying to get on a waiting list for subsidized housing, here.