If you don’t read The Muslim Issue, you should, the bloggers there have some informative stories that dovetail at time with what we write here at RRW.
Today (or last night) The Muslim Issue has a post about a professor of Islamic studies in Germany (a Muslim himself!) who is suggesting that Mohammed never existed—get ready for all hell to break loose in Germany!
But, it’s the “honor killing” story that I want to post.

Here is a bit of it:
NEW YORK, Sept. 27 (UPI) — Prosecutors said a New York man has been charged with conspiring to kill two family members in a dispute over the arranged marriage of his daughter in Pakistan. [read on…they were killed!—ed]
Mohammad Ajmal Choudhry was arrested Thursday on charges of conspiring to commit murder in a foreign county, transmitting threats via interstate communications and visa fraud, federal officials said in a news release.
U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Loretta E. Lynch — along with officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Homeland Security Investigations; and the U.S. State Department — said court filings indicate Choudhry directed that his daughter, Amina Ajmal, a U.S. citizen, be held against her will for three years in Pakistan.
She was forced to marry a Pakistani national so he could get a U.S. visa, prosecutors said.
Read the whole disgusting story of how two innocent relatives were killed.
So, how do all the Pakistanis get into the US?
Most people assume that the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department takes all comers, but it doesn’t. Pakistanis make up a small proportion of the program (156 came this year as “refugees”). See this very handy map and list at WRAPS.net Map Arrivals by Nationality as of 31 Aug 2013
Here is an article from 2012 (a little outdated) that says that 65% of Pakistanis (the second fastest growing group of Asian immigrants in America) are foreign born and most get here thanks to chain migration—family reunification. Another 16% were sponsored by businesses. So once the seeds are planted, the extended family comes too! In the terrible story above, the deaths were the result of Islamic ‘law’ and immigration fraud.
We have a ‘women’s issues’ category with other “honor killing” stories posted there.
Photo is from the Dawn.com article.