Denmark: How its Muslim immigrants are destroying the country (economically and culturally)

This is an indepth article at the Gatestone Institute which has been doing a lot of reporting on the Muslim immigration crisis gripping Europe.

This is one more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, but it is more than that—see important parallels for America!


A warning from reporters Ingrid Carlqvist and Lars Hedegaard on Denmark’s Open Door!  Again, from ‘Pungentpeppers’ who is making sure I don’t get away from the computer this morning!***

Yes, there are no-go-zones, and yes, the Imams control the Muslim population…..

Here is just one bit about that:

…you will hardly ever hear a Muslim –­ whether first, second or third generation — ­express the slightest gratitude for all that hard-working Danish taxpayers have given them. Quite the contrary. When Muslims sound off in the media, it is usually in order to complain about the horrible way they are being treated. They are being harassed, excluded, mocked and offended by the natives. The original inhabitants turn their backs on them. That is often true, but is at least partly explained by the fact that Muslims prefer to live in confined areas (in Denmark they are known as ghettoes) with each other, where they can practice sharia law, keep control of their women and where outsiders are not welcome.

Then here is a section that sounds oh-so-familiar.   We have often, on these pages, used the phrase “Humanitarian Industrial-Complex.”

“The Immigration-Industrial Complex”

Another group with a vested interest in both further mass immigration and non-integration and is what may be labeled “The Immigration-Industrial Complex.” We are talking about the vast number of public employees and officers of semi-private humanitarian organizations who make a living out of receiving, caring for and integrating foreigners. If they were to succeed, or if the stream of asylum seekers were to dry up, they would be out of a job.

As a prerequisite of its work, the Immigration-Industrial Complex strives to spread a sense of guilt. This endeavor is mightily supported by a great number of journalists and so-called “experts,” who have made a career out of accusing their fellow Danes of racism, “Islamophobia” and xenophobia. We are so rich, they claim, and yet we will not take responsibility for the plight of billions of our persecuted and poverty-stricken fellow men around the world.

Exactly how Danes — and other Europeans who have never hurt a fly — have incurred this burden is never explained. Nor would this sort of self-flagellation carry weight anywhere outside the West. But here it works wonderfully.

As Amir Taheri, former chief editor of Tehran’s biggest newspaper, explained at a conference in Copenhagen some years ago: If you want to integrate newcomers, you have to get rid of people who make a living out of integrating them.

Read it all!

*** I had a reader this week say that she was getting too many e-mails from me.  But, you should know that I don’t send out e-mails with the latest post, wordpress does that automatically if you have signed up as a subscriber! I definitely understand about too many e-mails! So, if you don’t want to be notified, please figure out how to unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have time and feel like it!

Authorities cancel the usual Monday anti-Islamification rally in Dresden, Germany; say organizers lives at risk

It is Monday morning and one of the first things I did was look for news about how today’s anti-Islamification march by PEGIDA was shaping up.  I’m such a cynic and so this news from NBC yesterday seems (to me) like a very easy way for Chancellor Angela Merkel to shut up those pesky demonstrators—just claim that the government is shutting it down for the ‘Right-wings’ own good (ironically to save their lives from Islamic terrorists or their Left-wing enablers).

Last week 25,000 turned out in Dresden, the highest number so far! Photo:

Actually when you think about it, if Islamic terrorists should (God forbid) kill organizers of the anti-Muslim immigration movement, the civil war might come sooner than it surely will later.

From NBC News (emphasis is mine):

German authorities canceled a march by the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement in Dresden due to a “concrete threat” against the group’s weekly gathering, officials said Sunday.

PEGIDA — or “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West” — drew 25,000 people at its last rally in eastern Germany. While some of the PEGIDA protesters are believed to be right-wing extremists, the majority are not believed to be. The group’s protests, fueled by fears that the country could be overrun by Muslims and other immigrants, have alarmed German officials.

Dresden Police said in a statement Monday that it had received information relating to a “concrete danger” in connection with PEGIDA’s weekly rally and that it was banning the demonstration and public gatherings in the city for Monday.

“Attackers were called on to intermix with the PEGIDA demonstrators in order to commit a killing of single members of the PEGIDA organizing team,” Dresden police president Dieter Kroll said in a statement. “We have to act on the assumption that there is an immediate danger to the lives of all participants in the demonstration.”

What do you bet another threat is called in next week!

Go here for all of our previous coverage of Dresden.  Our extensive archive going back several years on Germany’s immigration mess is here.

Click here for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ generally.

Liberal Bill Maher takes on Muslim assimilation problem: sometimes people don’t melt!

From Breitbart News:

“You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry!”

On Friday’s broadcast of his HBO political talk show, comedian Bill Maher channeled Breitbart News on the threat that radical Islam poses to European countries, along with the dangers sharia law represents to Western freedoms.

What follows is a discussion, including about the recent controversy surrounding terror expert Steve Emerson’s exaggeration on Fox News about the Muslim population level in Birmingham, England.

Maher cited these facts, then said, “Sometimes in a melting pot, people don’t melt.”

Maher went on to say, “I don’t want to live in a world where we can’t wear a mini skirt walking down the street… You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry” about radical Muslim threats.

“We know that there are some Muslims who want to take over” and eliminate our culture and laws, Maher concluded.

Muslim population levels

On that Birmingham Muslim population question (Maher says Birmingham is 25% Muslim, I’ve seen 20%)….  Last month I wrote an extensive paper (yet to be published) on the refugee program and Muslim immigration and during my research I concluded that the Muslim population of a city or a country only needed to get to about 3% before the Islamic supremacists became emboldened and  began to push their sharia compliance agenda.

If you are wondering, the only really thorough study I could find on Muslim demographic levels was this one from 2010 at Pew Research.

What I realized also is that we really do not have a good handle on how many Muslims are permanent residents of the United States.  Someone must do a very serious and thorough analysis soon!

We are probably around 1% as a country with pockets higher than 3%.  Pew (in 2010) said France was at 7.5%, but all of the recent estimates I’ve seen put their Muslim population at 10%.

After Paris, everyone is talking about Muslim immigration, and not just in Europe

Here are a couple of recent opinion pieces on how we need to reconsider Muslim migration to America. There are others, if you see one to add here, let us know.

Lawrence Auster (January 26, 1949 – March 29, 2013): A man ahead of his time! In 2009, he argued for a dramatic halt in Muslim immigration to America.

The first is from the columnist Georgie Anne Geyer:

There are simply too many cases on the books now not to believe that there is a powerful current among these Islamic immigrants that abhors belonging and demands ruling. And it is not only in Europe, but it is also in Canada and the United States, where anti-Semitism and the subjugation of women in particular are present in the minds and manners of too many Muslims.

Indeed, in America itself, we need only to look critically at the trial now starting in Boston of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accused in the Boston marathon terrorist attack. He comes from quite a family. Not only are young Dzhokhar and his late older brother suspected in the bombing, but his mother and two sisters were earlier accused of shoplifting and various other crimes.

So the question then comes down to one word: Why?

Why was this family — Muslims all, from the extraordinarily brutal Chechen ethnic region of Russia, with no means of support in this country and with no loyalty to American principles — allowed to migrate here? The odds that they would succeed, given their background and the rage they HAD to have in their hearts against the world, were virtually nil. And they have fulfilled that promise with flying colors. [The answer is that we have an absolutely out of control asylum system, and the sooner everyone, including columnists get up to speed on it, the sooner it might be reformed.—ed]

So it is time to ask the unspoken (and unspeakable?) question: Why should the U.S. and Europe take as immigrants people who are 99.9 percent allied against the Western way of life? Why are we not protecting ourselves? Why are we singing infantile songs about how all have the right to be “free” when “freedom” for them is becoming radicalized and joining a murderous group like ISIS.

And, here is Ian Tuttle at National Review Online (with an enormous number of comments).

Radicalism seems to ferment as much, if not more so, among first-generation Westerners as among their immigrant parents. Which means that massive Muslim immigration may have few visible repercussions today — but a great many tomorrow.

That reality is becoming manifest in the United States.

There is much more, read it all.  Tuttle mentions our refugee admissions policy.

Thank you Lawrence Auster!

For all of you newbies on the control-Muslim-immigration band wagon it might do you good to visit this speech (A Real Islam Policy for a Real America) by Lawrence Auster given four years before his untimely death in 2013.  Thanks to Judy for sending it.

Endnote:  One of our top posts of all time, is this one from 2013 where radio talk show host Laura Ingraham (also ahead of her time) called for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.

Swiss People’s Party leader calls for ban on more Muslim refugees to Switzerland

Of course their are howls of outrage from the Socialist Leftwingers calling it “discriminatory!”

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series continues…..

From OnIslam:

Wobmann was behind the successful campaign to prohibit the construction of minarets in Switzerland.

 CAIRO – Calls by a far-right politician for banning Muslim refugees in Switzerland have been criticized by several politicians, who considered his approach “discriminatory”.

“It’s discriminatory, resolves nothing and contributes to an atmosphere of hate and witch hunting,” Martine Brunschwig Graf, head of the federal commission against racism, was quoted as saying by the Tribune de Genève.

According to an online report from Blick, Walter Wobmann, Swiss People’s Party (SVP) MP from Solothurn, has called for banning refugees from Syria and Iraq.


The SVP member, who was behind the successful campaign to prohibit the construction of minarets in Switzerland, warned that the government’s approach towards asylum seekers may foster extremism in the European country.

The politician’s anti Muslim comments were seen “unacceptable” by Carlo Sommaruga, federal MP from Geneva and a member of the socialist party.


According to the CIA Factbook, Switzerland is home to some 400,000 Muslims, representing 5 percent of the country’s nearly eight million people.

By the way, in my analysis when a country passes the 3% mark there is almost no time left.  The Muslim population is emboldened well before 5%.  The US Muslim population is estimated to still be at or below the 1% mark, but some individual cities are well above that and much more demographic analysis is needed in the US.