Comment worth noting: Many blind 'conservatives' in Minnesota

Editor: Occasionally we post guest comments/opinion pieces from readers.  This, below, is a comment a resident of Minnesota posted at this story last week:

Headline: 25 reasons to end Somali refugee resettlement now

Before you read Bob Carrillo’s comment, you might want to visit Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday about Republicans and Dems (pandering!) in the Minnesota state legislature by proposing to give nearly $20 million in taxpayer dollars to Somali community development (because of course we all know that poverty produces Islamic terrorists—NOT!).
(This post will be filed in my ‘What you can do’ category—don’t be afraid to speak!)
From Bob Carrillo (highlighting is mine):

This week (Tuesday 2/6) was caucus week in Minnesota.

Two nights ago, I found myself compelled to call in to a local radio talk show host (Walter Hudson) (IHeart Radio 1130 AM – “Closing Argument”).

He was interviewing Mr. Phillip Parrish, a fairly straight laced, no nonsense, gubernatorial candidate for the State of Minnesota; a personality and intellect sorely need here in the land of Minnesota denial…


Walter Hudson radio
Walter Hudson is on the right.


I was not particularly pleased with the tenor of the dialogue exchange by Mr. Hudson. He claims to be a conservative. However, in Minnesota, as true in many places in the country, what passes for a republican, or even a common sensed based conservative leaves many of us adults in the room wanting. In short, and with very few exceptions, Minnesota has become a breeding ground for adult-children posing as conservative thinkers, and RINO’s.

In any event, I was compelled to call in to Mr. Hudson’s radio program.

Needless to say the discussion, and exchange between myself and Mr. Hudson did not come off very well…at least from his end I believe.

After posing the following question to him, and citing a number of horrible examples of atrocities committed by radical Islamist’s in Minnesota, some resulting in the maiming and even death of Minnesota citizens, as absolute proof that this is not simply some ethereal debate relating to the differences between religious and cultural factions in Minnesota at all.

Using those pesky circumstances called FACTS, I attempted to make my case, in opposition to his wishful thinking (or not) approach to Minnesota’s growing and deadly problems, Mr. Hudson did his level best to deflect and to derail our discussion at every turn.

While attempting to bring the hostility level down several times during the conversation, it was clear to me that he had no intention of allowing me to get past his all-over-the-top, and emotionally driven ranting. …He was upset.. So upset, that even after he dismissed me just prior to a hard break, he referenced me personally a few times during the next hour (segment) of his program in a less than respectful manner. Since I used to host my own weekly radio talk show program for eight years, I found his tone and demeanor to be incredibly unprofessional and disrespectful.

To my initial question: Can you point to any place on the planet where this “social justice” experiment, which involves this clash of cultures (one of which, literally refuses to assimilate by intent and by design), has worked well for the indigenous people of that place, OR has not ended badly???

Where, in Europe, Australia, or in the US and Canada is the “group hug approach”, and philosophy of appeasement (COEXIST) working? …Just one place!

Minnesota Somalis 2
Women in traditional Muslim dress take part in prayers outside the federal courthouse before a jury found 35-year-old Amina Farah Ali and 64-year-old Hawo Mohamed Hassan guilty on all counts Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011, in Minneapolis of conspiring to funnel money to a terrorist group in Somalia.

When Mr. Hudson obviously blew his stack on air, relating to my question, and then wandered around per his response in a manner, which I would only describe as angry and unintelligible, I then suggested that perhaps taking a “Straw Poll” amongst the many victims and their families here in Minnesota, who have been directly affected by this insane combination of public policy, he lost it again, and suggested that no straw poll was necessary, or some such reaction by someone in denial.

I also informed Walter that I have lived overseas, and I have traveled overseas extensively, AND I HAVE VISITED THE “NO GO ZONE’ IN PARIS. I told him that he does not want to see that here. But, indicated to hime that the seeds for that here in Minnesota have already been sown. (See Stories: uniformed “Sharia [ LAW ] Police” patrols being tolerated by the MPD in the Cedar-Riverside area OF Minneapolis, now known as “little Mogadishu”)

I did have the opportunity, while he was continuing to talk over me at every turn to make the following statement, leading to a question: “I do not see a bunch of wild eyed Catholic, Lutherans, Presbyterians, or Methodists, as an organized effort per their cultural group thinking process, running around, and committing such horrible, barbaric, violent (Anti-American) atrocities, directed at Muslims, or any other groups of people”, based upon some religious differences as the driver for all this mayhem.

I also stated as a fact, that this entire experiment in “social justice”, and the seeds of this being sown all over Minnesota, per this “Welcoming Communities” nonsense, is, for economic reasons, “Public Health reasons”, and “Public Safety reasons”, is UNSUSTAINABLE and DANGEROUS.

He continued to present, what I can only describe as disjointed philosophical drool, relating to this very serious and very real life situation we are facing here in Minnesota, and sounding like the “can’t we all just get along” mantra of the left crowd, and doing everything possible to run from the discussion points being made by me throughout our brief discussion. He was finally successful by cutting me off completely, and hanging up on the call. ..Bad form Mr. Hudson..

If I had been given the opportunity to do so, I would have asked him the following questions:

* Is all the collateral damage, which has truly occurred here in Minnesota, and with greater frequency with each passing day now, acceptable losses to you Mr. Hudson?

* Is there no question in your mind relating to the cause and effect analysis per your own thinking about all this?

* Does the other side (Muslim “community”) bare any responsibility whatsoever, for the behavior of far too many of their brothers and sisters of their “book”, whether covertly or overtly involved?

* Do these people deserve (per demand and intimidation) “TO BE TREATED AS A SPECIAL CLASS OF MINNESOTANS”??, while other Minnesotans have to follow the rules of any civilized nation, and submit to US CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – AND PUBLICLY DISAVOW ANY ALLEGIANCE TO “SHARIA LAW”?

* Should this “community” – including CAIR Minnesota and their director Jaylani Hussein, be expected – in fact required, TO PUBLICLY CONDEMN HAMAS, THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, AL-QADEA, BOKO-HARAM, and label these organizations PROPERLY as terrorist organizations, and disavow their connection and allegiance to such groups.

* Should they as (Americans?) be required to pledge allegiance to our American flag (as all other immigrants to the United States have done over time), and pledge to support, and defend OUR US Constitution, etc. etc.?

* When accepting any position in “public office” anywhere in the US, should they be swearing in per their “book”?

* Should their Imams be afforded to “special” privilege” of being able to host POLITICALLY ORIENTED TRAINING PROGRAMS IN THEIR MOSQUES, when other religions would be risking their “Tax Exempt Status” by doing the same.

* Should only “special people” be allowed to reach “sharia law” IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS here in Minnesota, and have PRAYER ROOMS, PRAYER BREAKS, AND PRAYER RUGS in OUR Minnesota PUBLIC SCHOOLS SYSTEMS, when, per a long standing US Supreme decision: the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the case of Lemon v. Kurtzman. In the 1971 case, the court ruled that a three-pronged test has to be passed for religious involvement in public schools. Is there secular purpose for the activity? Does the activity actively promote religion or inhibit religion? Is the “entanglement” between church and state “excessive?”. Because there are no other religious groups afforded ALL OF THE ABOVE, in terms accommodations, there is a problem here..

* Should there not be far better screening for serious, and sometimes, deadly “communicable diseases” being imported into Minnesota per the “Refugee Resettlement Program, and certainly the illegal “Sanctuary City(s)” public policy in full bloom in Minnesota. Additionally, shouldn’t the various Departments of Health in Minnesota be required to STOP HIDING CASES OF ACTIVE TUBERCULOSIS, and other lethal and debilitating IMPORTED diseases, and MAKE MANDATORY ALL PROPER MEDICAL PROCEDURES – INCLUDING INOCULATIONS AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS – TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC THEY ARE OBLIGED TO SERVE?

* Should not the participants in “Female Genital Mutilation” of female children, serial rape of female children (as young as 4 years or 5 years of age) as well as all other crimes committed in Minnesota, be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW (US Constitutional LAW), and those convicted, be imprisoned, deported, and (relating to crimes involving children), have their children removed for their custody PERMANENTLY?

* Where are the home grown, or imported to Minnesota, terrorists being trained in Minnesota, or being conditioned to act and behave this antisocial and uncivilized manner, hate the infidel, hate Americans (while loving AND EMBRACING all the “free goodies” per our ridiculous welfare distributions systems), being schooled to believe that they can threaten and intimidate with impunity, rape children and women, kill or attempt to kill, commit arson, and a whole host of offences against OUR American society (with impunity), in spite of how short a time, or how long a time they have been in this country – AND AMPLE TIME ENOUGH TO ASSIMILATE? Who is teaching all this and where?

* There is certainly more, but this will do for now.

In any event, I called back after being cut off, relating to our brief encounter on the radio, and proposed the following to Mr. Hudson, per his call screener: I expressed a desire to be a guest on his program for two hours – up close and in studio – and an open, direct, and respectful discourse between one another relating to these interrelated and interconnected, and extremely critical issues concerning and impacting ALL MINNESOTANS today… I even suggested that he could invite his favorite Imam to sit in as well.

I left my name, some background information about me, my phone number, and asked for a return phone call. What do you think Walter. Shall we have a go?

I am still waiting…

What do you think? Will Hudson invite Carrillo on as a guest? I wouldn’t bet on it, but you never know! We will see what kind of a ‘conservative’ man Hudson is!
For more comments and guest columns, go here.

Headline: 25 reasons to end Somali refugee resettlement now

That is the headline yesterday at!
This is a must-read story and a keeper.  Pass it out to friends and family and the next time you attend a public meeting, where refugee advocates will tell you that refugees aren’t terrorists and criminals, have your proof handy.
Hohmann has compiled an eye-popping list of Somali criminals that surely is the tip of the iceberg because we only learn about new cases when some local media outlet has the guts to report on the nationality of an arrested perp, and if the story breaks out of the local community.
Readers need to know that most Somalis in the US are here through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program or through the chain migration it has spawned. 
So, although it is a good step that the Prez has increased Homeland Security’s vetting process (here), that won’t solve the problem of the children we raised with our tax dollars becoming criminals and Jihadists. begins with the recent case of the Mall of America stabber who admitted he was attempting to kill for Allah.

Of all the countries on President Trump’s list of 11 banned from sending refugees, Somalia has by far the worst track record of assimilation.

Mall of America jihadist Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham

That ban expired last week and the U.S. will start accepting refugees again from the 11 high-risk nations, although Trump promises a more “extreme” vetting.

Vetting, however, offers few guarantees that the refugees will become good Americans. Many of the Somalis who have run afoul of the law came here as child refugees, making them impossible to vet.

Recently we learned the Somali refugee who knifed two brothers at the Mall of America was not responding to a confrontation over an attempt to steal clothing – a false narrative put out by Bloomington police last November – but actually carried out an unprovoked act of jihad.

How do we know this? He admitted it in late January with a public statement to the court.

In the prepared statement, Mahad Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America on Nov. 12 to “answer the call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-Baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

That is all I am snipping! You must click here and see the other astounding cases.

Many of the cases are from Minnesota, so if you are on twitter and want to have some fun, use the hashtag #LittleMogadishu .
If you are looking for something to do on a snow day, have a look at my category labelled ‘crimes’ with over 2,000 posts on the subject of immigrant crime in the US and around the world.
Reminder: Over the next few days I will be traveling, so don’t look for new posts here at RRW (after today) until early next week.  I probably won’t be able to post comments either.

"Diversity is strength" says Minnesota mayor!

Be careful what you wish for! 
Haven’t you all seen what is happening to Canada since the boy wonder just north of your border said the same thing?

Marv Calvin
Willmar mayor Marv Calvin. Willmar open for business—for Jenny-O turkey slaughterhouse.

They are rolling out the welcome mat in Minnesota (and not just for the NFL).
Come to think about it, the NFL has put its faith in that rag-tag Minneapolis PD (yikes!).
From the Star Tribune:

City leaders across Minnesota are passing “welcoming” resolutions in an effort to send a message that their communities are inclusive amid growing national tension around the issue of immigration.

City councils in Willmar and St. Joseph, two central Minnesota cities that are becoming increasingly diverse, are expected to discuss resolutions Monday. The measures don’t change policy but are considered symbolic.

“This resolution will just tell everybody ‘We want you in Willmar,’ ” Mayor Marv Calvin said, adding he expects the resolution will pass.

It isn’t America First! or Minnesota First! It is M-O-N-E-Y First!

“Willmar’s strength is in its diversity,” Calvin said. “If people feel they’re not welcome to a community, that’s detrimental to economic development.”

Willmar, a city of nearly 20,000 residents two hours west of Minneapolis, has long had a large Latino population. In recent years, it has also seen a growing number of immigrants from East African nations. Calvin said the newcomers have helped the city flourish with new businesses.

But the resolution isn’t meant just for immigrants and first-generation Americans. It also is designed to send a message to people who were born in Willmar or used to live there that they should return, he said.

He stabbed ten before an off-duty police officer killed him.

“Willmar is open for business,” he added.

***Update*** See CAIR organizing in Willmar, here.

In St. Joseph, residents formed a group called Cultural Bridges more than a year ago to build connections, especially between Christians and Muslims and the town’s Somali refugees and longtime residents after a Somali man stabbed*** 10 people at the Crossroads Center mall in nearby St. Cloud in 2016.

Since then, the group has taught adult basic education classes, provided homework tutoring and launched a jobs search program for Somali immigrants.

The group will ask the City Council on Monday to consider a welcoming resolution. It also plans to post fliers affirming inclusivity after white nationalist posters were plastered across the city illegally. [See posters here.—ed]

“The City Council has a great opportunity. … This is not something that should be met with silence,” said Raj Chaphalkar, a member of the group. “It may seem obvious, but sometimes we need leaders to say [these words] out loud. This is a good place to be for everybody.”

More here.
We have a massive archive on Minnesota where resettlement of Somalis began in earnest about 30 years ago thanks to resettlement contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and World Relief.  I’ve been there twice now myself.
***They like knives.  Just ask the young white woman attacked and stabbed by a man described as Somali (still on the loose?) recently. Her story was in my top three stories of last month, see here.

Somali who stabbed two in Mall of America in November says it was an act of Jihad

Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

(Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham)

But, surprise! Authorities have not yet decided to bring terrorism charges against him.
For background on Adbiraham, go here.
Below (hat tip Bob) is the latest on the case.  Interestingly, the victims (the Sanchez brothers) are out of the country, but promise to return for the sentencing.  Hmmm? We will see if they do return next month.

On Thursday, 20-year-old Mahad Abdiaziz Adbiraham pleaded guilty to stabbing two men at the Mall of America.

mahad-abdiaziz-abdirahman-mugshot (1)
Adbiraham is most likely a refugee, or the child of a refugee, because almost all Somalis in the US are here through the US Refugee Admissions Program.

The incident occurred on Nov. 12, where authorities say he stabbed two brothers in a dressing room at the mall’s Macy’s.

At the plea hearing Thursday, Abdiraham’s attorney read a statement — which is public record — to the courtroom, which explained why he attacked the two men.

In the statement, Abdiraham said he went to the Mall of America to answer the “call for jihad by the Chief of Believer, Abu-bakr Al-baghdadi, may Allah protect him, and by the Mujahiden of the Islamic State.”

The statement added, “I understand that the two men I stabbed know and have explained the reason for my attack, and I am here reaffirming that it was indeed an act of Jihad in the way of Allah.”

Abdiraham also said in the statement that Americans will not be safe as long as “your country is at war with Islam.”

Omar Jamal is back! Longtime readers know that I have followed his ‘career’ as the Somali mouthpiece for a decade! Click here for my huge archive on him.

Omar Jamal, an activist with a Somali watchdog group, said he is aware of the statement.

“This is a widespread sentiment with Somali youth,” he said.

Incredible! Jamal says if you stop them leaving the country for Jihad, they will do it here!

Jamal said the federal government’s effort to make it difficult for would-be jihadists to travel abroad and join a terrorist group has had unintended consequences locally.

“What is very concerning in this instance, is the fact that youth are exploring more ‘How can I do something here, what weapons are accessible,'” he said.


The two victims are out of the country, but court documents say they plan to return in time for Abdiraham’s sentencing in February.

If? If?

If authorities determine the stabbing was an act of terrorism, there could be more legal consequences for Abdirahahm.

More here.
So when they tell us, why aren’t we listening?

Is Minnesota's welcome mat still out for refugees?

That is the question that the Twin Cities Pioneer Press seeks to answer in a longish article published yesterday.
(Was it ever really out, or were Minnesotans kept in the dark and never asked?)
Employing a technique we have become accustomed to seeing, reporter Bob Shaw uses a family as his ‘poster family’ that seems to be the kind of people America can absorb—hardworking, speak English, grateful—so as to get your sympathy juices flowing.  But otherwise, I think it is was a pretty balanced and generally factual piece.
It’s long and chock-full of information.  Here are some snips that interested me and I wanted to comment on (emphasis is mine):

Minnesota has the highest number of refugees per capita nationwide, according to the U.S. Census and refugee-support agencies. With 2 percent of the nation’s population, Minnesota has 13 percent of its refugees.


The cutback in the refugee inflow has shaken Minnesota’s network of sponsoring agencies.  [I don’t believe we are told in this article that the “sponsoring agencies” are handsomely paid for their ‘charitable works.’—-ed]

Kim Crockett
Kim Crockett (Center of the American Experiment) said residents often don’t speak out or even ask questions of the process for fear of being called racists.

They say the more refugees, the better. They argue that refugees boost the economy, diversify our state and eventually pay back the costs of their resettlement.

Yet, refugees cost an estimated $107,000 each in food aid, medical expenses and other services, according to one researcher. Communities have no control over the in-flow of refugees, yet they must share the cost of supporting them. And, according to Kim Crockett, vice president of the Center of the American Experiment, a conservative think tank based in Golden Valley.

“No one ever asks taxpayers: ‘Do you want to support this?’ ” she said. “When we question this, we are told that is mean-spirited, bigoted and xenophobic.”

Refugee advocates made a huge mistake!

I’ve been giving this above a lot of thought lately and have concluded that the refugee industry made a huge blunder years ago in its treatment of local citizens.  Of course the refugee advocates and contractors*** thought they could go on forever keeping information secret from the local people and now once the locals see that they have been kept in the dark and are reacting, the only thing left for the industry is to pull out the “racist” label, thus making locals even angrier.
Pioneer Press continues with more on that Notre Dame study which doesn’t seem to me supports the idea that more refugees are good for Minnesota. Twenty years! It is going to take twenty years for taxpayers to be repaid for their generosity!

Refugees are free to apply for taxpayer-funded government aid, like any other residents. Nonprofit groups often help them apply.

A 2017 Notre Dame study on the economic outlook of refugees said that after 20 years, refugees are more likely than native-born residents to be receiving welfare and food-support payments — and they are also more likely to be employed.

What does that tell you? Employed at what? Obviously work (like meatpacking in MN!) that doesn’t pay enough to allow them to get off of welfare!
Crockett thinks that initial outlay is too high as well and points out that although this is a federal program, the feds have dumped huge costs on the taxpayers of Minnesota:

The refugee resettlement program is a federal effort, but the federal government “does not compensate Minnesota, or the local school districts, cities or counties, who may find themselves coping with large concentrations of refugees,” Crockett says. So when many refugees end up enrolled in Medicaid or assistance programs such as those for housing or transportation or language study, Minnesotans absorb the extra costs.

This next bit is always said in understanding tones—refugees want to live with their own kind of people, near their own cultural and ethnic kindred spirits and relatives. 

Little Mogadishu
The Star Tribune posted a glowing account of life in Little Mogadishu (Minneapolis) last year.  Can you ever imagine such a story about a neighborhood that was proud of (and attempted to retain) its Christian English roots.  Why aren’t there calls (using words like racist and xenophobic) for Somalis to “welcome” diversity to their neighborhoods?

But, here is what I want to know—-why is that same understanding not given to people with European roots? Why are we told we aren’t permitted to seek out our kind of people, but it is so acceptable for say Somalis (and other refugee groups) to develop enclaves?  

Why isn’t that Somali, who wants to live with his kind, never called a racist?

The state doesn’t keep track of refugees who arrive in the U.S. and then move to Minnesota. But the federal government does.

Minnesota accepted 4,523 refugees in the two-year period ending Sept. 30, 2015, according to the federal Office of Refugee Settlement. But at the same time, a second wave arrived — 3,864 refugees who moved from other states to Minnesota.

Minnesota’s secondary migration was larger than all other states combined. Second-place Iowa had 442 refugees moving from other states. [The story doesn’t tell you that most of the secondary migrants are Somalis and a few other African ethnic groups.—ed]

In other words, as soon as they have a choice of where to live, many refugees choose Minnesota.

“Minnesota has been a magnet,” said Bob Oehrig, director of Arrive Ministries in Richfield, an agency that handles refugees. He said Minnesota has what refugees want — jobs, good social welfare programs, and plenty of people from their home country [Somalia!—-ed].

There is much more here for you to chew on!

Strategic error!

***These (below) are the nine major federal contractors making decisions about who comes to your towns and cities. They are paid by the head to place refugees and are now in budgetary panic-mode as the Trump Administration slows the flow to America.
At some point in the last three decades they made a strategic (fatal?) error when they chose to act in secrecy and treat local communities and citizens with disdain and vilification instead of trying to be honest and understanding of concerns people have for their security, their culture and their wallets.  As a result the backlash against them is real and growing!