The clincher to this story is in the last sentence. 570 “dangerous” refugees are being watched. Surely they could get rid of them before they commit a terrorist act!
And, how many more are still unknown to them? Invasion of Europe news….
From Newsline:
German police arrested two migrants from Syria and one from Bosnia on Thursday in Dusseldorf. The arrest was for alleged war crimes in war-torn Syria, including the mass murder of three dozen civilians back in 2013.
I’m guessing that Mama Merkel is trying to look tough in the lead-up to German elections this year.
Federal prosecutors said that 35-year-old Syrian refugee, Abdalfatah H. A., a suspected member of the Al-Qaida linked Al-Nusra Front is accused of 36 counts of war crimes for executing 36 Syrian government employees in 2013.
Another Syrian refugee, 26-year-old Abdulrahman A. A., also a member of the Al-Nusra Front is accused of handling the funds, vehicles and weapons for one of the combat units of the jihadist group.
On a separate arrest, the southern state of Bavaria said that authorities have arrested a 33-year-old Bosnian, who was suspected of suppling vehicles to the Sunni militia, Janud al-Sham.
German Federal prosecutors have launched about a dozen investigations on war crimes committed in Syria and Iraq, as well as multiple cases of refugees being suspected of membership to jihadist groups.
Germany’s population of Islamic extremists has risen from 100 individuals in 2013, it had swell to 1,600 in a span of four years. The German security and intelligence agency (BfV) said that they are keeping close tabs on about 570 individuals who they consider as ‘dangerous’ and are capable of orchestrating terror attacks.
See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and dozens of posts on Germany are here.
I’ve been procrastinating about writing this post, because it required work!
I had to go back through my over 2,000 posts on refugee crimes, here, and pull out Islamic terror cases involving refugees. I chose ten, not for any other reason than these ten below are at the top of my mind. And, I think ten is enough to counter the disinformation campaign going on. For good measure, I have also added (below) a few spectacular crimes involving Muslim refugees.
But, I have to do it (to write this) because clearly the refugee industry has sent out talking points that I am seeing parroted many times each day which pretty much go like this: no refugee has committed an act of terror in the US. LOL! And, maybe that is because many were arrested and convicted BEFORE they could do anything!
And, let me ask you, when evaluating the fact that you (as a taxpayer) paid for a refugee’s opportunity to come to America and in some cases below even paid to raise the refugee to adulthood, does it matter for your anger level that he/she planned to kill Americans or planned to kill some innocents somewhere else in the world? So when the refugee advocates make a distinction about the location of the wannabe jihadist’s target, it’s a difference without a distinction to me! Here are ten that come to mind:
~The Somali (Mohamed Osman Mohamud) arrested on charges he planned to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon was a refugee. See here in 2010. He was arrested as he planned to detonate a bomb. Kentucky refugee terrorist Mohanad Hammadi is serving a life sentence. ” Hammadi also admitted to lying on U.S. immigration paperwork about his involvement in Iraqi insurgent operations against American troops.”
~ Two Iraqi refugees were convicted on charges that they helped Al Qaeda in Iraq and may have killed American servicemen there. They lied on their refugee applications. Best coverage of 2011 case here by ABC News. The entire Iraqi flow to America had to be re-screened that year!
~In 2012 Abdullatif Ali Aldosary (an Iraqi refugee) set off a bomb at a Social Security Office in Arizona. Sentenced here.
~As successful asylum seekers, the Boston Bombers were refugees who had benefited from America’s generosity. One of many stories here about the 2012 deadly Boston Marathon attack by the Tsarnaev brothers (Chechens).
~In 2013 Fazliddin Kurbanov was arrested in Idaho and later convicted on terrorism charges. Kurbanov is an Uzbek refugee. See here.
~In early 2016 an Iraqi refugee (Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan) living in Texas was accused of planning to bomb a local popular mall, see story at Newsweek.
~In September 2016, a Somali refugee went on a stabbing spree at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Learn more here about Dahir Adan. Knife attacks are signature terror acts for devout Muslims.
~Also in September, the Chelsea bomber, Ahmad Rahimi, was arrested and we learned his family came to the US from Afghanistan and were given asylum. We need to be paying more attention to these asylum seekers since they enter the country completely unscreened and their numbers are on the rise.Story at CNN. Once granted asylum they are given all the same rights and privileges as the refugees we fly in.
~And, we can’t forget the most recent successful attack by Somali refugee slasher, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, at Ohio State, see here.
~For number ten, I’m lumping the dozens of wannabe Somali refugee jihadists (mostly from Minnesota) who have been identified and/or convicted of wanting to leave the country to fight for al-Shabaab or ISIS. See here. Several like those in that recent case, were convicted.
Now, here are some horrible crimes I’ve reported over the years!
Medical examiner said 7-year-old little girl died in “excruciating pain.”
And remember not only did you pay for the refugee’s trip to America and his welfare when he got here, but now you will pay for (in many cases) their lives in prison.
~It is hard to rank murder cases, but for me the top of the list is a horrible rape and murder of a Christian refugee child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008. The Burmese Muslim murderer(Esar Met) is now incarcerated for life. The child was the youngest child and only daughter of a Burmese Christian family.
~In 2013 a Somali refugee in North Dakota was sentenced to life in prison for the 2011 murder of a native American family he had become involved with.
~In this case in 2014, an Iraqi refugee murdered his wife (she was going to leave him in 2012) and he penned a fake note trying to pin the murder on Islamophobes in the neighborhood. He was found guilty here and he wasn’t too happy about it! Even CAIR had gotten involved when he tried to pin the murder on Islamophobic Americans.
~And this is an awful case from Colorado where a gang of Iraqi refugees brutally raped a local Colorado Springs woman—“the worst case in Colorado history.” Diana West did a great investigative report on the story, here, at Townhall.
~And, if you have never seen the 2009 Roanoke, VA kidnapping story, don’t miss it here! No one ever accused these refugees of being too bright! By the way, these guys only got about 5 years so they are probably out roaming Anytown, USA right now. I doubt they were deported.
I’m sure I have more, but I want to move on to other news today. Here is an idea! If your town is having a public meeting on whether to ‘welcome’ refugees, you know the pro-refugee team will be there with their talking points. Maybe print this post out and take it along to counter them. Or, better still, dig into some of these cases and be prepared with maybe even a poster with photos and talking points of your own!
And, when they tell you that refugees bring economic benefits to communities, ask if they are factoring in the costs of crime/trials/incarceration!
That is a question Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine asked yesterday, here.
Based on what we learned about Kuwait’s ‘gifts’ to the UK when ‘Pungentpeppers’ reported on that gruesome murder case recently, if Jihadi John is a ‘Bedouin’ (or is it ‘Bidun’?) his family was likely welcomed to the UK as refugees just like the murderer’s family.
The Bidouin were originally nomads who might have lived in Kuwait or Iraq, depending on whom you ask. Kuwait doesn’t provide the Bidouin with citizenship making them stateless. After the Gulf War, Kuwait decided to get rid of more of them for supposedly collaborating with Saddam Hussein. That led to the Emwazi family settling in the UK.
Jihadi John (Mohammed Emwazi), just your friendly Arab next door?
The interesting question is did they come as refugees? Their Bidouin status might have qualified them as refugees in which case that would mean that yet another Muslim atrocity committed against Westerners was carried out by the son of “refugees”.
Hereis what ‘Pungentpeppers’ educated us about while reporting on a “refugee” from Kuwait who was convicted of brutally murdering his wife (Kuwait’s Gruesome Gift to Britain: Hajji Wannabe, with Four Wives, Murdered One While Koran Played):
Manaa came to Britain from Kuwait where he had been living as a “Bidun” – a stateless person.Not to be confused with nomadic Bedouin, the “Bidun” (also “Bidoon” or “Bidoun”) reside in Middle Eastern countries without the benefit of citizenship. “Bidun” means “without”; it is shorthand for “without citizenship”. Often Bidun families have lived in countries for generations, but because their illiterate ancestors failed to register when citizenship rolls were taken decades ago, these descendants are denied citizen status. Perhaps eventually DNA testing could establish lineage and rights to citizenship. Meanwhile, some of the “Bidun” take advantage of their unusual situation to apply for refugee status in Western countries where – like this Kuwaiti – they can cause trouble and mayhem.
It doesn’t matter how you spell it, the bottom line is that if Jihadi John is a Bidun, his family very likely came to the UK to benefit from its generosity.
I missed this story earlier this month, but reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted it and alerted us to it. The original story appears in the San Antonio Express-News, but it’s not readily available. Fortunately, the blogger at ‘Limits to Growth’ posted the entire story.
Social Security Investigator: During his arrest Sept. 6, he admitted lying to get refugee status.
This story is especially interesting because the accused was first being investigated for fraud associated with his disability payments and lying on his refugee application, but he also works in a convenience store (what a coincidence that is) while supposedly being disabled. I wonder did authorities check to see if food stamp fraud was going on there along with the employment fraud?
Someone please let Senator Rand Paul know there is another one! Paul is the only US Senator or Member of Congress willing to ask why we are resettling so many refugees.
SAN ANTONIO — On the surface, Ahmed Khudhur Tayyeh is a refugee, resettled in San Antonio in 2008 by the United Nations to help him escape persecution in his native Iraq.
The way this region’s Joint Terrorism Task Force tells it, however, the 39-year-old is suspected of having ties to Al-Qaida.
He was arrested earlier this month on an indictment charging him — not with terrorism — but with theft from the government, defrauding the Social Security Administration out of $7,995 in disability benefits and with withholding information that he had been getting a side income.
As one of nearly 200,000 Iraqi refugees approved by the U.S. government for resettlement in America since 2007, Tayyeh was given a green card, despite giving conflicting stories about how he injured his leg. In one story he allegedly said he took a hit from an improvised bomb, in another he said he was kidnapped by Iraqi police and shot in the leg. The government here gave him disability benefits because the injury supposedly prevented him from working.
Read it all. LOL! And be sure to see how he was always checking to see if he was being followed—a trained agent? or an avid fan of spy novels?
San Antonio is Catholic Charities territory!
It looks like the accused is one of Catholic Charities clients. Go here for the resettlement contractors working in Texas.
Apology to readers! Last week we changed our e-mail address and didn’t set it so the mail went to our private e-mail accounts. Having forgotten that, I then forgot to check the new mail box all week. If you have sent e-mails and not heard back, I apologize and will get to them over the weekend!
After reading the opening paragraphs of Paul’s op-ed in the Washington Timestoday, one might think Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been reading RRW! All of the cases he cites have been reported on these pages!
A recent Quinnipiac poll in Iowa puts Paul only 4 points behind Hillary while Rubio gets trounced by her 48% to 37%. Politico
Fazliddin Kurbanov is from Uzbekistan, a Central Asian country that borders Afghanistan. This month, Mr. Kurbanov was arrested in Boise, Idaho, charged with teaching people how to build bombs that could be used to target public transportation. He is accused of conspiring with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which the United States recognizes as a terrorist organization. Mr. Kurbanov was here legally, admitted as a refugee in 2009.
Last year, in Aurora, Colo., Jamshid Muhtorov was arrested and charged with providing material support to the Islamic Jihad Union, which the United States recognizes as a terrorist organization. Like Mr. Kurbanov, Mr. Muhtorov is from Uzbekistan and was also here legally as a refugee.
In 2011, in my hometown of Bowling Green, Ky., Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi were arrested and accused of supporting efforts to kill American troops in Iraq. Both men are from Iraq. Both were also here legally as refugees.
The Bowling Green Daily News reported that these Iraqi refugees “slipped through the vetting process that allowed both of them political asylum in the United States.” Apparently, Mr. Kurbanov and Mr. Muhtorov “slipped through” as well.
Read on. Then this:
I condemn government inefficiency and incompetence often. The targets for criticism are endless. In the repeating patterns from these refugee and visa cases, however, we see potentially dangerous scenarios in which we cannot afford any excuses.
These questions are crucial as Congress continues to debate immigration reform, in which vital national security concerns must be addressed. Our visa and refugee programs deserve far more monitoring and scrutiny, and there is something desperately wrong with a “vetting process” that makes so many repeated mistakes.
Instead of fixing the problems, the so-called ‘comprehensive immigration reform bill’ (S.744) weakens security measures already in place but doing poorly! Most efforts to strengthen security failed in the Senate Judiciary Committee mark-up largely due to heavy lobbying by refugee resettlement contractors who object to anything that slows the flow of refugees into the US (and slows the flow of taxpayer dollars into their coffers!).
Paul concludes by laying down a marker for Harry Reid. The question then becomes is this a recommendation by Paul or a demand; and will he follow through by holding up the Gang of Eight plus Grover bill *when it reaches the Senate floor?
“I respectfully request that the Senate consider the following two conditions as part of the comprehensive immigration-reform debate: One, the Senate needs a thorough examination of the facts in Massachusetts to see if legislation is necessary to prevent a similar situation in the future. Two, national security protections must be rolled into comprehensive immigration reform to make sure the federal government does everything it can to prevent immigrants with malicious intent from using our immigration system to gain entry into the United States in order to commit future acts of terror.”