Canada Attempts To Deport Illegal Somali Immigrants
….the article makes the case that the Canadian government is not naming those countries, but obviously someone is naming the countries as we see in the headline and the last paragraph!
The United States is listed as one country not willing to take back its ‘citizens’ (probably for very good reasons!) who fled to Canada!
From Shabelle News (a Mogadishu, Somalia news outfit):
Canada’s attempts to send up to 1,000 foreigners who are here illegally back to their home countries are being stymied by nations refusing to take them back, officials said Monday.
Somali ‘refugee’ Abdulahi Hasan Sharif fled to “welcoming” Canada and is one the US doesn’t want back! He is all yours Justine!
International and domestic laws in most countries require governments to allow their own citizens entry.
“But some countries are refusing to provide travel documents to their citizens or are just outright refusing to take them back,” Scott Bardsley, spokesman for Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, told AFP.
According to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the current backlog of foreign nationals facing deportation from Canada tops 15,000.
The removal list includes rejected refugee claimants and persons deemed inadmissible because of a criminal background or because they pose a national security threat.
China, India, the United States, Nigeria, Haiti, Pakistan, Mexico, Somalia, Cuba and Jamaica are the top countries of origin on Canada’s deportation list.
We told you on Saturday that in order to hammer home the idea that Muslims are victims in the age of Trump, CAIR Minnesota held a public meeting at the St. Cloud library where they presented a panel of Japanese Americans and asked—could this happen here?
Of course the ‘this’ is the incarceration of tens of thousands of Muslims as the Roosevelt Administration did to the Japanese in WWII.
CAIR’s fearmonger panel in St. Cloud on Saturday. Photo: World Net Daily
Their propaganda stunt backfired on CAIR when their leader in Minnesota, Jaylani Hussein, refused to answer a straightforward question about CAIR, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
He went one step further in demonstrating that instead of being helpless victims, they are actually the bullies when he said CAIR carried a big stick—a statement that put no one at ease.
The Minnesota leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations was asked during a community meeting Saturday if he would renounce the terrorist organization Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
He refused.
The event at the St. Cloud Public Library was part of CAIR’s ongoing “anti-Islamophobia” campaign that it launched in the wake of the election one year ago of President Donald Trump.
About 30 people attended the event Saturday, and they were told Muslims are on the verge of being rounded up and placed in internment camps, just like the Japanese were in 1942 under an executive order signed by President Franklin Roosevelt.
Jaylani Hussein then presented the Somali refugee community in Minnesota as victims of the latest American racism, taking the form of anti-Muslim bigotry equal to that leveled against the Chinese and Japanese leading up to World War II.
One of the presenters suggested it might take only one trigger moment and the same could happen to Muslims. However….
Local resident Elizabeth Baklaich reminded the professor that America “already had that trigger moment.”
“That trigger moment was 9/11. There were 3,000 people who died,” she said. “… [T]hat was a direct attack that was followed up by war, and if we were going to make this same maneuver against Muslims, it would have happened. … I just wanted to bring that up because I think that’s a fundamental flaw in your thesis,” Baklaich said.
To Hussein, she directed another question.
“I heard you talk about fear Jaylani, and there’s one thing you could do very easily that would help alleviate a tremendous amount of fear in this community,” Baklaich said.
She reminded him of the FBI evidence presented in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial of 2007 that showed CAIR is a front group for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
“If you want to be our friend, and you want to be part of the community, and want us to accept you more, and work with you and be less fearful of what’s coming in, and what’s going on, are you willing to condemn both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood?” she asked.
Not only did he not condemn Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, in a rambling and increasingly defensive answer he said that CAIR carried a big stick!
So much for ratcheting down the fear level!
You need to go hereand see exactly what he said! And, don’t miss CAIR’s flyer on the event. Were they planning to take this show on the road?
Suffice it to say, the propaganda stunt to paint the Muslim community in St. Cloud as the victims failed miserably.
Why? Because the general public’s level of knowledge about the Islamists’ agenda in America has increased greatly, and because fearless Americans, like those in St. Cloud on Saturday, are speaking up!
Of course I saw the news yesterday, but didn’t post on it because, sad to say, this kind of story is becoming commonplace. However, just to be sure my huge ‘crimes’ archive (here) is complete, I’m posting the basic news of what happened at the Mall of America from World Net Daily.
But, the bonus here is that readers can learn a bit about Muslim names.
Leo Hohmann at WND:
Mugshot Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman! And, so how exactly does this man benefit America?
For the second time in just over a year, a Somali “refugee” has stabbed shoppers with a knife at a Minnesota mall.
The first case, on Sept. 17, 2016, was a clear act of jihad when Dahir Adan injured 10 people in the Macy’s at the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud after asking his victims, chosen at random, if they were Muslim.
But on Sunday night, a man identified as Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahman, 20, of Minneapolis stabbed two men at the Mall of America after they tried to stop him from stealing clothes inside the dressing room at Macy’s.
His middle name, Abdiaziz, means “the slave of Allah the master,” a native Arabic speaker told WND.
His first name, Mahad, means “the one who preaches and invites people to Islam.”
Abdirahman is a common Somali Muslim last name. It means “the slave of Allah who is the gracious.”
Bloomington Police Chief Jeff Potts said in a news conference that “the suspect went in and tried to take some property and, when confronted, he produced a knife and stabbed one man. Some family members assisted the victim and a second man sustained another knife wound.”
The next time you hear someone from the refugee industry say this: “No refugee has committed a fatal attack on an American” just laugh! Do you see how they do this? They put the word “fatal” in there (nevermind that there have been fatal attacks) because they know there have been many near fatal ones!
Furthermore, don’t let anyone tell you that an asylee is not a refugee. A successful asylum seeker is every bit as much a refugee as the ones we fly in on your dime. The Tsarnaev brothers were asylees (political refugees).
They can’t, with a straight face, say there have been no attacks on Americans because there have been dozens of attempts to kill Americans and attempts to commit jihad attacks, it’s just that many of those have been intercepted by law enforcement before they could do their damage. Have a look at my ‘crimes’ archive here and see what I mean.
Or, for a quick look, see my 10 terror cases and 5 horrific crimes post here.
I know this is getting in to the weeds, but I want readers to understand that for instance, the Somali refugees arriving in the US are picked up all over the world, and so if there is a ‘travel ban’ for say Somalia it doesn’t mean that no Somalis are coming.
Most Somalis coming to the US come from Kenya because the big UN camps are there and the UN makes the first cut on who comes to America.
From time to time, I show you processing country maps which are posted at Wrapsnet(the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center) for the previous months of the fiscal year (by the 5th of the present month).
For background, visit this post from December 2016 where you can see the top PROCESSING country is Kenya followed by Turkey and Tanzania as numbers two and three.
I’m always annoyed to see Malta as a processing country because as a European country it is responsible for the illegal boat migrants who land on its shores (not America!), but ever since the Bush Administration we have been turning illegal aliens on Malta into refugees destined for Your Town, USA. See my huge archive on the disgraceful Malta deal,here.
And, tell me, how can they seriously assure us that some boat migrant from Libya who washed ashore on the island nation of Malta has been thoroughly security screened! Was he carrying his documents and criminal record in a ziploc bag?
Here is Wrapsnet’s processing countries map for the first month of President Trump’s first full fiscal year—October FY18. FY17 began when Obama was still in office.
In the first month of fiscal year 2018 the US admitted 1,247 refugees
Here below is a list of the countries from which we are processing refugees so far this fiscal year.
Malta to America Express!
See that Trump’s State Department has continued the Malta to America express! By the way there is no way I’ve ever figured out how to identify what nationalities are arriving from Malta. In the past we did learn that many are Somalis. The numbers are small but significant because we again are taking illegal migrants that are really Europe’s problem!
The Trump Administration could stop the Malta arrangement with a phone call if they wanted to.
And, I sure would like to know why we take any refugees from Israel! They should be taking care of whichever ‘refugees’ seek asylum there. What is that all about.
Kenya is still in the top three but dropped from first to third place. First place goes to Nepal (for the so-called Bhutanese refugees) with Malaysia as number two. Note that Ethiopia is not far behind the top 3. Malaysia is the likely jumping off location for Rohingya to America. Turkey and Tanzania are now way down the list.
Since one of the top three sending countries is Kenya I checked Wrapsnet for the number of Somalis who entered the US in the month of October. The total number was 113.
Then, for fun! I wanted to see how many and where they went in Minnesota. The total was 23 in October. Minnesota got the highest number in the 113. The other 90 were scattered around America. None to St. Cloud right now.
Here are some of the top ethnic groups resettled in the US in October: Bhutanese (273), DR Congolese (181), Burmese (147), Somalis (113), Ukrainians (77) and Syrians (33).
Because knowledge is power, here is what you can do…
With long cold winter days ahead, you too might want to have fun with numbers at Wrapsnet, the US State Department’s data collection site. You never know what you might find out about your own state or even your own town!
Endnote: While we are looking at maps, you might want to revisit a map showing the countries that have been warned about the deadly Plague spreading out from Madagascar.
Readers, I do have news from elsewhere that needs to be posted, but the St. Cloud upcoming council vote is shaping up to be a pivotal event.
What I truly don’t understand is why Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota (a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Serviceheadquartered in Baltimore) is so hell bent to bring more third worlders, especially Somalis, to a town where they (Somalis AND LSS) face such a backlash.
You would almost think the Lutheran resettlement contractor is benefiting financially beyond its per head payment for the refugees they place in Minnesota communities.
Now they plan to put on a webinar in mid-November to supposedly tell the public that refugees don’t cost taxpayers a dime just when a member of the city council wants a REAL economic assessment of what resettlement is costing the community beyond the trouble in schools and neighborhoods and the general social and cultural upheaval that comes with cities being rapidly changed demographically.
When you look at their list of handpicked webinar speakers (below from the St. Cloud Times), see who is represented and who isn’t:
No one from the police department is listed
No one from the school system
No one to explain the costs for interpreters in the criminal justice system and in hospitals etc.
No one who can speak to the amount of remittances being sent out of St. Cloud and back to Africa
No one to address the issue of jobs that refugees take from low-skilled American workers….
And, how about they put a representative of the Minnesota Meatpacking industry on the panel to explain how they need the Lutherans to supply their cheap labor!
Of course they won’t do that, and they won’t do this ‘fact finding’ in a public meeting because here they can control the information, who registers and what questions are asked in this webinar format. (Ha! Ha! wouldn’t it be fun to have a counter webinar that same day and time!)
The presence of this panelist explains much. Teresa Bohnen is not only President of the St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce, but also Vice Chair of the state chamber and works closely with the US Chamber of Commerce that lobbies for amnesty for illegals and for more refugee laborers. If only they would all be truthful about their wish for a steady flow of migrant labor. Come on just say it! We work for the meat industry!
A group hopes to distinguish between fact and myth about refugee resettlement with a public webinar in November.
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota will have a webinar from 3-4:30 p.m., Nov. 14.
Panelists, including staff and state and local leaders, will talk about how resettlement works and the costs and benefits of the program in the St. Cloud area.
Panelists include:
Yusuf Abdi, director of refugee services, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.
Karin Blythe, resettlement supervisor, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.
Teresa Bohnen, president, St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce.
Melissa Huberty, human services administrator, Stearns County Human Services.
Mary Zelenak, health protection and promotion supervisor, Stearns County Public Health. [Be sure to ask her about TB rates in Minnesota immigrant population!—ed]
Rachele King, state refugee coordinator, Minnesota Department of Human Services.
The discussion over the cost of refugee resettlement in St. Cloud has been reignited recently, as a St. Cloud City Council member announced a plan to temporarily stop refugees from resettling in St. Cloud.
Jeff Johnson, who represents St. Cloud’s Fourth Ward, submitted a draft resolution this week calling for a moratorium on refugee resettlement in St. Cloud.
The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations also launched a petition Tuesday urging the St. Cloud City Council to vote no on the moratorium, which the organization called a “despicable, racist, Islamophobic, and ill-informed motion targeting refugees.”