RRW weekly and monthly round-up for August 2016

I hope you all are having a restful and not too stormy end-of-summer weekend with family and friends!
As regular readers know, for the first half of August I was out on the road visiting refugee overloaded hotspots and other towns and cities attempting to not become new refugee seeding sites.   It was a great trip and I met some very wonderful, hardworking and patriotic citizens fighting to save America for Americans first!  You will be hearing more about the trip in connection with posts I write going forward.

Nebraska capitol
I loved this inscription above the door of the Nebraska State Capitol in Lincoln (one of many places I visited with our great patriots).

The second half of August involved catching up on posting, work on the farm, and slipping in to DC for the huge Rally4Refugees that wasn’t.  While in DC, with the help of my friends at the Center for Security Policy, I filmed a new youtube video because I want you to know what a critical month(s) we are entering as Obama plans to send his huge new refugee wishlist to Congress by the end of September.  You can see the video by clicking here.
For new readers, I sporadically post the top three most-read posts of the week so you all can see which posts most interested readers around the country and around the world (readers from 150 plus countries and territories visit RRW each week).
Here are the Top Three Posts for the week ending September 2nd (daily you can see the top posts of the day in the right hand sidebar):

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Read this and stiffen your spine! Laugh at them when they call you racist

DCRally4Refugees falls short of expectations

And, here is the round up for the month of August and the Three Top Posts of the month (note that this first one made top post of the month in only 2 days):

HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?

Twin Falls, Idaho: Breitbart reporter confirms little girl raped, father saw video

Reception and Placement Abstracts: get them and use them!

For new readers (and those who have forgotten):

This (below) is my usual information to new readers so you can catch up with the last nine years of RRW.
I want you to be able to find information here where 7,822 posts are archived!
Those 7,822 posts extend back to the summer of 2007.  Use the search window with a few key words to look for information (LOL! before you send an e-mail asking me to find things for you!). For example, if you are very new to the issue, type in the name of your state and see what has been posted over the years.
Also, see our newly updated Frequently Asked Questions and our fact sheet (out of date but still useful) in the header. In the FAQ you will see a link for ‘Ten things your town needs to know.’
I’ve been tweeting a lot and sometimes if I can’t write about a story you send, I tweet it.  See my twitter feed (4,180 followers at this moment) in the right-hand side bar. Even if you aren’t on twitter, you should be able to open the links to the news embedded in the tweet.  I am@RefugeeWatcher.
Likewise you might want to ‘like’ and follow RRW’s facebook page, here.  See it also in the left-hand side bar. It has over 28,000 likes now.  A friend helps me there (because I stink at facebook) so you will see other related news there that is not on RRW.
If you are looking for fellow grassroots activists in ‘pockets of resistance’ see the Refugee Resisters facebook page here (Jim Simpson).
All previous round-ups and this one are archived in a category simply called ‘blogging.’
My FIRST video about how the refugee program works is here (over 2.5 million views as of this writing).
All comments you submit are screened and we don’t post threats of violence, most foul language, or ad hominem attacks on other commenters.  Sometimes I am away from the computer for many hours, so you may not see your comment posted quickly.  And, lately I’ve noticed a delay by wordpress in sending me your comments.
As much as I would love to see you all in your hometowns, I hate speaking. I think I am more useful right here researching and writing. 


I may be going to the Hill more often this fall, so with an entre from some of you, I might be able to stop in and see your Member of Congress or Senators’ staff members.
As you may have noticed, I did finally break down and add a donation button for paypal users and have just today added a P.O. Box address (see that in left hand side bar under my photo).  Any gifts you make are not tax deductible for you. I’m not subjecting myself to the scrutiny (or guard every word I utter) at the IRS by applying for 501(c)3 status.  Thank you in advance, but please please know that I am not writing RRW to make a living, but to, in my small way, help save America for Americans first!

Top posts for the last week, home at last!

I’m home!  Got home last Sunday after putting 6,208 miles on my car. Traveled through 20 states and stopped in 13 of them for meetings in 21 different cities over 30 days!  I’ll report over time as I post related news stories that will now be more informed by what I saw and heard.
Thanks to all who spent so much time with me.  Perhaps the biggest revelation was to learn that there are so many of you concerned and working hard to save your towns and cities from being completely transformed!
I’m repeating a message from an earlier post this week.
Although during my travels, I focused primarily on what you are doing locally and how you have to begin to wrest control of your local governments from the Open Borders advocates who seem to have captured your towns on behalf of the moneyed interests looking for cheap labor, I came home to the news about a demonstration in Washington next Sunday that is clearly the opening salvo in Obama’s last big propaganda event at the UN in September to dramatically increase the number of refugees  who enter the US in fiscal year 2017 (begins on October 1 of this year). So, I realized that we have to deal with the pressing calendar issues first.
We know what Obama wants and as a lame duck there isn’t much we can do about him. However, DO NOT FORGET there is only one entity that can stop his plan for next year and that is Congress because they can choose to NOT FUND what he wants.
I know, I know, they have been a terrible disappointment, but that doesn’t mean they should be ignored or be let off the hook!  In fact, everything you do in the weeks ahead, in addition to working to defeat Hillary, is to (sorry to be so graphic) put the screws to your Member of Congress and your US Senators.  They must be fully aware that they are the responsible party here.
By the way, in one stop I made on RRW’s road trip, I heard that the Member of Congress representing the area was sending the grassroots folks on a wild goose chase to confront their state legislative representatives.  That is important because you must make political noise at all levels of government, but it is the Members of Congress who will say yes or no to Obama this fall and they are all up for election now!
Enough of that, let’s talk about the Three Top (most read) Posts of the last week (top daily posts are in the right hand side bar).
Regarding the first one here (below), this is what you should do in light of what I’ve said above.  Make sure that your Washington reps (your Congressman and two US Senators) are sent the article that appeared in the paper about the heated meeting in Aberdeen.
When you send it (more than one of you should send it!), with a cover note that tells your reps in Washington exactly what you think about it and ask them to take some action.  For example, ask them to get you a copy of the R & P Abstract for FY2017 for Aberdeen.  If there isn’t one yet, tell them to get you any Abstracts for South Dakota for FY17!  In other words, make them work and answer you! I’ll bet a buck that they have no clue that this document exists!  LOL! Even if you have it already, ask anyway and educate them about the plans for their state for next year.
If they don’t respond within a week, call the office (call all offices, Washington and the local office) and ask to speak to any staffer who knows anything about the refugee program in the state. Bug them politely, but firmly!
Top Three Posts for the week ending yesterday, August 20th, are:

Aberdeen, SD citizens hear from expert on refugee program, ‘news’ story shows bias

Polls: Most Americans do not want Obama to bring in Syrians and distribute them around the US

Obama looking to ‘welcome’ 213,000 humanitarian arrivals in FY17 with $2.2 billion budget

Some miscellaneous information:
All of you should consider opening a twitter account.  You don’t have to tweet, but honestly once you follow certain people you can get the hottest news all day (almost better than by following Drudge).  I just yesterday passed the 4,000 followers mark which isn’t much compared to real twitter masters, but it is one important way for me to get refugee news out that I can’t find time to post here at RRW.  I am @RefugeeWatcher.
We have a facebook page too, here, with 27,000 ‘likes’ where a friend helps keep it going!
And thanks so much to all who have donated to RRW.  I’m working on getting thank you notes out!
I just want my critics to know that I don’t work for anyone or any dark and dastardly entity. My driving force is that I believe with all my heart that citizens have a right to know what Washington is planning for their communities!  And, once informed they have a right to speak up without being denigrated and silenced.
Previous weekly and monthly round-ups are archived here.

Top posts for the last week, and road trip news

shutterstock_269296442I can hardly believe it! I have been on the road for 3 weeks today, have made stops in 8 states and have put over 4,000 miles on my car!  In nine more days I’ll be home in Maryland.
The trip to see some refugee overloaded towns (and some proposed resettlement sites) has been beyond my wildest expectations in terms of confirming things I already suspected and for learning some new things as well.

I haven’t figured out yet how best to report, but here are a few impressions (broad generalizations!):


  • Refugee resettlement is largely being driven by money! In most places where refugees are deeply entrenched they were directed to a particular site by some industry looking for cheap legal labor.
  • Very often local elected officials are in on it because they too are looking for financial rewards.
  • Those local officials who object are left pretty much in the dark (they don’t know about R & P Abstracts or stakeholder meetings).
  • We have some great activists investigating, comparing notes and becoming ‘community organizers.’
  • Those promoting refugee resettlement have basically two weapons: the first is secrecy in the way they operate. The other weapon they have is that they hide under the white hat of humanitarianism and blast any opposition as racist, haters and just plain mean-spirited.
  • There is fear among people in some of these communities (besides fear of being called racists)—fear for their safety and fear for their children and grandchildren.
  • And, finally one other common thread in many places I visited is that neighborhoods are being changed as Muslims buy up property and put mosques in suburban neighborhoods.

Now to the top three most-read posts of the last week:

Lowell, Massachusetts: Alleged sexual assault by Syrian refugee puts refugee program in the spotlight

Calls for Angela Merkel to step down at huge demonstrations across Germany yesterday

Lobbying arm for refugee resettlement contractors wants US to take 200,000 refugees in FY2017

By the way, top daily posts (those trending are in the right hand side bar).

For new readers! 

I had planned to list some resources here at RRW for those of you visiting for the first time, but I am now out of time because I will be hitting the road again this morning.
If you are new here, visit my FAQs (frequently asked questions) above on the header. Click here. There are important links there to help you figure out what is happening near you. See especially ‘Ten things your town needs to know’ here.
Also, be sure to use the search window! Type in a few key words (start with the name of your state) to see if we’ve previously reported on things where you live.  For past weekly and monthly reports go here.
Apologies as always!  I don’t want you to think I am rude, but I can’t answer all the e-mails I receive!

Top Posts for the last week; road trip review (so far!)

rrw-logo-1Oh gosh, where do I begin to tell you about Refugee Resettlement Watch‘s road trip.  My head is spinning with all I’ve heard and seen and it would take me hours to tell you.
First, though, below are the top three posts of the week.  Sorry I haven’t written much, but between driving and meeting, I’m finding little time for the computer.  By the way, I am now 1,500 miles from home and am taking the day off. I got a beautiful hotel room at a bargain price and can spend all day here just catching up. (The room has a long counter-like work station and I am spread out!).
The number one post here surpasses the others by a huge margin:

Twin Falls elected officials getting blow back in rape case; they are NOT the victims

Our fact sheet***

Refugee news roundup! Trump is the only hope for America on most important issue—immigration


Road Trip News!

Because mostly I don’t know where to begin in sorting through what I’ve learned and seen in the last week, I’m going to give you my general impressions (and am not going to give out any names of patriots working in these areas, except for Congressional candidate AJ Kern).
First, if all of you could see Toledo, Ohio and Dearborn, Michigan, you would be shocked.
Obviously both are struggling, grimy places where more refugees are being placed by the US State Department.  The feds and their contractors are setting up more refugees to fail by placing them in the dilapidated towns.  It seems that there are mosques every few blocks and in Dearborn the storefront signs are in Arabic.  I’m told the first Arabs were brought to Dearborn by the Ford Motor Company looking for laborers (a recurring theme in my travels).
Any ideas you have about this program being one of compassion and humanitarian concern for the downtrodden must be wiped out of your heads! The refugee program is about changing America and about MONEY and labor!
Most disturbing in this part of Michigan is that Arabs are spreading out throughout the nicer counties nearby and buying up properties and homes in mid to upper class neighborhoods (and building mosques).
There are some great people working to save Michigan against great odds and I thank them profusely for several days of tours and briefings by those who are living it.

Create a blog or website! Information is power!

For a model on what you should do where you live (I am going to hound you all to do this)—get a website or blog on which to post all of your research and news so that others in your state can learn from you and know that they are not aloneSecure Michigan is a great example of what you should be doing!
Also, some of you must begin running for local elected office because almost everywhere I’ve been local elected officials are in the tank for more immigrant labor to be brought in to your communities mostly driven by the ‘leaders’ of the local Chamber of Commerce!
As I reported earlier this past week, I stopped in Janesville, Wisconsin to give a little help to the Paul Nehlen campaign. Nehlen, as you know, is attempting to unseat Speaker Paul Ryan and I wanted to tell citizens there that Ryan is a long-time backer of the Refugee Admissions Program and did nothing last fall to help slow the flow of Syrians now entering the US at an accelerated pace.  If he and Hillary are running Washington next year we are finished!
And, then ‘oh my gosh’ I traveled to Owatonna, Minnesota where an aluminum window company is being sued by CAIR on behalf of Somalis over the issue of prayer break times.  And, in what can only be called ‘providential’ I met a woman who has followed the conflicts involving the Somalis in Owatonna since Somalis first arrived there in 1992/93!  And, guess what, that is the year the US State Department says the first Somalis went to Minnesota! Their destination was Owatonna!  Now guess who wanted the Somali workers? This same window company now being sued!
I then had a good visit with citizens in Willmar, Minnesota where the Jennie-O plant is responsible for the large Somali population there.  Go here to our archive of posts in which we mention Willmar.

AJ Kern
AJ Kern is running for Congress (primary August 9) against the RINO who took former Rep Michele Bachmann’s seat. http://www.ajkernblog.com/

Next on my travels, I stopped in the now infamous St. Cloud, a city we visited previously and wrote about on many occasions (see archive here, I think it goes back to 2008). The city was part of former Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district.   It is now represented by  Tom Emmer who along with Rep. Keith Ellison created the Somali Caucus in the House of Representatives.
Also see Emmer’s score on immigration generally at NumbersUSA, here.  And, he has an F on the Liberty Score Card here at Conservative Review.
After hearing from citizens there, I had the pleasure of meeting Emmer’s opposition in the August 9th Republican primary—AJ Kern.  So many of you are focused on the Nehlen v. Ryan campaign in Wisconsin, but don’t overlook Kern’s challenge of Emmer.  If you have a little extra funds, please send a contribution to Kern! Click here for her website.
By the way, see what the local pro-Somali newspaper has to say about Kern, here.  This should be enough to fire you up to help her!
One of the most profound impressions I’ve gotten on this road trip so far, is that fear of speaking up against the invasion of America is holding citizens back—they fear for their jobs, they fear for their safety and they fear for their reputations as the NO Borders political activists and their groupies (including the big businesses looking for cheap slave labor) call them racists and xenophobes when they know they are not!
For new readers arriving here for the first time today, see our May roundup for instructions on finding stuff here at RRW where we have posted over 7,700 posts since 2007.
And, last but not least, thanks to everyone who has donated to Refugee Resettlement Watch. I promise to try to thank you all individually today! I’ve been asked who is funding this road trip—the answer is me (with a little help from readers).  I don’t work for any nefarious organization as I am sure my critics believe!  (Update: Forgot to remind you that your contributions are not tax deductible!)
***My apologies on the fact sheet! It is out of date and needs to be updated, but I’ve had no time.

Top posts for the last week

rrw-logo-1Well, I am finally on the road—so far I’ve traveled about 400 miles from home on my month-long RRW road trip. As time goes on, and if I have interesting news to report, I’ll have more details.  But, I am mostly on a listening tour to hear directly from citizens concerned about the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and how this federal program is impacting their towns (both culturally and economically).
I’m hoping I will be able to sneak a little time each day to post other news, but yesterday’s struggle with a hotel wi-fi was pretty discouraging.  As you saw though I was able to get a few bits of news posted and tweeted some other information as well. (Find me on twitter @RefugeeWatcher)
Here then are the Top Three most-read Posts of the last week at RRW (top daily posts are in the right hand sidebar):

Minnesota ‘sharia law’ billboard causing a stir

Massachusetts: Alleged assault by Syrian refugee exposes secretive nature of refugee program

Minnesota victim speaks in case of roving Somali gangs in upscale neighborhood

Thank you!!! I want to sincerely thank everyone who sent a donation in the last ten days.  I promise to e-mail each of you individually soon.
For new readers!  If this is the first time you’ve visited RRW, you might want to go back to the May roundup where I provide a long list of all the ways to research the refugee program at RRW where we have now written over 7,700 posts.  Go here for that information!
All previous roundups are archived here.