Trump rudely fires only cabinet member doing anything to seriously halt the migrant “invasion”

Did the Open Borders Republicans looking for cheap labor finally persuade the President to unceremoniously dump the only man (probably in all of America!) who knew the nuts of bolts of immigration law and who had fought for decades to put America first when it came to the demographic makeup of the country?

jeff Sessions
As a former Senator, Jeff Sessions was by far the greatest fighter in Washington for an Americans first view of immigration, and I will go so far as to say—Trump would not have been elected without Sessions’ early and tireless support on the issue that most animated voters.

As long time readers know, I believe only one issue matters—IMMIGRATION and our ability to say who comes in to the country and when.

Tariffs, health care, the Russia investigation and even the economy are of little concern if our borders are open and our security is gone.

Demography is destiny and I now have doubts about whether President Donald Trump is serious about getting immigration under control.

Was the whole midterm election campaign focus on the caravan and the border, just a stunt?

If it wasn’t, then how do you fire the man, without even a meeting to thank him for his service—the man who was enforcing our immigration laws for arguably the first time ever?

Here is John Binder at Breitbart on Sessions:

7 Times Jeff Sessions Triumphed for Trump’s ‘America First’ Agenda

In a second report, Binder interviewed Ann Coulter who told Binder, there is “obviously no one” left to enforce immigration law in the president’s cabinet.

And, if you need more proof about how AG Sessions had your back, yesterday the ACLU called him the worst attorney general in history.


Readers, I am done. 

I’ve put in over 11 years writing here almost daily and I am going to take a break.

There could be more tinkering with the US Refugee Admissions Program (the primary focus of RRW) while Trump is in office, however, the chance for either removing the Refugee Act of 1980 from the books or seriously reforming it in the next few years died on Tuesday when the Democrats took the House.

I’ve written 9,469 posts since July 2007 and so there is a lot of material here. (If you are searching for something just enter a few key words into the search window.)

I plan to continue tweeting, especially on the European invasion because I think the ‘demography is destiny’ truth has really sunk in there, and the fight to save western civilization is going to be increasingly fierce.

Thanks to all of my readers for your continued loyalty and support over the years.

Who knows, maybe Trump will prove me wrong and I’ll calm down in a few weeks. But, right now I’m tired.

RRW is on twitter and facebook

This is a little housekeeping post for new readers, and maybe some longtime readers too!

First, if you subscribe to RRW and read my posts on your computer or phone and never visit RRW, you are missing a lot.

What prompted me to write this post is a comment from a new reader telling me that I needed to get my posts out on twitter and facebook.  I can only assume it is because there is no sharing button on those subscription e-mails, WHICH ARE CONTROLLED AND SENT BY WORDPRESS and not me, that my new reader doesn’t know how to share my posts.

Here (below) is a screenshot of a portion of a page at RRW from earlier this week.


RRW front page
Notice that each post on the site has a sharing feature at the bottom


Notice that each post on the site has a sharing feature at the bottom. 

Also see that I have a facebook page you can access at left.  These days it is mostly maintained by a friend. At facebook here.  ‘Refugee Info Resource’ has 49,000 likes.

And here (below) is just a bit of my twitter page from yesterday.  I do more tweeting than I do posting on facebook.  Even if you aren’t on twitter you can see my twitter feed in the right hand sidebar at RRW itself.

So I suggest you visit RRW directly each day by clicking the link below. The newest posts appear at the top and as you scroll down you can see all of my posts going back eleven years!


RRW twitter page screen
Follow me @RefugeeWatcher


By the way, you may see my posting here at RRW slow down a little this month.  I have a lot going on, but I do plan to tweet daily.

This post is filed in my category simply called ‘blogging’ where you will find other posts from me over the years about the logistical aspects of this work and how to get the most out of visits to RRW.

Where in the world did RRW go in October!

Just now I was looking at stats for the month of October and realized I hadn’t reported in a very long time about where readers come from to get their refugee news.

Although only tiny numbers arrive here from more than a hundred countries and territories, here is a screenshot of the first part of the list (in descending order).

Of course, the US is number one with tens of thousands of visitors this month.


Screenshot (1505)
Don’t ask me why the EU is listed as a separate country when individual EU countries are also listed.

Screenshot (1506)


This post will be filed in my category called simply blogging’ and that is where you will find other information about RRW from over the months and years.

A comment on commenting

I know things are tense as we head into the final week before the midterm elections, but if you want to comment here at RRW, you gotta tone it down.

RRW logo

Many of you are new readers, so you don’t know about my policy regarding comments.  I have a few rules.  First, no threats of violence to anyone. No foul language. And, no attacking another commenter personally.  You can attack their ideas and opinions, but not the person.

Frankly, if you can’t make your point with a good argument, attacking someone personally only makes you and your opinion look weak.

I moderate comments when I have time, so you may not see yours posted immediately.

And, I apologize, I had a look at RRW’s spam folder the other day and see that wordpress has been sending some of you, even long-time commenters, to spam for no apparent reason.  I’ll check that more often.

One last thing, if you write a book or send many links, I might have to not post your comment.  I don’t have time to open each link to check what you are sending, and no one reads long comments anyway.

If you have something long (under 600 words!) and think readers here would find it useful (on topic!) then send it as a comment with a note asking me to consider it as a guest column.

Thanks as always for visiting RRW!