I laughed this morning as I noticed more new articles from all over the place using the word “plummet” in their headlines, a sure sign that talking points have gone out (probably from the Refugee Council USA) and the media lemmings have followed the instructions.
I have no idea how the numbers might go up or down as Mike Pompeo takes the reins at the US State Department. But, you know, we will be watching!
(I’ll report on the 6 month of FY18 numbers a week from today, but it looks like Trump’s State Department is on target to reach just over 20,000 this year far below the admission ceiling of 45,000 the Trump Admin set back in September. However, don’t forget that paying clients arecoming in as SIVs from Iraq and Afghanistan to help put money in the contractors’*** pockets.)
Other words that are being used include: “tumble,” “dip,” and “dropped dramatically,” but none have the ring or impact of “plummet.” ***Update*** Add “drastic decline.” Note to Minnesotans!
When I looked at the admission numbers (Wrapsnet) for this month so far—March 1 to today—I was surprised to see that MN was the top receiving state for refugees. Now remember this is only for a few weeks, but the top receiving states are usually California, Texas, Ohio, Florida, New York (big population states).
In the last 3 weeks MN ‘welcomed’ 124 new Minnesotans (only 10 were Somalis). The largest group were Burmese (78). When I do my monthly accounting a week from today I’m going to check to see how many Burmese Muslims (Rohingya) we are bringing in now. So far, our refugee flow from Burma has been dominated by Christian and other religious minorities, but the Rohingya numbers are picking up.
***For new readers, these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee resettlement contractors that work with over 300 subcontractors around the country to place refugees in your towns. They also are leading community organizing (political agitation) groups that outright oppose Donald Trump and his policies on, not just refugees, but all types of immigration including the fact that they support amnesty for illegal aliens. Reform of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is not possible until they are stripped of their power which you provide through your tax dollars.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of the nine VOLAGs’ income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees, line them up with jobs, and get them signed up for their services! From most recent accounting, here.
When I saw this—one more story on Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ and the slowdown in refugee arrivals to America, it was just one more ‘ho-hum’—so what else is new.
But, like most of the stories a little nugget pops out that gives me a better picture of how the UN and the US State Department are changing America. Only rarely do I see stories that tell us where other African blacks experiencing hatred from black South Africans are moving to. This is one of those where we see the pipeline start to finish!
Of course they can’t call it racism when its black vs. black, so for those Somalis who arrived in South Africa as illegal aliens and were transformed into refugees for your towns and cities by the thousands, they say it is xenophobia that is responsible for their ticket to America.
The story is about Mankato, MN a city that went from a 19% poverty level in 2000 to a 26% in 2015 being resettled with Somalis by the Minnesota Council of Churches(a Subcontractor of Church World Service).
That (left) is the CWS logo in the picture below…..
Here we have an anti-Trump protest by federally-funded Church World Service and HIAS with CAIR at the White House in January. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/01/28/church-world-service-and-hias-join-cair-to-protest-at-white-house/
…. and it is Church World Servicethat is paid gobs of taxpayer dollars to run the resettlement program for the US State Department out of Kenya and out of Johannesburg, South Africa. Hereis the Mankato Free Press falling for the big boo-hoo story on the drop in number of Somalis arriving in that southern Minnesota city.
MANKATO — Refugee resettlement in the Mankato area has slowed over the past year amid President Donald Trump’s attempts to ban travelers from certain Muslim-majority countries.
The local drop is a reflection of what’s happened statewide and nationwide, adding further uncertainty for refugees already in the middle of lengthy resettlement processes.
Somali refugees and their families awaiting reunification in Mankato have been most impacted by the ban.
Ben Walen, director of refugee services with the Minnesota Council of Churches, said his organization knows of 16 individuals who would’ve likely settled in Mankato before September 2018 if the ban never happened. Now he doesn’t expect them to arrive in Minnesota before the end of the year. And an arrival next year is anyone’s guess.
Then this is what I found most informative. Minnesota Council of Churches employee, Habiba Rashid, came to Minnesota as a refugee from xenophobia in South Africa (aka the “Rainbow Nation”). Then she got her family in through chain migration.
So, as I have been saying, the white South Africans who are being persecuted by racist black South Africans should apply to the UN and Church World Service to get to the US as refugees. Head on over to that UN/Church World Service office in Johannesburg and (try to) get on the list!
After all, CWS is paid by the head to bring refugees to the US, it shouldn’t matter to them whether they are black or white, right? Mankato Free Press continues… Habiba Rashid, 3rd from right is a Somali ‘refugee’ from xenophobic South Africa. Photo: http://www.mankatofreepress.com/news/travel-ban-hampering-refugee-resettlement-in-mankato/article_fdedf3a2-2c85-11e8-a7b9-0f4aa256e212.html
Not knowing when the wait will end has been hard on families in the area, said Habiba Rashid, who settled in Mankato with her husband six years ago.
“Families here are panicking,” she said.
Now a community navigator in the council’s Mankato Area Refugee Services office, she waited six years before her resettlement here and another four afterward for her mom, dad and siblings younger than 18 to join — a timeline she describes as “lucky” compared to others. She said a term like “chain migration”is a misleading term for what should be thought of as family reunification.
Calling it chain migration also assumes refugees can just attach family members to their resettlement applications, which she said doesn’t resemble her experience or the experiences of the families she knows.
Aid organizations try to comfort them, knowing many waiting for resettlement grew so restless they turned to dangerous crossings into Europe.
Others who wait out the process in countries like South Africa, like Rashid’s family did, face xenophobic attacks.
More here.
If I were organizing a campaign to bring the persecuted white farmers to America, I think I would start writing to key offices at Church World Service, like these below:
Address to Church World Service. Re: Save the South African White Farmers!
See my extensive South Africa archive, here.
Don’t miss my post from yesterdaywhere Minnesotan Bob Enos tells us what a fictional Somali family is costing taxpayers of that state and nation.
Editor: From time to time we post guest opinion pieces and comments worth noting. This is another from Bob Enos of Willmar, Minnesota (home of Jenny-O turkeys!). Here he is reacting to a pronouncement by the state legislature that it simply cannot calculate the cost of refugees to the taxpayer. Of course, since the state’s auditors contend that the numbers simply are not available, then conversely that means that every economic study from the likes of ‘Welcoming America,‘Global Detroit! (and Lutheran Social Services of MN and Arrive Ministries MN) which claim immigrants and refugees bring economic prosperity to small towns and dying cities can’t possibly make that conclusion. Data on the true costs are not available says the Minnesota legislature. Here is Mr. Enos:
On March 10, 2017, the Saint Cloud Times(Minnesota) newspaper – a Gannett Media publication – reported, “Refugee costs are difficult to gather, report says”. The story was published in the aftermath of Saint Cloud city council member Jeff Johnson’s spirited but vain attempt to gather support for a study of refugee resettlement’s economic impact on his city and county.
Of course, whether the costs are difficult to gather or not evades the issue. Furthermore, it is but part of a larger question:
Are refugees a net gain to their communities?
In anticipation of the April 15 tax filing deadline, the following comes from a “pro forma” federal tax return for the fictitious Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Mohammed.
What we know of the Mohammed family’s likely financial scenario comes from several sources: the US Office of Refugee Resettlement, the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development, the MN State Demographic Center, the MN State Refugee Resettlement plan, the World Health Organizations, and probably a few more sources rattling around in my head.
Here’s the Mohammed family profile.
Two parents are raising seven minor children in a nuclear family. One parent likely works in meatpacking, earning a maximum of $12 per hour for a 30-hour work week – just two hours shy of full-time employment, absolving the meatpacker of a health insurance obligation. The other parent is home (with seven children, someone has to stay home!), consistent with the 40-50% unemployment rate reported by several public and private sources.
Consequently, the family’s total wage income is $18,720. With exemptions and deductions totaling $49,150, there is ZERO tax liability. Stated another way, the family’s income would have to increase 145% – to $49,500 – for the family to begin having any federal tax liability at all.
What’s more, the Mohammed’s are income-eligible for the “earned income tax credit”, entitling the Mohammed’s to receive an IRS “rebate” of $6,318.
Sorry Welcoming America. Since none of you know what the true costs are to local, state and federal taxpayers, you can’t sell us on more refugees as a vehicle to re-building local economies.
So much for the refugee family which earns its keep.
Now that we have confirmed the Mohammed’s tax status, let’s turn to the additional burdens placed upon taxpayers; the burdens that the MN Office of the Legislative Auditor finds inordinately complex.
The income threshold for poverty guidelines in Minnesota for a family of nine is about $45,900 annually; consistent with the income required for the Mohammed family to reach tax liability. The Mohammed’s income is only 41% of that which our federal government calls a family in similar circumstances 100% impoverished.
There is virtually NO poverty entitlement program for which the Mohammed’s are not eligible.
So, let’s add ‘em up.
Health Care
Since Mr. Mohammed is considered a part-time employee, publicly-funded Medicaid provides the family health insurance. We know what our private insurance premiums are costing us, so let’s be lenient and estimate the value of the Mohammed’s insurance premium at a $1,000 per month, or $12,000 annually.
Subsidized housing for a four-bedroom apartment is close to a $1,000 per month, or $12,000 annually. The Mohammed’s will have no co-pay.
Estimates for the costs of teaching a non-English learner are about 50% over a mainstream education, according to most sources. In Minnesota, educating a mainstream student costs about $6,000 annually; for the refugee student, about $9,000, or $63,000 annually for the Mohammed family.
Federal supports and sundries
The federal Refugee Reception and Placement Program contracts with the nine “faith-based” VOLAG’s, to relocate and place the family over a 30-day period, for $2,225 per person. Total RRP tab for the Mohammed family: $20,025.
Minnesota’s “Diversionary Work Program” is intended to help parents prepare for the world of work. The family can qualify for a benefits package of up to $70 per person to cover expenses including shelter, utilities, phone allowances, and other “personal needs”. Total expense for the Mohammed family: $630 a month, or their eligibility for the cash portion of the Minnesota Family Investment Program (read: welfare), whichever is less. For a family of just two, the cash portion of the MFIP is $408 per month. MFIP assistance lasts for five years. Oh, and by the way; up to 43% of the Mohammed family’s earned income is disregarded when determining the net income for computing their monthly benefits. Essentially, the Mohammed family will be eligible for the maximum full ride on this program for five years.
If, by some freak occurrence, the Mohammed family is ineligible for the benefits described above (and how could they be?), the state Refugee Cash Assistance program will pick up the slack. RCA provides a monthly standard of $437 for a childless couple, so it’s a safe assumption that a family of nine will receive at least twice that amount.
The federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) provides cash assistance for aged, blind, or disabled refugees.
Then there are: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), a/k/a food stamps; refugee health screening for communicable and infectious diseases; employment services; English-language learner classes; federally-mandated translation services for schools, hospitals, health clinics, law enforcement, judiciary, and corrections. [And, I will add a cost never calculated and that is the cost of the criminal justice system if just one of the ‘children’ has a run-in with the law.—ed]
Finally, there have been suggestions that employers of refugees, such as in the meatpacking industry, receive cash subsidies from the US Department of Labor, intended to offset the cost of training the refugees. In the past, federally-funded “on-the-job” training at the worksite has enabled employers to recover cash equal to 50% of the employees’ wages for up to twelve months.
Have I said enough, fellow activists?
Small wonder Minnesota’s Legislative Auditor can’t get its head wrapped around refugee resettlement finances. And it won’t. And neither will any other agency of local, county, or state government. Because it’s the equivalent of pulling a loose thread on your clothing. And because the motivation, the incentive, simply is not there.
Run the numbers for health care, housing, education, cash assistance, and sundries, and this one Mohammed family appears to produce liabilities to federal, state, county, local, and school district taxpayers of about a HALF MILLION DOLLARS over a five-year period.
So, the hair-splitting and hand-wringing that reports like the Minnesota Legislature’s Auditor produced this month are simply a diversion. The question is not whether or not refugee resettlement burdens the taxpayers. The existence of the burden is beyond question. The central questions is: how much, if any, burden is our society willing to incur?How much of a burden is TOO much? Those are political questions. Meanwhile, we as a nation are now faced with the management of a chronic financial burden.
And with regard to the future political question, the following proposal is a reasonable starting point for a conservative’s solution:
1) Any refugee resettled in the US must have pre-arranged employment, pre-arranged unsubsidized housing, and a private sponsor that secures an insurance policy – a bond – to relieve government of any financial liability, should the resettlement threaten to become a public charge;
2) Refugees must be INELIGIBLE for any public assistance, excluding the public education of minor children, for the first five years following resettlement;
3) The taxpaying public is long past the point for trusting its government agencies associated with refugee resettlement to audit themselves. It’s time for the establishment of Citizen Review Boards, bestowed with the legal authority and the funding to retain private, independent auditors; to identify which public programs are to be measured, the metrics used to measure them; to share what is learned with the citizenry, through neighborhood-based discussion and debate; and to recommend reforms or repeal. Lastly, it is time for citizens to DEMAND that state legislatures take up this issue for discussion, debate, and resolution.
We do not need the permission of the federal government to protect our communities. What we need is the political will, along with very thick skin.
Mr. Enos’ guest column is archived in my category entitled: ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts,’ here. You will find other columns by Mr. Enos there as well. Endnote: In 2015, the Center for Immigration Studies took a stab at calculating the cost of Middle Eastern refugees to your wallets, here. And more recently the Federation for Immigration Reformdid a calculation, here.
I’m posting this because I’m curious about this gang which was arrested shortly after the shooting of a respected Iraqi family man resettled in Rochester, MN by Catholic Charities only a few years ago. Was it a random shooting? We likely will never know.
I was also interested because the gang (playing the name game!) appears to be a mixed group of migrants and home-grown thugs. (Diversity is strength so they say!)
ROCHESTER — The man who was shot and killed Monday night escaped violence in Iraq, only to have it find him here.
Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf, 40, was an Iraqi refugee who immigrated to the United States in 2014.He, his wife and their two young children left their home country and settled in Rochester shortly thereafter, with help from a local branch of Catholic Charities.
On Monday night, Al Naddf was shot and killed with a single bullet to the chest near his home in the 2800 block of Charles Court Northwest. Four men have been arrested in connection with the shooting — the motive for which is still unclear — and will likely face charges of second-degree murder.
ROCHESTER, Minn. – Four suspects are now in custody in connection to the murder of a husband with two kids, Rochester police said Tuesday afternoon.
Capt. John Sherwin said Tuesday the murder of 40-year-old Ahmed Muafaq Abdulhu Al Naddf began with a confrontation of some sort and ended with one shot being fired.
Eric Tyler Lee, 25, Sao Yim Jr., 24, Traequan Bamlounghong, 23 and Deante Stanifer, 24, are all facing second-degree murder charges.
Stanifer’s arrest was announced Tuesday afternoon after the other three had already been taken into custody.
For the folks in the multicultural mecca of Minnesota, let me know if you see more on this case.
This post is filed in my ‘Crimes’ category with the other 2000 plus stories archived there.
Too funny! Send me more of these stories, like the ones I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago, here, where I explained that readers are virtually never told anything about the immigration status or ethnicity of someone arrested. They are simply referred to as the “_____ man.”
From his photo and his name we know he is Somali and likely a refugee (from a refugee family) since the vast majority of Somalis in the US came in through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
Thanks to reader JC for sending this newsfrom yesterday:
Student, 19, Charged For School Shooting Threat On Snapchat
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A 19-year-old man faces charges after allegedly threatening a school shooting via social media.
According to a criminal complaint, Omar Fuad Abdi is charged with one count of terroristic threats.
The complaint states police responded to Ubah Medical Academy*** in Hopkins Tuesday on a report of a student with a bullet.
This one is easy: Omar Abdi is Somali
A staff member told police he took a bullet from Abdi during gym class. He also said he had a video of Abdi robbing someone with a handgun.
When police spoke to Abdi, he said he was the person in the video, but the robbery was staged and the gun was a BB gun. He said he found the bullet outside of the school.
Wednesday, police were alerted to a threatening Snapchat post by Abdi.
“School shooter coming tmr [sic] !!! Go tell the cops,” the message read.
Police met with Abdi at the school, where he admitted he wrote the message, but did not actually intend to shoot anyone. According to the complaint, he “wanted to see how people would feel after learning of the post.”
I know every one of you, when you see stories like this one, want to know where he is from and how he got here. As Ann Coulter says, we all get out our “secret decoder rings” and play the name game.
But, the police and the mainstream media seem hellbent on keeping that information secret.
*** I was interested to learn what the Ubah Medical Academy is and this (below) is what I learned at their website.
The refugee industry spawns new cottage industries!
It is a public charter school almost completely made up of Somali students. Again we see that government-funded effort to encourage separateness rather than encouraging assimilation. “Culturally sensitive environment!”
Our Mission
The mission of Ubah Medical Academy is to provide students with a rigorous education that will prepare them for college and the pursuit of medical, or other meaningful careers in our community. As a public charter high school, Ubah Medical Academy is open to all students, but our program is inclusively designed to meet the unique needs of international students and their families in a culturally sensitive environment.