I hope you all are having a restful and not too stormy end-of-summer weekend with family and friends!
As regular readers know, for the first half of August I was out on the road visiting refugee overloaded hotspots and other towns and cities attempting to not become new refugee seeding sites. It was a great trip and I met some very wonderful, hardworking and patriotic citizens fighting to save America for Americans first! You will be hearing more about the trip in connection with posts I write going forward.

The second half of August involved catching up on posting, work on the farm, and slipping in to DC for the huge Rally4Refugees that wasn’t. While in DC, with the help of my friends at the Center for Security Policy, I filmed a new youtube video because I want you to know what a critical month(s) we are entering as Obama plans to send his huge new refugee wishlist to Congress by the end of September. You can see the video by clicking here.
For new readers, I sporadically post the top three most-read posts of the week so you all can see which posts most interested readers around the country and around the world (readers from 150 plus countries and territories visit RRW each week).
Here are the Top Three Posts for the week ending September 2nd (daily you can see the top posts of the day in the right hand sidebar):
HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?
Read this and stiffen your spine! Laugh at them when they call you racist
DCRally4Refugees falls short of expectations
And, here is the round up for the month of August and the Three Top Posts of the month (note that this first one made top post of the month in only 2 days):
HUGE! Food stamp fraud bust in Baltimore, check out the names, see a pattern?
Twin Falls, Idaho: Breitbart reporter confirms little girl raped, father saw video
Reception and Placement Abstracts: get them and use them!
For new readers (and those who have forgotten):
This (below) is my usual information to new readers so you can catch up with the last nine years of RRW.
I want you to be able to find information here where 7,822 posts are archived!
Those 7,822 posts extend back to the summer of 2007. Use the search window with a few key words to look for information (LOL! before you send an e-mail asking me to find things for you!). For example, if you are very new to the issue, type in the name of your state and see what has been posted over the years.
Also, see our newly updated Frequently Asked Questions and our fact sheet (out of date but still useful) in the header. In the FAQ you will see a link for ‘Ten things your town needs to know.’
I’ve been tweeting a lot and sometimes if I can’t write about a story you send, I tweet it. See my twitter feed (4,180 followers at this moment) in the right-hand side bar. Even if you aren’t on twitter, you should be able to open the links to the news embedded in the tweet. I am@RefugeeWatcher.
Likewise you might want to ‘like’ and follow RRW’s facebook page, here. See it also in the left-hand side bar. It has over 28,000 likes now. A friend helps me there (because I stink at facebook) so you will see other related news there that is not on RRW.
If you are looking for fellow grassroots activists in ‘pockets of resistance’ see the Refugee Resisters facebook page here (Jim Simpson).
All previous round-ups and this one are archived in a category simply called ‘blogging.’
My FIRST video about how the refugee program works is here (over 2.5 million views as of this writing).
All comments you submit are screened and we don’t post threats of violence, most foul language, or ad hominem attacks on other commenters. Sometimes I am away from the computer for many hours, so you may not see your comment posted quickly. And, lately I’ve noticed a delay by wordpress in sending me your comments.
As much as I would love to see you all in your hometowns, I hate speaking. I think I am more useful right here researching and writing.
I may be going to the Hill more often this fall, so with an entre from some of you, I might be able to stop in and see your Member of Congress or Senators’ staff members.
As you may have noticed, I did finally break down and add a donation button for paypal users and have just today added a P.O. Box address (see that in left hand side bar under my photo). Any gifts you make are not tax deductible for you. I’m not subjecting myself to the scrutiny (or guard every word I utter) at the IRS by applying for 501(c)3 status. Thank you in advance, but please please know that I am not writing RRW to make a living, but to, in my small way, help save America for Americans first!