Australian website (Pickering Post) posts what the Australian Left-media doesn’t want you to see

A reader from Australia just sent me this website (which we will add to our blogroll) and recommended we read it from time to time.  We will.

I picked this recent post to give you a taste of what is happening Down Under with its ever-expanding Muslim immigrant (refugee!) population.  Our Australian reader is not optimistic about Australia’s long-term survival.  I had just been thinking this morning about a new category for RRW—So, what did they expect? (when admitting Muslim migrants to western democracies).

At Lakemba, Australia mosque. How the hell did this happen?


If you thought you might escape to Australia—forget it!

From The Pickering Post (entitled: How the hell did we let this happen?) by Rennie Carter:

Australia! Land of the free. Land of opportunity. Land of milk and honey. Ask any hardworking Greek or Italian immigrant and they will tell you it is true. It’s a place where the opportunity is given to live a good life. A peaceful life. Australia – the country that opened its arms to the downtrodden peoples of war ravaged Europe. Australia – the land that opened its arms to the Vietnamese. But then, we went too far with our open-arms policy.

Today we have opened the floodgates to a people who hate us before they have even gotten off the boat. In fact it is worse! It is ILLEGAL to like us. To even befriend us. Sure they will put their hand out for our benefits, but they will hate the hand that it came from. And it is not me or some Australian infidel crackpot who is saying this. It is them!

A prominent text in the Islamic Bookstore in the retail hub of Lakemba, billed as “your superstore of Islamic knowledge”, asks the question for those Muslims who are teetering on the brink of liking an Australian – “Is it allowed to support and love disbelievers?”  Answer: “No, it is not allowed.” So there – it’s final! We are not allowed to be liked.

Worse! A large sign screams from the side of a building, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger!” So they even hate our God/s!

I must thank the PP’s ‘Ingrid’ for bringing this to light for me… an article by Tim Blair of the Daily Telegraph. He spent some time in Lakemba, which through bad luck or atrocious management, is now a Muslim stronghold where its new inhabitants are allowed to display signs that would offend the hell out of most Australians and to scream insults at our women as they pass them in the street.

The article goes on, “A few weeks ago a large crowd of mostly young men assembled outside the Lakemba Hotel. Waving black flags, the men chanted: ‘Palestine is Muslim land. The solution is jihad’.”

Tim Blair said, “I asked a non-Islamic local about that night. ‘You should see them when they really go off,’ she said. ‘That was nothing.’ Another non-Islamic woman said young men sometimes shouted ‘sharmuta’ at her from their cars. She looked up the word online and discovered it was an Arabic term for prostitute.”

Apart from hating infidel Australians and Australian ‘prostitutes’ -this mob also give over shelf space, in their doctrine superstore, to books giving the lowdown on the Jews.

Read it all.

I also found the story about fraud in Australia’s customs and immigration department fascinating. Yikes!  You know it has to be going on here in America too!

And, be sure to see our category on Australia (142 previous posts) by clicking here.

Survey: 37% of Germans want Muslim immigration to Germany halted

Invasion of Europe series continued….

Photo at ‘World Bulletin’ has no connection to this news, it is being used to denigrate German citizens and link those opposed to more Muslim immigration to the extreme political right (even though Nazis of the 1930’s and 40’s were really on the political left).


Perhaps what interested me most is that although the article tries really hard to link the dissatisfaction with the ‘Rightwingers’ and uses this photo (above) to illustrate the article and cause readers to recoil, the dissatisfaction (55% think asylum seekers are liars) cuts across all political parties.  These are mainstream Germans.

World Bulletin:

The study concluded that a large number of Germans with xenophobic, chauvinist or anti-Semitic tendencies did not only vote for right-wing parties, but also center-right or center–left parties.

Meanwhile, Germany has offered to take 10,000 Syrians this year and most of those are Muslims.

Here is more of the story from World Bulletin (emphasis is mine):

Muslim immigrants, Roma people and asylum seekers face growing discrimination in German society, a recent study by Leipzig University has revealed.

Almost 37 percent of those surveyed said that they are in support of the prohibition of immigration of Muslims to Germany, while 43 percent of Germans said that they “sometimes feel like a foreigner in their own country due to so many Muslims living here,” according to the research conducted by Leipzig University scholars Professor Elmar Braehler and Dr. Oliver Decker.


A total of 24.1 percent argued that foreigners should be sent back to their home countries, should there be a scarcity of jobs in Germany.

The research has revealed a significant increase in negative views towards Muslim immigrants in the last five years.

Those who argued for a ban against the immigration of Muslims to Germany has increased from 21.4 percent in 2009 to 36.6 percent in 2014.

A total of 18 percent of those surveyed approved xenophobic statements, while five percent agreed with anti-Semitic statements.


The survey showed that there is a widespread negative perception of asylum seekers in society.

A total of 55.3 percent said they did not believe that asylum seekers really flee from prosecution or pressure in their home countries, while 76 percent opposed the simplification of processes for granting asylum to refugees.

Achtung! German politicians:

… for right-wing extremism has decreased to 5.6 percent this year, compared with 9.7 percent in 2002.

The study concluded that a large number of Germans with xenophobic, chauvinist or anti-Semitic [only 5% expressed anti-Semitic statements!—ed] tendencies did not only vote for right-wing parties, but also center-right or center–left parties.

More in our ‘invasion of Europe’ series may be found by clicking here.


Diana West: Brandeis University buckles under pressure from Islamists

That is the story which surely you’ve heard on the news in recent days.

We have read both of Ms. Hirsi Ali’s books and recommend that you do as well.

Somali women’s rights advocate, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, was slated for an honorary degree from Brandeis University, originally established as a liberal arts college for Jewish students, but, after a professor sent up a red flag, then pressure from CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), the university caved and dis-invited her.

Update:  Be sure to see Hirsi Ali’s (and Hitlers!) response, here.

Before we get to Diana West’s column at Townhall, please read or re-read our post of a few days ago about Al-Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of immigration.

Diana West (Hat tip: Paul):

When Brandeis University withdrew an honorary degree for Ayaan Hirsi Ali after a student-professor firestorm branded her an “Islamophobe,” the campus in effect declared itself an outpost of Islamic law, American-style. Officially, Brandeis is now a place where critics of Islam — “blasphemers” and “apostates,” according to Islamic law — are scorned and rejected.

Not that Brandeis put it that way in its unsigned announcement about Hirsi Ali’s dis-invitation, which notes: “She is a compelling public figure and advocate for women’s rights, and we respect and appreciate her work to protect and defend the rights of women and girls throughout the world. That said, we cannot overlook … her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University’s core values.”

Translation: Hirsi Ali’s advocacy on behalf of brutalized women is good, but Hirsi Ali’s “past statements” — advocacy that connects such violence to Islamic teachings — are bad, or, in faddish twaddle, “Islamophobia.” As a dhimmi (non-Muslims under Islamic law) institution, Brandeis cannot possibly honor the infidel.

Read on.

Now, at the end comes the important part for our purposes.

West lists some of the “post 9/11 taboos” that will serve to keep Americans from fully grasping what we have done and are doing to ourselves before it is too late!

Never say Islam has anything to do with terrorism. Don’t ever, ever draw a cartoon of Mohammed. Oppose “gendered violence” (there’s no such thing as Islamic-rooted violence against women). Ostracize or humiliate “apostates” like Hirsi Ali (at least until real Islamic apostasy law becomes applicable here). In other words, protect, coddle and swathe Islam from the barbs and scrutiny that all other religions receive — or else. Or else what? Citizens might decide to halt Islamic immigration or “refugee resettlement” because it brings Islamic law to the West.

It is called the stealth Jihad.  We are pouring Muslim refugees into America every day, and you are paying for it (with your tax dollars) and will pay for it in other ways later.

Come to think of it, maybe we should be thanking Brandeis for creating a media storm!

Update April 16th:  See good commentary here—‘honor killing Brandeis style!’


The goal of Muslim immigration according to Muhammad

For more than a year, we’ve harped on the need for you to read this book‘Modern Day Trojan Horse:  Al-Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.’   If you haven’t done it yet, here is a summary of the basic concept.

The push for Shariah law is further advanced in the UK, here is a photo from an anti-alcohol demonstration in London in December.

From Israel Islam & End Times (emphasis is mine):

THE ISLAMIC concept of Hijrah (Immigration) as a means of supplanting the native population and reaching the position of power is a very well-developed doctrine in Islam.

[Then a little history lesson]

Muslims learned and remembered this lesson, and since then the concept of Hijrah- Immigration- as a means of supplanting the native population and reaching the position of power became a well-developed doctrine in Islam. Immigration in Islam is not a Western liberal romance about how the newcomers gratefully search for opportunities for a better life in liberty and offer their talents and loyalty to the benefit of their new homeland. Immigration as Islam sees it is an instrument of Islamic expansionism that employs religious and ethnic separatism in order to gain special status and privilege, then subvert, subdue, and subjugate non-Muslim societies and pave the way for their total Islamization and implementation of Shari’ah law.


The main principle for a Muslim community in a non-Muslim country is that it must be separate and distinct. Already in the Charter of Medina, Muhammad outlined the basic rule for Muslims who emigrate to non-Muslim land, i.e., they must form a separate body, keeping their own laws and making the host country comply with them….

Here is the concept of Taqiyya  (lying to infidels) at work.

Muhammad’s teachings forbid Muslims to immigrate to a non-Muslim country if they pursue the goal of their own personal gain or pleasure. But if they immigrate with the ultimate goal of spreading Islam and making it victorious, or at least this is a part of the reason for their immigration, then they are allowed both pleasure and personal gain. A Muslim immigrant should not integrate with the host society, but if his stay depends on showing some kind of integration to the host non-Muslim society, then he is permitted to demonstrate a fake integration, only in appearance and only temporarily, until the goal of subduing and the Islamization of this host society is achieved.

Liberals (and some most Republicans!) don’t get it!

That is why all those discussions so popular among Western liberals about which method is best for the integration of the religious Muslim immigrants into the host non-Muslim societies are not only futile; they are amusing, like disputes about the best way to make a tiger a vegetarian.

Church is state, state is church:

From the start, Muhammad brushed aside the Christian postulate about separation of Church and State: in the Islamic community, Church is State, and State is Church. The most important result of Hijrah was the expansion of Islam outside its initial borders not only as a religion, but as a socio-religious and socio-political system. Muslim immigration is a transitional period of preparation for transforming the host society from an open society into an Islamic society of the “slaves of Allah” and of establishing a political system, a State, based on Islamic principles.

There is more, read it all.

One thing that we Christians, Jews and atheists, focused on our daily lives, don’t get is that this is a process expected to take generations—-Islamists are focused on an end-game that likely won’t happen in their lifetimes.

Addendum:  This post has been one of our most-read posts since we reported the news last Friday.

Did you see this? Muslim Brotherhood launches US political party

March launch of the new Muslim Brotherhood party in Washington.

It actually was launched last month, but I saw it this week when Investor’s Business Daily published a hard-hitting opinion piece.

What is the most important thing they need to be successful?  Numbers!   How are they getting their numbers?  Immigration, of course, and refugees represent the greatest stream of new Muslim voters into the US.

There may, however, be a little bit of silver lining to this news.  Perhaps Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan might work through the new party and stop trying to subvert the Republican Party.

The Islamists will have their own party!  Their goals would be out in the open.


Islamofascism: With an eye toward the 2016 election, the radical Muslim Brotherhood has built the framework for a political party in America that seeks to turn Muslims into an Islamist voting bloc.

‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016,” said Nihad Awad in launching the benign-sounding U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, whose membership reads like a Who’s Who of Brotherhood front groups.

“We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”

USCMO also aims to elect Islamists in Washington, with the ultimate objective of “institutionalizing policies” favorable to Islamists — that is, Shariah law.

This development bears careful monitoring in light of the U.S. Brotherhood’s recently exposed goal to wage a “civilization jihad” against America that explicitly calls for infiltrating the U.S. political system and “destroying (it) from within.”

A Trojan horse!

Front and center is the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, the catalyst behind this Trojan horse jihadist political party.

There is more, read it all.

Speaking of Trojan horses, this is a very good time for you to read or re-read”The Modern Day Trojan Horse:  Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration.’

Hendi gets an award from FBI director in 2008!

Do you remember Yahya Hendi? 

If you do, you have been with RRW since our first summer in 2007.

We wrote about him here.  He is (was?) an Imam in Frederick, Maryland and the Muslim chaplain at Georgetown who traveled to Saudi Arabia to report that he predicted that by 2015 there would be 30 Muslim mayors in America.  Of course his time-table is way off, but nonetheless, he revealed the aim.  He said there weren’t enough converts to get the number of voters needed, so what else is there—immigration!

As I have mentioned many times regarding this 30 Muslim mayors comment, can you imagine the uproar if someone said, ‘we want 30 Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic (any religion) mayors heading US cities.’  There was never a peep about Hendi’s stated goal.

Photo above:  That is Nihad Awad (CAIR director) standing behind the new head honcho, Oussama Jammal, of the US Council of Muslim Organizations.

We have a lengthy archive on CAIR, here.  They are heavily involved with issues relating to refugees, especially with the Somalis.   And, they were a key player in the hate crime hoax in El Cajon we mentioned here yesterday.

***Update***  Ladies! Let’s have a laugh at CAIR!  Here!