Editor: This is a cross post from my other blog ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
When the news broke a couple of days ago that Tech High in St. Cloud, MN was in the news again there was no information on who exactly was brawling in the school. I didn’t post the story here at RRW because we didn’t know if Somali refugees were involved. Now we know….
Whew! That is a relief! At least now there won’t be any reason for race hustlers like CAIR to get involved, right!
“Students of the same race.” That is how police characterize the make-up of the gangs of fighting students we reported hereon Thursday. But thanks to a Minnesota law which allows names of those who committed felonies, who are aged 16 and 17, be made public, we now have a clearer idea of who exactly was involved in a brawl that brought 20 police officers to a school in a city that has seen years of tension created by the arrival of Somali refugee families.
No secret decoder ring needed—names tell us all we need to know!
(See my extensive St. Cloud file at Refugee Resettlement Watch, here. I first heard of Tech High Somali problems inthis story from 2008. A few posts featuring St. Cloud are here at ‘Frauds and Crooks.‘)
Go hereto ‘Frauds and Crooks’ to read the full story and see the names of some of the students charged with felonies. Some Tech High staff were injured trying to break up the fighting gangs.
The powers that be (supporters of the refugee industry) in Twin Falls, Idaho and indeed throughout the state of Idaho are not looking forward to the trial advancing against three refugee boys charged with assaulting a little special needs girl in June of last year.
If you are a new reader, we posted many times on the controversy in Twin Falls where Chobani Yogurt, in addition to other food products giants, have ‘welcomed’ refugee labor to the community. See our archive here.
Tomorrow the case is scheduled for a pretrial hearing according to Leo Hohmann writing at World Net Dailylast Friday.
The case of an alleged sexual assault by Muslim refugee boys against a 5-year-old special-needs girl is making its way slowly through the Idaho court system, and the parents tell WND that justice is long overdue.
Wendy Olson, then US Attorney for Idaho, created a firestorm of controversy by attempting to silence those who wanted to see justice in the Fawnbrooks Apt. alleged assault. See our report: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/06/28/twin-falls-first-amendment-experts-responses-to-idaho-us-attorney-were-swift-and-severe/ Elections have consequences and Olson is now gone from her government post.
Lacy Peterson and her husband, Levi, have endured nearly 10 months of public shaming and lies told against their family. Even county prosecutor Grant Loebs has used local media to downplay the savagery of what happened to their little girl last June. That’s when two boys from Iraq stripped the girl naked and molested her while the third boy, from Sudan, filmed the incident.
If it had not been for an alert elderly resident of the low-income apartment complex, there is no telling how much worse the assault may have been.
What never could have been anticipated, however, is the way the family and its supporters have been held up to public ridicule by powerful refugee supporters in Idaho and nationwide. City councilmen, the county prosecutor, police chief and even a retired state Supreme Court justice have all taken turns trashing the conservative media that reported on the assault as well as those who have come to the aid of the family.
“We have been treated horribly,” Lacy Peterson said. “The way I feel, our case has been pushed under the rug and soon to be forgotten about. Since June we moved into a house that we can hardly even afford. We were totally fine in the apartments until now.
“I don’t think it’s fair that us Americans get to struggle and work hard and live paycheck-to-paycheck and pray to make bills,” she continued. “And the refugees get to have everything handed to them.”
Lacy suffers from a liver disorder and cannot work. Her husband is a cook at a local hotel. They are raising funds through aGoFundMe account to help with medical and legal bills. They’ve hired a local attorney to represent them in a possible civil suit, but that suit can’t be filed until the criminal case is resolved.
The incident, which happened June 2, 2016, at Fawnbrook Apartments, was witnessed by Jolene Payne, an 89-year-old retired nurse who told WND she saw a 14-year-old boy from Sudan filming the assault in progress inside the laundry room. Two other boys, ages 7 and 10 from Iraq, were inside the room with the little girl, all three with their clothes off, while the older boy shot video.
There is much more! Click herefor more details and to see the parade of local and state officials working to bury the little girl’s story!
If you would like to help this family, go here, and make whatever donation you can afford:
(As of this writing, you can see they are at $69,132)
“Even people that live here, they don’t even know they have that many refugees in the state.”
Aden Batar, Catholic Community Services
Right now, most refugees resettled in ‘welcoming’ Utah are placed there through Catholic organizations under the umbrella of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, but the Mormon church is jumping on the bandwagon. So far they haven’t applied to become a refugee contractor (to get direct grants from the federal government), but I have been speculating about the possibility that they are in the learning stage right now working along with Catholic agencies. Poster boy for refugee program in Utah! They will never mention the sensational trial of Burmese Muslim refugee, Esar Met, sentenced to life in prison in Salt Lake City in 2014. He brutally raped and murdered a 9-year-old Christian Burmese girl. Met was likely placed in a housing complex with Burmese Christians by one of the Utah’s resettlement agencies. Was it the Catholic agency? National media never reported the story! I’m not going to let it die! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/05/15/utah-burmese-muslim-refugee-sentenced-in-brutal-rapemurder-of-little-girl/ If you missed it yesterday, you might want to read my post about the millions of tax dollars the US Conference of Catholic Bishops receives every year for their charitable (Ha! Ha!) workhere.
It doesn’t surprise me that other ‘religious charities’ might want to get on the gravy train! See recent posts on the Mormon church and refugees here.
Here is a the fluffy puffy news from The National Catholic Reporter (the star of the story is a Somali refugee) about how wonderful the refugee program is in Utah.
Aden Batar’s first taste of Utah came more than 20 years ago as a high school student in his native Somalia. An agriculture team from Utah State University had traveled there to work with Somali farmers on their farming techniques. Batar was a promising student then, learning about the snow in Salt Lake City from the ag workers, studying English and planning for law school.
Now 48, Batar was the first Somali refugee resettled by Catholic Community Services (CCS) of Utah in 1994. The agency has helped to resettle close to 7,000 men, women and children in the state, the majority since 1996. That same year, Batar got a job as a case manager with CCS in part because he could speak Somali.
“Utah is home to more than 60,000 refugees,” said Batar, now the immigration and refugee resettlement director at CCS, which is affiliated with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He credits a partnership between the Catholic church and the Church of Latter Day Saints for much of the immigration work done in the state. “Even people that live here, they don’t even know they have that many refugees in the state.”
Hser Ner Moo: The medical examiner testified that she died in “excruciating pain” and her mother wonders if coming to America was the right thing to do.
Concerns about terrorism and the prospect of harsher immigration laws under the incoming Donald Trump administration aren’t making the work of CCS and Holy Cross Ministries any easier, but they’ve frankly got too much on their plates right now to worry much about what might happen in the future.
If it’s still a surprise that so many refugees end up in Utah, it may be even more so to learn that they are often the “most difficult to serve,” Batar said. The refugees are usually part of large families, people with medical issues or disabilities, or women who have suffered trauma and are the head of household. Utah is popular not just because housing is inexpensive there, although it is, Batar said.
We can only assume that Utah has run out of American poor people for the LDS church to serve, so they have moved on to importing poverty to the state.
Near the end we hear from Rick Scott, manager of North American humanitarian operations for the LDS Church in America and Canada:
The LDS Church had explored becoming a resettlement agency itself, Scott said, but it currently provides cash, commodities (mattresses, food, hygiene products, etc.), resources, and volunteer assistance to CCS.
Frankly, I think they still are exploring it! But, to break into the monopoly the nine volags(federal contractors) have, an organization wishing to become a direct resettlement agency must prove they have experience with refugees. What better way to get it than to partner with the largest contractor—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—to learn the ropes.
There is a lot more that might be of interest to Utah residents, go here to read the glowing report about Utah wrapping its arms around refugees.
Because the ‘story’ doesn’t fit the narrative the No Borders Left has developed over the years of refugee children (Muslim children in this case) as literally the hope of the world, the mainstream media (including Fox News) has been silent about this dreadful story made worse by the attempts at the local government level to silence the critics. Thanks to brave local citizens, the case will not be swept under the rug. Families of the boys accused in the alleged rape of 5 year old girl sit outside Twin Falls detention center. http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/muslim-migrant-boys-accused-of-assaulting-idaho-girl-5/
For new readers our archive on the case is here. See especially posts on how the US Attorney for Idaho attempted to intimidate citizens who were demanding the case be thoroughly investigated. Here is Lee Stranahan at Breitbart:
TWIN FALLS, IDAHO – In a shocking and exclusive interview with Breitbart News, the father of a five-year-old girl that was allegedly raped by refugee children reveals that he watched 30 seconds of a video of the assault taken by one of the three boys charged with the crime. The father also revealed that the parents of the refugee children had urged him not to call the police when he first learned of the attack.
Additionally, new allegations against a ten-year-old boy who was involved in the June 2 attack were revealed in court on Thursday afternoon, alleging the boy both anally and orally penetrated the five-year-old, in addition to urinating on her, as revealed by the father in the clip below. Previously, it had only been known that a seven-year-old boy had orally penetrated the girl and urinated on her.
The little girl’s parents, concerned about biased media coverage as well as their own personal safety and that of their daughter, have not been interviewed on videotape until this Thursday’s interview with Breitbart News.
Continue reading here.
We have been reporting on the controversy surrounding Twin Falls, the refugee program there and the role Chobani Yogurt is playing in changing Twin Falls with its desire for cheap immigrant labor ever since a new mosque was built there in January 2015. See our Twin Falls archive here. Twin Falls represents the same pattern I am seeing throughout my western road trip. Big corporations looking for cheap immigrant labor are supplied with workers by the US State Department and its refugee resettlement contractors. Local governments are often complicit (money!) as the character of small and medium cities are changed forever. Citizens who object are labelled racists etc. Do not be fooled the US Refugee Admissions Program is not about compassion for the poor and downtrodden! Endnote: The resettlement contractor in Twin Falls is a subcontractor of USCRI, learn more about USCRI and Lavinia Limon, here.
In fact, the mother and father of the 4-year-old sexually assaulted by three boys in her apartment complex’s laundry room over a month ago feel like they are being treated as criminals. (Click here for all of our previous reports on the case). This is the narrative Idaho has invested in thanks to ‘Welcoming America.’ Images of happy and smiling little kids (no rapists!) greet residents from a Boise bench. http://www.pri.org/stories/2013-09-19/dear-immigrants-youre-officially-welcome-wilder-idaho
I tweeted out this storyby World Net Daily’s Leo Hohmann last night right after it was published, so you’ve probably seen it. But, if not this is a must-read this morning. Hohmann interviewed the victim’s mother. And, it sure sounds like a rape (under Idaho law) occurred.
Interesting to me is that there is still no news about the immigration status of the boys (two are Sudanese and one is Iraqi). Those are two prominent ethnic groups we admit to the US as refugees (immigrants from those countries through any other legal means are rare).
Both Sudanese and Iraqis have been resettled in Idaho. The big lie!
Why can’t they tell the truth about immigration status?
And, why is this family being treated so badly by the authorities? I believe it is because this story (just like the Somali roving gangs in Minnesota and the alleged sexual assault in Massachusetts last week) doesn’t FIT THE NARRATIVE the Open Borders Left and the Refugee INDUSTRY (including the big businesses that benefit from cheap immigrant labor) want the public to swallow!
National mainstream media—including Fox News—keeps stories like these from reaching a broader audience and are therefore complicit in keeping the general public in the dark about problems with the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program. Help the American family move!
After reading Hohmann’s latest, if you want to help the little girl’s family, go here to a GoFundMe page set up to help them move from this apartment complex to a safer area and away from her attacker.