North Dakota: Somali sexual assault case delayed, waiting for mental health report

Readers, I apologize, I am so behind. I especially apologize to all who are sending me great story ideas.  There are dozens and dozens of them that I could post, but not enough hours in the day.  This morning I spent way too much time telling the story of my attendance at a Trump rally, here, so am going to try really hard now to post a lot of my refugee backlog quickly (Ha! famous last words).

ND rapist
Abdulrahman Ibrahim Ali

Since we have been mentioning the Dakotas recently (South Dakota, here) this story about a possibly mentally impaired Somali caught my attention.
We hear about thorough screening all the time, are they screening out the mentally ‘challenged?’  Apparently not!
From news:

FARGO – A Fargo man charged late last year with sexually assaulting a Mapleton store clerk appeared Wednesday, April 13, in Cass County District Court, but his case appears to be stalled for now as attorneys wait for a mental health exam.

Abdulrahman Ibrahim Ali, 36, faces charges of gross sexual imposition, kidnapping, aggravated assault, and terrorizing stemming from an incident in December at Gordy’s Travel Plaza in Mapleton. The most serious charge, Class AA felony gross sexual imposition, could carry a lifetime prison term if Ali were convicted.

According to this report, he told the victim as he assaulted her that she was his “wife.”  Was he nuts or behaving in a manner consistent with Islamic teaching by proclaiming that she was his wife and therefore he could do this to her—allegedly beat her and sexually assault her.

Brandborg (Ali’s attorney) did not specify what he was waiting for, but Judge Tom Olson in January ordered a mental health evaluation for Ali, who communicated in court Wednesday through an interpreter.

At one point Wednesday, Ali said he was having problems at the Cass County Jail and that he was taking medication but was not sleeping. [Note to local and state taxpayers—you are footing the bill for refugee criminals, not the US State Department or the contractors that send them to your towns.—ed]

Mental evaluations are used in criminal cases to assess whether a defendant is unable to assist in his own defense or was mentally ill or deficient at the time of the alleged crime. Either situation can prevent a defendant from standing trial.

Ali’s family has said he suffers from biploar disorder and that minor criminal charges against him in Ohio and Minnesota were dismissed on mental illness grounds.

Continue reading here.  And, click here, for our North Dakota archive where Lutheran contractors are in charge of bringing diversity to the state.

Fargo, ND news program exposes Rupert Murdoch and rich pals' propaganda campaign!

Editor:  Since I don’t know how much subscriber overlap there is between my other blog American Resistance 2016! and RRW, I thought this 6 minute news clip was worth posting in both places so that no one misses it!  Progress is being made by alternative media breaking through the power of the corporate media!

Wow! People across the heartland of America are beginning to understand what is happening to them!
This is a must-watch video of a local TV news reporter exposing the Partnership for a New American Economys joint effort with Open Borders activists like Welcoming America and the US Refugee Admissions Program to make sure a steady supply of cheap labor is distributed to your towns and cities.

Rupert murdoch grouch
Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch is the leader of a propaganda campaign in Fargo, ND (among other unsuspecting cities).

Also exposed is a classic and pernicious campaign that is underway to manipulate public opinion!
For background see our post from January (at American Resistance 2016) about Rupert Murdoch and his rich elitist pals at the Partnership for a New American Economy.
And, then see our post just last week here at Refugee Resettlement Watch about the selection of the 20 cities where citizens are going to get the full-court propaganda press to “welcome” their replacement population.
See also Leo Hohmann’s more detailed report on what these big-wigs have planned for 20 cities.  This is what I said at WND:

“They want to manipulate the minds of the community and get Americans to believe mass immigration is going to be good for them, that they’re all going to benefit from the influx of more and more migrants,” said Ann Corcoran, author of the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog. “It’s a mind game to soften up the receiving communities.”

Update: See Lutheran Social Services of ND PR about the “controversy”, here.
Watch this!

Unconstitutionality of refugee program in 12 states explained

Thanks to Breitbart Reporter, Michael Patrick Leahy, thick-headed non-lawyers like me are beginning to grasp the argument about how the federal government is placing an unconstitutional burden on states which has no legal basis in the so-called Wilson-Fish alternative resettlement program operating in these twelve states:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Governor Otter, how about you?

Here is how the Breitbart story begins, but I urge you to read the whole thing especially if you live in one of those states.

A brave governor is needed to be the plaintiff in a lawsuit that is ready to file!  Help find that governor!

Twelve states hold the key to a constitutional challenge to the increasingly controversial U.S. Refugee Resettlement program.

In states where governments have withdrawn from the statutorily questionable “Wilson-Fish alternative program,” the program is now run by private charities contracted by the U.S. Department of State.

North Dakota! How about you Jack?

As Breitbart News has reported previously, the Thomas More Law Center, a well respected public interest law firm, is looking for one brave governor from among these twelve states (Alaska, Alabama, Colorado, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont) to step up and act as the plaintiff in the case.

The constitutional argument is that the federal government, without the permission of these 12 Wilson-Fish states, has “commandeered” state funds by placing refugees in their states, thereby obligating states to pay Medicaid expenses for the refugees, in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In effect, the federal government is imposing an unfunded federal mandate by regulatory fiat, rather than statutory authority, on these 12 “Wilson-Fish alternative program” states.

There is much more, continue reading here.

Find that governor!

Go here for our previous discussions of Wilson-Fish.

Myth: Refugees get free cars explained; not free, but taxpayer subsidized

Update November 5:  A reader tells us there is a way for refugees to get cars free (besides the IDA method below).  If others of you have more information on how these ‘deals’ work, please let us know:

The most common route to a “free car” is through the Match Grant program – and yes this does provide a free used car to the refugee and cash to the contractor. The way it works is john Q public (or a dealer) donates his car to the Match Grant program. The contractor (Volag) gives the car to the refugee and, at the same time, presents a bill to the ORR Match Grant program . ORR Match Grant pays cash to the contractor (Volag) for 90% of the claimed value of the donated car. I am not exactly sure of the 90% – it is always changing and always getting better and better for the contractor (Volag).By now it could 100% of the claimed value. At any rate, the U.S. treasury takes 2 hits: one for the guy who writes off the donation on this tax returns and one for the pay out to the contractor (Volag).

One more mention of North Dakota and then I have to do a  whole bunch of other things (I expect posting may be sporadic in the coming days).

Close up shot of Uncle Sam holding pink piggy bank
Yes, the federal government runs a piggy bank for refugees and cars are one of the permitted goals for the special savings account. The resettlement contractors manage the money.

When we told you about the myth-buster meeting in Fargo earlier this morning, here, one line in the news account jumped out at me (one of several), but I want to tell you a bit about this one:

She added that refugees are not given free cars. “They get, at most, a four-month bus pass,” she said.

For years I’ve been seeing the “free cars” line.  There really is an explanation to it, but because whoever asked about it at the meeting probably didn’t ask the right question that allowed Ms. Thomasson to dismiss it as she did.

In fact, the Office of Refugee Resettlement has a special grant program called ‘Individual Development Accounts (IDAs).

We told you about it here recently (sorry for daily readers that we have to go over these things, but on some days we have a couple thousand new readers who have never been here before, so we have to repeat information).
For every dollar the refugee saves for one of 4 possible savings goals, you, the federal taxpayer match them a dollar.  This whole program is managed through resettlement contractors like Lutheran Social Services.
Here is the gist of the program:

Individual Development Accounts (IDA) are matched savings accounts designed to help refugees save for a specific purchase. Under the IDA program, the matching funds, together with the refugee’s own savings from their employment, are available for purchasing one (or more) of four savings goals:

Home purchase
Small business development
Post secondary education or training
Automobile (for employment purposes)
Public or private non-profit organizations administer IDA programming.


IDA grantees provide matched savings accounts to refugees whose annual income is less than 200 percent of the poverty level and whose assets, exclusive of a personal residence and one vehicle, are less than $10,000. Grantees provide matches of up to $1 for every $1 deposited by a refugee in a savings account. The total match amount provided may not exceed $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for households. Upon enrolling in an IDA program, a refugee signs a savings plan agreement which specifies the savings goal, the match rate, and the amount the refugee will save each month.

I must mention that there was a time when Catholic Charities was taking donations of used cars and there were some stories about cars going to refugees that way, but I haven’t heard of it in recent years.
I am guessing that the “free cars” claim is based on the IDAs.
If the question had been asked in this way: “Do refugees get car purchases subsidized through federal grants?” I would hope Ms. Thomasson would explain the program.
Incidentally, you can imagine that when word gets out in communities that refugees are getting ‘goodies’ like this and the average low-income American isn’t getting these special deals, some tension likely builds in the community.

More on the North Dakota poll: Lutheran's refugee program opposed by 57%

In my previous post I mentioned that in Fargo, ND yesterday, the major refugee resettlement contractor spoke to a gathering hosted by the Chamber of Commerce to dispel the “myths” about refugee resettlement in the US.

Gotta keep the refugees flowing into North Dakota because LSS has a fancy new building to pay for. LSS is paid by the head to resettle refugees AND they receive other federal grants for all sorts of additional “programs” for their special charges. From a recent FORM990 we learned they received over $10 million in government grants. Here is what we said in August:

After posting it, I came across this news account from Valley News Live which commissioned the poll.  And, I want to commend them for taking this initiative!

Perhaps all of you in ‘Pockets of Resistance’ should encourage a respected news outlet to commission a poll like this.

The story begins:

Refugees coming to the United States is quickly becoming a defining issue for the field of 2016 presidential hopefuls. It’s an issue too that directly affects us here in the Fargo-Moorhead area. This is a major resettlement region, and Fargo is home to the largest group of refugees in North Dakota.

This is the first in a series taking a deep dive into this issue, exploring your opinions, the impacts to our schools, our neighborhoods and our infrastructure, how your tax money is being spent and how this issue extends well beyond supporting or opposing refugee resettlement.

We, at Valley News Live, wanted to really understand your viewpoints when it came to this issue so we had a solid starting point from which to work. We commissioned a study by Mason Dixon Polling and Research out of Jacksonville, Florida, paid for it and now have those opinions.

I’m not going to snip the poll results because I want you to go visit Valley News Live yourself by clicking here.  Note that Independents made up the most number of respondents indicating very clearly that this issue is not a Republican v. Democrat issue.