UK: Muslim immigrants make their move to take over public schools

Since we are on the subject of the stealth jihad this morning, I found it amusing that staunch defender of Muslim immigration to Canada, Doug Saunders, says it is illogical that people would make the difficult move to a faraway land while hating the place they moved to and wishing to change it.

Doug Sanders: they just want to be like us!

See our Canada post earlier today.  I didn’t give you anything from Muslim apologist Saunders, but this is what he said in a recent debate with Dr. Salim Mansur.

The Globe and Mail columnist also addressed concerns that Muslim immigrants will eventually attempt to impose Sharia law in Canada, enacting edicts that oppose secular values, oppress women’s rights, and discriminate against homosexuals.


“This narrative is built on a basic fallacy,” Saunders stated. “Why would any family endure the trouble and expense of immigrating to a faraway country because they hate its ways? People generally immigrate to places whose values and institutions they find agreeable.”

Saunders needs to tell that to the Muslims in the UK who are now making a move to take over some public schools according to The Mail (Islamist plot dubbed ‘Trojan Horse’ to replace teachers in Birmingham schools with radicals).  Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers.’

Muslim fundamentalists are plotting to take over state schools, according to leaked documents.

Activists have launched a campaign to oust headteachers using dirty tricks such as spreading false allegations and packing governing bodies with their supporters.

The plot, which ringleaders have named Operation Trojan Horse, has emerged in documents drawn up by the group and leaked to a local newspaper.

The dossier names several schools in the Birmingham area as targets of alleged plots.

The authors of the documents discuss extending the ‘jihad’ operation to Bradford and Manchester – cities with rapidly growing Muslim populations.

Read it all.

So, I would ask Mr. Saunders what is the difference between Canada’s Muslims and those in the UK?  Only one difference as far as I can see, the numbers are not yet great enough in Canada, but they will be one day.

Where is the Muslim population in the US distributed most heavily, see our much-visited post here.  Some states may surprise you!

Canadian (Muslim!) professor: Canada has disarmed itself by swallowing the toxin of multiculturalism

…..and, if Canada has, surely the US is worse because a debate like this one (hosted in part by a mainstream news outlet) would never even happen in America!  Frankly, even our major immigration control groups don’t have the nerve to address this issue publicly!

Dr. Salim Mansur has called for a moratorium on immigration to Canada from Muslim countries.

Here is the story from Israel National News.   Isn’t that funny that this account of what happened is published in Israel.  The only other report I saw in Canada was one blasting the professor for his “Islamophobia!”

Emphasis below is mine:

The MacDonald-Laurier Institute and the Globe and Mail held a public conference recently on the phenomenon of Muslim immigration to the West, which debated whether or not the influx is bringing a culture of violence to Canada and other Western countries.

The debate was conducted between Doug Saunders, journalist for Foreign Affairs for the Globe and Mail, and Salim Mansur, a Political Science professor at the University of Western Ontario, reports Shalom Toronto.

The two addressed the following questions: Are immigrants from Muslim countries bringing violence and values ​​that are inconsistent with Western values​​? Are Muslim immigrants integrating into Western society in the same ways that other ethnic minorities do? And, is Muslim immigration a threat to Canada or West?

Interestingly, it was the political science professor – who is, himself, Muslim – who maintained that Islam remains a threat to Canadian society.

You can read what Saunders had to say and then this is what Dr. Mansur warns us about:

“Canadians’ mistaken notion that all cultures are equal has disarmed this nation in the confrontation with the illiberal demands of radical Islam,” he fired, noting he was “drawing upon – as an immigrant, as a person of color and as a Muslim – inside knowledge of and lived experience in the cultures of both liberal democracy and Islam.”

“A liberal-democratic society based on individual rights, freedom, and the rule of law cannot indefinitely accommodate non-liberal or illiberal demands from immigrant groups without subverting its own culture,” Mansur noted. He then identified three risk factors: the rise in birthrates among the Muslim community, the nature of Muslim culture and its relationship to non-Muslim cultures, and the West’s multiculturalism.

Statistics cited by the professor include proof that the foreign-born population in Canada has become predominantly non-Western since 1967, especially in major city centers, and that the Muslim immigrant population is growing four times faster than other immigrant populations.

As a culture, Mansur stressed, Islam became a “rigid, closed system” during the 14th century, as a result of a heavy Bedouin influence. Mansur maintains that early Islam found Bedouin culture “savage” – but it nonetheless prevailed.

“The full face of this Bedouin-ized Islamic culture that has wrecked the diversity of the Muslim world from within is to be seen in the bigotry, violence, vulgarity and misogyny of Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Khomeini followers,” Mansur noted. “It is the nature of mainstream contemporary Muslim politics – or Islamism – to conform to the Bedouin disposition.”

This disposition, Mansur claimed, characterizes contemporary Islamic values – even in immigrant communities. The things heard in Canadian mosques are “intractably opposed to liberal democracy,” and aim to “ruin from within” Canadian and Western values, according to the Professor.

Multiculturalism, meanwhile, threatens to allow this attitude to rear its ugly head in the political sphere, according to Mansur.

“In having swallowed the toxin of official multiculturalism, Canada has disarmed itself of the ability to discriminate between immigrant groups which are importing cultural baggage that is harmless, and those that are toxic to the values of liberal democracy,” Mansur concludes.

Time for a little more debate in America about the forbidden ‘M’ words—-Muslims, multiculturalism, and moratorium!

Tensions flare in Germany over housing for asylum-seekers

Your average middleclass German (country class!) is rising up to oppose plans by the government elite (ruling class!) to put asylum-seekers (from mostly Muslim countries) in their neighborhoods.  I wonder why?—here, perhaps, is one reason we posted earlier this week.

Berlin here we come! Fall 2012 pro-immigrant march. Note the red flag with the clenched fist—it’s not a sign of peace.

From AP at ABC News:

Daniel Krawczyk is convinced bad things will happen to his Berlin neighborhood once the refugees move in: “They’ll break into our basements,” he says, “steal our kids’ cell phones, bring crime and violence and take away our jobs.”

The 29-year-old janitor in the eastern outskirts of Berlin is among many locals up in arms over the city’s plans to turn an empty high school into a center for up to 400 asylum seekers, part of growing opposition to refugee shelters across the country.

The boat-is-full mentality in Germany is finding an echo in the government: “Even an economically strong country like Germany is considerably challenged” by the influx, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said recently, in an apparent attempt to reflect voter fears two months ahead of general elections. Meanwhile the far-right is exploiting anti-refugee fears, seeking new supporters as its members participate in rallies against new asylum shelters.


About 43,000 people applied for asylum in Germany in the first six months of 2013, almost double the roughly 23,000 for the same period in 2012. While the numbers are a far cry from the hundreds of thousands who flowed into Germany at the height of the 1990s Yugoslavia wars, German cities still find themselves struggling to cope with the influx of recent refugees, mainly from Syria, Chechnya and Afghanistan [likely all Muslims!—ed]. Germany is the top destination for refugees to the European Union, followed by Sweden, France and Britain, all of which also received thousands of asylum applications during the last few months.

Backlash by the middle class was swift!

….. Berlin authorities were caught off guard by the hostile backlash in Hellersdorf — a neighborhood that is almost entirely German — and by the speed with which the far-right, anti-immigrant National Democratic Party moved to exploit that anger.

No sooner had the plan been announced than posters appeared proclaiming “Nein zum Heim” — “No to the Shelter.” Leaflets and a Facebook page warned that the neighborhood would be overrun with thieves, littered with garbage and that the playground would no longer be safe for German children.

To hell with what the residents think!

Despite the resistance, Berlin authorities insist they will push ahead with the center, although they have postponed moving asylum seekers into the building — and won’t say when the move will take place.

Read it all!

Why is it that most times the country class ‘gets-it’ intuitively?

Maybe the German government needs to look to Switzerland for a new plan (btw this was our top post yesterday and was read around the world!).

Check out our category on Europe with its 400-plus posts on problems there.

The Photo can be found here.

Greenfield at Frontpage reports on Muslim immigration numbers

Muslim immigration to America doubled in twenty years, but these are only the legal ones!

Daniel Greenfield has analyzed that Pew demographic study we told you about here in May and has brought us a few more facts to ponder.  Information like this is worth repeating.

Here is Greenfield—it’s about the babies!

The numbers still aren’t anywhere as bad as in Europe. We’re looking at 100,000 Muslims a year or 10 percent of the 1 million immigrants a year who enter the United States.


But it’s the birth rate that really counts more than just the number of immigrants. We aren’t just accepting immigrants, but their children and their children’s children. That’s how the Boston Marathon bombing happened.


….we’re importing as many as 2,500 Muslim babies a year into our demographic pool.

Read it all!  Then order your copy of ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’

Civilizational change is a more significant threat to the survival of America and our Western values then Islamic terrorists blowing up some things along the way (in my opinion!).

Breivik’s message to Norway (Pravda doesn’t mind mentioning it)

Where is the rest of the media?

Earlier this week few media outlets marked the second anniversary of Anders Breivik’s slaughter of mostly children of the political ruling class in Norway reminding us of those iconic monkeys.  But, I see that Pravda isn’t shy about presenting some facts.

Honestly, I think the average westerner, average American (including reporters), can simply not wrap their minds around the demographic fact that Europe will be a Muslim-dominated continent by mid-century if there are no immediate policy-changes regarding refugees and immigration generally.

Here are several snips from the Pravda piece on the anniversary of Breivik’s “message.”  The article is worth reading in its entirety.

Two years have passed since the dreadful massacre in Norway by an ultra-right activist Anders Breivik. The tragedy has highlighted the fact that the country’s authorities have failed to solve the problem of immigrants, especially Muslims. Inaction of the authorities largely provoked the heinous crime whose victims were mostly Norwegians.


The most unpleasant fact for the Norwegian authorities is that many citizens of the kingdom, while finding Breivik’s actions unacceptable, partially agree with some of his ideas. In the 2009 elections, the ultra-right Progress Party won the second place with 23 percent of the vote, demanding to ban Muslim immigration and restrict immigration altogether. Norwegian Muslims from the local Center for Combating Racism complained that after Breivik’s crime the attitude towards them has only worsened.

Can you imagine a paragraph like this one in any major publication in the West?

Norwegian official statistics says that the unemployment rate among immigrants from Asia and Africa exceeds nine percent, while among the indigenous Norwegians it is four times lower. Why would they work? Unemployment benefits amount to a thousand dollars a month, child benefits are even larger. They can live, breed, and the government will pay. As a result, indigenous Norwegian taxpayers have been maintaining a number of immigrant slackers for decades.

Breivik predicted that in ten years Oslo would be Muslim:

Muslim immigrants whose number amounts to approximately 180,000 (over three percent of the population) have even harder time integrating into the local community. 32,000 of them came from Pakistan, 28,000 – from Iraq and Somalia. 16-17 thousand people from Turkey, Iran and Bosnia reside in the country; there are also numerous immigrants from Afghanistan and Kosovo. A significant portion of immigrants from Russia (16,000) are natives of the North Caucasus.

The first mosque in Oslo was erected in 1974, and today there are several of them. Various Muslim organizations operate in the country. As of last year, approximately 40 percent of school children in the capital were children of Muslim families. In 58 of the 136 schools children of immigrants (mostly Muslims) already make up the majority of students. Breivik concluded that in ten years city of Oslo will be Muslim, and many agreed with him.

“We came to change you!”  (Iraqi Kurd now in prison in Norway):

An Iraqi Kurd nicknamed Mullah Krekar has been living in Norway for over 20 years. “We came to change you. Look at the population growth in Europe where the number of Muslims is growing like a mosquito swarm. In 2050, 30 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim,” he said.

Here comes my nag!  Don’t forget to read about Al-Hijra.  The Islamic Doctrine of jihad by immigration (and how we deal with it) is, in my view, a more significant factor in the future of the West than any terrorist attacks or upheavals in the Middle East making headlines today.