US is 20th on good countries of the world list

Sweden is number one!

Good Country is promoting a one world government as you can see here on their website:

Most of the world’s problems are really just symptoms of a bigger, underlying problem: that we haven’t yet worked out how to organise ourselves as a single species inhabiting a single planet. This can change.

Trump America First


We need to co-operate and collaborate much more closely if we’re going to make the world work.

But, most of the time, we don’t. Why not?

Because the seven billion people who created all these problems are organised in two hundred tribes called nations. Each one is run by a government that’s totally focused on the national interest: what will make us richer, happier, safer, stronger? They don’t worry too much if that makes others poorer, unhappier, more vulnerable, weaker because, well, they’re foreigners. And foreigners can’t vote.

Can this ever change? Yes it can. It will change when we, the people who keep those governments in power, wake them up and tell them the world has changed, and their jobs have changed with it.

More here.

I think you can see why Trump’s America First campaign has a whole lot of people upset.

No time this morning for more on this, just wanted to give you a chuckle. (This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day‘ category, here.)

But someone should do a little research on this bunch at Good Country. Sounds like a George Soros/UN project!

Here is where the US stands (check out those categories!):


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Note to Soros and Sutherland on DC rally this Sunday: the jig is up

Writer Willliam Jasper at The New American isn’t pulling any punches as he lays out the strategy and the actors for this Sunday’s Rally for Refugees in Washington, DC. (We told you about it here).

Breitbart London also confirmed the link between Sutherland and George Soros and the globalists plan to open borders world wide.

Here is Jasper yesterday (emphasis is mine):

The professional Soros migration/refugee agitators are rallying the street radicals to come to Washington, D.C., this Sunday, August 28. The aim of #DCRally4Refugees is to whip up the appearance of popular support for the UN’s September 19 Refugee Summit and President Obama’ plan to “surge” thousands more Syrian “refugees” into American communities.

The #DCRally4Refugees is being organized by dozens of radical-Left groups funded by billionaire hedge fund mogul George Soros (shown) and his Open Society Foundations. As we reported last week, hacked documents from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) database have confirmed what was long known to readers of The New American: that the plethora of “grassroots” NGOs lobbying for the United States to take in more refugees and more migrants is, in reality, a phony Astroturf setup of professional revolutionaries financed by corporate globalists.

Moreover, OSF’s secret e-mails, memos, and reports posted by the hacktivists also reveal the incestuous, behind-the-scenes coordination among the Soros-financed street revolutionaries and their high-level consorts in the Obama administration and the United Nations.

One of the key globalist Insiders in the planned massive refugee resettlement scheme is the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on International Migration Peter Sutherland. As we have pointed out in previous reports, Sutherland, the former chairman of Goldman Sachs International and British Petroleum (BP), is a top-level member of the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Transatlantic Policy Network, and other world-government-promoting organizations, and is one of the key architects of the ongoing Muslim migration tsunami that is currently devastating Europe. Sutherland will also be one of the principal speakers at the UN Refugee Summit in September, according to the UN’s press office.

As part of its effort to project the appearance of popular support for more refugee resettlement, the #DCRally4Refugees is urging activists to sign online and postcard petitions to Congress stating their strong support for the refugee influx and their opposition to legislative efforts in Congress that would impede the planned migration deluge.

Continue reading here to follow links.  There is much more including a full list of the sponsors of Sunday’s planned propaganda stunt. Mysteriously absent is one usual player—-the US Conference of Catholic Bishops/Catholic Charities.  Boy would I like to know what that is all about!
Jasper’s list seems to have omitted Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service which was in the original list.  But, the USCCB is absent and thus 8 of 9 federal resettlement contractors will be backing the event which is ultimately aimed at bringing more money (your money!) into their coffers.
We previously reported on Sutherland’s role in changing Europe by changing the people, here.

Iraqi refugee czar, and Soros puppet, Samantha Power to fill UN Ambassador post?

That is according to a lengthy discussion at The Asian Tribune and it of course depends on US Ambassador Susan Rice’s elevation to the Secretary of State position Obama is pushing.

I’m posting this portion of the Asian article just to remind us, and build an archive here, about this dangerous George Soros puppet—the “humanitarian vulcan” Samantha Power.   Actually I also have a theory that if Susan Rice is shot down due to her ridiculous display on Benghazi that Obama could substitute Power and the Senate would give a collective sigh of relief and not muster an objection thinking they defeated the worst choice Obama could make.  Rice is a “yes-man,” but Power is truly dangerous.

Although White House Iraqi Refugee Czar Power mouths concern for “human rights” she famously said she was sick of doing “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff” like standing up for beleaguered Christians in Iraq.  So, I guess in her mind, not all human rights are equal.

Besides forming interconnected groups as I reported here in a February 2010 post when writing about Power and Soros, much of the Socialist Left’s international interference hides under the “humanitarian” white hat.    (Political Environmentalists do that too—hide behind a supposed preservationist goal that is only a  facade while padding their pockets and pushing their political agenda, but that is a story for another day and another blog.)

They give the impression that they are motivated only by caring and goodness, that they have heart (and you don’t) and it gives them license to go to war, just as they did in Libya.   Soros and his girls are just power-hungry fascist control freaks.

Anyway, nothing earth-shattering in the Asian article about Power and Rice and their mucking around in Sri Lankan affairs, but I just want to have this article in our Samantha Power archive.

Dr. Samantha Power, the special assistant to President Obama, the senior director of the US National Security Council handling the subject multilateral affairs and human rights, and the head of the Atrocities Prevention Board is tipped to succeed Dr. Susan Rice as the United States Permanent representative to the United Nations is another top official who has devoted some time to the issues confronting Sri Lanka even undertaking an official fact-finding tour to Colombo in June 2010.


The journalist, activist and Harvard professor, Samantha Power, burst onto the foreign policy scene in 2003 with her book “A Problem from Hell”, which accused the United States of intentionally ignoring genocides.

Ms. Power has mostly stayed away from campaigns, but she stepped into the ring after meeting then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in 2005. In fact, it was Senator Obama who invited her for a conversation after reading her book. Media reports at that time noted that at their first meeting, Power was so impressed that she offered to volunteer in his Senate office. She was one of Obama’s closest advisers on the 2008 campaign, at least until she called Obama’s then rival and now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton a “monster” to a Scottish newspaper in a report published January 9, 2008. That week she withdrew from the Obama presidential campaign but, observers and media knew, she continued his unofficial adviser as it was very apparent when President Obama appointed her to an influential position in his National Security Council with the ‘tag’ ‘multilateral affairs and human rights’ when she arrived in Sri Lanka for her ‘fact finding tour’ June 14-18, 2010.

Ms. Power’s 2002 book A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide supports the humanitarian claim that genocide and human rights abuses can, in fact, be successfully stymied with the proper leadership.

She advocates that if only the United States were more proactive in stamping out moral abuses such as genocide, its security would be enhanced.

What moral abuses?  The ones Obama and Power/Soros say are moral abuses?  Powers’ “responsibility to protect” actually says we can and should go to war as the policemen for the world’s morals (whatever the hell that means).

….Samantha Power is President Obama’s ‘point person’ who monitors, investigates, researches and establishes policy planks on human rights, genocide, war crimes, international humanitarian law (IHL) for the administration’s specific understanding.

“She is clearly the foremost voice for human rights within the White House,” Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, told The New York Times “and she has Obama’s ear.”

As tipped, if she occupies the position of US ambassador to the United Nations she has a greater leverage over such issues.

Readers, you may think the refugee resettlement initiatives of the UN and the US State Department represent a small subsection of the immigration problem, but I submit that the image of saving the world’s poor and downtrodden gives them a powerful public relations message that hides the real goal of mass immigration—-the creation of a Socialist borderless world.

The refugees themselves are just pawns for the power-hungry fascists—-Soros and Power.

For more, type ‘Samantha Power’ into our search function.