“We know that Canada’s strength comes from our diversity!”
(Prime Minister Trudeau)
Lost in the horrific news from Nevada, is this story from Canada where another Somali refugee (a known wolf!) uses a car and a knife to ‘thank’ the country that ‘welcomed’ him and gave him shelter.
Abdulahi Hasan Sharif tells Canadians what he thinks about their generous “welcome!”
I’ve reported previously that there are breakthroughs coming in the media—CNN actually used the word REFUGEE in a crawler this morning regarding this case. I know you are probably thinking, so what is the big deal? Ten years ago the word would be Somali “man” or Somali “immigrant” as the R-word was rarely, if ever, mentioned.
Police and politicians urged Canadians to be vigilant, but called for calm and unity in the wake of a terrorist attack in Edmonton that injured five and led to the arrest of a 30-year-old suspect who had previously been investigated for espousing extremist views.
It is the second major terrorist attack in Canada this year, following January’s shooting at a mosque in Quebec City that killed six and injured 19.
CBC News identified the Edmonton suspect on Sunday as Abdulahi Hasan Sharif. Police and federal officials would only confirm that the man in custody is a 30-year-old refugee from Somaliaand had been interviewed by the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team in 2015. But RCMP Assistant Commissioner Marlin Degrand said there had been insufficient evidence to charge him or issue a peace bond at the time and he was not considered a national security threat.
Justin Trudeau:
“We cannot — and will not — let violent extremism take root in our communities. We know that Canada’s strength comes from our diversity, and we will not be cowed by those who seek to divide us or promote fear,” he said.
See my complete Canada category byclicking here. If you don’t know, Canada has a huge Somali population.
This happened on Sunday and the story seems to just now (late Monday and this morning) be coming to the world’s attention (perhaps the more deadly London Islamic terror attack, also carried out by refugees, simply dwarfed it in the media).
A Somali refugee killed one man and took a woman hostage in Melbourne. He was shot dead by police
Here is the New York Timeson the news yesterday:
MELBOURNE, Australia — The Australian authorities are treating an abduction and a killing here in Melbourne on Monday, which ended with the gunman dead, as a terrorist attack.
The police killed the gunman after he held a woman hostage at an apartment complex in Brighton, one of Melbourne’s wealthiest suburbs. The woman was rescued, and another man was found dead in the lobby, the police said. The authorities did not immediately identify the victims.
The police identified the gunman as Yacqub Khayre, an Australian citizen with a long criminal record who came to the country from Somalia as a child refugee.Graham Ashton, the chief police commissioner for Victoria State, said Mr. Khayre was known to the police “for a whole range of offending,” including drug and violent crimes and arson.
The laugh line in the story is at the end of this paragraph: Police Commissioner Graham Ashton
Mr. Khayre served a significant amount of prison time and was on parole at the time of the attack, the commissioner said. The gunman was acquitted in an investigation of a terrorism plot in New South Wales several years ago, but since then, he was involved in routine criminal activity, Mr. Ashton said. “There wasn’t anything suggesting he was about to do this.”
The Somali refugee had been acquitted on plotting an earlier terror attack, had a long rap sheet and had traveled to Somalia yet his action is a big surprise to the police! Here is a more dramatic telling of what happened, with much more information about the refugee who thumbed his nose at the country that gave him protection and an opportunity for a good life.
It might be politically incorrect to say, but it is just simply true: If you have Muslim migration to your country, you will get Islamic terrorism at some point in time.
This bit (below) in the Scallywag and Vagabondstory was very very interesting and mirrors the huge mistake the UK is making as well. The US is making it too! If ‘refugees,’ who have sought protection (from persecution) in a western country, return (for a little visit) to the hellhole they supposedly escaped, they should simply not be permitted to return to the good life in western civilization (in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in America).
Khaye had escaped jail time in a previous foiled attack and went on a trip to Somalia for “religious enlightenment”:
At the time prosecutors argued Khayre had travelled to Somalia to look for clerics to give their blessing for the plan.
The man’s legal team argued that he was looking for religious enlightenment and harbored no plan to wage jihad in Australia.
Khayre’s uncle told The Sydney Morning Herald that he believed his nephew’s 2009 trip abroad was when the ‘weapons and military training may have happened.’
It is true, in spite of the Leftwing media campaign to say it isn’t—refugees commit crimes and acts of terror, in Europe, in Australia and in America. Two countries, so far, that refuse refugees from Muslim countries—Poland and Japan—do not have this problem.
“Dumb deal!”
For new readers, one last thing! The Trump Administration (Trump’s DOS and DHS) is on the verge of accepting as many as 1,250 failed asylum seekers (Australia does not want them!), held in detention on offshore islands. They tried to reach Australia by boat and hail from the following countries: Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, and Sudan (4 of those countries are on Trump’s original travel ban list).
See my Australia category(200 previous posts!) for more on Australia’s Muslim migrant problems and that “dumb deal.”
I completely missed this news earlier in the month, so thanks to Creeping Sharia for posting it.
And, I should have seen it since I have been writing about Mohamed Mohamud recently. See ten Islamic refugee terror attacks/foiled plotshere. I wrote that post because I was sick of hearing refugee industry advocates say there have been no US refugees involved in terror attacks. The fact that this one fell short of his goal to kill innocents seems to have escaped them. What! It doesn’t count if you don’t succeed! From AP:
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) – A federal appeals court has upheld the conviction of Mohamed Mohamud, the Somali American sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb downtown Portland during the annual lighting of a Christmas tree.
Mohamed Mohamud and Portland’s Christmas tree in 2010. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/01/05/trial-set-to-begin-for-21-year-old-suspect-in-portland-christmas-tree-lighting.html
The truck bomb was a fake given to him in 2010 by undercover FBI agents posing as terrorists.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Monday that a U.S. District Court judge properly rejected Mohamud’s claim of entrapment. The 50-page opinion states the government’s conduct was quite aggressive, but the sting fell short of a due process violation.
The court also rejected an assertion that the warrantless surveillance of his foreign communications violated his constitutional rights.
For our archive on the foiled Christmas tree lighting ceremony bomb plot, click here.
Next! How many Somalis have entered the US in the first ten weeks of Fiscal Year 2017. ***Update***here it is.
When Donald Trump said the Ohio State Somali refugee jihadist should not have been here, he was right.
More information is coming out every day on who these people are and how they got in to the US.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Ohio State student who attacked fellow students with his car and a butcher knife last month, was a known recruitment target of Islamic terrorists when Homeland Security officials allowed him into the country as a “refugee.”
See what former DHS officer, Philip Haney, says about the Somali ‘refugee’ family whose son went on Ohio State jihadi rampage.
The revelation came from a letter sent Wednesday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Artan entered the U.S. as a refugee along with his mother and six of his siblings, leaving one sibling behind in Somalia.
Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding more information on the screening process applied to Artan and his family.
While applying for entrance into the U.S. as a “refugee” from Somalia in 2013, Artan’s mother told immigration officials she feared persecution from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliated terrorist group, and believed Abdul and his siblings would be recruited into the organization if they remained in Somalia, the Daily Caller reported.
That knowledge should have led USCIS officials to “conduct additional questioning to better understand ties to a group that the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2008,” the letter said. But the additional questioning, which the committee describes as “common practice” in those situations, never happened.
Artan’s mother also told government screeners that her husband had been kidnapped by al-Shabab.
All of these facts should have been red flags, a former DHS screening officer told WND.
Phil Haney, a recently retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the bombshell book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s not all that rare that a case with obvious red flags gets no response when passed up the line from the original interviewer at DHS.
Continue reading herebecause the meat of Hohmann’s report is his interview with author and former DHS officer Phil Haney who says concerns about certain refugee cases began to be ignored as soon as Obama took office.
I’m quoted in Hohmann’s piece too reiterating what I have recently said: The new AG Jeff Sessions should take this case apart from top to bottom to learn how the Somali pipeline to America operates.
Following the attack, Trump tweeted that Artan, a Somali living legally in the U.S., should not have been in the country.
News outlets this morning, including the local Columbus newspaper, are reporting that Donald Trump will visit the OSU campus today to meet with victims and first responders to last week’s car/knife rampage by a Somali refugee. Scene of the terror attack at OSU on November 28, 2016
If you are a new reader, see one of our earlier reports on the Islamic terror attack here.
From the Columbus Dispatch:
President-elect Donald Trump will travel to Columbus on Thursday to meet privately with some victims of the attack at Ohio State University that left 13 people injured before the assailant was fatally shot by a campus police officer.
The event, which also will include a separate meeting with police and paramedics who responded to the possible terrorist attack on the Ohio State campus on Nov. 28, will be closed to the public and news media, said a source with knowledge of the visit.
Authorities have said OSU student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, inspired by American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a leader of al Qaeda in Yemen who was killed by an American drone strike, but still are investigating claims by ISIS that Artan was its “soldier.” Artan rammed a campus crowd with his car and then slashed others with a knife before he was killed. All of the victims survived.
Following the attack, Trump tweeted that Artan, a Somali living legally in the U.S., should not have been in the country.
On Thursday at the first stop of “USA Thank You Tour” in Cincinnati, Trump said “stupid politicians” and lax immigration policies underlay the attack at Ohio State.
When Donald Trump’s team gets in place and they contemplate cutting off immigration from countries that hate us, they need to include Somalis wherever in the world we are picking them up! Few, if any, come from Somalia itself!
Somalis are entering the US at the highest rate ever! See Breitbarthere!
And, Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department should take this case and completely unravel it to expose the Somali pipeline to America no matter where in the world it is coming from.
And, while he is at it, Trump must tell the MEATPACKING giants to hire Americans and pay a decent wage!