Alert! Dumb Republican Governors are Jumping to the Tune of Refugee Contractors!

The Orange X marks those dumb governors who have caved to the Left and are opposing the President in his effort to slow the flow of refugees to American towns and cities.


So far, we know of 15 Republican governors who have been foolish and obviously railroaded by the federal resettlement contractors*** to rush to tell their voters that they have capitulated and are opposing the President on Trump’s signature issue of the 2016 presidential election—getting the dysfunctional UN/US Refugee Admissions Program under control.

It is increasingly clear that those who have said they are consenting to more refugees and thus going against the President didn’t even read the Funding Guidance.

According to those US State Department guidelines, that the resettlement contractors must abide by in order to get their funding for the latter part of FY2020 (yes, this entire exercise is set up as part of the funding mechanism for the nine contractors), they must have the governor’s consent along with the approval in writing from the county commissioners where they want to place the refugees in order to get their payola in June.

Although there is supposed to be a January 21st deadline, on careful reading one can see that governors and counties have months until the new program begins on June 1 to say whether they are ready for more destitute third-worlders or not.

The Republican governors with the big X across their faces are the dumb governors so far who fell for the contractors’ lobbying push when they claimed the deadline was Christmas.

Is Texas Governor Greg Abbott going to play it smart?  Or how about Florida’s Ron DeSantis, or Georgia’s Brian Kemp?  

You can help make that happen by continuing to pound them —tell them you want no more refugees in late 2020 (the program as it has been run for decades is in effect until June!).  Tell them we already have enough of our own poor and vulnerable citizens who need help.

And, if the governor is smart and doesn’t care about pandering to the Left, especially to the ‘religious’ Left, or being pushed around by Secretary of State Pompeo (I have more to say on that later, but no time at the moment), he or she will just stay silent if the answer isn’t a resounding NO right now.


This is Church World Service’s poster girl. The resettlement contractors are not just pushing for more legal refugees, but are politically active pressing for more immigration of all stripes.

***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.

For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.


Suck-up Letters from Republican Governors Causing me to Start Swearing

And, if governors like Arkansas’s Asa Hutchinson are an example, their Leftwing Refugee contractors aren’t even very appreciative of the caving that one Republican governor after the other is doing—-I suspect at the behest of Secretary of State Pompeo who is (I believe) attempting to undermine his nemesis in the White House Stephen Miller (more on that later).

Hutchinson abandons the President on refugee program! Caves to the Religious Left! (Or was it to Tyson Foods?). He could have kept his letter simple, but oh no, he had to demonstrate his ignorance and suck-up to the ‘religious’ Leftwingers in his state.

As the Republicans are lining up to oppose the President (yes, that is what they are doing!), I said I wasn’t going to write about each capitulation, but a few might be worth it to demonstrate the governors’ ignorance of the refugee program that Trump wants to seriously bring under control.

This just in: 15 Republican Governors have turned against the President so far!  See if yours is one of them!


Check out Hutchinson’s ‘kiss-ass’ comments at Arkansas Online:

At least he could have been honest and mentioned that he has to keep Tyson Foods happy (See Lutherans in Arkansas get a $50,000 grant from Tyson Foods!) just like ol’Bill Clinton did when he supplied Big Meat with refugee labor.

Refugee order appreciated, state advocates say

FAYETTEVILLE — A leader with Canopy Northwest Arkansas on Tuesday welcomed Gov. Asa Hutchinson’s executive order that Arkansas will continue to accept legally immigrating refugee families.

Faint praise for the governor who capitulated:

“I don’t want to make it more than it is, which is that we will continue to do what we are doing, but we appreciate the governor’s support,” said Clint Schnekloth, chairman of the board of Canopy, a refugee assistance nonprofit group.

Clint Schnekloth

An executive order from President Donald Trump allows states to refuse further refugees. The U.S. Department of State coordinates refugee relocation with nine charitable organizations [federal contractors—ed]*** through agreements [aka federal contracts—ed] with the government.

The Northwest Arkansas group worked with two of those nine groups — Catholic Charities Immigration Services and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service — to get the region accepted in 2016 as a refugee resettlement site. [This was the period at the end of the Obama Administration when his State Department was rapidly expanding resettlement sites—ed].

“Previously, there was no coordination with the state and little awareness,” Hutchinson said in a statement Tuesday. “Under the new executive order, the state will have more visibility. The approval will need to be each year, and the state will be able to assure the refugees are assimilating into the community and have access to jobs, education and job training. I have confidence that local communities will provide the support necessary, but we will be able to monitor.”

WTH the state will be able to assure the refugees are assimilating. Really? Monitor how? And, if you, governor, somehow figure out that they are not assimilating will you have the backbone to say NO next year?

States have until Jan. 21 to declare whether they will allow placement of refugee families through the federal admissions program under the executive order. More than 30 governors have agreed to accept refugees, according to The Associated Press.  [Only a tiny fraction of the consent letters have been received by the State Department as of this writing.  What! bureaucrats on vacation?—ed]


Schnekloth said the Canopy group appreciates the degree of support and clarity in Hutchinson’s decision to beat the deadline by a month and to reiterate the importance of helping legal refugees. The governor announced his decision Monday in a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Dumb Asa didn’t have to send any consent for at least another month and the squishy language of the funding guidance allows even more foot-dragging by governors beyond January 21, 2020.

The Contractors wanted quick consents so they can prepare their requests for YOUR money by January 21st.

“While we fully support control of our borders and oppose illegal immigration, we also value the contribution of immigrants and understand the importance of America continuing to be a welcoming nation for those truly seeking refuge and following the legal path to our land,” reads Hutchinson’s letter to the secretary. [Contractor boiler-plate language!—ed]

“To that end, I have received confirmation from local municipalities, members of the faith-based community, as well as members of the nonprofit community, confirming they will coordinate support and facilitate employment opportunities for refugees that are approved for relocation to Arkansas,” the letter says. [More contractor boiler-plate language—ed]  

How does Hutchinson plan to monitor the “faith-based community” to make sure they will support and find jobs for refugees?

And, in reference to his earlier opposition to the Obama plan for a mass movement of Syrians to America, he says this:

The family-by-family relocation by the admissions program is not the same, and recent efforts by the administration “enhancing security checks to ensure proper screenings are carried out” in the program are appreciated, the governor’s letter says.

It is the same program Obama used! 

There is nothing new because the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program HAS NOT BEEN REFORMED.  And, in this, one small effort by Trump to rein-in the dysfunctional program, we have spineless governors kissing-up to ungrateful (anti-Trump) Lefties.


***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.  For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.

Democrat Presidential Candidates Eager to Invite over 100,000 Refugees Annually to US

In a story about Indiana’s Pete Buttigieg, Vox News reports that he has released his immigration plan which includes a huge jump in refugee numbers that consequently will make the nine refugee resettlement contractors*** wealthier than they have been in their entire history.

Buttigieg’s refugee welcome numbers will put the old man’s (Obama’s) to shame!

Contrary to popular opinion, Obama admitted no where near the numbers the Dems are proposing.

He averaged just under 70,000 for his entire 8 years in office. See here.

A couple of those years were in the 50,000s!

These numbers being proposed by leading Democrat candidates will put Obama to shame.

And, as I have said repeatedly Open Borders Inc. will claim they need to be this high or higher to ‘MAKE UP FOR WHAT THEY WILL DUB THE LOST TRUMP YEARS.’

It is imperative that President Trump is re-elected and then in his second term he must work to dump the entire UN/US Refugee Admissions Program as originally crafted by Senators Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden and President Jimmy Carter.

Here is Vox:

Pete Buttigieg’s immigration plan rebukes Trump and calls for an overhaul of the system

Buttigieg’s plan aims to reverse various Trump policies: his travel ban on individuals from seven countries deemed to be security threats, the practice of family separations, and his cap on annual refugee admissions (to a historic low of 18,000), as well as the practice of keeping migrants trapped in Mexican border towns while they wait for decisions on their asylum applications.

Warren wants 175,000 needy third worlders (future Democrat voters!) admitted to the US as refugees by the end of her first term in office.

He proposes to raise the cap on annual refugee admissions to 125,000 during his first year in office, and says he supports legislation that would set an annual floor of 95,000 admissions.That’s on par with what Biden and Warren have proposed (though Warren has pledged to raise the cap to 175,000 by the end of her first term.) Sanders, by contrast, has vowed to increase the cap, but hasn’t specified a number.

By the way, the reason they are pushing the idea of legislatively setting an annual floor is to make the contractors happy because it will assure them job security from year to year (their income depends on numbers) in the event the country elects another President like Donald Trump.

And just so you don’t forget:  ol’ Uncle Joe worked with Teddy to craft this original flawed program back in 1979.  Jimmy Carter signed the Refugee Act into law in 1980. And, to show what a hypocrite Biden is, his home state of Delaware takes only a handful of refugees annually.  Some years it has taken a big fat zero!

I laughed when I saw that ‘Creeping Sharia’ recently tweeted out this video I did a few years back and made a slight change!



***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America.  For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.

The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?  

I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.





No Surprise! Minnesota Governor Tells President Trump: Send Us More Impoverished Africans!

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz

Well, he didn’t say Africans, but that is pretty much what Minnesota gets these days!

He also, ever so cutely, said “The Inn is Not Full in Minnesota.”

I’ve been meaning to mention Minnesota ever since I saw a Star Tribune article that describes how the taxpayer funded resettlement contractors divvied up the state’s counties in order to put lobbying pressure on elected officials there.

Because Minnesota is such a hot resettlement site, the state has ‘enjoyed’ the presence of a majority of the nine federal contractors.*** At one point only HIAS didn’t have an office there.  The others were busy as one critic joked—“bidding for bodies” as the contractors are paid by you and me on a per head basis.

According to the Minnesota Department of Human Services website at the present time, five subcontractors are placing refugees in the state:

Here is the Star Tribune about how the five have divided the counties in the state to lobby for permission to place refugees.  They claim they are aiming to convince 24 counties (of 87) to grant permission to be resettlement sites this next year, but I’m sure they are out scouting for any easy pickin’s among the remainder of counties.

Local approval for refugee resettlement sparks heated debate in Minnesota counties


Ben Walen, director of refugee services at the Minnesota Council of Churches, said it seemed like county governments were “being put in a political bind.” The council is one of the state’s five refugee resettlement organizations. Those agencies [funded with taxpayer dollars.—ed] are splitting up the work of soliciting letters of consent from about two dozen of Minnesota’s 87 counties that have a recent record of resettling refugees.

I’m thinking putting county governments in a political bind is a good thing.  Don’t want political binds, don’t run for political office!

BTW, as of today, December 13th, the governor has apparently not sent in his formal letter to the US State Department.  See those consents that have come in already,  here.

Post filed in ‘Where to find information.’

***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that monopolize all refugee placement in America.  For decades they have decided in secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are the religious Left’ political groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!

Are Evangelicals Abandoning the President on Refugee Resettlement?

The President made it clear when he campaigned in 2016 that he wanted to see the number of refugees reduced if elected President especially from countries where the majority of its citizens hate us.  He has been doing that with each year.

Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor, is a Religious Left organization that not only wants more refugees, but is a key player in the Open Borders movement—as you can see in this photo of one of their street activists. This is not just about a few poor refugees as they would like you to think—they want to fundamentally remake America.

And, this year he took one more step to answer the concerns of immigrant-overloaded towns and cities and has offered the opportunity for county elected officials and state governors to either opt-in or opt-out of the refugee admissions program later this fiscal year.  This would give their taxpayers a breather since it is local and state taxpayers who must support the low-skilled and largely uneducated new arrivals.

Trump’s new system, that we have been writing about every day for the last couple of weeks, would go into effect in June 2020, but would likely have to be repeated in the fall as the determination for 2021 must be made by October 1.

The Open Borders ‘Religious’ Left has turned Trump’s efforts to give some control back to state and local officials into one more anti-Trump campaign.

One such group are the supposed “evangelicals” featured in this headline from something called the Christian Post.

2,600 evangelicals urge governors to continue refugee resettlement after Trump order

A reader very familial with the evangelical movement tells me that this is “fake news.”

He said he is “furious” and went on to explain,

“if you look at the actual letters, it appears that as many as 25-50 percent of the signatures have zero connection to the Evangelical movement. They are Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, Anglicans and even a few Catholics. Shame on the Christian PostInstead of saying “Evangelical Christians” their article should have said “Liberal Christians.”

And, I will add:  Liberal Christians looking for more Democrat voters!

Here is some of what Christian Post reporter Samuel Smith says in this deliberately deceptive report:

Over 2,600 evangelicals called on their state governors this past week to consent to resettle refugees in their borders following an executive order signed by President Donald Trump requiring approval from state and local officials before refugees can be resettled.

The evangelical refugee resettlement agency World Relief and the Evangelical Immigration Table [Soros-linked!—ed] a coalition of evangelical organizations seeking comprehensive immigration reform, led an effort this past week to send joint letters to 15 state governors.

The letters call for the officials to permit the continued resettlement of refugees through the U.S. refugee admissions program in accordance with Trump’s Sept. 26 executive order giving states and localities the ability to block refugee resettlement.

So far, 17 of the nation’s 50 governors have indicated that they will continue to allow refugee resettlement in the U.S., according to World Relief.

We have only seen 11 governors go public so far, so we don’t know where they get 17.  Are 6 additional governors hiding?  See my right hand sidebar to see which governors have said yes so far. 

These consenting governors have effectively said:  send my state more poor people (we have run out of our own vulnerable citizens to care for).  We look forward to the day when all the immigrants will vote and we can have just one big Democrat socialist party in America!

Will Governors who are prime targets for the Religious Left (Texas, Tennessee and Georgia) abandon Trump?

The Christian Post continues…

The letters received a combined total of 2,669 signatories, including 659 on the letter to Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee, 340 on the letter to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and 231 on the letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.


One state of concern in Texas, which is among the leading states in terms of refugees resettled in the past decade.

Texas has resettled over 80,000 refugees since 2002, according to Pew Research. Texas joined liberal states California, New York and Washington in hosting about a quarter of the refugees resettled in the U.S. in the fiscal year 2019.

As a conservative governor, Abbott hasn’t offered any indication so far on whether or not he will consent to refugee resettlement.

Another state of concern is Georgia, which resettled 1,000 refugees in the fiscal year 2019 as the Atlanta suburb of Clarkston, Georgia is home to thousands of refugees.

There is much more here.

The states the Religious Leftwing letter writers are specifically targeting (they want to get their consent by Christmas) are Arizona, North Carolina, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

I asked yesterday if Republican governors are all talk no action?  

Only four years ago 30 Republican governors were telling Obama they didn’t want any Syrian refugees (the big group Obama wanted to admit) and now Trump gives them an opportunity to slow the flow and allow the massive migrant population we already have to assimilate, they are turning tail and running and you know its because they are afraid of being called names by the Leftists (or are in the pockets of giant global corporations clamoring for cheap labor!).

The extreme Left that makes up Open Borders Inc. is so extensively organized (and largely using our tax dollars to help them organize!) that regular citizens like you and me have very little power against them.

One thing this Trump initiative will do is help us identify who are the real America Firsters controlling governor’s mansions.

Have you taken 15 minutes to call your county commissioners and governors?

The Religious Left is on the rise, if you are a true evangelical, please make that clear when you call or write!

Shame on You if You Don’t Take 15 Minutes to Do This!

For new readers, see my ‘Where to find information’ category for more on this issue.