Swedes seek out alternative media to read about one thing: immigration!

Here is more proof for my case that Sweden will be the first socialist ‘heaven’ to fall under the weight of needy migrant hordes—mostly Muslim migrants!

I’ve noticed here, even at tiny RRW, that we get more visitors reading about Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands or the UK than we often do about some juicy American news.  A blogger friend once told me that the reason for that is that the European press hardly touches the verboten topic.

From Dispatch International (hat tip: FatherJon):

Jimmy Åkesson leader of the Sweden Democrats needs police protection because he dares to speak about Swedish immigration policy. Photo: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/09/guardian-view-on-swedish-elections

The Englishman Iain Channing returns to Sweden, the country he lived in during the 1980s. What has happened to the safe and well ordered country that was so admired throughout the world? Do people really appreciate the politicians’ radical experiment in social engineering? And what about Malmö – Sweden’s preeminent test tube?

To understand how things have reached this pass—when an ordinary working class guy resorts to a self-censorship gesture used in communist countries—you only need to read the Swedish press. Mass immigration is not quite a taboo, but all criticism of it is censored, distorted or demonized. An almost daily barrage of hate and slander is directed at the Sweden Democrats (SD), the anti-immigration party that is now shaking up Sweden’s cosy coalition-based politics. “SD are trying to delude the working class.” “SD are still racists!” “How far to the right will [SD leader] Jimmy Åkesson go?”

Every single newspaper story I read about SD in a month in Sweden—and there were a lot, because its rise (to 10 percent in the polls) has become a real headache for the establishment—was negative and often littered with childish, abusive epithets originating in World War II. In such an environment, the party does not list an address on its website, and its three top leaders require police protection.

Channing goes on to discuss how Swedes are finding alternative media for their news on the issue that they are most concerned about…

It is all about immigration, immigration, immigration!

….the issue of immigration will not go away. On the contrary, the unmentionable topic has become a national obsession. According to columnist Hakelius, “[people who send me letters now] are interested in one thing: immigration. The discussion can begin wherever it likes, but it always ends with immigration. Immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration, immigration.”

Read it all, and then check out our extensive archive on Sweden.  One of our top posts of all time is this one (photo link seems to be gone now).

See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

End note:  RRW will be taking a break beginning today after we post a few more stories.  Be back on October 20th and will be able to post your comments then.

Denmark limits family reunification for asylum seekers; fears domino effect in Scandinavia

As invasion of Europe continues, some countries get it (but is it already too late?)

Update October 11:  See Does Dhimmitude in Denmark Describe Our Destiny?

Remember readers that in certain European countries, Syrian (and presumably others recognized for asylum status) are sometimes limited in how long they stay.  It is expected that when the conflict ends they will go home!

In the US, successful asylum seekers stay for life as do refugees resettled at the UN’s request.  We do have a Temporary Protected Status program for certain people who are supposed to only stay until their country is stable, but as you know they never leave (and are just waiting for the Obama amnesty to make them completely legal).

Denmark has additional problems as a number of their Muslim youths are fighting with ISIS. http://www.biennews.com/denmark-has-more-fighters-in-syria-than-the-u-s/

Here is some news from Denmark.  I was especially interested in an earlier story about how Denmark fears the huge migrant influx that could come from Sweden in the not-so-distant future!

From The Local:

Hoping to stem the tide of refugees from Syria, the government will now only allow for family reunifications if refugees’ initial one-year resident permit is renewed.

As a follow-up to its decision to introduce a new temporary residence permit for asylum seekers, the Justice Ministry said on Tuesday that refugees fleeing civil wars like the one in Syria will only be able to bring their family members into the country if their original one-year resident permit is extended under the new rules. As a follow-up to its decision to introduce a new temporary residence permit for asylum seekers, the Justice Ministry said on Tuesday that refugees fleeing civil wars like the one in Syria will only be able to bring their family members into the country if their original one-year resident permit is extended under the new rules.

“There are major consequences and costs associated with moving an entire family to Denmark. Therefore, that should only happen if there is the prospect of remaining in Denmark for a certain duration. But if the conflict [in a refugee’s home country, ed.] drags on and the stay is extended, then it is reasonable to bring one’s spouse and children to Denmark,” the justice minister, Karen Hækkerup, said in a press release.

Hækkerup announced the new one-year residence permits in September as a way for Denmark to deal with the record influx of asylum seekers.

Denmark worried about what deal with Sweden could do to Denmark!

From The Local in mid-September:

As Sweden prepares to go to the polls on Sunday, that country’s immigration and asylum policies are creating debate in Denmark.

With Sweden taking in a record number of asylum seekers – 340,000 are expected over the next four years – Danish politicians are warning of the negative impact the influx could have on Denmark.

“The many Syrians who are coming to Sweden as refugees will become Swedish citizens in a matter of a few years. And with the agreements we have among the Nordic nations, there is nothing to stop them from then immediately moving to Denmark – without a Danish residence permit – and receiving welfare benefits from day one. It is a big danger,” Søren Espersen of the Danish People’s Party told Berlingske.

Espersen called on the Danish government to express “Danish concerns about the completely excessive immigration underway in Sweden” to their Swedish colleagues.

These deals, especially the EU deals that strip countries of their sovereignty, are going to be the death of them all.

See our whole ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

Al-Hijra has a prize! Sweden breaks from EU to support Palestinian state

Update:  Diana West has a much more thorough post on Sweden today, here.

The radical move is blamed on the large number of Arab Muslim migrants (other non-Arabs, like the Somalis, add to the number) who have been “welcomed” into Sweden in the last few years and now have enough of a population to sway the Socialist government there.

Al-Hijra, as readers here know, is the Islamic doctrine of conquest through immigration.  No heads need to roll, they just must get into the country in great numbers, start producing the next generation and insert themselves in the democratic process.  It is all about numbers!

This is one more bit of evidence to back my bet that Sweden will be the first European country to fall to the Islamists.

Sweden’s new Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced Friday that Sweden would break with the EU and recognize the state of Palestine now. http://www.cubiclane.com/2014/10/03/sweden-recognize-palestine-state-87949

Times of Israel:

Stockholm’s announcement over the weekend that it would recognize the independent state of Palestine was influenced by the vocal and growing Muslim minority in Sweden, Israel’s ambassador to Sweden charged Sunday morning.

New Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said during his inaugural address Friday that Sweden would recognize Palestine, a move that would make it the first member of the European Union to recognize a Palestinian state.

Loftven’s party, the Social Democrats, are “anti-Israeli,” ambassador Issac Bachman told Israel Radio, but another reason for the statement “is the large Arab minority, which has grown unbelievably this year.”  Bachman charged that Sweden has taken in some 80,000 Arab refugees in 2014, mostly from Iraq and Syria, and claimed there were 700,000 Muslims living in the country.

“All this against a social-democratic background, which is pro-Arabic, pro-Islam and anti-Israeli,” Bachman said.

In July, the Swedish Migration Board said it estimated 62,000 Syrians would apply for asylum in the country in 2014, among 80,000 expected refugees seeking asylum in Sweden this year.

And, now here comes that intellectual bright light, Jen Psaki, over at the US State Department with harsh words for Sweden (not!):

US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psakia said the US looks forward to working with the new government of Sweden — a close partner — but called international recognition of a Palestinian state “premature.”

Meanwhile in nearby Norway, the Norwegians are trying to get rid of their Muslim trouble-makers.

See our complete archive on Sweden, here.

Soul-searching in Scandinavia over Syrian refugees

Wow!  This is a very enlightening piece.  And, it’s in the New York Times no less!

Stockholm under siege in May 2013 as Muslim migrants riot. http://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/452746/fourth-night-fires-unrest-stockholm.jpg?w=480&h=270

Swedish counter-terrorism expert:

We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”

Seems that as Sweden opens its doors to Syrians (and the public is expected to stay quiet), in Norway the government is not going to swing its doors open and the “anti-immigrant” political forces are encouraged to discuss their concerns and fears about excessive immigration.  (I wonder did Anders Breivik have something to do with the new-found openness?)

From The New York Times (emphasis is mine):

 THE narrow victory of the left-leaning Social Democratic Party in Sweden’s elections last Sunday marked a broad shift in its politics. But a new coalition government is unlikely to reconsider one of the country’s most challenging policies: its response to the Syrian civil war.

Sweden has taken an open-door approach to people fleeing the conflict, accepting more Syrians than any other European country.

Never mind that Sweden has double-digit youth unemployment. That there have been riots in immigrant neighborhoods in Stockholm. That there is a severe housing shortage for new arrivals. Or that the Swedish Migration Board, which handles asylum seekers, needs a drastic budget increase — almost $7 billion — to cover soaring costs over the next few years.

And never mind that the far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats won 13 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election, their best showing ever. They more than doubled their seats in Parliament — from 20 to 49 — and are now the third-biggest party in the country.

“We are the moral guardians of the world,” Magnus Ranstorp, a specialist in counterterrorism at the Swedish National Defense College, told me a few days before the election, referring to Swedes. “We haven’t fought a war in 200 years. We are righteous. But sometimes the righteousness doesn’t meet reality.”

As the Syrian conflict has turned into a regional humanitarian crisis, more European countries are accepting Syrian refugees preselected by the United Nations. But apart from Germany, a much larger country, only Sweden is welcoming tens of thousands of Syrians who come on their own and request asylum.

Some 40,000 Syrians have arrived in Sweden since the conflict began. And following a decision to offer permanent residency to all Syrians, Sweden is expecting more than 80,000 asylum seekers in 2014, many of them from Syria.

In its largess, Sweden diverges from countries like Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark, which have taken in far fewer Syrian asylum-seekers — generally granting them only temporary residency — and just several hundred United Nations-sponsored refugees each. Even more dramatic is the contrast with Norway……

There is much much more, read it all.

All of our posts on Sweden (chronicling its death spiral) are here.

Watch for it!  We are going to learn that open borders in a welfare state will result in chaos and ultimately death for the country.

Reminder!  The US is about to welcome tens of thousands of Syrians!

Death by demography: Which European country falls first to the Muslim tide?

What do you think?

I’ve been betting on Sweden, but some of my compatriots say it will be the UK.  Other guesses?

The news from Sweden’s election yesterday would indicate that Sweden has just stepped-up the pace in the all important race over the cliff for western civilization.  Or has it?

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Swedish Left wing has pushed out the Center right with Leftists angry that their welfare state is eroding.  They worry that health care isn’t as good nor is education as it used to be, but this article laughably makes no DIRECT link to the enormous influx of Muslim third-worlders Sweden has “welcomed” and the decline in the ability of the social safety net to hold them all.

I suppose the big question for the Left is:  do they want the welfare reserved for Swedes or are they sharing their goodies with the world (until they run out)?

The media label Akesson “anti-immigrant.” Now they will have to pay attention to us says the leader of the Sweden Democrats.

Eventually the WSJ mentions the Syrians and the success of the “anti-immigration” party, Sweden Democrats, in the election.

The strong showing of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats—whose share of votes climbed to 13% from 5.7% in the 2010 election—surprised pollsters. Their opposition strength in parliament also could force Mr. Lofven to recruit a center-right party to his coalition to ensure he can drive through policies.

Fifteen paragraphs in we finally hear about the Syrians (on top of all the other Muslims from places like Iraq and Somalia already flooding into Sweden).  We told you about Sweden swinging wide the door to Syrians just when Obama visited last year at this time, here.

Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland and ahead of the election Mr. Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open their hearts” to those seeking refuge.

He also acknowledged that immigration will strain the state budget in the short term, something the Sweden Democrats seized on for their campaign. They became the country’s third biggest party in Sunday’s voting.  [LOL! short term?  Where are they going to get the resources long term?—ed]

“Now it will be hard for the other parties to ignore us,” Party Leader Jimmie Akesson said.

For those of you watching Europe’s slide with bets on the UK going first, here are some stats from the Daily Mail yesterday (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’) that argue for your case.

The article is entitled: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian.

Be sure to look at the adult to children ratio in each city.



Get it America!

Our extensive archive on Sweden is here.  See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.