Top posts of the last week and misc. news

I’m trying each week to take a few minutes to let readers know which posts were the most popular in the preceding week.  I’ll tell you shortly, but first a couple of other bits of information.

Heading West!

This coming Friday I will be headed out across America on RRW’s first (maybe only because my plans are pretty ambitious/nuts!) Road Trip!
I’ll be stopping in 14 or 15 states to see (first hand) how the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program is changing American towns.
I’m especially interested in the economic drivers of the program.  It has long been my contention that this 35-year-old federal plan to distribute third world refugees to hundreds of towns has several drivers with the humanitarian motive serving only as a cover story for more powerful forces to hide behind.
As time permits (I’ll be driving a lot of hours every day), I will write from the road.  I assume I will still be able to keep up with the general refugee news around the country in addition to providing some insights about what I find. I do intend to continue to tweet (for those of you not on twitter see the right hand side bar for tweets) and to post to facebook.
And, although I haven’t had the time I hoped to keep up with my other blog—American Resistance 2016!—maybe I’ll see some Election 2016 news I’ll want to share while on the road.
To be clear! This is a ‘listening tour’ (a fact-finding trip) not a speaking tour!
Note to commenters!
If you are wondering why some of your comments haven’t been posted, perhaps its because you were threatening some sort of violence. Cut it out! We have three rules about commenting: no threats of violence, no foul language, and no ad hominem (personal) attacks on another commenter.  It is not that difficult to address the ideas and views of another commenter without calling them a ‘jerk’ or something worse.  Otherwise, I don’t mind views that I don’t particularly agree with.

Here then are the Top Three posts of last week (daily most read posts are in the right hand side bar):

Minneapolis Somali ‘youths’ invade suburban neighborhood, threaten homeowners

Minnesota victim speaks in case of roving Somali gangs in upscale neighborhood

How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Speaking of money…
You may have noticed that I have now added a ‘donation’ button here at RRW.  People have been urging me for nearly nine years to do it, so we will see how it goes.  Thanks to all who have donated to date. Just remember that your donations are not tax deductible because I don’t want the IRS dictating what I write about, and I will pay whatever taxes are due.
Also, I assume you have noticed that I don’t have ads popping up all over the place to interfere with your reading.
For my critics, let me be clear, I don’t work for anyone or any organization. I clearly have a bias, but it’s my own!
All previous weekly and monthly roundups can be found in our ‘blogging’ category by clicking here. Some of those roundups include discussions of how to find stuff at RRW.  With over 7,700 posts archived here, it can be daunting to find information. Tip: Simplest way to find something is to type key words into the search window.
Thanks as always for your continued interest in this critical issue!

RRW roundup for the last week, last year and the last nine years!

rrw-logo-1Yesterday, Refugee Resettlement Watch turned NINE years old.  I can hardly believe it!
In those nine years we (initially my good friend Judy and I) have written 7,700 posts in a quest to educate citizens about the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program and how it has, for over 35 years, been changing your communities.
My driving focus was and continues to be this:

You have a right to know what Washington bureaucrats and unelected federal contractors are planning for your town.  And, you have a right to question what they are doing without being labeled a racist, a xenophobe or a hater of any sort!

In those nine years in addition to archiving over 7,700 posts we have had over 5 million visitors, with the highest one day tally of 73,280 (that was in November of last year)—3 times more visitors in one day than we received in the whole first 6 months (from July to December 2007).
Just now I checked to see from which countries readers arrived at RRW and found that 208 countries and territories are on the list!
I hope to continue to educate you for many years to come!

RRW road trip!

Before I tell you what the top posts were last week and last year, I have some news!  If nothing unexpected happens, in two weeks I’m planning to head out on a tour of the heartland (and beyond) to visit towns and cities overloaded with refugees so that I can see and report back to you firsthand what is happening to our country. I will be blogging and tweeting from the road.
(My fantasy is to write a book!)
If you wish to donate a small amount, a tank of gas, see that I do now have a place to donate to this work (upper right hand sidebar).*** LOL! The Open Borders Leftists can’t believe I’ve been donating my time to this project for the last nine years. They are sure I’ve been funded by some dastardly Rightwing extremist organization. I haven’t been!

Anything is greatly appreciated, but not necessary because I am doing this no matter what!
***Update*** A few of you have asked how to donate privately and have sent comments to this post.  I will get back to each of you over the weekend (and obviously not post your comments!).
Here are the Top Three Posts for the last week:

How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Asheville, North Carolina! You are next! Federal refugee contractor has come to town

Secrecy surrounds refugee program in Tennessee (your state too!)

I thought you might also be interested in seeing what the Top Three Posts of the past year are:

Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

Brussels is coming to a town near you! Time for a moratorium on Muslim migration to America!

Are you within a 100-mile radius of a resettlement site? If so, you are in the (ever-expanding) target range

For new readers, all of our past roundups are archived here.  You might want to visit this post (the May roundup) to see how to get the most out of your visits to RRW (and how to find stuff!).
Thanks for your continued support and kind words.  Follow me on twitter @RefugeeWatcher.
***Your donations are not tax deductible because I don’t want the IRS restricting my speech in any way and I definitely want to write about Election 2016!  If you are looking for a charitable donation opportunity consider Judicial Watch, NumbersUSA, ACT for America Education, or the Center for Security Policy, others! Or, find a local non-profit organization you are confident is doing work you care about!

Top posts of the last week

rrw-logo-1I guess it should be no surprise that posts about Twin Falls, Idaho topped our list of the three most read posts this past week.
Here they are with one additional sleeper post that was virtually tied for number three:

Update on Twin Falls, Idaho sexual assault case, boys are refugees

Is there a cover-up in Twin Falls, Idaho involving refugee boys raping a little girl?

Missoula, MT refugee arrivals could begin in August, most will be Muslims

And then this post from more than a year ago has been discovered by new readers and has crept up to the three top posts from this week in terms of visitor numbers, and thus deserves a mention:

Somalis colonizing Nacogdoches County, TX; internationally-owned Pilgram’s Pride meat packer drawing them there

In last weeks round-up of top posts we reported on a few ‘housekeeping’ items that should be of interest to any new readers who have begun following RRW this past week (there are many of you!).  Please visit last week’s round-up here.
Next week watch for not only the June round-up, but also a celebratory round-up on our 9th Anniversary!  To date, we have written 7,683 posts in the last nearly nine years!  Look for a big announcement!
Also, thanks to readers who sent a donation this week, as you may have noticed, I finally broke down and added a donation button (but will continue to have no advertisements!).   On that last point, you should not be seeing ads generated by wordpress on my blog posts since I some time ago got rid of wordpress’s “free” option.
My youtube video, if you have never seen it, has now surpassed 2.5 million views, here.

Top posts of the last week (and miscellaneous stuff)

rrw-logo-1Refugee Resettlement Watch is two weeks away from our 9th anniversary!

Where has the time gone? I had to laugh (sort of) just now when I looked at an early post during our first week in July 2007.  I was asking about whether it was a good idea to begin to bring in large numbers of Iraqi refugees.  Well we are now over 100,000, maybe even 150,000 Iraqis (mostly Muslims) spread out across America. (We can’t give you the exact number at the moment because I fear that the State Dept. has withdrawn their data base from public view!)
Has it all been a waste of time?
No, not at all!  I couldn’t have imagined a year ago that the word ‘refugee’ would be on the nightly news and indeed is becoming a critical Presidential election year issue.  So I hope this blog has played some role in educating you about what we are up against.
A few housekeeping issues….
I’ve had some questions lately about sharing buttons. When you subscribe to RRW, wordpress sends you an e-mail which includes the text of the post.  Many of you have asked for a place to tweet or send the text you get to facebook.  If you go to RRW itself (and I recommend that) each post has sharing buttons at the bottom so I am not sure what else I can do to facilitate your request.
Also, if you are on twitter, and so am I, know that everything I post I also tweet. So follow me @RefugeeWatcher and retweet my post if you like. (For those not on twitter, you can still see all the stories I tweet in my right hand side bar.)

making hay when the sun shines
Making hay when the sun shines and why I can’t always answer your e-mails!

For our facebook page click here.  I don’t put every post on facebook, but I do share the ones I consider most important there. Know that I have a partner at facebook who places stories as well that she thinks will interest you.
And one more thing before I get to the top three most-read posts of the week—did you send US State Dept. testimony I have not yet posted? I apologize but again my in-box is so completely jammed that I can’t find more testimony in the mess.  If you still would like your POLITE testimony published please resend it.
My e-mail address is, but please have pity on me and don’t send me e-mails morning, noon and night on every issue facing America at the moment! I would love to chat with you all day, I just can’t or nothing would ever get written.
And, for all of the new readers especially in towns where you’ve gotten the word that the federal government is going to place refugees in your community, be sure to see our Frequently Asked Questions, here.  And, see this post which I recently re-posted: Ten things your town needs to know!

So here are the Top Three Posts of the last week:

Story about Somali woman who attacked Georgia Mom is surreal

Amarillo, TX being destroyed by refugee overload

Copenhagen: Islamic gangs intimidate bar patrons, tell them no drinking in Sharia zones

P.S. RRW is a blog, a news site, a library of sorts, not an organization with staff and interns and offices etc. etc.  You may have noticed that I finally broke down and installed a ‘donation’ button, but we are not a 501(c)3 designated non-profit, so your kind donations are not tax deductible.

Top posts of the last week

rrw-logo-1Before I get to those, I want to mention twitter.  We tweet as @RefugeeWatcher and every day we get new followers which is exciting, but for those of you who don’t tweet, please see the right hand column here at RRW for my twitter feed.
There is so much news surrounding this issue (refugees, immigration, Islamic terrorism, the European invasion, Election 2016, etc. and some of it you send me), that I couldn’t possibly post all of it, but so as not to lose it, I tweet it. Therefore, I urge you to have a look at that twitter feed for stories that interest me and might interest you!
Here are the top three posts of the last week (the week of June 6th) that were the most visited here at RRW:

Düsseldorf in the news again as migrants burn down asylum center

Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement

No break for NH as feds approve just short of 500 new refugees for the state

See our category simply called ‘blogging’ for all of our previous roundups.