Update: Came to US from Iran, here. Is he a Somali as originally reported?
I was out this afternoon and heard news on the radio that a man had taken hostages in an Amarillo, TX Walmart and knew right away another Muslim was involved. The radio news I heard never mentioned the man’s identity so as soon as I came in, sure enough here is ‘100 percent fed up,on twitter***with the news. He is Somali, one of probably a thousand the US State Department has planted there so BIG MEAT would have a ready supply of cheap labor. Amarillo is suffering from Somali overload. Everyone of you considering ‘welcoming’ refugees to your towns had better pay attention to Amarillo! http://watchdog.org/253687/mideast-refugees-obama/
For new readers, we have a huge archive on Amarillo, TX (a pocket of resistance where the mayor has tried for years to slow the flow). I’ll tell you more about Amarillo tomorrow when I have more energy. I’ll check the numbers too unless one of the many reporters on the refugee story beat me to it! Here is what we learned at ‘100 percent fed up.’ Those Texans didn’t waste any time movin’ in:
Suspect shot by SWAT team and hostages are safe, per the Amarillo Police Department. Via: RS
Lt. Erick Bohannon with Special Crimes identified the suspect as 45-year-old Mohammad Moghaddan, a former employee of Walmart. Bohannon cited an apparent dispute between Moghaddan and a former manager as a possible motive for Tuesday’s events. [LOL! Workplace violence, move along, nothing to see.—Ed]
Officials believe Moghaddan barricaded himself, the unidentified manager, and another person inside an office.
The city’s police department, state troopers, and the Randall County Sheriff’s Office among other agencies all reported to the location around 11 a.m. when the first calls were received. Just over an hour later, tactical units entered the building, located the suspect, and fatally shot Moghaddan. via: KSLA
More tomorrow….. Send links in comments if you see more details overnight.
Wow! Just checked and we have 1,965 posts in our ‘crimes’ category.
***For news junkies! When you’ve been out, twitter is a really good way to quickly catch up on the news, assuming you have selected people to follow who you know stay on top of things all day!
This is a very strange story from the Border Patrol to the Laredo Sun (hat tip: Gary) and I surely can’t guess why two Burmese (they have to be refugees we resettled in the Dallas area) are caught coming back into the US.
Apprehended walking back across the Gateway to the Americas bridge into Laredo.
Here is the whole short news account (emphasis mine):
LAREDO, TEXAS –U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at the Laredo Port of Entry apprehended two men wanted in connection with a homicide that occurred in Dallas, Texas on March 24, 2014.
“The importance of the work that our CBP officers do in conducting interviews with individuals that present themselves requesting admission into the U.S. can be underscored with the apprehension of these two individuals who were being sought for their alleged involvement in the death of a man in Dallas, Texas,” said Jose R. Uribe, Acting Port Director, Laredo Port of Entry. “Through the collaboration between our federal and state partners, this case was able to be brought to light, resulting in the interception of these men to face the charges that are alleged against them.”
The arrests of the fugitives occurred yesterday Thursday, March 28, 2014 at the Gateway to the Americas Bridge when CBP officers encountered two 18-year-old citizens of Burma that arrived as pedestrians. A CBP officer at primary inspection referred pedestrians A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe, both resident aliens residing in Dallas, Texas who did not present any identity or citizenship documents for a secondary examination. During the examination, CBP officers verified both A. Soe and Naing Myo Swe’s identity, citizenship and confirmed that they were wanted by the Dallas Police Department on outstanding warrants of Murder and Tampering with Evidence. After confirming the warrants were active, CBP officers turned both men over to FBI and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents for transport to Webb County Detention Center pending extradition by Dallas authorities.
The alleged murderers are very likely refugees resettled by the US State Department and its contractors in Texas. That is how most Burmese have come to live in the US. LOL! They don’t “find their way” to Texas as news accounts so often report.
Here is one accounting of how many we have resettled over the last 12 years from Burma and camps in Thailand. They are still coming.
*Burmese refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 97,713
*Chin Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 30,453
*Karen Refugees resettled in the US since 2001: 57,962
*The rest ethnic groups from Burma in the US since 2001: 9297
This last number above would include Burmese Muslims/Rohingya. Our most horrible Burmese murder case(so far) was the one in Utah where a Burmese Muslim man raped and murdered a little girl.
Let’s make this focus-on-the-Hmong day at RRW. See previous post.
Note that in this criminal case, the court could not find an impartial interpreter. From ABC 8 Tulsa:
Products of the US State Department (and contractors)!
Two men appeared before a Tulsa courtroom for their reported roles in a shooting at a Hmong New Year’s festival.
Boonmlee Lee and Meng Lee made their appearance before the judge for their scheduled preliminary hearings. Both are accused of opening fire at the festival in east Tulsa last fall.
Court records indicate that both men have pleaded not guilty to the counts of shooting with intent to kill and assault and battery with a deadly weapon.
According to a report from the Associated Press, an Oklahoma judge delayed the preliminary hearings last month because attorneys were having problems finding a local interpreter who didn’t know the victims or defendants.
The Lees and the five people hurt in the October shooting are all ethnic Hmong, who hail from Asian countries including Laos, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Thousands of Hmong live in Tulsa, many arriving in recent years in search of work. [But wait! We are constantly told that there aren’t enough immigrant laborers in America!—Hey Grover! Hmong over here looking for work—ed]
We know that tens of thousands of Hmong refugees were resettled in Minnesota, Wisconsin and California, but did you know that criminal gangs were forming in Minnesota in the mid-1980’s? See this 2003 reporton Hmong gangs in America.
The charming Tou Vang Xiong. Taxpayers paid for his upbringing and now the taxpayers will care for him in prison—probably for life!
Diversity is an excuse alert!
We need to understand that killing tigers is big, really big! in the Hmong spiritual world! ‘Poor’ fellow just thought he was killing tiger spirits when he shot his girlfriend and her friend at point blank range after a methamphetamine party.
The jury didn’t buy it and on February 7th he was convicted on two counts of first degree murder, here. Hat tip: Investigator par excellence ‘pungentpeppers.’ Emphasis is mine:
After fewer than three hours of deliberation, a jury on Friday found an Atwater man guilty on two counts of first-degree murder in connection with a 2009 shooting in west Modesto.
Tou Vang Xiong shot his girlfriend, Gao Sheng Her, and friends Nhia Yang and Lee Pao Yang at close range after the four had smoked methamphetamine in a detached room behind Nhia Yang’s family home in west Modesto. Gao Sheng Her and Nhia Yang died quickly from multiple gunshot wounds, but Lee Pao Yang managed to escape and survived.
Defense attorney Ruben Villalobos argued that his client was under the influence of methamphetamine and was experiencing hallucinations when he fired an automatic rifle at the victims. For those reasons, he told the jury Xiong should be found guilty of the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, he said.
Hmong Shaman was called to testify:
Here is the report on how Tou Vang Xiong’s attorney brought in a Hmong Shaman to help explain that the slaughter was all the result of the religion he brought to America as a refugee at work in a drug-addled mind. Note that the Shaman needed an interpreter (at taxpayer expense no doubt!).
A Hmong shaman testified about his faith’s rituals and beliefs Tuesday in a trial for a man charged in the killings of two people shot at close range with an automatic rifle in west Modesto.
Atwater resident Tou Vang Xiong spoke of “killing two tigers” after shooting his girlfriend, Gao Sheng Her of Merced, and his friend Nhia Yang of Modesto, according to previous testimony from Yang’s sister. Xay Yang testified that “tiger” is commonly used in Hmong culture as a derogatory term for people they dislike.
Neng Yee Lee has been a shaman for nearly 40 years and began as a shaman in his native country of Laos. He has lived in the U.S. for eight years. He told the jury that shamans in the Hmong faith are able to help people solve problems in the spiritual world.
These spiritual world problems can manifest themselves as visions of wild spirits or warrior spirits, he said in court, and those spirits can harm people by creating illness, for example.
Lee testified that spirits can appear as animals, typically tigers, and even ordinary people can sometimes see these visions of spirits. “It’s not real tigers but spirits,” Lee said with the help of a court-appointed interpreter.
Shamans perform rituals to scare off these threatening spirits. They also perform rituals when people are born and when they die. Lee said he has not seen a spirit since he moved to this country, but others, even children, have said they have seen spirits.
“If you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you,” Lee testified.
The Hmong shaman was called to the witness stand by defense attorney Ruben Villalobos. He has told the jury that his client didn’t think he was attacking his girlfriend and his friends that early morning.
Villalobos has argued that Xiong and those shot had smoked a lot of methamphetamine in the hours before the shooting. He plans to call an expert to testify about “methamphetamine psychosis” and the effects of the highly addictive drug on the brain. He is seeking a verdict that results in a charge less serious than murder.
Add one more refugee criminal trial to our list (from this post on Sunday):
***Just for fun I went to our ‘crimes’ category with its 1,396 posts to see how many criminal court cases we wrote about just since the beginning of the year (specifically involving refugees). Too lazy to link them (you can find them in the crimes category by clicking here).
We had the Colorado Iraqi rapists, the Utah Burmese rape/murder trial, the Iowa Bosnian sex abuse case, the Illinois Sudanese murder retrial, Washington Somali rapist, New York Afghan welfare cheats, Florida Sri Lankan illegal alien trafficking case, California Somalis sentencing in terror funding case, Minnesota Somali woman sentencing delayed (terror funding), and the Nevada Chinese refugee ripping off the casinos! All within the last seven weeks!
Federal prosecutors say In July 1992, during the Bosnian war, Edin Sakoc kidnapped and raped a Bosnian Serb and aided in the murder of her mother and aunt before burning down the family’s home. 21 years later, the 54-year-old Bosnian Muslim and naturalized Vermonter faces trial in Burlington.
Waell Murray is a Palestinian American who immigrated in 1984. He runs Global Market in Burlington and says resettled Bosnians account for about 40 percent of his business. But he says no one’s talking about the Burlington refugee recently accused of war crimes. “People like to talk when they come in here and they like to talk about issues, world issues and politics and stuff, but this particular issue nobody has discussed with me yet,” he said.
Howard Ball, a former Dean of Arts and Sciences at the University of Vermont, says its very common for war criminals to seek refugee status.He says military strategy during the Bosnian war dictated rape and murder as part of a genocidal campaign. U.S. Officials are charging Sakoc with lying about his background to immigration officials, with a maximum penalty of ten years behind bars. But Ball says prosecutors are more likely to seek deportation than prison time.
“He could face trial if he goes back, whether he will be indicted by a Bosnian court, we don’t know,” he said.
More than 1,700 Bosnian refugees came to Vermont between 1992 and 2005. But none of the dozens we contacted are willing to speak on-camera.
In this wrap-up paragraph, I don’t know what the five year reference is to, but you can bet your bottom dollar he and his family are being at least partially supported to this day by social services provided through the generosity of the US and Vermont taxpayer.
The Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program* declined our multiple requests for an interview, citing concerns with appearing to speak for a community with diverse and differing opinions. [LOL! They don’t want to speak ill of a Muslim I bet–ed]. Many of those they’ve helped no longer qualify for special services, as those rights evaporate once a refugee spends five years in the states.
Photo: The photo is from a report on this case, here, at Fox News 44. Note that Sakoc has been in the US since 2001 but needed a translator to understand the court proceedings. I wonder how much this guy cost us over the last 12 years! And, how much his legal proceedings will cost us going forward! Just a reminder, revisit the latest on the conviction of a war criminal here in New Hampshirejust a few weeks ago after years (and millions of dollars spent) in the court system.
*VRRP! It couldn’t happen to a more deserving state (the Land of Leahy)! Diversity is beautiful, right!
***Update August 4th***
Reader ‘Mikefromlongisland’ alerted us to this more detailed account of the charges against Sakoc. From AP at the Montana Standard:
Sakoc is a Bosnian Muslim. He moved to Vermont in 2001, became a legal resident of the United States in 2004 and was naturalized as a U.S. citizen in June 2007. The Burlington Free Press reported Sakoc has a wife and a 6-year-old daughter.
The people Sakoc is accused of victimizing were Orthodox Christian Bosnian Serbs.
The Bosnian Serb family had moved from a home in the southern Bosnian municipality of Capljina to the home of a Bosnian Croat family nearby, the indictment said. Most Bosnian Serbs in the village had fled to safer areas, but a woman remained to care for two people who were too old to travel far, it said.
On or around July 9, 1992, Sakoc and an unnamed co-conspirator went to the home where the victims were staying, took the woman from the home, raped her and took her to the Dretelj prison camp, the indictment said.
Later that night or early the next day, Sakoc and the co-conspirator returned to the home, the indictment said. With help from Sakoc, the co-conspirator fatally shot the two elderly people, burned the home down and separately burned the victims’ bodies, it said.
The two-count indictment did not include charges directly tied to those events but charged that Sakoc had lied to immigration authorities three times when asked if he had participated in crimes of persecution and moral turpitude: when he applied for refugee status in the U.S. in 2001, when he applied for permanent legal residency in 2004 and when he applied for citizenship in 2007.