Longtime readers may remember “Active Voice” as the Far Left/Open borders promoters of that propaganda film about Shelbyville, TN which portrayed local critics of the growing Somali population there as a bunch of redneck boobs who eventually saw the light and reached out with “welcoming” arms to the Africans drawn there by Tyson Foods (looking for cheap legal laborers with the help of the US State Department).
The US State Department even showed the Shelbyville film throughout Africa and Europe!
We have an extensive archive on “Welcome to Shelbyville” here. Be sure to see this post in which reporter Brian Mosely sets the record straight about how he was misled by the filmmakers and how the filmmakers/promoters demonized him and the city of Shelbyville. Mosely in 2011:
I never imagined three and a half years ago that simply telling a story honestly could lead to being demonized on national television, in a film sponsored by our own government, no less.
Active Voice propagandists working on Shelbyville strategy “prototype” in 2011. http://www.socialbrite.org/2011/03/17/a-story-driven-web-platform-for-communities/
And, you should know about some of the wealthy people who give big bucks to Active Voice, check out this post.
This is how the Left does it! Active Voice makes or uses a ‘diversity is beautiful’ film to be shown on Al Jazeera and in your local schools, and they build a whole public relations campaign around it. Behind it all are one-worlders (Soros!) whose goal it is to eliminate borders throughout the world and to provide slave laborers to their big business buddies as a side benefit.
Here is an idea, let’s make a film about the brutal Utah murder case and build a PR campaign around it! We could call it Beware immigrant rapists, killers and crooks among us! Time for us to tell “stories” too! Our message would be to strengthen our sovereignty and preserve our culture by making it more difficult to get access to America.
Speaking of crooks, I’ve got another juicy immigrant food stamp fraud story to get to this morning.
Welcome to Cleveland! While ‘Welcoming America’ is busy trying to persuade Cleveland that diversity is beautiful and that they need more of it, some of their diversity has figured out how to scam the US taxpayer out of $2 million!
First have a look at the news from La Prensaabout how bringing more diversity to Cleveland will improve the economy:
Embracing a more proactive immigrant friendly vision for Cleveland, Global Cleveland partnered with MetroHealth Medical Center and Welcoming America to lay groundwork to transform the city. Nearly 250 guests attended the movie and post discussion at MetroHealth Medical Center on July 16, 2013.
And here we have David Lubell again out hocking that Shelbyville propaganda film! Lubell’s organization was recently hired by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to sell reluctant cities on the idea of “welcoming” refugees. La Prensacontinues:
‘Welcoming America’ trying to sell Cleveland on increasing immigrant diversity to save itself from the same fate as Detroit!
“We often dismiss people with fear,” said David Lubell, executive director of Welcoming America, which is a critical mistake in the effort to transform the mindset of a community. Welcoming America is a national nonprofit organization working to improve immigrant integration by direct engagement through individual and group efforts to create local initiatives that facilitate cultural understanding and ease transitions.
Lubell said all communities are different; some have less distance to do and working with Global Cleveland and other partners Welcoming America will determine where the city stands to best address its needs. Lubell said there is intense competition brewing amongst cities to become the most immigrant friendly city in the United States and attract global talent.
Global talent! That is a good way to describe the major (many are Muslim or Middle Eastern) network of bright convenience store food stamp scammers! Cleveland is about to lose three of its most talented Arabs.
EBT Nation! LOL! We use this graphic when I can’t find a photo of the perps!
BROOK PARK, Ohio – Three Brook Park men have been indicted for defrauding the food stamp program out of $2 million at four Cleveland stores.
The United States Attorney’s Office of Northern Ohio said brothers Saed and Maher Wahdan, along with the help of Nidal Jaber, accepted food stamps for ineligible items like beer and cigarettes.
All three men have been indicted on counts of conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud, food stamp fraud and unlawful redemption of food stamps.
U.S. Attorney for Northern Ohio Steven Dettelbach said that attempts will be made to recover stolen money.
“The food stamp program has provided nutritious food to thousands of hungry families over the years,” he said. “We will continue to work to recover money stolen from the program and eradicate waste, fraud and abuse of government programs.”
Between January 2008 and March 2012, the three men attempted to commit more than $2 million in food-stamp fraud through four of their businesses that were held under different names to conceal Saed Wahdan’s prior food stamp convictions, authorities said. Those stores were One Stop Beverage, 5105 Franklin Blvd.; Bridge Deli and Beverage, 4700 Bridge Ave.; Franklin Beverage and Deli, 4719 Franklin Blvd., and Scott Food Mart, 951 Linn Drive.
The three men used their businesses to exchange customer food stamps for cash and other unauthorized items. They also bought food stamp cards from customers to use at other grocery locations to get inventory for their stores and for their personal use, according to the indictment.
The indictment seeks to forfeit the businesses run by the Wahdans.
Food stamp fraud is a side interest of mine at RRW. We have an extensive archive on cases like this one (click here).
As each year passes and our archive grows I still hold out hope that some real investigative reporter will dig into this story—how do all these immigrants acquire these Mom & Pop grocery stores and then go into the food stamp fraud racket? And, every time I hear the likes of Lubell say immigrants are entrepreneurs and open shops, I can’t help but think of these food stamp scammers.
Make no mistake, intimidating you so that you won’t speak negatively about Islam is what is at the root of a public meeting to be held in Tullahoma, TN this coming Tuesday.
Bill Killian: “Timothy McVeigh was a Christian.”
The one thing that could save us from suffering the same fate as the UK and Sweden, with their demographic death spiral due to Muslim immigration, is our Constitutionally guaranteed free speech. The Obama FBI and the Justice Department would like to shut you up!
Here is the story from the Tullahoma News. Also, see Creeping Shariah which has more, here. *Update* Daniel Greenfield is on the case too, here at Frontpage magazine.
A special meeting has been scheduled for the stated purpose of increasing awareness and understanding that American Muslims are not the terrorists some have made them out to be in social media and other circles.
“Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd.
Special speakers for the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Division.
Sponsor of the event is the American Muslim Advisory Council of Tennessee — a 15-member board formed two years ago when the General Assembly was considering passing legislation that would restrict those who worship Sharia Law, which is followed by Muslims.
Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media.
“This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told The News Monday. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.”
Killian said the presentation will also focus on Muslim culture and how, that although terrorist acts have been committed by some in the faith, they are no different from those in other religions.
That ridiculous moral equivalence argument!
And, then they have the nerve to say that Timothy McVeigh was a Christian terrorist! McVeigh never invoked any “faith” as a reason for his attack and there still remain questions about whether he in fact had Muslim helpers (Iraqi?) that were not thoroughly investigated because it is believed that wouldn’t have fit the official FBI case against McVeigh.
Killian and Moore are propaganda enablers!
In Tullahoma, they are also going to show that damn propaganda film, ‘Welcome to Shelbyville,’ the creation of which we documented from the very beginning. It came out of a Far Left group of ‘community organizers’ and then was legitimized by the US State Department. Here is one more of dozens of posts in which we’ve talked about that film.
Shelbyville, TN was overloaded with Somali refugees lured there by Tyson Foods (my theory is that the US State Department serves as the employment service for the big meatpackers). Their arrival caused some serious community discord. Type ‘Shelbyville’ into our search function to learn more.
Zak Mohyuddin, a Muslim Advisory Council member, said a shortened version of a documentary called “Welcome to Shelbyville” will also be featured.
The documentary, produced by the Public Broadcasting Service [No it wasn’t!!! It was privately produced–ed], spotlights recent demographic changes in nearby Shelbyville, with a focus on the growing number of immigrants from Latin America and Somalia with many Somalis from the Bantu minority ethnic group which practices Islam.
So, why are they trying to scare Tennesseans into silence on Islam? Because Tennessee has one of the most active group of citizens in the country questioning the wisdom of resettling Muslim immigrants from terror-producing countries into their towns and cities (being done largely by Catholic Charities no less!).
Someone should stand outside this meeting with a sign that simply says—we still have free speech in America! Thank God!
That’s the title of an 18 minute documentary from ‘Indomitable realist’ you should watch. I think it’s just out today. Hat tip: Brad
It features Somalis in Minnesota, Lewiston, ME, and Shelbyville, TN. It includes one segment on the Lost Boys of Sudan. I didn’t know Glenn Beck talked about the State Department populating Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district with Somalis (something we have written about here on several occasions).
Click hereto watch. Then be sure to check out the comments!