Syrians whine about life in Sweden

Oh brother!   We have Sweden literally destroying itself with its wide open borders and these Syrian young men are whining about their miserable lives there.

One of Sweden’s Syrian refugees—how would you like some like him in your home town? A “young professional” for Casper or Gillette Wyoming perhaps? Photograph: Matilde Gattoni

From The Guardian—cold comfort indeed.  (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’ who pretty much wrote this post!):

Salah Debas, 23 struggled to arrive in Sweden (smuggled in the luggage hold of a bus), but complains how unhappy he is in Sweden now that he’s there:

“I feel I am just throwing away another year of my life.“Here, on a farm-turned-residential-complex for asylum-seekers, Debas clearly struggles to adapt. “I feel like shit,” he says. “Life here is just pressure, pressure and more pressure.”

There are no jobs for Syrian young men:

The majority of those who make it [to Sweden] are young single men, whose main goal is to quickly find a job and send money to their families back in Syria. This massive movement of people has created a severe housing backlog, forcing Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish government’s employment agency (which also assists recent arrivals in finding accommodation and subsidises their rent) to allocate newcomers to remote and isolated villages in the north. Conditions here are tough and work hard to come by.

Big cultural differences between Europe and Syria. (Warning for Wyoming, you want “young professionals”? Don’t look to get them from Syria.):

Many of the young Syrians who arrive here are successful professionals – architects, academics and businessmen – who held a prominent place in Syrian society and, unlike economic migrants, would not have left their country if it wasn’t for the war. “They had a very good position in Syria and they want the same position here. But they will not get it,” explains Elias Kasgawa, a 47-year-old Syrian from Hassake who has lived in Sweden since 1970. Sweden and Syria are worlds apart in terms of food, weather, political systems, gender relationships and the way society is organised. “Syrians are raised in a more hierarchical way. You always have a leader figure, your parents, your relatives or your teacher,” continues Kasgawa, who lives with his family in Sweden and works as in hotel construction. “In Sweden, you don’t have many guidelines. You must develop yourself.”

Bleak outlook:

After an adventurous trip through Greece and Italy that lasted more than a month and cost him around €16,000, Giwara finally settled in Helsingborg, where he now shares a hostel with 10 other immigrants. “We have only one kitchen and one bathroom. Some of these guys have stayed in this place for 15 years,” he says. His face leaves no doubt that he fears the same fate.

‘Pungentpeppers’ directs us to a commenter at The Guardian who said this:

C’mon its not enough to simply give them a free wage, shelter, healthcare, education and citizenship. Sweden has to give them private bathrooms and kitchens in Stockholm and fulfill their career dreams.

Editor’ comment:  Here is what I don’t get about these men—why the h*** didn’t they just stay in Syria and fight for whichever side they believe in in their civil war?  Someone used a phrase to me the other day in regards to the State Department not holding hearings this year, and I shouldn’t really repeat it in light of my admonition to commenters about foul language.  But, this makes one want to swear—these men are “chickens***s!”

We have a huge archive on Sweden (click here).  My bet is on Sweden to be the first European country to crash from the immigrant invasion of Europe.  Others have their money riding on the UK or France.


Syrians unhappy in Sweden, not what they expected

You can’t make this up!

First we have Sweden welcoming any Syrians to their country who can get there—-thousands have arrived so far.

Then Sweden whines that they can’t carry the whole load and other European countries must step up and share the burden.

And, now we have Newsweek doing a photo spread showcasing 12 unhappy Syrians in Sweden!  What happened to being grateful they are alive!

…one of the unhappy men who wants to go home to Syria.

And, what is the use of being “welcoming” then?

Newsweek thanks to ‘pungentpeppers’ for spotting it:

Once they were respected and successful, they had money and power. Now they’re broke, roaming like ghosts in a foreign land.

These are the stories of 12 young Syrian men who used to be rich businessmen, global professionals and members of prominent families. They sacrificed everything to escape war and reach Sweden, the only country granting them permanent residence.

Far from discovering the paradise they dreamed about, some now lead an invisible life in bleak suburbs and remote villages, isolated and unable to find work. Cut off from their loved ones, they are stuck in a limbo between a comfortable life they cannot forget and a tough, new reality.

Check out the photos and sob stories (are they all true?).

It would be cheaper for the Swedish taxpayer to buy a plane ticket back to Syria for those who ‘found their way to Sweden’ only to discover there is no “paradise.”

As a matter of fact, the US State Department never mentions it, but some refugees to the US find there are no streets paved with gold here either.  The most unhappy ones scrape together the money needed to fly ‘home.’  I’ve recommended that it would be less costly for the US taxpayer to fly them home for free (at our expense) and save us the even greater welfare costs involved with keeping them.

See our dozens of posts on Sweden by clicking here.

Sweden: Billstrom (again) telling other European countries to take in Syrians

He says if they don’t, Jordan and Lebanon will collapse.

Truth-be-told, Sweden will collapse if it keeps “welcoming” the world to take advantage of their generous socialist welfare system.

Immigration Minister Tobias Billström allowed himself to be photographed in front of nude statues! What was he thinking? Many of those he is welcoming to Sweden would like to chop his head off for just this infidel atrocity.

See our earlier post where Billström whines about how other countries must do their share.  I hope the Swedish government is getting hell from its own citizens for its open door immigration policy.

From The Local:

Sweden has said its EU neighbors’ failure to help more refugees could prove disastrous, with Migration Minister Tobias Billström on Tuesday urging European nations to take in more people fleeing for their lives, especially from Syria.

“We have a situation where member states like Sweden, France and Germany are doing more and more of the job,” he told AFP, commenting on new EU asylum figures. The three countries account for more than half of all applications, according to the EU statistics.


The EU received almost 435,000 applications in 2013, up nearly a third from the previous year, largely due to the conflict in Syria. Germany accounted for half of the increase, while Sweden received more than any country per head of population at 54,000. Sweden also received the largest number of applications from Syria, partly due to a decision in September 2013 to grant automatic residency to all.

We need to bring more Muslim migrants to Europe to save Jordan and Lebanon!

“If all the 28 member states took as many (UN) quota refugees as Sweden does… the EU could offer 100,000 places annually to the UN Refugee Agency,” said Billström, repeating an earlier Swedish demand for a common European resettlement system.

“That would be a real asset to relieve countries like Lebanon and Jordan… who, if we don’t do something about it, may collapse, which would create even larger secondary waves over the EU.”

These Leftwingers like Billström apparently never had a mom who said, ‘you made your bed, sleep in it!’

See our extensive Sweden archive, here.

Guess where this photo was taken?

Swedes looking for help in identifying the man. They think he is from “abroad.”

It is from welcoming multi-culti Stockholm, Sweden. The ‘generous’ European country that has opened its doors to the Middle East.  Poor persecuted fellow just wanted to ride the subway.  From the UK Daily Mail thanks to ‘pungentpeppers.’

Some are betting that the UK collapses with its demographic change first, but my bet is on Sweden.

Sweden now whining about Syrian refugee burden

They want other European countries to step up!

Remember last fall that the big show-offs in Sweden opened their doors to any and all Syrian asylum seekers who could get there (the announcement came when Obama was visiting)!

Now, according to the Wall Street Journal they can’t handle it and like typical liberals are whining that others need to do their share.  Emphasis below is mine.

Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland. Now, strained by its own generosity, it is losing patience with what is calls a lack of solidarity from its European brethren.

Crybaby Tobias Billstrom wants to punish European countries for not pulling their weight!

“Nine member states in the EU today receive 90% of all asylum applications annually but those nine states are starting to, well, become fed up,” Tobias Billström, Sweden’s immigration minister, said in an interview. He’s asking the European Commission to punish countries for failing to pull their weight in receiving asylum seekers in accordance with the bloc’s laws.


Since Sweden’s announcement, immigration has spiked and is now at its highest levels since the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. This year, the country’s migration experts expect 59,000 people to seek asylum there, with 23,000 of them seen coming from Syria.

Meanwhile, Italian and Greek authorities estimate more than 20,000 Syrians crossed their borders into the EU last year. Of those, a mere 1,100 applied for asylum there, according to European Commission data.

It is a strain on Sweden, especially since there is a housing shortage which pushes the price up for everyone.  I guess the Swedish economic geniuses didn’t see this coming!

For Sweden, the growing influx of asylum seekers strains authorities tasked with providing education, child care and other support. One major challenge is securing housing for asylum seekers as Sweden faces a housing shortage.

LOL!  The ‘refugee star’ of the story paid 16,000 Euros (about $22,000) to people smugglers to get him to Sweden, and he said this:

“What I like about Sweden’s approach is that you get support during the first years.”  [Welfare from day one of course—ed]

Sweden with its open door policy on immigration and its world-renowned social safety net has been our ‘canary in a coal mine’ for years.  Go here for our complete archive.